Australia: Boomerang

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A boomerang is a flying tool with a curved shape used as a weapon or for sport. Boomerangs were made from bones and wood. Modern boomerangs are often made from carbon fibre-reinforced plastics or other high-tech materials.

Boomerangs come in many shapes and sizes.

Why? The size and shape of boomerangs depend on their geographic or tribal origins and function.



The smallest boomerang: less than 10 cm. The largest: over 180 cm. Boomerangs can be variously used as hunting weapons, percussive musical instruments, battle clubs, fire-starters, decoys for hunting waterfowl, and as recreational play toys.



A. Boomerangs (or throwsticks) for Hunting. They fly in a nearly straight path when thrown horizontally and are heavy enough to take down a kangaroo on impact to the legs or knees. For hunting emu, the throwstick is aimed toward the bird's neck, in an attempt to break it. B. Returning Boomerangs: They are throwing sticks that travel in an elliptical path and return to their point of origin when thrown correctly. A returning boomerang has uneven arms or wings, so that the spinning is lopsided to curve the path They are used for sport and recreation.

Long Boomerang Throw Harlech Beach North Wales

Boomerang throwing

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