Le interim q3 2015 report

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Developing organization and its culture After the reorganization of the governance of the Lietuvos Energija Group, the focus is placed on coordinated organisational development, management of human resources, creation of new organisational culture, efficiency of the organisation of activities, and building and maintaining of competences in 2015. In Q 3 2015, the Group drew up a strategic concept for a long-term education programme, and developed the concept implementation process. The long-term education programme is designed to facilitate the development of management concepts and a formation of a unified identity. The Group continues implementing the project on the improvement of the remuneration and additional benefits allocation model, and developing the concept of the selection competences centre. It has successfully continued career management and rotation system structuring processes (12 employees rotated between Group companies in Q3 of this year, and 53 employees moved up the corporate ladder). In order to continuously improve and increase Group value, Lietuvos Energija Group understands that the implementation of these goals is mainly dependent on the involvement of its employees and their contribution to the development of the organization and its success. After 60

receiving the results of the initiated survey of the involvement of Group employees, action plans are implemented and the preparation for a new survey has begun.

Developing competences „Lietuvos energijos“ grupėje nuosekliai rūpinamasi darbuotojų kvalifikacijos kėlimu bei užtikrinama, kad darbuotojai turėtų visus įstatymų numatytus darbui privalomus atestatus, tobulintų darbui reikalingas kompetencijas. Iki 2015 m. trečio ketvirčio pabaigos, „Lietuvos energijos” grupės mokymuose buvo sudalyvavę 1779 darbuotojai. Individual companies held at the organizational level various general, professional and management competence trainings, such as time team building, change management, communication, business process management and others. In Q 3, Lietuvos Energija Group opened its in-house Academy and initiated a selection of internal lecturers. The training package at the Academy included as many as 15 subjects, including project management, client servicing, change management and other topics relevant for the entire Group of entities. The lecturers of the Academy will be delivering courses on managerial skills development, a course for new members of the Group, and will develop relevant competences of the current employees.


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10 0 Rotation inside the Group

INTERIM REPORT FOR H1 OF 2015 Corporate governance

Career inside the company


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