Attractions Management 2 August 2021

Page 48


Joe Pine (left) with Jim Gilmore

Today’s technology means there’s little reason to wait in line

Pine says Carnival’s Ocean Medallion app helps the operator create customised itineraries and improve the customer experience

lockdowns will enable them to provide a

Pine sets out four stages to the hybrid

better offer than before, says Pine. Here

experiences model. “Firstly, stage the live

he sets out some of the biggest trends he’s

experience for however many people can

seeing and what companies need to do to

attend– these people can be charged 100

survive and thrive during the years ahead.

per cent of the usual admission fee.

“One of the signs that the Experience

“Secondly, simultaneously offer the

Economy is very healthy is that whenever a

experience digitally to those who want the live

place does open up to whatever capacity it

experience but cannot or are unwilling to attend

can – guess what? It fills up to that limited

it physically. This same-time, different-place

capacity,” he says. “People will never stop

simulcast of the live experience can amplify

wanting exciting and meaningful experiences.”

it to many more people, who can be charged

pivoting to HYBRID

some portion of the physical admission fee. “The third level involves taking all of your

One of the biggest trends going forwards will be

sessions of the experience and offering them

hybrid digital and physical offers, says Pine.

for sale on an asynchronous basis, after the

“As companies responded to the lack of

event. These ‘different-time, different-place’

people coming to physical venues, more

viewers can absorb the bite-sized chunks you

and more of them turned to digital events.

offer online whenever and wherever they desire

But that alone is a poor business substitute,

– except in real-time, that is. That’s reserved

as it has yet to prove capable of generating

for those who pay the higher fees for the live

the same level of revenue,” he explains.

performance, whether in reality or virtuality.

“The right approach is to stage

“Level four is the recap. Any hybrid experience

hybrid experiences that amplify

stager can at least summarise the highlights

the live experience virtually.”

of the hybrid experience: in short, free videos

48 AUGUST 2021

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