2024 Bar T Bar Spring Sale

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Genetics That Matter For Ranching Families! Bar T Bar Ranches Annual Bull Sale April 13, 2024 1 p.m. PDT Crater Ranch Headquarters Winslow, Arizona Combining COWBOY LOGIC and COMPREHENSIVE TESTING G3006 3158 3280 3303 3307 3335 3379 CA T TLE



3-Star Calving Ease Top 4% $Profit•Top 1% $Feeder
Top 4% $Profit•Top 1% $Feeder
Top 5% $Profit•Top 8% $Ranch Top 10% $Feeder
4-Star Calving Ease•Top 1% $Profit Top 1% $Ranch•Top 1% $Feeder Lee Leachman, Herd Consultant (970) 568-3983 Jerrod Watson, Customer Service (303) 827-1156 Bar T Bar Ranches Annual Bull Sale April 13, 2024 • 1:00 p.m. (PDT) Southern Balancers•Balancers•Stabilizer•Angus Crater Ranch Headquarters•Winslow, AZ 80 NO-WORRY CALVING EASE BULLS
3-Star Calving Ease•Top 7% $Profit Top 18% $Ranch•Top 6% $Feeder
4-Star Calving Ease•Top 1% $Profit Top 7% $Ranch•Top 1% $Feeder
4-Star Calving Ease•Top 1% $Profit Top 2% $Ranch•Top 2% $Feeder
5-Star Calving Ease•Top 5% $Profit Top 6% $Ranch•Top 7% $Feeder 55 SOUTHERN BALANCERS BULLS
4-Star Calving Ease Top 7% $Profit•Top 7% $Ranch 3333 5-Star Calving Ease Top 1% $Profit•Top 1% $Ranch
4-Star Calving Ease Top 4% $Profit•Top 12% $Ranch 3217 4-Star Calving Ease Top 5% $Profit•Top 6% $Ranch 15 ANGUS & HIGH % ANGUS BULLS 3086 3-Star Calving Ease•Top 1% $Profit Top 6% $Ranch•Top 1%$Feeder 2316 5-Star Calving Ease•Top 7% $Profit Top 2% $Feeder
Top 2% $Profit•Top 12% $Ranch Top 1% $Feeder
Top 14% $Profit•Top 4% $Feeder Seedstock Marketing•info@bartbar.com Bob & Judy Prosser•(928) 380-5149 Kristin & Devin Hovey•(970) 485-0974 You can wean more calves per cow exposed on the range! Utilize the most proven database in the industry for trait selection that will go directly to your bottom line and give you a marketing advantage. FREE DELIVERY PAP TESTED CA T TLE BAR T BAR RANCHES Pre-Sale Social with Lee Leachman April 12, 2024 • 5:30 p.m. (PDT) Meteor Crater Museum Bulls185Sell!

Bar T Bar Ranch Annual Bull Sale

Sale Staff:

Eric Duarte, Auctioneer .............................................. (541) 891-7863

Dean Fish, Independant. ............................................ (520) 988-8009

Matt Macfarlane, California Cattleman ...................... (916) 803-3113

Jarod Patterson, Western Livestock Journal (208) 312-2386

Eric Drees, Independant (208) 329-4808

Sale Day Phones:

Bob Prosser .............................. (928) 380-5149

Judy Prosser (928) 699-8587

Kristin Hovey (970) 485-0974

Devin Hovey (970) 485-5360

Lee Leachman ........................... (970) 219-8519

Craig Hays ................................. (660) 373-1897

Jerrod Watson .......................... (303) 827-1156

Wade Woodbury ...................... (505) 290-5642

Sam Garcia (520) 456-7804

Spencer Prosser (928) 856-0186

Sale Vet Dr Colin Durham (719) 339-0326

Superior Livestock .................... (800) 422-2117

FRIDAY, April 12th:

• Bull viewing all day

• Lunch at the Bunkhouse

• 5:30 PM See the Crater Heavy Hors d’oeuvres and Refreshment

• 6:30 PM Evening Program with Lee Leachman“Make sure your herd is not losing out on the #1 trait ---Fertility“

SATURDAY, April 13th:

• 11:30 AM Diablo Burger Pre-sale lunch provided by AgWest Farm Credit

• 1:00 PM Sale

Please note that we need a list of your prospective bulls that need a PAP test by April 1st!


Twin Arrows Casino, 928-856-7200

La Posada Motel in Winslow, 928-289-4366

Best Western Motel in Winslow, 928-289-2960

The Winslow Motel, 928-882-9009

There are numerous motels on the East side of Flagstaff ~ 45 miles.

PDT • Bar T Bar Crater
• Winslow,
13, 2024
Ranch Headquarters
Bob & Judy Prosser PO Box 190 Winslow, AZ 86047 (928) 380-5149 - Bob cell The Supplement Sheet will be available on April 6th, at www.bartbar.com, with ultrasound, frame scores, scrotals and PAP.
Eric Duarte Exit 233 I-40 Flagstaff 30 miles Twin Arrows Casino 10 miles Winslow 20 miles Meteor Crater Crater Ranch 4 miles Headquarters 3 miles Map to Sale Site: For information contact:
Free Delivery on
to adjoining states at central locations or to your ranch in Arizona.
$75 Discount will
given if
Please check the website for a sortable spreadsheet with updated Gelbvieh EPDs and $Profit indexes (928) 380-5149 Page 1
your bull is
up sale day.

2024 marks the 99th year this ranch has been trailing cattle to the Mogollon Rim for the summer. Over the 3-5-day drive, for each herd, one has a chance to think about the blessings we all have received, to be grateful for our journey and the relationships created along the way.

Dear valued friends and customers,

Since the beginning, this ranch has been committed to producing the best in cattle genetics that fit this arid and unpredictable environment. We are utilizing the most proven multi-breed database in the country to select cattle for traits that go directly to your bottom line.

$Profit indexes work and are the fastest way to make consistent improvement in your cowherd. Feedback from our customers in the West and Mexico continue to support the usefulness of utilizing these indexes to make a positive difference. More live calves, increased market opportunity whether you sell them or feed them yourself, and most importantly, females that breed up and stay in the herd.

The near-term market looks quite good. It provides a good opportunity to leverage calf sales to acquire genetics that will sire the next 5 years’ of calves and produce quality replacements that will be there for many years. Now is the time to consider upgrading your bull battery.

