How Employees of the Future Will Be Different

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How Employees of the Future Will Be Different Brazil Business Strategist Roberto Lico

It's no secret that entrepreneurs who want to keep their businesses improving have to be willing to adjust to the everchanging market. But like the market, employees are dynamic, too, and what works to satisfy them now likely won't be sufficient in just a few years down the road.

According to Lauren Wong, Senior Associate in the Innovation practice at Lippincott, tomorrow's workers will be characterized by three huge tension points.

1. Boundless Self The employee of the future might have many careers, skill sets and expertise he wants to pursue, all at the same time. His 'boundless self' means that that he might be more interested in creating an increasingly complex, non-linear career journey, filled with his many interests and experiences. He may no longer imagine himself in one role, company or career track for the rest of his life; instead; he might look to reinvent both himself and his career continuously, often at the same time.

2. Endless Choice Traditionally, employees have experienced much less flexibility in how they work, collaborate, and communicate. But for the employee of the future, endless choice in how, where, and with whom they work will increasingly be the norm. This can create anxiety on how to make the right choice. So, companies should seek to help these employees navigate the sea of options by offering clear and simple guidelines or ways to navigate to the best decision.

3. Restless Agency Restless agency means that the employee of the future recognizes his ability to make change, yet can feel restless when he doesn't see the purpose or urgency of her work. This point means that workers will be looking for the chance to make an impact and enrich their lives while harnessing the power of their companies to make it happen.

How to get ready for the new workforce.

Flexible Career Paths: Give employees the opportunity to choose their own path and reinvent it along the way. Offer rotation options or internal 'internships' where employees can learn different facets of the business that appeals to them.

Curated Autonomy: Give employees the opportunity to build their own vision, with the employer providing the building blocks. Prioritize mentors over managers, allocate time for creative projects, and encourage learning opportunities within and outside of the company.

Work-Life Integration: Give the employee the opportunity to create her own role, instead of keeping her within the restraints of a formal position. This will help align work and life passions.

Building a Path for Improvement: Help the employee of the future understand her strengths and prioritize adaptive and personalized learning. Help the employee self-identify her strengths often, and curate teams accordingly.

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