4 minute read

Time With FirstNameJohnson

Tell me a bit about yourself first. Who is Johnson behind the camera, at home, with cozy pajamas on, in his safe space?

Such an easy question can always be so daunting “tell me about yourself”, my name is Johnson but the world knows me as “firstname” or “Firstnamejohnson” I am a college graduate with my bachelors in Computer Science and minor in Math and Physics That’s the resume answer, in my opinion, I’ll try to stay away from that


I am a fun, outgoing, individual who loves to travel I like being around people, it feeds my creativity I find enjoyment in the little things from making time for my hobbies, spending time with family and friends, to taking care of myself I have a life long goal of helping people I know how hard it was for me to navigate the world Working in corporate America and being an influencer is something many individuals aspire for My goal is to help people reach their goals or at least try, because many are scared to take those first steps

Is there any song you’d consider the “soundtrack to your life”?

J Cole Middle Child

Who is your biggest fashion inspiration? How important of a role has this person played in how you interpret fashion?

Russell Westbrook! I have been a fan of Westbrook as a basketball player and most importantly fashion since I was in highschool He made the NBA pregame walkway what it is today Through him I got my interpretation that fashion is what you feel comfortable in, what drives your confidence, and that fashion to is art. I had to learn Art is subjective Art is based off of feelings and emotions during that specific moment Relating back to fashion, what ever emotion you feel and have at the time you are picking your outfit is depicted through out the day Fashion is SUBJECTIVE

Where did fashion & creativity begin for you? Was it always supported by those around you?

Fashion began for me in highschool I use to model and did a couple runway shows when I was young Taking this whole ideal of creativity through my Instagram and fashion started January 2022 People will bash you when they don’t see your vision/ goals Graduating highschool the plan was to go to the New York School of Fashion My trajectory changed when I remembered I was African “Engineer or Doctor”- says every African Parent Despite the shift in mindset, my goals never quivered I knew what I wanted; for every set back, there’s a comeback After I graduated college and satisfied my parents initial purpose of coming to America, I decided to step out of my comfort zone With every step my creativity broadened, but the shift is never easy among your peers First it’s “why do you? This is trash Go back to coding” Next it’s “how did you?” I payed no attention to that knowing THE WORLD WILL EVENTUALLY CATCH UP

Describe a struggle you’ve faced within the fashion industry and how you’ve overcame it?

Fashion is a world of its own You have to come in there knowing what you want and who you are or you will lose track of yourself You are in competition with the best That is how the world was designed Every thing is a competition “Competitive wages, competitive environment” these are just some examples that are blatantly in our face daily With the fashion industry you have to show up for the first 5 years of your life and expect nothing in return except for life long lessons I have seen some people take the side road and did some extreme things just to start getting paid and dodge the “5 year ” mark That is where people lose who they are Know what you want and have a limit of how far you are willing to go to get it, if you don’t , that’s when you start getting used

What’s it truly feel like being behind the camera as a Man?

Women tend to be hyper-focused on flaws and hiding such, is that the same feeling for a man influencer?

It takes some getting use to When I started I use to take focus of my voice because my accent will come in now and then Sometimes I would like to have a fresh haircut before getting on camera All this is just in the beginning stages The more you do this the less you are about such things Like everything, it takes repetition to become great

Do you feel as beautiful as your fans, friends and family say you are?


Do you have a go-to outfit? Something you always know will work?

When in doubt, I like all black Maybe throw on some Jordan Mochas or alternate my shoes but when I get really stuck I go with all black for sure

What would you consider your personal style?

My style consist of multiple things I am very versatile I like a nice suit but I also like the whole street vibe Sometimes I just want to be comfortable so having nice sweats or tracksuit is essential I wont say I have a specific style because I know I can put on ANYTHING!

Does your work out regime align with your fashionable influence? What days the worst for you? Leg or Arm or Core?

Yes and NO Like I mentioned before, I workout for myself and my confidence and that transition into the whole fashion field You have to be confident with what you wear The down side is as you workout your body changes so you have to constantly keep changing sizes

So a nice pair of Jeans can go to a pair you hate within a month My worst days are Legs

If you could leave my audience with one affirmation, what would it be?

Define your definition of success Have goals, write them down, and look at them everyday (until you drill it in your head) Time is the most precious thing in life; the more you can use your time for yourself towards your goals and less for others , the closer you will get towards your definition of success ps success is not always monetary value

"Finances is not the highest form compensation, fulfillment is if you can get fulfilled on the inside it becomes easier to get "bread" on the outside because you are not chasing the bag, you ' re chasing purpose and when you catch purpose you get the bag " -someone said something along those lines and I 100 percent agree