Epigenetics in society

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untouched, but the genes are induced to behave differently, turning on or off in different patterns. This change in DNA packaging is referred to as the epigenetic or epigenomic imprint. The bands that you see in images of chromosomes reflect attributes of this packaging – some large areas are densely packed, others less so. Importantly, imprints alter the way that your genome behaves without altering the sequence of DNA itself. For example, with the exception of the unmatched X and Y sex chromosomes in males, we all normally inherit paired chromosomes - one from each parent. By virtue of their location on paired chromosomes, our genes are similarly present as two copies. Even if you were to sequence the paired copies of a particular gene and found their DNA to be identical, they might behave differently depending upon which parent they were inherited from. The gene copy inherited via a maternal chromosome might be active, and the copy inherited via the paternal chromosome might be silent. Many factors impinge upon the epigenome to turn genes on, off, or somewhere in between. We now know that the changes they install can have consequences for patterns of long term and even trans-generational health. Imagine the benefit for future generations if nutritional scarcity could prime human eggs and the consequent embryos (ie; subsequent generations) to grow larger and more efficient placentas without requiring genetic changes? Imagine if these changes could be installed within a generation? This, in fact, happens‌ While changes to our own long-term health might be subtle, when measured in aggregate, the thousands or millions of individuals that constitute a community potentially translates to huge demographic and societal costs. Consequently, our understanding of epigenomic health will have important implications for medicine, social justice, ethics, law, social policy, privacy, and economics. 1.2 Why Do We Epigenetics?

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