Fall 2020

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FALL 2020 North Seattle College Continuing Education

ARTS I liked hearing the voices of other poets. Inspiring. I felt it was a safe place to stretch and write and be challenged. – Zack on Poetry Workshop with Graham Isaac

Writing Poetry Workshop In this ongoing, upbeat workshop, you will receive feedback on your poems and learn to provide constructive criticism as part of a community of writers. You’ll develop a deeper appreciation of poetic elements through studying the work of accomplished poets. Build your skills by putting those elements into practice in poems and in-class exercises. 7094 10/3/2020 - 11/14/2020 11:00AM - 1:00PM 7 ses Sa Isaac Online; Zoom $129

Writing a Short Memoir Turn your life experiences—dramatic and everyday—into a powerful short memoir. If you’ve wanted to write about your life but don’t have time to tackle a book project, this class is for you! Tell the story of your life in bite-sized chunks. This class will lead you step-by-step through writing a short memoir piece: from selecting and reflecting on your experience, to writing and publishing your story. By the end of the class, you’ll have a short memoir piece ready to publish. 7092 10/5/2020 - 10/19/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 3 ses M Dubois Online; Canvas and Zoom $99


GRAHAM ISAAC Graham is a writer born and raised in Seattle. He holds an MA in Creative and Media Writing from The University of Wales Swansea and BA in English from Western Washington University.


He has spent the last seven years immersed as both a reader and organizer in Seattle's poetry scene, as co-curator of The Medicine Ball, Greenwood Lit Crawl, Claustrophobia, Da’DaeDal, and more. The author of two slim volumes; ‘Filthy Jerry's Guide to Parking Lots’ (Babel/Salvage Press) and ‘The Third Best of All Possible Outcomes’ (Shotgun Wedding/Alice Blue), his work has also appeared in ‘The Seattle Review of Books,’ ‘The Monarch Review,’ ‘Licton Springs Review,’ ‘Hoarse,’ ‘The Far Field,’ ‘Jeopardy, Erg! A Work Zine,’ ‘As Much As We Put In (A Poetry Night Anthology),’ ‘Your Hands/Your Mouth’ and more.

NaNoWriMo: Write a Novel in 30 Days Join us for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)! Learn how to write a fiction story with unforgettable characters, settings, descriptions and dialogue. We’ll create an outline and develop a complete plan to prepare you to join thousands of other writers in the thrilling adventure of writing a novel in 30 days. Use NaNoWriMo as a way to write fast, stress-free first drafts. Push yourself to write more than ever before. Perfect for those with a story idea or a work in progress. Learn more at www.nanowrimo.org. 7096 10/6/2020 - 10/27/2020 6:00 - 8:00PM 4 ses Tu Hall Online; Zoom $95

Creative Writing: City Fiction

Cities are spaces forever in flux. Neighborhoods change, buildings are razed and new ones take their places, people move in and out. Within this environment, the writer attempts to capture the pace, the texture and the meaning of urban living. Among the most accomplished writers in the genre are Saul Bellow, James Baldwin, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and many others. Contemporary writers like Tommy Orange and Sayaka Murata have explored the emergence of new and forgotten identities in urban spaces. By reading excerpts and short fiction, students will learn the techniques that allow these eminent authors to create narratives that revolve around the city. These techniques will then be practiced, refined and implemented into the students’ own writing through a series of assignments. 7097 10/13/2020 - 12/1/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 8 ses Tu Challinor Online; Zoom $175

Publishing Your E-Book Reach readers and make money—without the need to find an agent or publisher—by self-publishing an e-book. Give new life to your book manuscripts, essay collections, blog posts, family histories, memoirs or poetry. Or use e-books to promote your business or profession. Class includes step-by-step instructions and plenty of examples. We’ll cover formatting your manuscript, creating a cover, choosing key words, understanding pricing options, tracking sales, marketing your books and much more. It’s never been easier to create and publish your own e-books! 7093 10/14/2020 - 10/28/2020 6:30 - 8:30PM 3 ses W Dubois Online; Canvas and Zoom $99

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