National Park Visit

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Amazing Week

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The Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Historical Park is located in Woodstock, VT. In the park there are about 72,000 trees. The park has the most “Green” government building in the state of Vermont. The National Park is where George Perkins Marsh, Frederick Billing, and Lawrence Rockefeller lived at different times. Rockefeller gave the area he owned to the state of Vermont to have for a park for protection of the wildlife there.

Facts About the National Park

Astronomy  To

locate an object in the universe you need to use the azimuth and the altitude to find it.  There is a Stellar Nursery called the Orion Nebula. There are billions of stars and suns being born all the time.  Our galaxy one day is going to collide with another galaxy called the Andromeda Galaxy.

Photography  When

taking a photo you want to make sure that the light is just right.  There are different ways to set up a photo. You could use the thirds rule which is when you have three different sections to a picture.  Another way to set up pictures is to have frames like trees that could be like a border of your picture.

Microscopy Microscopes  Slides  Lens  4x

and 10x magnification  Object you are examining

Organisms Macro organisms  Micro organisms  Algae (green)  Single celled organisms  Larger organisms  Diatoms (golden brown) 


had a great time at the park! I learned so much about all the different topics throughout the week. I hope to go back sometime and visit all the places we went to again!


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