Give Me Liberty An American History Volume 1 and 2 4th Edition Foner Test Bank

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MSC: Understanding REF: Full p. 591 | Seagull p. 596 7. Thomas Edison: a. invented the typewriter. b. was a governor of New Jersey. c. pioneered the use of the telephone. d. was a railroad owner. e. invented, among other things, a system for generating and distributing electricity. ANS: E TOP: Economic Development | The Spirit of Innovation OBJ: 1 DIF: Easy MSC: Remembering REF: Full p. 593 | Seagull p. 596 8. In the nineteenth century, pools, trusts, and mergers were: a. unheard of. b. used only rarely. c. against the law. d. seen as beneficial by consumers. e. ways that manufacturers sought to control the marketplace. ANS: E TOP: Economic Development | Competition and Consolidation OBJ: 1 DIF: Moderate MSC: Understanding REF: Full p. 594 | Seagull p. 598 9. The first billion-dollar enterprise corporation was: a. U.S. Steel. b. Standard Oil. c. A&P. d. International Harvester. e. Quaker Oats. ANS: A TOP: Economic Development | Competition and Consolidation OBJ: 1 DIF: Moderate MSC: Remembering REF: Full p. 594 | Seagull p. 598 10. One significant economic impact of the second industrial revolution was: a. a more stable economy. b. frequent and prolonged economic depressions. c. higher prices. d. a more equitable distribution of wealth. e. the introduction of socialism. ANS: B TOP: Economic Development | Competition and Consolidation OBJ: 1 DIF: Difficult MSC: Analyzing REF: Full p. 594 | Seagull p. 601 11. Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller:

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