The entire offering of bulls average in the Top 6% for $Profit, Top 12% for $Ranch, and Top 10% for $Feeder. We have a good selection of bulls this year, selling 185. There are 80 calving ease, and there are 90 that have heat tolerance in their makeup. All are at least 25% Angus or Red Angus. The bulls are culled on feet, disposition, and fertility. These bulls will cover the country and have a first-year warranty. All bulls will be Trich tested. We also PAP Test even though there is a PAP EPD provided, but just supply us a list of the bulls you want tested by April 1, PAP scores will be provided. Bulls can leave sale day. You will get a $75 credit on each bull that you haul home. We provide free delivery in Arizona and to surrounding states to central locations.

Bulls will be available for your review all day Friday and Lunch is provided in Bunkhouse. PLEASE join us Friday evening. At 5:30 pm we will host a pre-sale Social at Meteor Crater at sunset with heavy hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. At 6:30 Lee Leachman will have an informal discussion and answer questions about “Inherit”

Commercial heifer test available through Zeotis. A RSVP is appreciated. We want to thank the LCoC Crew for all they have done developing, testing, marketing and most importantly helping us continue to improve our genetics and their predictability. A special thanks to Farm Credit West for sponsoring lunch Sale Day.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. We welcome your review of our program and genetics.




When you buy bulls – or anything else – pick the people first. Bob and Judy Prosser are people you can trust and so are their cattle. They and their family have built one of the best seedstock herds in the Southwestern United States. They did it the right way – by finding the cows that work in their environment. That is a long and expensive process that Bob and Judy started forty years ago!

Along the way, they found a lot of cattle that did not work. They culled them or moved them into their commercial herd. They also kept lots of records. By the late 90’s they had the number one herd in the Gelbvieh breed for Dams of Merit and Dams of Distinction – awards that acknowledge cows that produce above average calves for years in a row.

When we first ran EPD’s on the Bar T Bar herd, it was no surprise to find them high on all traits maternal: great on udders, far above average on hoof structure, moderate on cow size, and exceptional on fertility! Unlike many breeders who chased big growth or carcass numbers at the expense of cow function, Bar T Bar kept the horse in front of the cart. Maternal traits were the priority, then growth and carcass came next.

With record high calf prices expected for the next several years, there has never been a better time to get your cowherd in order. That is easy to do:

1. Buy high $Ranch Bar T Bar bulls with as much $Profit as you can get.

2. DNA test your replacement heifers with Inherit Select to make sure you are keeping the best females that you raise.

These two simple strategies will make your herd as good as Bob and Judy’s within a decade. Then you, too, will have one of the best cowherds in the country. I hope to see you on April 12th and 13th in Winslow.


Bull Tags: Each bull is wearing a colored breed tag. Breed tags correspond to the tattoo numbers and are colored as follows:

Yellow= Angus

Yellow w/ underline= 75% Angus and/or Red Angus

Yellow w/ star= 69-74% Angus and/or Red Angus

Yellow w/ underline & + = 80-99% Angus and/or Red Angus

Blue w/ underline= 25% BrangusXBalancer

Blue w/ underline & star= 13% BrangusXBalancer


Green w/ underline= 69-86% Gelbvieh

Purple w/ underline= 25% BeefmasterXBalancer

Purple w/ underline & star= 13% BeefmasterXBalancer

White= 50% SimmentalXBalancer

White w/ underline= 25% SimmentalXBalancer

White w/underline & star= 13% SimmentalXBalancer

Pink= 50% Santa GertrudisXBalancer

Pink w/ underline= 25% S. GertXBalancer

Pink w/underline & star= 13% S. GertXBalancer

Red w/ underline= Hybrid (anything that is less than 25% GV and 25% AN/AR)

Clipped corner on tag represents 3-9% American Breeds

T Bar Ranch Annual Bull Sale • April 13, 2024 1 pm PDT • Bar T Bar Crater Ranch Headquarters • Winslow, AZ

$Profit now re-focused for 2023 and beyond!

On December 12th, 2022, the Leachman $Profit system made one of the most significant Genetic Advancements in our Company’s history!

This unprecedented change was driven by new technology, better data, and changing markets. The primary drivers of the changes were as follows:

1. Leachman incorporated the Zoetis Fertility EPD into $Ranch and $Profit. The EPD predicts large differences in the calf crop percentage expected from a bull’s daughters!

• The Zoetis Fertility EPD was launched in May of 2021.

• After extensive investigation, Leachman believes that this EPD is the single best predictor of a cow’s lifetime productivity.

• Model analysis demonstrates that the number of calves produced in a cow’s lifetime is DIRECTLY related to that female’s probable annual calf crop percentage weaned.

• Higher Fertility EPD bulls produce daughters that will wean a higher average annual calf crop percentage weaned.

• These calf crop percentage differences drive HUGE differences in profitability.

• High Fertility EPD bulls will build cowherds with consistently better breed back, higher calf crop percentage weaned, less culling requirements, and reduced replacement rates.

1-Star Fertility 2-Star Fertility 3-Star Fertility 4-Star Fertility 5-Star Fertility 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% Percent Calf Crop Weaned vs Fertility EPD Percent Weaned Fertility 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Page 4 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

2. Leachman raised the price of corn to $5.50 per bushel to reflect the new reality of future grain prices.

• This change increased the emphasis on feed intake and conversion. Cost of gain, not rate of gain, is the more important driver of feedlot profitability.

• Selection for $Profit and $Feeder will place increased emphasis on feed conversion and reduced intake levels.

3. Zoetis and Leachman launch the industry’s most accurate, multi-breed carcass evaluation!

• The $Profit database combines thousands of carcass data records, tens of thousands of ultrasound records, and over 75,000 DNA records to produce the most accurate carcass data predictions.

4. 2022 markets showed a record Choice/Select spread and a record Choice/Prime spread that make marbling more valuable than ever!

These modifications have significantly changed the expected $Ranch, $Feeder, and $Profit for animals in the Leachman $Profit database.

• Selection for $RANCH will build the most fertile and efficient cows.

• Selection for $FEEDER will build steers that efficiently gain and reach Prime marbling.

• Selection for $PROFIT will create the industries leading cowherds for fertility, efficiency, marbling, and profitability.

