How to Create a Marketing Plan for Jewellery Business- Lee Rosenbloom

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Presentation By Lee Rosenbloom

Creating a jewellery marketing plan is vital for any small jewellery business. Whether you’ve been established, or you’re just starting out, a clear marketing strategy can help you to understand your customers and your competitors, and to plan promotional activities that will target precisely the people you want to sell to.

Goals that can shift and grow with the enlargement of a jewellery retail business are just what the most rewarding business plans are made of. Your jewellery retail business strategy should list specific goals that are also realistic. When you have specific goals to achieve, you can create a successful gemstone business. Breaking down your end goal into smaller, more manageable milestones is essential for success.

Set some simple marketing goals

First, write down what you would like to achieve from your marketing efforts. Whatever your goals are, make sure they are specific and measurable. That way, you’ll be able to look back and see exactly what you have achieved.

Identify your competitors

Search online for local jewellery makers, or look up those you already know about. By looking at the jewellery marketing ideas that are working for others you will be able to come up with a list of your favourites to feed into your own jewellery marketing plan.

Get to know your target audience

You can focus on making products that will appeal to them.  You will find it easier to work out where to find them and market to them.  It will be easier to come up with jewellery marketing ideas that will appeal to them. 

Monitor your results

It’s important to remember to revisit your jewellery marketing plans and goals, and to track your progress to see how you are getting on. With a little time, effort and imagination, you’ll be able to put in place a marketing strategy for jewellery business superstardom.

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