Windshield replacement- how to reduce the cost of replacement

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Windshield Replacement: How To Reduce The Cost Of Replacement

Depending on your vehicle and the windshield you want to install, the cost of replacing a windshield can go up to $1000. The good thing is that there are a number of ways in which you can reduce the cost of replacing the windshield:

Negotiate the price

Just like when buying any other goods and services, you should negotiate the cost of replacement. If you don't have a large budget, you should not be afraid of asking for a lower price. The good thing is that many companies don't operate on a fixed price; therefore, they will easily lower the cost for you.

Get an insurance cover

Some auto insurance policies cover the cost of replacing a windshield while others don't; therefore, you should always check whether your policy will cover the cost of replacement. If your auto insurance doesn't cover the cost, you should consider getting a policy that will cover you. You should note that even if a cover will protect you, you will still have to get some money from your pocket. The money will cater for the deductible amount that is usually charged.

Go with the little guy

Many large and well known firms charge high fees compared to the small firms. According to research, the small firms charge 20-30% less than the large firms; therefore, you should always consider having your windshield replaced by small companies. Many small firms advertise their services in the free classified sites; therefore, this is the best places to find reputable companies to do the work for you.

Take your car to the garage

While mobile glass replacement service providers are very convenient, they are usually expensive; therefore, instead of asking the company representatives to come to your home, you should take the car to the garage. When driving the car to the garage you should ensure that the damaged windshield doesn't obstruct your vision.

Get multiple quotes

When looking for a company to replace your windshield, you should not settle on the first one that you meet. To be on the safe side you should collect quotes from different companies and then compare them. As rule of thumb you should settle on a company with the lowest quote.


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