“It’s all working…

Our cows bred up 94% and our 2-year-olds bred up 90% – all in a year with 3" less than normal rain. Plus, our calves weaned 30 pounds heavier.

We’ve been using high $Ranch and high Fertility Leachman bulls – over 700 bulls since 2008. Our cows are getting better and our calves are improving in the feedlot.”

(928) 380-5149 Page 5


Are all small cows really efficient? There seems to be a big disconnect in today’s beef industry. On sale day we want heavy, high quality steers to pay the bills. The rest of the time we want efficient cows to keep our costs as low as possible. Simply selecting for smaller cows with no regard for feed efficiency is not the answer. Likewise, selecting for shear growth with disregard for cost is just as poor of a strategy. The best way to make your cowherd truly efficient, and your calf crop earn more, is to use Leachman $Profit®. This is the only index in the industry that works on both sides of the ledger (production AND cost). Cows that work! Steers that pay!

How $Profit ® Works

$Profit assumes that the average commercial bull will have 100 progeny over its lifetime. The model assumes that you keep 30% of your heifers as replacements and that you retain ownership on the remainder of the calves through finishing and sell on a grid. We realize that many don’t retain ownership, but doesn’t it make the most sense to select from birth all the way to slaughter? Feedlots have already proven their willingness to pay premiums for superior Leachman sired calves.

Our simulation model then factors in all of the effects on both income and expense to come up with a net profit figure for each bull. $Profit allows you to compare any two bulls and calculate the difference in profit that they are expected to generate in your herd. Let’s compare a $10,000 $Profit bull to $6,000 $Profit bull (the average 2008 born Angus bull). The predicted difference between the bulls is $4,000 or about $40 per calf. $Profit works for us and it will work for you too.

What Traits are Included in $Profit ®

$Profit includes nearly every trait that impacts profitability.

The effect of most traits on profit is fairly simple to understand. Here is the list of what is included and its effect:

Revenue Traits

▪ Calving ease = more calves

▪ Weaning and yearling EPD = more weight

▪ Cow Fertility = more calves at weaning

▪ Carcass weight = worth more up to 1050 lbs.

▪ Marbling = valued based on grid premiums

▪ Ribeye area = value as impacts yield grade

▪ % Retail Product = more yield is more meat

Cost Traits

▪ Cow mature size = in general bigger eats more

▪ Cow intake = more intake costs more

▪ Feedlot feed efficiency = cost of gain

Some traits are not so easily characterized for $Profit. Milk, for example, is a good thing until you get too much. When over +25, milk EPD has a more negative effect on fertility than it has a positive effect on weaning weight. There are a few traits not yet included in $Profit: udder, structure, and disposition. These traits are important but difficult to express in dollars.

Star System Explained

Calving Ease: The predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers.

 The easiest calving bulls in the industry.

 Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed.

 Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

(If no stars are shown, the animal is recommended for use on cows only.)

Maternal: An estimate of the maternal efficiency of the daughters this bull will produce.

Good qqq

Better qqqq

Best qqqqq

It includes cow size, milk, udder quality, fertility/longevity, growth, feed efficiency/intake and calving ease.

 Keep these heifers! They will make the most profitable females in the business.

Cow Fert: An estimate of the amount of calves the daughters will have in their lifetime.

 Will produce about 2 more calves in their life time than 1-Star fertility. This translates into a probable advantage in calf crop percentage of nearly 20%!

Udder: An estimate of the daughter’s udder quality.

 Thumb size teats and tight bag suspension.

Growth: A formula combines WW and YW to predict how much performance the bull will pass on to their progeny.

 Most growth.

Feed/Carc: A formula that combines: gain, conversion, carcass weight and carcass merit to predict post weaning performance.  Maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

Feet: An observation of the bull’s claw shape.

 Average, 4 & 5 star will improve you herd.

Disposition: An observation of the bull’s disposition.

 Average - respects flight zones and handles well, but is not a pet.

Pheno: An observation of the bull’s type and kind.

 Average - 4 and 5 star bulls will add phenotype.

Page 6 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

$Profit® Financial Indexes Allow You to HAVE

$Ranch ® – Profit from birth through weaning. Includes:

• Fertility, Milk, Growth

• Cow feed intake and mature size

$Feeder ® – Profit from weaning to harvest. Includes:

• Feed conversion

• Carcass value

• Carcass weight

$Profit ® – Puts it all together. $Ranch ® + $Feeder ®

• One number that predicts your bottom line !

Feed:Gain – Difference in the amount of feed a bull's progeny will consume to produce one pound of gain.

Example: A -0.50 F:G EPD means this animal's progeny will consume 1/2 pound less feed per pound of gain than would progeny of a 0.00 F:G EPD sire.

Feed Intake – Difference in feed consumption of each of a bull's progeny in a 112 day feeding period. Example: A steer whose sire has a -100 Intake EPD will eat 100 pounds less feed in 112 days than one whose sire had a zero Intake EPD.

Across Breed Comparisons


You cannot afford to make mistakes in your breeding program! Choosing to use sires with incomplete or low value data can unknowingly make your herd less profitable –same work, same cost, poor results - unacceptable. Leachman ABC’s are the most reliable and comprehensive EPDs in the industry. They are backed by a large (nearly a million), longstanding (over 30 years), multi-breed (over 15 breeds) database. Using this system assures you of making sound breeding decisions with minimal risk of failure.

On the Ranch, In the Feedlot, and On the Rail, $PROFIT ® simply works!


$ Indexes Explained
to compare!
Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% BW 1.9 0.4 -3.4 WW 40 48 69 YW 67 82 119 MILK 22 26 37 SC 0.53 0.77 1.37 HT 0.62 0.82 1.3 MAT WT 28 14 -21 REA 0.83 0.96 1.27 IMF 0.31 0.46 0.87 CAR WT 44 48 58 BF -0.04 -0.02 0.01 PAP -0.42 -0.94 -2.23
Feed Efficiency Explained Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% Feed:Gain 0.03 -0.05 -0.23 Intake 28 2 -62 Good Better Best % Rank Average Top 25% Top 1% $Profit $8,817 $14,173 $27,300 $Ranch $39 $78 $173 $Feeder $68 $105 $195
(928) 380-5149 Page 7

We make bull buying easy!

