Lewis Aptekar: Why People Become Refugees

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Why People Become Refugees

Lewis Aptekar

Lewis Aptekar

As former professor Lewis Aptekar knows, there are now an estimated 22.5 million refugees around the world. And with so many falling into the refugee category, it’s important to know not only what classifies an individual as a refugee

Lewis Aptekar

why a person or group of people would become refugees in the first place.

Lewis Aptekar

Refugees are typically defined as those of a particular race, national origin, political group or religion choosing to leave their country of origin for any number of reasons, including:

Lewis Aptekar

National/religious/racial/politi cal persecution. War. Sexual orientation or gender. Hunger or starvation. Climate change/worsening landscape/untenable living conditions.

Lewis Aptekar

It is currently estimated that the refugee population around the globe is growing at a faster rate than ever before in history – creating a crisis of forcibly-displaced people unlike any have ever seen. Recently resigned from his position in San Jose University’s counselor education department, Lewis Aptekar is hopeful for international cooperation and solutions that one-day address and alleviate suffering experienced by many in this growing population.

Visit Social Profiles of Lewis Aptekar https://works.bepress.com/lewis_aptekar/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/lewis-aptekar-611b7011 https://www.crunchbase.com/person/lewis-aptekar-39c4 https://www.wattpad.com/605890406-lewis-aptekar-phd-retired-professor https://makandracards.com/lewis-aptekar/57954-sjsu-professor-lewis-aptek ar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzL89x6Ypy8 https://www.thriftbooks.com/a/lewis-aptekar/958970/

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