Faygo Rebranding

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Table of Contents

Creative Brief Target Auidence Competition Artistic Inspiration Logo Process Final Logo Package Inspiration Package Developtment Final Product

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creative brief


Strategy and Goals As a unique soda company, we at Faygo aim to continue to serve our customers with 50 flavors to choose from. All of our flavors are original which means we have something for everyone. Our company distrubtes in the Midwest, MidAtlantic, and the Central Southern Regions of the United Stats. We plan to expand and distribute in the rest of the United States and continue to satisfy our coustomers.

History Faygo was founded in Detroit, Michigan in 1907. We come from a baking background and every flavor is based on icing recipies from our bakery, which has 50 flavors to choose from. In 1915 Faygo was first called pop because of the sound that it made when the bottle was opened. The flavor of the pop was indicated on the bottle cap. Until the late 1950s, Faygo was only sold within Michigan. When hired chemists found that ingredients in the water limited the life of the finished soda and designed a filtering system that purified the water, the pop’s shelf life was able to be expanded.

Faygo has been part of the National Beverage family since 1987. The National Beverage Corp. is a leader in the development and sale of flavored beverage products in the United States offering the widest selection of flavored soft drinks, juices, sparkling waters, energy drinks and nutritionally-enhanced waters. National Beverage produces its brands in 12 manufacturing facilities strategically located in major metropolitan markets throughout the United States. In 2007, Faygo celebrated its 100th anniversary.

Tone & Personality Known for having over 50 flavors to choose from, Faygo has something for everyone. The Faygo brand received high praise from the culinary industry when it was announced that the September 2009 issue of Bon Appétit magazine ranked Faygo as the best tasting American soft drink. It was described as “dry and crisp, with a frothy head, a good bite and a long finish.” We at Faygo hope to continue making new flavors that will stimulate taste buds from coast to coast.

target audience


Customer Benefits Faygo soft drinks are aimed towards both male and female teenagers and adults. Those who drink Faygo soft drinks enjoy the fact that there are over 50 flavors to choose from giving everyone the flavor they desire. Our Faygo soft drinks are sold at local super markets so that our consumers may easily find and purchase them. Faygo soft drinks are set at a very reasonable price per pack. The packaging of Faygo soft drinks is aimed for both sexes so both male of female may find interest in the soft drink. This drink is not aimed towards children because most of the people that purchase this are the adults of the family.

Faygo plans to have special offers in which the consumer may buy one and get on free. By doing so this will encourage families to put Faygo soft drinks on their grocery list weekly. This will satisfy their coustomers and create a lasting loyalty knowing that they are getting their moneys worth and will continue to buy Faygo soft drinks. We at Faygo soft drinks aim to advertise toward those who are 15-25 as our target market. We also have a secondary market of 10-40.



Other Distributers At Faygo soft drinks, we always aim to provide fast service and the best quality drinks. We are currently trying to expand even more to cover more ground and distribute our products. These are some of the following companies that are within the same market as Faygo soft drinks. Main Competitors: Coca Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Sprite, Diet Pepsi, Diet Dr Pepper, Fanta and Snapple.

artistic inpiration


Inspiration Faygo soft drinks always try and provide fast service and the best quality drinks. We are currently trying to expand even more to cover more ground and distribute our goods. These are some of the following companies that are within the same market as Faygo soft drinks.

Logo Process


Faygo has something for everyone so the goal was to approach this in every way possible by coming up with different vatiations for the logo. The bottle cap stamp indicates the chosen concepts for further development.

This geometric shape refelcts a top view of a bottle cap. The bottle cap is a very strong symbol for the brand because it is the first thing that one takes off before drinking.

The cursive type used in this approach meant suppose to represent the old vintage cursive used on classic cars, giving Faygo that classic vintage feel.

This approach symbolizes an old vinatge signage. The inner lines represent the neon lights which would symbolize different colors to represent the different flavors that Faygo provides.

final logo


pantone 7621 C C=20.79 M=100 Y=95.33 K=12.02

R=178 G=30 B=40

pantone 1215 C C=0.77 M=14.61 Y=66.05 K=0

R=254 G=215 B=113

The finalized logo for Faygo is an original cursive typeface. The “F” has an offset path which adds more emphasis to bring the viewer in. The “o” has a tail that comes back towards the “F” which causes the viewer’s eyes to look toard the bottom of the logo where the year the company was founded is placed.

Package inpiration


Inspiration For the final package, the main goal was to incorporate the book into the actual package so that the vendor would recieve the information on the brand and understand the intended feel of the product. Here are the package designs that inspired the final Faygo soft drink package design.

package development


(Left to right) 1. First picture the size of the box was being determined. 2. Second picture sides of the box were determined for the box.

4. Box began being assemelbed. 5. Prints were printed and were ready to be mounted on the box. 6. Prints were mounted and box was complete.

3. Both sides of the box were measured out.

final product


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