When it comes to picking bulls, the first thing you need to do is choose how to balance the traits. Maternal vs Feed/Carc. $Ranch vs $Feeder. Moderate cow size & fertility vs growth and carcass weight. Leachman Cattle provides MORE data than any other bull producer. We also provide BETTER data.

Most catalogs are pretty good at telling you which bulls are terminal -- just look at indexes like $Feeder, $Beef, or TI, or TSI. However, there are almost no good indexes for finding ideal maternal bulls. At Leachman, we have had the $Ranch index for some time. Now, we also have Udder stars and Fertility stars. As of today, neither Udder nor Fertility is in $Ranch. Thus, the best Maternal bulls combine $Ranch, Udder and Fertility.

Last year we introduced a new concept: AllAround Bulls™. These bulls score four stars or more on BOTH Maternal and Feed/Carc. They are elite for both $Ranch and $Feeder. By definition, they are high on $Profit. The Leachman sale offers more 4-Star and higher AllAround Bulls than any other sale in the country. Why or how? Simply put, we select for these bulls.

The AllAround Specialists are scored 4, 4.5, and 5 Stars. 5-Star AllAround bulls are five for both Maternal and Feed/Carc. 4.5-Star AllARound bulls are 4 on Maternal or Feed/Carc and 5 on the other. 4-Star AllAround bulls are 4 stars on both Maternal and Feed/Carc. We think that these AllAround bulls are the most valuable bulls in the industry. They give you maximum flexibility to keep heifers, sell calves, and/or feed our your calves and sell on a grid. These bulls will bring a little more, but they are worth it.

First choose your trait emphasis. Then buy as much $Profit as you can afford.

Choose between: Maternal trait Emphasis Feed/Carc trait Emphasis Balanced trait Emphasis

Moderate, fertile, longlived cows

What you get:

How you get it:

More pounds per acre

Many may excel in Feed/ Carc traits as well

Buy Four & Five Star Maternal bulls

High gaining and heavy carcass weight

Better conversion and more grid value

Many may excel in Maternal traits as well

Buy Four & Five Star Feed/ Carc bulls

These bulls combine 4 & 5 stars on both Maternal & Feed/Carc

Buy bulls with 4 - 5 AllAround Stars

Footnote designation: Maternal Specialists Calf Revenue Creator AllAround Specialists

NOTE: AllAround bulls can also be used as either Maternal or Feed/Carc Specialists. They are just as good as the specialist. Be sure to include them on your lists.

Hooks Capitalist 37C

This 5-Star Accuracy, 5-Star Maternal, Senior AI Herd Sire exemplifies the tremendous opportunity within our system to build an elite commercial herd that will stand the test of time. $Ranch 161 (Top <.1%), F:G -.02 (Top 33%), Intake -11 (Top 14%), Mat. Wt. 6.6, Gest. -1.65, 4-Star Udder, 4-Star Disp., 5-Star Fertility. All with proven Balanced Proofs and a -3.2 bw. ABC/EPD.

AllAround Five-Star Page 8 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
We highly encourage bidders to bid over the phone if using Superior, as varying internet speeds can cause problems.


The auction will be broadcast online at Bid.SuperiorLivestock.com and the pre-recorded videos will also be hosted there. You do not need an account just to watch the auction or view videos of the sale offering.


Go to Bid.SuperiorLivestock.com for Superior’s new online bidding platform. If you have not registered there before you will need to create an account if you wish to bid (there is no registration required just to watch the auction). Once you have created an account, request a buyer number and you will then be able to bid online with the largest and most trusted cattle marketing entity in North America. Superior’s new platform allows you to see both the live stream of the auction AND the pre-recorded videos on one screen at the same time!


This is Superior’s suggested bidding method for anybody who does not have consistent, high-speed internet. You still must register an account at Bid.SuperiorLivestock.com and request a buyer number and upon doing so you will see the bid line phone number. Just watch the auction online and call in at least 2 lots ahead of the lot you are looking to bid on. FOR HELP WITH REGISTRATION OR ANY PART OF THE BIDDING PROCESS PLEASE CALL SUPERIOR AT (800) 422-2117.

Marketing Assistance Program:

• Feeder Calves

• Replacement Females

• Bred Heifers, Cows and Pairs

If you need additional information on a particular program, call us at Bar T Bar Ranches.

(928) 380-5149 Page 9

Bar T Bar Partners

Quarter Circle H Angus

Quarter Circle H Angus LLC was established in 1985 as Quarter Circle H Farm and raised Holstein replacement heifers and alfalfa hay. A strong interest in animal genetics initiated the change from Holsteins to Angus cattle in 1996. After spending a little more than a year learning Angus genetics, expected progeny differences (EPDs) and traveling around the country looking at a lot of fine Angus cattle and talking to breeders, we purchased our foundation herd of 10 females from Mark and Abby Nelson of 5 Star Land and Livestock, Wilton, California.

Since purchasing our foundation herd of registered Angus to produce our seedstock cattle, we have focused on breeding our females to balanced herd sires that provide genetics to improve calving ease, growth, carcass and efficiency. We have seen firsthand, through our enrollment in the American Angus Association’s AHIR program and our association

with the Bar T Bar ranch, the value of paying attention to EPD and DNA data, and selecting traits that improve cattle genetics not only for our herd but our customers’ herds as well. We have been involved with the Bar T Bar Bull Sale since its inception and feel very fortunate to be included in the 2024 sale.

Diane and Larry Holland of Quarter Circle H Angus with their grandchildren.

Diamond G Ranch

Diamond G Ranch is a family-owned and operated ranch established in 1964. Located at the base of Mt. Taylor in Cibola County, managing the ranch during drought is a delicate balance between stocking density, feed and water availability, and matching the right type of cattle to our environment. Grazing management has long been the most important factor for successful and sustained range livestock production on our ranch. Like most New Mexico range livestock producers, Diamond G Ranch is in the business of forage production. Diamond G’s cow herd genetics are fundamental to our drought management plan, helping to ensure cow herd fertility remains high during sustained periods of drought.

