Lewis Aptekar: Opportunities to Make a Difference

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Two Reasons for Being a Humanitarian

Lewis Aptekar

Lewis Aptekar is a former Professor of Educational Psychology

Lewis Aptekar is a former professor of educational psychology at San Jose State University. In addition, Lewis Aptekar has taken part in various humanitarian efforts in his life

There is a wide variety of reasons to become a humanitarian, such as:

â—? A Motivated Community â—? Opportunities to Make a Difference

A Motivated Community

Working as a humanitarian requires a considerable amount of passion, motivation, and determination for your cause. The people around you will be just as motivated and driven as you are, which makes for a lively and positive work environment.

Opportunities to Make a Difference

As a humanitarian, it is your responsibility to make sure the goal of your effort is met and that these goals are made with the well-being of a community in mind. When you reach the goal, all of the time and work you have put in will have paid off to help a community in need.

Lewis Aptekar is a retired professor based in San Jose, California. Visit his social profiles https://twitter.com/Lewis_Aptekar https://www.linkedin.com/in/lewis-aptekar-611b7011 https://www.facebook.com/public/Lewis-Aptekar https://vimeo.com/drlewisaptekar http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=687555 https://works.bepress.com/lewis_aptekar/

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