Vol-56 Let's eat! April Issue

Page 52

island life

Dadar Gulung

a breath of

fresh air Sweet, juicy and packed with nutrients, strawberries are one of nature’s healthiest foods, and thrive on the cooler slopes of the mountainous hinterland. Leaving the hustle and bustle of southern Bali behind, we head for the hills, Strawberry Hill in fact. The rich volcanic soil of the hill-

Its raining softly when we arrive, the

top region of Bedugul is known for

steamy heat of the southern plains

producing coffee, cloves and vanilla,

replaced by cool fresh mountain

and has become a centre for Bali’s

air, and we are soon sitting by the

flourishing organic farms. It is also

fireplace in the quaint mountain

home to Strawberry Hill Hotel and

lodge restaurant, warming our hands

Restaurant, a peaceful retreat with

and listening to classical music.

wonderful views over forested valleys.

Traditional wooden décor, wrought

Dating back to 1991, Strawberry Hill

iron chandeliers and batik table

started life as a losmen (guesthouse)

cloths create a rustic charm, while the

built around a couple of strawberry

pool table and darts board are just

patches. Renovations and rebranding

the thing for chilly nights. This wet,

a few years back, raised it to a hotel

cool weather makes me crave warm

standard, where charming guest

comfort food and we order steaming

cottages are edged by flowers in

hot Sekoteng, a Javanese drink of

every colour imaginable. The organic

hot ginger, lemon and spices. A

strawberry patches remain – and the

thick and wholesome Red Bean Soup

fruit is picked fresh each morning and

with potatoes and onions is equally

served to guests in the restaurant.

warm and nourishing. The Tongseng

Tongseng Kambing

Kambing is another hearty dish, made

52 let’s eat!


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