Diamond G Ranch has used Bar T Bar Ranch Southern Balancer genetics for more than 20 years. Our cattle are registered hybrid seedstock that have documented pedigrees and expected progeny differences (EPDs). Diamond G Balancer cattle are 25 to 75 percent Gelbvieh with the balance of Angus or Red Angus. Balancer cattle combine Gelbvieh growth, fertility, longevity and low Yield Grade with Angus carcass qualities. The Diamond G Balancer cow herd has maintained a consistent, high (approx-

imate 90 percent or better) breeding percentage, a 60-day breeding season and average weaning weights of 550 to 600 lbs.

A good drought management plan is all about taking the “guesswork” out of decision-making and helping producers take control of their production and marketing options. Balancer cattle are an integral part of our drought management plan and have allowed the Diamond G Ranch to make proactive decisions that minimize negative effects on rangeland and/or livestock production during prolonged periods of drought.

Wade and Maggie Woodbury of Diamond G Ranch.

Page 10 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

Bar T Bar Females fit our outfit to a T!

"We were looking for some quality, foundation females to build a herd. So, we started buying bred females from Bob and Judy. We were really pleased with how they got out and covered our country. They hold their body condition well. Plus, there is no maintenance required at calving time. The temperament is outstanding. Best of all, my breed-back has been 92 – 95%"

Scott Stratton

Dos S Land & Cattle, Willcox, AZ

It’s a good sign when your neighbors call about buying your heifer calves!

Cade, Jeanne, Scott, and Samuel Stratton
(928) 380-5149 Page 11
Cade Stratton and his dog, Gallo, admire the Bar T Bar cows on the Dos S Land & Cattle, at Willcox, AZ.

Real Ranchers –Real Tough Country – Real Results!

Bar T Bar bulls work in some of the toughest conditions in North America. They specialize in soundness and fertility – with added heterosis, optimal growth, and strong carcass merit.

Don’t take our word for it, here is what our customers have to say:

“We have been using Bar T Bar Balancer bulls for 15 years. The yearlings hold up just like Bob said they would. In 2020, we had good, early grass before the drought set in. Amazingly, our 3’s and 4’s came in 98% pregnant in our 90-day breeding season. We feed the calves out through Country Natural Beef and 90% of our last set hit the program requirements.”

Danny Major Major Cattle Company Chino Valley, AZ

Page 12 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Danny & Lyn and their daughters, Natalie and Olivia

Real Ra nch ers –Real Tough Country – Real Results!

“In 2019 we moved our cattle from the the high country at 5,000 feet to the semi desert at 2,200 feet elevation. We moved them with a customer that runs 3,800 cows. We had been selling them bulls and advising them since 2015. The herd was divided into Reds, Blacks and Charolais cows, with over 1/2 being straigthbred Charolais. We started using Balancers and Southern Balancers from my herd in the high country. We started with the Blacks and Reds and then were allowed to include the Charolais. Our genetics have been Bar T Bar genetics for the last 33 years, when we brought our first bull from them.

The quality of the ensuing cattle encouraged us to bypass selling at the border and retaining ownership of the cattle in feedlots in Hereford, Texas. We soon graduated to selling the catle in the meat.

The Balancer and Southern Balancer influence became evident. The DMI and conversions were improved, and to our pleasant surprise, quality grades and yield grades were more than outstanding. In a difficult feeding year, all of the 900 cattle harvested made money. Our cattle quality was described by one of our feedlot managers as being in the top 20% as compared to good US cattle. In various lots, the grid value of the cattle exceeded the live price by 10 - 12 cents per lb of live weight.

On the cow side we are very happy with the fertility, udders and docility of the cows. We are moving towards a terminal system eventually.”

Chapo Varela and Ray Rodriguez, Sonora, Mexico Ray Rodriguez, Rancher in Sonora, Mexico
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Jesus Fimbres, Ray Rodriguez, and Sam Garcia

Four Generations of Cattlemen!

Ernest and Evelyn Chilson in the early 1950’s in the office at Crater Ranch.


Boss Chilson (Judy’s Grandfather) had holdings in Tonto Basin.


Sold holdings in Tonto Basin and acquired Pitchfork Ranch near Winslow

Bud Prosser with new frozen ampule machine before starting IBB with Mac Cropsey

Bob & Judy Prosser met working at the AICA.



Boss Chilson acquired holdings at Double Circle on the Mogollon Rim. Cattle were trailed every year from Payson to Double Circle a 60-mile trek.


Bud Prosser (Bob’s Dad) and Mac Cropsey built International Beef Breeders an all Beef Semen collection facility in Broomfield, CO.

1950’s Added a Registered Hereford herd

IBB flyer promoting AI sired Champion Steers 3 years in a row owned by Clayton Jennings .


Ernest Chilson (Judy’s father) began performance testing the registered Hereford herd.



Bud Prosser believed in crossbreeding. He promoted this at IBB by offering Dwarf-free Beef semen.


Bob & Judy meet working for the American International Charolais Association

Moved to Bar T the Registered Hereford duced Angus, Charolais, the breeding program.

MARC released Clay Center’s Phase II Germplasm report highlighting the pounds weaned per cow exposed advantage of Gelbvieh Cattle.


Married and The Market a sales management and bull development company

1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980
Judy Prosser’s grandfather, Boss Chilson, pictured with with one of the Carload of bulls they purchased at Denver in the early 40’s. He was born in 1876.
Page 14 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

2008 was a Bar T Bar Ranch Reunion celebrating 70 years of operation with 3 of the 4 generations represented.

Bar Ranch Co. managing Hereford herd and introCharolais, and Gelbvieh to program.


and started Market Company management development

Beef Award 2011 where Prosser’s and their neighbors, the Metzger’s, were awarded the Beef Magazine Trailblazer Award for their work in Stewardship and Innovation

Judy, Bob, Spencer, and Warren with a Charolais heifer they raised.



Balancer recognized as a breed

Fully committed to Composite bull program utilizing Balancer (Gelbvieh x Angus) genetics


1998 (to Present)

The 1st or 2nd largest producer of Dams of Merit or Dams of Distinction in the US


With the help of Ernest Chilson, Prossers purchased Bar T Bar Ranch.


Southern Balancer recognized as a breed- Industry Excellence with a touch of ear.


Awarded USFS National Rangeland Stewardship Award and Region 6 NCBA Stewardship winner.


Awarded Range Manager of the Year by Arizona SRM. Bob was awarded Cattlemen of the Year by Arizona Cattlegrowers’ Association.


