Let Them Eat Cake Online Issue 1

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Issue #1 Autumn ‘11 Editorial Team Editor-in-Chief: Ashley Mauritzen, ashley@cakeit.net Fashion Director: Cheryl Leung, cheryl@cakeit.net Managing Director: Njide Ugboma: njide@cakeit.net; Nneka Fleming, nneka@cakeit.net Beauty Editor: Sally Miura, sally@cakeit.net Art Director: Leo Olofsson, leo@awesome-agency.com Intern: Natalia Manning Advertising: Nneka fleming, nneka@cakeit.net +44 (0)7711 256 182 Ashley Mauritzen, ashley@cakeit.net +44 (0)7815 744 150 Press: press@cakeit.net Contribute: contribute@cakeit.net

www.cakeit.net www.twit ter.com/eatcake_mag 2011 Let Them Eat Cake Online: Issue #1 The Colourwords, Unit 206, 2 Abbot Street, London E8 3DP Cover: Photographer: Kristin Vicari Fashion Director: Cheryl Leung Hair: Tomihiro Kono Make up: Thomas de Kluyver Model: Helene Desmettre at Elite Hat: Jean Paul Gaultier All rights reserved. LeT TheM eAT CAke is a registered trademark. No

part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without prior written permission.

The views expressed in LeT TheM eAT CAke magazine are those of the

respective contributors and are not necessarily shared by the

magazine or its staff. Liability: while every care is taken in the preparation of this magazine, the publishers cannot be held responsible for

the accuracy of information hearin, or any consequence arising from it. LeT TheM eAT CAke thrives on new contributors, but cannot take re-

sponsibility for unsolicited work.

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