Liam Martin - Portfolio

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Liam Martin 07914 496958 I am a second year Product Design student at Nottingham Trent University. I have a very technical approach to design due to an interest in Physics and Mathematics at school. I discovered my passion for design during my Alevels, where I found myself moving away from technical subjects and into the more artistic ones. I have a particular interest in computer based design, especially 3D modelling and Photoshop. These are the areas in which I have thrived the most throughout university and would love to carry on developing these in the future. I am hard working, confident and great in a team. I have good communication and presentation skills that have developed through years of public speakers and group work. I am experienced in SolidWorks 3D modelling software as well as being proficient in Photoshop and AutoCAD. This portfolio contains six projects from my second year of university. Thanks.

Future of… Contactless Cards

Made for Manufacture Nerokuti

Premiumisation: BRUT

RSA: The Goodlife Arise

Promotion: Nestlé

Longer Lasting Products YourCup

The brief was to design a product for the future, using a technology that is either advancing or has only just become available to manufacturers. I decided to look into the future of making payments, with an emphasis on customer security.

The brief was to design a piece of home furniture that could be made using a CNC machine. We were allowed use some additional materials and processes but the main body or frame of the product had to be made using stock materials and a CNC machine.

The brief was to re-design BRUT’s 100ml aftershave bottle to make it more appealing for the ‘modern man’. The aim was to bring the brand into the 21st century and get rid of the old fashioned stigma that was attached to it.

Research was key in this project, particularly in understanding how the modern man has changed since thezreign of BRUT. Understanding what men look for in a brand was the focus of the research as it became apparent that brand appearance is much more important than actual product quality.

Photoshop was used a lot on this project to help to bring designs to life. This allowed me to see how the designs would look with different materials and colours.

The development process in this project included a lot of experimentation. The inspiration for the shapes came from a vast range of sources and fuelled the entire process.

The final design was a much more complex version of the existing bottle. The concaving shape of the bottle was kept, however, an additional panel was placed on the front to replace the embossed glass logo. The cork top and green glass were integrated to display the heritage and the maturity of the brand.

The brief was to create a product that made life better or easier for someone suffering from a serious health problem. The product or service had to be aimed at people with a chronic disease but otherwise the project was unrestricted. I decided to design a product for people with Parkinson’s disease as it can be very difficult for sufferers to keep their independence as the symptoms become more severe.

The research in this project was mostly aimed at the psychological factors; establishing what affects sufferers the most. The answer was independence. Once the patients can no longer look after themselves they normally go into care.

The product I decided was an adjustable seating attachment that provides an upward force; giving the user more support when getting into and out of a chair.

The brief was to create a digital connection between the consumers and the NestlĂŠ brand. The focus of this project was customers on the move; creating an interactive experience to distract people from their journeys. Final solution video for this project available at: Password: Nestle1234

One of the concepts that was created was a ‘Wheel of Fortune’ that selected a Nestlé product for the customer to buy at random. The selection would appear through the users phone through an augmented reality system that would be triggered and projected onto a shop display. Buying the selected product would give the customer reward points.

Wheel of Fortune

The final solution allowed users to collect reward points through buying randomly selected Nestlé products. The main focus of this system was the augmented reality selection. This allowed users to access a wheel of fortune on their phone as long as there was a scanning point present. These points could be placed anywhere, allowing Nestlé to cheaply turn this into a huge promotion.

Prizes Nestlé Photo Booth Games Nestlé News Nestlé Media

Find a wheel of fortune and load the Nestlé application to access the augmented reality experience.

Aim your camera at the code to start the random selection.

Buy the selected product to receive points towards rewards (codes inside the packaging).

Collect reward points and claim rewards.

The trigger for the augmented reality was placed onto a point of sale display which could be placed into shops for the selection. The selling point of this solution was that the code could be placed anywhere, meaning the selection could be made wherever the codes could be seen.

The brief for this project was to design a kettle that is more sustainable than cheap, disposable products. The aim was to create a product that could be repaired, recycled and/or reused with ease.

Final design featured a daisy chain system, allowing users to hook up six cups at the same time. This option also allowed users to precisely boil the water required to reduce the amount of wasted energy.

The design was based around reducing the number of components. With less components making up the product, it can be taken apart much more easily. This means that users can separate the components for repair, recycling etc.

Some examples of sketching from various smaller projects that I have done at university. I enjoy using Photoshop to render sketches to bring them to life.

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