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Capital Raising Advisory firm, M&A, investment firm, Fund raising firm with a portfolio of 5,000 investors across the globe, mainly Family Office, HNWI, Investment Funds, VC’s and Sovereign Funds – with a proven track record of 95% accurancy and success with clients ranging from SME's to Family business and GCC Royalties to Fortune 500 and CAC 40 companies and sport teams and healthcare industry. Licorne Gulf is the leading company for sensitive capital raising and mediation as well as merger & acquisition which has leaded several HNWI and high rank company to achieve their fund raising and merger and investment across the globe. Our team has a proven, publicly verifiable, track record of having taken over several projects to market during their careers, including a number of multi-billion dollar blockbusters Our approach is to fund or raise funds for qualified project and companies in the short to medium terms.
