Spa Business issue 3 2021

Page 98

by Megan Whitby, assistant editor



The Delos Well Living Lab in Beijing

Finishing touch

Environmental impact Leading wellbeing organisations launch research to investigate links between built environments and human wellbeing


The WLL is a controlled and simulated indoor nterest in how built environments can affect environment that mimics office environments our health and wellbeing has become a major and residential living spaces with a view to topic of discussion globally, especially as researching how they impact our health. lockdown has seen people spending more The new site in Asia has been designed by time indoors. And wellness architecture is Superimpose Architecture and its goal is to further an upcoming trend in the spa industry. the studies already conducted at the original WLL To further this field’s progress, two leading which Delos launched in collaboration with the Mayo wellness organisations recently kicked off separate Clinic in Minnesota, USA, in 2014. initiatives to investigate how The lab researches, develops wellness design and architecture Studies will look at and tests both new and existing can improve human health, whether relaxation innovations designed to improve wellbeing and performance. the health and wellbeing of Thermal resort operator spaces with elements individuals as they live and work Therme Group and COGITO of nature can help within human-made structures. – the epistemology research reduce burnout Since its launch, the WLL has centre at the University of made the following discoveries: Glasgow, UK – were the first to announce their Dimensions of Wellbeing ● Access to daylight and views in an office improve project which will run over the next five years. cognitive performance and satisfaction The organisations wish to develop a novel, multi● Sound, light and temperature affect dimensional theory of wellbeing, grounded in both employees in an office environment philosophical and psychological research. Part of this ● Office lighting impacts cognitive will involve cutting-edge research into environmental performance and sleep. psychology to investigate how wellbeing can be Future studies will look into how indoor air pollution generated in the built environment through factors affects the body and mind and whether relaxation including room shapes, seating arrangements and light. spaces incorporating elements of nature can help Therme will use the findings to enhance the reduce burnout in healthcare professionals. customer experience at its facilities across the world. Findings from both Therme and WLL’s Wellness real estate firm Delos, the company initiatives have the potential to inform future behind the Well Living Lab (WLL), has also expanded spa design and operation as they uncover bestits reach in the field of wellness design by launching practice behind creating environments built its first international outpost in Beijing. to enhance human health and wellbeing.

98 issue 3 2021

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