604 Bloomfield Street | Price Updated

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we bring experience home

Irene Perello & Bo Dziman (i.) 201.681.6191 | (b.) 201.913.1988 IPerello@HudsonPlaceRealty.com BDziman@HudsonPlaceRealty.com Office: 201.420.7393

Proudly serving you from 2 locations UPTOWN: 150 14th St. Hoboken, NJ 070303 DOWNTOWN: 132 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ 070303 W W W . H U D S O N P L A C E R E A L T Y . C O M Hudson Place Realty does not guarantee the accuracy of square footage, lot size, or other information concerning the condit ion or features of the property provided by the seller or obtained from public records or other sources and the buyer is advised to independently verify the accuracy of that information through personal inspection with appropriate licensed professionals.

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