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David A. Emery

The Compleat Manager: Combining the Humanistic and Scientific Approaches to the Management Job (McGraw- Hill 1970)

John Fry

The Story of Modern Skiing (University Press of New England 2006)

Howard Ross

The Social Implications of the Financial Crisis in Southeast Asia. (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Report June 2000). Keynes Was Right: The Stock Market and the Long Run (Barron’s, October 25, 1999, p. 71) Cost Shocks, Collusion and Differential Efficiency in Oligopoly (with B. Ma, Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2 (1): 9-19, January 1995)

Suzanne Loebl

The Nurses Drug Handbook (Wiley/ Delmar 19767. Seven editions) At the Mercy of Strangers: Growing Up on the Edge of the Holocaust (Pacifica Press 1998 ) The Mothers Group: Of Love, Loss and AIDS ( iUniverse 2006 ) America’s Medici’s: The Rockefellers and Their Astonishing Cultural Legacy (Harper 2010)

Herbert Loebl,

Juden in Bamberg: Die Jahrzehnte Vor den Holocaust, (Verlag Frankischer Tag 2000) A Coat Too Long, An Illustrated Autobiography ( Fen Drayton UK 2005)

Erich Meyerhoff

Medical Library Center of New York, Oral History Project. Voices of the Past

Louis Mandel

Radioactive Iodine and the Salivary Glands (Mandel S., Mandel L - Thyroid 2003: 13; 265-71) Serum electrolytes in bulimic patients with parotid swellings (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Patho Oral Radiol Endod 2003; 96: 414-9) Dental erosion due to wine consumption (JADA 2005; 136: 11-5) First Bite Syndrome after parapharyngeal surgery (Mandel L, Syrop SB - JADA 2008; 139: 1480-3)

Peter Samelson

Theatrical Close Up (Magical Publications, 1983)

Simon Schochet,

Feldafing (November House Canada 1983)

Mo-Li Siow

The Problems of Ethnic Cohesion among the Chinese in Peninsular Malaysia: Intraethnic Divisions and Interethnic Accommodation (L. A. Peter Gosling and Linda Y. C. Lim (eds.) The Chinese in Southeast Asia, vol. 2 Identity, Culture and Politics. Singapore: Maruzen Asia. pp. 170-188 1983)

Leonore Suhl

Eine Kette von Sicherheitsnadeln (Verlag Mainzer Reihe - Christian Wegner Verlag l956 ) Ein Traum von Freiheit (Marion v. Schröder Verlag 1975) Frau Dahls Flucht ins Ungewisse (Marion Schröder Verlag 1966 ) Tango in Tripolis (Verlag Claassen l999) Charlottes Liebesdienst ( Verlag Claassen, 2003)

George McCauley

Eddie’s Dream (Something More Publications 2005) Night Air Dancing (Something More Publications 1990) Journey Man (Something More Publications 1995)



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