Spa Business issue 4 2021

Page 114

Spa software

Staff retention Operators are reporting challenges finding and retaining great staff due to pandemic pressures. We look at how software can help, while also increasing business

Operators can benchmark staff performance to help them achieve their goals Oliver Cahill Premier Software


Katherine Wernet Mindbody One way to encourage retention in this sector is to ensure that staff members are protected from multi-task burnout. Mindbody’s AI receptionist – Messenger[ai] – deals with reception-related administration duties 24/7, answering calls when staff are busy by automatically sending a text to the caller to ask how the spa can help. It can also answer Frequently Asked Questions, book appointments and automatically follow up with clients to prompt them to rebook, allowing therapists to focus on client’s treatments, rather than reception duties. Using the Mindbody marketing suite, spas can also win back lost clients, convert drop-ins to members and upsell treatment add-ons and enhancements, creating more earning potential for the spa team. One of our clients

photo: mindbody

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photo: Oliver Cahill

There are three key elements to attracting and retaining great staff. Showing you care about their wellbeing, helping them to progress their career, and recognising hard work. Core by Premier Software assists with all these, helping protect staff against repetitive strain injuries with RSI points so operators can easily identify how close staff are to their set limit. Using the Staff Snapshot report, operators can also benchmark staff performance to help them achieve their goals, while the system’s commission structure helps incentivise staff to meet their sales targets. Information such as products sold, treatments completed, client attendance and repeat business can be emailed to the operator to share with staff to keep them on track with targets. The software can also be used to reward staff through discounts on retail or appointments, which will automatically apply at checkout. Premier Software has also partnered with Smartbox, Red Letter Days and Buyagift to boost revenue and streamline staff time through the digital redemption of vouchers, reducing admin work for staff. We’re working with the UK Spa Association to raise awareness of staffing issues and offer a guide on how to boost recruitment. To find out more, go to and search for ‘recruitment’.

Instant feedback helps motivate spa employees by highlighting the impact they have on the business is pulling in an extra US$3,800 a month using Messenger[ai]. Spa employees can also get instant feedback on how they’re impacting the business by checking the new Mindbody Insights app to view key metrics linked to the number of clients they attend to, what treatments the clients choose and their retail expenditure. They can also participate in contests with the rest of their team.

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