Bar T Bar & Flying M Ranch awarded BEEF magazine's Trail Blazer Award for our work with Diablo Trust



Started selling our commercial cattle through Country Natural Beef and collecting carcass data


Implemented Ultrasound Scanning for Carcass traits and PAP testing.


Received the Country Natural Beef award for the Most Profitable Lot of Cattle in the Rocky Mountain Region




Installed Growsafe Feed Efficiency Testing System at headquarters and held first bull sale on the Ranch

Began Individual Feed efficiency testing the bulls and held our sale in Nevada at Snyders’

Developed a formal Board of Directors for the ranch to include family & Chuck Phillips, Duane Coleman, Tom Field, and Burke Teichert

(928) 380-5149 Page 15

Breeding efficient seedstock with the latest technology. . . .

Bar T Bar was one of the first operations to install a GrowSafe system and start measuring feed intake. Whether you are worried about feed costs, stocking rate, or reduction of your herd’s carbon footprint – the solution is to select for cattle that EFFICIENTLY utilize FEED to produce MORE pounds. Plus every bull is scanned for carcass traits AND tested genomically! They specialize in soundness and fertility – with added heterosis, optimal growth, and strong carcass merit.

Most bull breeders just select for more and more yearling EPD –those bulls will lead to higher and higher feed costs for your herd! Feed consumption is the #1 driver of cost on your ranch.

Bar T Bar Heifers Earn

$211 More per Head

(Compared to 6,773 Other Gap 4 Head)

95% Choice & Better

Average YG: 2.8

Hot Carcass Weight: 851 lbs.

Ribeye Area: 13.4 Sq Inches

Gain Per Day 3.3 (vs Avg. of 2.6)

Cost of Gain Advantage: $0.13/lb!

Page 16 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

But still keeping the females right!

The biggest challenge in the cow business is balancing post weaning traits with maternal traits.

Post Weaning

• Gain

• Carcass Weight

• Feed Conversion

• Ribeye & Marbling

– VS. –


• Fertility

• Cow Size & Feed Intake

• Fleshing Ability

• Udder Quality & Disposition

Bar T Bar cows are objectively BETTER:

• More Udder Quality – ranking top 21%

• More Fertility – ranking top 16%

• More $Ranch – ranking top 11%

• Less MWT – most moderate 35%

(928) 380-5149 Page 17

How to read this catalog

1. Reg#: the registration number of the animal. NotReg means the animal is not registered. Pending means that a registration number has been applied for, but was not issued at the time of catalog printing.

2. Brd: Shows the percentage of each breed.

3. DOB: date of birth

4. P = polled. S = scurred. H = horned. PP = Homozygous Polled. PH = Heterozygous Polled.

5. Cooperator herd where the bull was raised.

6. Color: BBK=homozygous black, BLK = black, BWF = black white face, BBF = black brockle face, RED = red, RWF = red white face, WHT = white, BRC = black red carrier.

7. Pen numbers will be on Supplement sheet.

8. Genetic Defect codes - a C appended to the end denotes carrier and an F denotes tested free and P denotes possible but untested.

NH - Neuropathic Hydrocephalus

AM - Arthrogryposis Multiplex

CA - Contractural Arachnodactyly

OS - Osteopetrosis

DD -Developmental Duplication

Phenotype Scores to Make Bull Buying Easier:

9. CE: Calving Ease is the predicted calving ease if you use the bull on heifers. If there is a number in the brown box, this indicates the breed calculated calving ease direct EPD. In addition, we provide our Leachman estimated calving star system.

***** The easiest calving bulls in the industry.

**** Use on smaller heifers with minimal assistance needed

*** Use on larger heifers with some assistance expected.

10. Maternal: This is an estimate of maternal efficiency, NOT milk. It includes $Ranch, Udder EPD and Fertility EPD as the basis for the Star system. The bulls are scored from one star to five stars. Five Star bulls will produce some of the most profitable, good uddered cows in the industry.

Professional Bull Buyers Guide

Blue boxes are Association numbers Yellow shaded boxes are top 25%

11. Fertility: Predicts the number of calves that a bull’s daughters will have in the first 8 years of their life. As Fertility stars go up we would expect you to have a higher % weaned calf crop.

12. Udder EPD: This EPD assesses the bag attachment and teat size of the bull’s daughters. Bulls with 5 & 4 stars should sire females with exceptional udder quality.

13. Growth: This is a score from one star to five stars, where five stars means maximum growth. Even the one star bulls are as growthy as any bull in America 20 years ago.

14. Feedlot: This looks at all of the post weaning traits including gain, conversion, carcass weight, and carcass merit. Scored from one star to five stars, where five stars would produce maximum overall value in your feeder calves.

15. Feet: Is an estimate of the claw shape of an animal’s feet. The bulls are scored on a 1 to 5 scale. Bulls that are 5 and 4 Star for Feet should improve your herds feet and have a low incidence of claw issues himself. One star bulls should be used in a terminal breeding program.

16. Disposition: Our traditional score of 1 – 5 on disposition. Score 5 bulls are bulls you can walk up to and touch. Score 3 is about average historically for Leachman bulls. However, we are making a concerted effort to improve disposition, so most bulls score 3 or higher. The bulls scored 2.5 or 2 are nervous and do not like to be in close quarters with people on foot – but they are great for big range operations.

17. Phenotype: A combination of eye appeal and overall kind. Scored from one star to five stars. Five star bulls are the best phenotypic bulls in the sale (in our opinion)! Two star bulls are less attractive visually than average.

3037 MR BLACK CROSS 3037L 1574420 3/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 9GV53AN26AR13BM BLK P CED 22 YHT 5.2 LZS-Elite Surprise 191 CEM 16 IMF 1.11 LZS-Elite Tendency 2125 BW -5.5 REA 0.76 LZS-Powers Tendency 1935 WW 45 F/G 0.12 LSF SRR Commander 5906C YW 92 Intake 60 MS RED CROSS 1119 MI 21 SCR 37.1 MS RED CROSS 9388 MWT 1,208 PAP 3.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $98 13% $Feeder $193 1% $Profit $23,010 3% #9 $Feeder S.Bal, #3 Marbling EPD S.Bal, 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal Southern Balancer
11 10 12 13 14 15 16 27 29 26 25 24 23 28 22 21 20 19 18 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 30 31 32 17 33 34 35
Page 18 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/


18. $Ranch EPD: This Leachman profit index that predicts weaning profitability based on calving ease, weaning weight, maternal milk, cow cost, and FERTILITY. Based on producing 100 calves. This EPD assumes a slide on calf prices of $10 / cwt.

