Lewis Aptekar: knows that there is a plethora of reasons to consider working in developing countries

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Three Reasons to Work in Developing Countries

Lewis Aptekar

Lewis Aptekar: Worked in a variety of countries Lewis Aptekar of San Jose, California, has worked in a variety of countries as a visiting professor, including Zambia, Honduras, and Kenya

Lewis Aptekar knows that there is a plethora of reasons he knows that there is a plethora of reasons to consider working in developing countries.

Working in a developing country Working in a developing country will allow you to experience an entirely different culture and a way of problem-solving than you might be used to. In many ways the culture shock may feel like being a child again and learning how to interact with the world around you in new ways, feeling and experiencing everything to its fullest.

Important to be part of a community In a developing country, it's incredibly important to be part of a community to manage times of need, and you will no doubt build strong relationships with those in your surroundings because, during economic hardship, community members must rely on each other for help and support.

It is an excellent opportunity Working in a developing country is an excellent opportunity to offer your expertise to create meaningful change in a community.

About Lewis Aptekar: Lewis Aptekar is a retired professor of educational psychology based in San Jose, California. https://www.linkedin.com/in/lewis-aptekar-611b7011 http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/laptekar/ http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=687555 https://works.bepress.com/lewis_aptekar/ https://www.levo.com/lewis-aptekar

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