Full time Careers Guide 2019/20 - Leicester College

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Supporting your Learning

Inclusion and Disability Support Multi-Faith Chaplaincy

We are committed to providing the highest standards of support to all students, including those who have a disability or learning difficulty. We have specialist staff who can support you with: •p rofound, severe and multiple learning difficulties •b ehavioural, emotional or social difficulties •p hysical impairments or medical difficulties •m ental health issues • s ensory impairments •a ny other disability-related need. We will work closely with you to ensure that your needs are met. This can include providing an inclusion worker for personal care, behaviour, or learning support; specialist equipment; notetaking or communication support; help with transport and/or moving around College; or help with accessing the curriculum or information. We will also ensure that you feel empowered and are fully involved in any discussions regarding the support you receive. For more information about our commitment to additional support please contact us on 0116 224 2240.

The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy is run by Leicester College with the help of volunteer chaplains from the local community. Currently, we have chaplains working with us from the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Baha’i, and Humanist communities, although we also have links with other faith groups locally who we can put you in touch with if appropriate. The Multi-Faith Chaplaincy works with the curriculum teams to create guidelines around faith. For example, our Muslim chaplain will work with the exams team about procedures during Ramadan. If you have any questions or concerns that relate to your faith and your study commitments at Leicester College, we are here to help. We also offer pastoral care and support to the College community – this includes members of staff as well as students. Each campus has at least one prayer room, and we are responsible for managing these. If you want to speak to a faith leader, or have questions related to belief, we will put you in touch with the appropriate person to help you. We also work counselling students who have found themselves in a difficult or challenging situation, to help them get back on track.

Accessibility Whether you are learning within a classroom environment, visiting one of our campus centres or reviewing our course materials, we strive to guarantee access to the support and information that you require. We work closely with experts in equality, inclusion and disability support to ensure our digital and printed materials adhere to current guidance and best practice.

96% of students are happy at Leicester College, and 94% would recommend us to a friend. Leicester College Student Survey 2018.

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