19. $Feeder: This number is expressed in terms of the bull’s added value to the sale price of your feeder calves. It is expressed in dollars per head. Thus when comparing a +100 bull vs. a +50 bull, we expect the first bull to sire calves worth $50 per head more at weaning (regardless of their weight).

20. $Profit™ EPD: One, simple, proven number that gives each trait a weight according to its impact on profit.


Breed Association EPDs (Expected Progeny Differences) are listed for all registered animals. Leachman ABCs (Across Breed Comparisons) are listed for all un-registered animals. All ABCs are on an Angus base and can be compared across breeds within this catalog. EPDs are appropriate association EPDs without any adjustments.

21. Calving Ease Direct EPD from AGA on the Gelbvieh and from AAA on the Angus.

22. Calving Ease Maternal EPD from AGA on the Gelbvieh and from AAA on the Angus.

23. Birth weight EPD from AGA on the Gelbvieh and from AAA on the Angus.

24. Weaning weight EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Composites are expressed on an Angus scale.

25. Yearling EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Composites are expressed on an Angus scale.

26. Milk EPD/ABC expressed on a breed scale. The Composites are expressed on an Angus scale. This is the best predictor of a bull’s daughter’s ability to milk. It measures the difference in weaning weight that will be produced between one bull’s daughters and another bull’s daughters due solely to milk.

27. MWT is the predicted mature weight of daughters that you will get if you use the bull on a 1250 pound cow. If your cows weigh 1350, add 100 to this predicted weight. If your cows weigh only 1150, subtract 100 from this predicted weight. This EPD is the best indicator of daughter size -- far better than frame score or yearling height.

28. YHT is an EPD, expressed as frame score, predicting the yearling frame score of a sire’s progeny, compared to that of other sires.

29. IMF is the ultrasound based EPD/ABC for marbling expressed on a breed scale. The Composites are expressed on an Angus scale.

30. REA is the ultrasound based EPD/ABC for ribeye area expressed on a breed scale. The Composites are expressed on an Angus scale.

31. F:G is the pedigree estimated feed to gain EPD that predicts the feedlot efficiency of the bulls offspring. A negative number means that the bull’s progeny will feed more efficiently. Example: -0.50 means that the bulls progeny will require ½ pound less feed per pound of gain.

32. Intake: is an estimate of the amount of feed that the bull’s progeny will consume over a 112 day feeding period. It is expressed in pounds. Animals with higher intake will consume more throughout their life. Animals with lower intake will consume less.

33. SC is an EPD, expressed in centimeters, predicting the yearling scrotal circumference of a sire’s progeny, compared to that of other sires.

34. PAP: PAP EPD. Actual PAP Scores will be on supplement sheet .

35. Bulls with the red “Southern Balancer” have > 12% American Breeds.

Key to bull comments:

• Any reference to % rank is the percentile rank within that bull’s breed. Top 1% means the animal ranks better than 99% of the population on that trait.

• Reference to the number rank (i.e. #2 $Profit) is the bulls rank within his breed within the sale bulls for that trait. So, #4 F:G ST means the 4th best Feed:Gain Stabilizer bull in the sale.

• Other abbreviations used in the comments include:

• Dam 5@101 NR – indicates that the bull’s dam has five calves with an average weaning ratio of 101

• WR & NR = weaning or nursing ratio. How the calf ranked within herd on their adjusted weaning weight.

• YR = yearling ratio. How the calf ranked within herd on adjusted yearling weight.

• AWW = adjusted 205 day weaning weight. AYW = adjusted 365 day yearling weight.

• REA & IMF = either adjusted data or ratios for ultrasound ribeye area and inter-muscular fat (marbling).

• ADG = average daily gain on test. WDA = weight per day of age at a year.

(928) 380-5149 Page 19

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls


3/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 15GV58AN2AR26XX BRC S CED 19 YHT 5.4 G A R High Security JSF 4005 CEM 11 IMF 0.59 MR BLACK CROSS 1080 BW -3.0 REA 1.11 MS BLACK CROSS 9158 WW 51 F/G -0.39 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 92 Intake -2 9072G MI 19 SCR 36.7 6493 MWT 1,229 PAP 0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea
$Ranch $117 8% $Feeder $175 2% $Profit $24,354 2%
3.2% Cow Fertility EPD, #4 Feed:Gain EPD Balancer, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
G3002 GDDG MR BLACK CROSS 3002L 1583463
eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea
3/6/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 50GV50AN BBK P CED 20 YHT 5.9 Mill Brae Identified 4031 CEM 12 IMF 0.75 HCC Whitewater 9010 BW -3.2 REA 1.27 Rock Creek Sara 6066 WW 58 F/G 0.07 ALUMNI 7513A ET YW 106 Intake 169 MS BLACK CROSS 5130 MI 32 SCR 37.3 MS OK SCARLETT 6R3 ET MWT 1,259 PAP -1.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eecaa eeeca eeeee $Ranch $78 22% $Feeder $198 0.8% $Profit $21,811 4% Top 8.2% WW EPD, #11 YW EPD Balancer, #4 Ribeye EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574449 2/26/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 21GV55AN6AR14SM BBK P CED 21 YHT 4.9 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 11 IMF 0.90 LCoC Devout U726J BW -5.9 REA 0.87 KLK Stabilizer GU420 WW 36 F/G 0.07 Mr Black Cross 6144 YW 67 Intake -39 MS BLACK CROSS 1214 MI 21 SCR 35.9 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4327 MWT 1,205 PAP 0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeea $Ranch $119 7% $Feeder $187 1% $Profit $25,153 2% Top 0.7% Marbling EPD, Top 15.6% Mature Wt EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
3006 MR
Headed out after branding Page 20 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot G3004

