Let's Talk Bostons - Issue 12 - September 2016

Page 14

let’s talk


Interview with Corina Münch HessenVilla Boston Terriers, Germany Corina has dedicated a big part of her life to raising, training and showing beautiful and sound Boston Terriers in Germany. You may know her only by her kennel name, HessenVilla, and the gorgeous pictures of impressive Bostons that carry that name. Let’s Talk Bostons magazine invites you to read about her thoughts and preferences about our breed, in this exclusive interview with Corina.

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Let’s talk about heads. Do you believe that the length of the “nose” detracts from the breed’s signature expression? Yes, in my opinion a Boston Terrier should not lose its origin expression, but we have to be careful regarding the ability of the breathing and have to give attention, that the nostril are open naturally. Unfortunately, most of all think, that a good breathing is regulated by the length of the nose, which is wrong. Breathing sounds and a bad breathing is as incorrect as a long, small snout.

Being the Boston a “head breed”, do you believe that more focus should have been given in the standard to other aspects such movement? A perfect topline and a good movement is as important as the expression of the head.

Can you tell us how you can compare the Bostons from when you started in the breed to the bostons that you see now days at the shows? Nowadays there are many more Bostons in Europe than at the beginning. At the beginning there were about seven bostons at an exhibition. Nowadays there are about 40 to 120 at major events. Many newcoming breeders bought several bloodlines and types of Bostons, that makes the breed that different. Often you have been asked, if all dogs are Boston Terrier, at a dog show. This trend is not good how you probably can imagine.

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