Civilization in Chili

Page 60



Gold Horseshoes Rich Wheatfields Araucanians Large Women A Wonderful Miracle Pehuenchea, Llanistas, CastinoB A Visit to the Llanistas A Chief and our Reception Skulls for Drinking Vessels Fighting in the Clouds A Spirit Volcano Bumblebee Heaven A Present Resurrection of the Dead— Child-birth— Early Education The Devil as a School Master Public Speakers Witchcraft and Witch Doctors— Great Surgical OperationSleight of Hand Big Medicine Men House Raising and Feaiting— Foot Ball— Justice— The Blcod of the Lamb and its Signification.

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Valdivia desired to recruit his army,

while attempting to overthrow the dusky

^ f Araucanians, he shod his favorite mare with shoes made of pure gold, driven on with headless nails, and appeared thus before the Peruvians. The nest day, while racing for a high wager against a horse

owned by one

of the princes of the country,

the golden shoes, as Valdivia expected,



on the race course. When the common people gathered them up and took them to their owner, eipecting to be handsomely rewarded, he said: ".Keep them, my countiymen; in the land of Chili, whither I shall soon return, riches are to be had for the gathering. There gold and silver are but

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