1 minute read


By Lex Styles



From a black woman, to other black women, and every other woman

Being a black woman is a gift

Yes,you read that correctly It is a gift to be in this skin and in this body and the world undeniably knows this They may not always show it but they're watching And they are impressed

The culture and customs of black women have been mimicked across the nation now Starting as rebellion and originality for oppressed women, the styles and images of black women became long lasting trends

Everyday you can spot them, everyday they are on display

Here are 3 Trends inspired by black women all over the world!

1.Bamboo Earrings

Every black woman in the last 50 years have coveted a pair of the ultimate fly girl earring Salt N Peppa and LL Cool J references highlighted the power the style had on hip hop and black communities

2.Cornrows, Braids, and Protective Styles

This one is greatly controversial in the recent years but the truth remains that black women have sported cornrows, braids, and locs since the beginning of time Now it's everywhere

3.Full Sets

We are the generation that saw a skyrocket in the popularity of long full sets Nails But for the black woman, rocking a fresh full set has long been apart of our beauty routine From Flo Jo, a Olympic trackstar to the girls walking to the bodegga in Jersey, we had to have them