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls


1583637 3/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 50GV50AN BLK P CED 18 YHT 5.7 G A R Ashland CEM 11 IMF 0.84 HPCA Vercingetorix BW -1.9 REA 1.18 H P C A Sure Fire P245 WW 55 F/G 0.04 ALUMNI 7513A ET YW 99 Intake 114 MS BLACK CROSS 5130 MI 35 SCR 36.5 MS OK SCARLETT 6R3 ET MWT 1,239 PAP -2.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeee $Ranch $74 24% $Feeder $207 0.5% $Profit $22,073 4% #11 $Feeder Balancer, Top 1.3% Marb EPD, #9 Ribeye EPD, #2 Udder EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
1574392 2/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV83AN BBK P CED 16 YHT 6.1 G A R Sure Fire CEM 6 IMF 1.17 G A R High Security JSF 4005 BW -0.8 REA 1.23 G A R High Design 781 WW 71 F/G -0.25 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E YW 136 Intake 88 MS BLACK CROSS 1002 MI 18 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 9082 MWT 1,263 PAP 1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeee eecaa eeeca eeeca $Ranch $90 16% $Feeder $309 0.0% $Profit $30,819 0.2% #2 $Profit Balancer, #1 $Feeder, #1 YW EPD, #2 Marb EPD, #7 Ribeye EPD 4.5-Star AllAround Bull! G3007 GDDG MR BLACK CROSS 3007L ET
3/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 50GV50AN BRC P CED 20 YHT 6.1 Mill Brae Identified 4031 CEM 13 IMF 0.94 HCC Whitewater 9010 BW -5.1 REA 1.34 Rock Creek Sara 6066 WW 56 F/G -0.03 ALUMNI 7513A ET YW 103 Intake 171 MS BLACK CROSS 5130 MI 31 SCR 37.4 MS OK SCARLETT 6R3 ET MWT 1,241 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $96 14% $Feeder $224 0.2% $Profit $25,444 1% #5 $Feeder Balancer, Top 10.5% WW EPD, #9 Marb EPD, #1 Ribeye EPD 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
1574483 2/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 33GV57AN2AR8SM BBK P CED 15 YHT 6.0 SydGen Bonus 8084 CEM 8 IMF 0.99 LCoC Bonus S022J BW -3.8 REA 0.99 MSF Pride GS039 WW 42 F/G -0.15 PRO-HART CAPPUCCINO 410B YW 78 Intake -32 MS BLACK CROSS 1334 MI 16 SCR 35.8 MS BLACK CROSS 8095 MWT 1,222 PAP 1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $60 31% $Feeder $249 0.0% $Profit $23,669 3% #2 $Feeder Balancer, #5 Marbling EPD Balancer 5-Star Calf Revenue Creator!
3012 MR
(928) 380-5149 Page 21
Lot G3006

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls





Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal

BN Infl.




3012L 1583431 3/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 34GV52AN2AR13XX BRC P CED 18 YHT 5.5 G A R High Security JSF 4005 CEM 9 IMF 0.67 MR BLACK CROSS 1080 BW -2.1 REA 0.95 MS BLACK CROSS 9158 WW 52 F/G -0.43 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 96 Intake -22 1025J MI 18 SCR 36.4 8073 MWT 1,208 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eecaa $Ranch $124 6% $Feeder $163 4% $Profit $23,991 2% #2 Feed:Gain EPD Balancer, Top 6% Marbling and Top 10% YW EPDs 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574419 3/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 31GV39AN5AR19SM BBK P CED 20 YHT 5.3 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 12 IMF 0.84 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -4.8 REA 0.98 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 54 F/G 0.36 BTBR SAGUARO 8111F ET YW 91 Intake 25 MS BLACK CROSS 1116 MI 12 SCR 37.6 MS BLACK CROSS 7230 MWT 1,192 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $141 4% $Feeder $175 2% $Profit $26,495 1% Top 1.3% Marbling EPD, #9 Mature Wt EPD Balancer 4-Star
3/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 9GV44AN15SM16BM BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.1 LCoC Nightride R072E CEM 11 IMF 0.48 LCoC Nightride S614J BW -4.8 REA 0.61 GRU Stabilizer DD037 WW 46 F/G 0.13 VFF MR ADV 87-4 YW 73 Intake 63 MS BLACK CROSS 1271 MI 19 SCR 34.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4138 MWT 1,226 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca
$84 19% $Feeder $49 60% $Profit $10,433 37%
Southern Balancer
4 Star Calving ease and add heterosis to your Cow herd with S. Balancer
3/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 8GV62AN19AR11SM BLK P CED 17 YHT 5.2 LZS-Elite Surprise 191 CEM 13 IMF 1.12 LZS-Elite Tendency 2125 BW -4.0 REA 0.59 LZS-Powers Tendency 1935 WW 47 F/G -0.01 LCoC Decree S022G YW 92 Intake 93 MS RED CROSS 1020 MI 22 SCR 36.6 MS RED CROSS 9041 MWT 1,224 PAP 0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $46 40% $Feeder $174 2% $Profit $16,364 14% #4 Marbling EPD Balancer, #1
EPD Balancer
3/14/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV56AN8AR3BN BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.4 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 10 IMF 0.87 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -1.3 REA 0.74 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 45 F/G -0.25 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 88 Intake 2 1070J MI 27 SCR 36.5 8076F MWT 1,240 PAP -0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $78 22% $Feeder $196 0.8% $Profit $21,671 4% #8 $Feeder S.Bal, #10 Marb
F:G EPD, #6 Udder
EPD, #6
EPD, 3%
Pen: EPDs 17GV63AN16AR3BN BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.0 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 11 IMF 0.85 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -4.4 REA 0.94 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 38 F/G -0.11 MR BLACK CROSS 9201 YW 80 Intake 8 MS BLACK CROSS 1338 MI 22 SCR 36.0 MS BLACK CROSS 9075 MWT 1,219 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $105 11% $Feeder $207 0.5% $Profit $25,229 2% #9 $Profit S.Bal, #6 $Feeder, Top 1.2% Marbling EPD, 3% BN Influ bull. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/3/23 BTB
Page 22 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Bobby Tunney

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls

3033 MR RED CROSS 3033L

Top 2.9% Feed:Gain EPD, Feet Improver! #9 PAP EPD Balancer

3/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 6GV16AN43AR27SM RED P CED 15 YHT 5.7 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.66 Leachman Habanero W022H BW -1.2 REA 0.89 GWV Stabilizer 804 WW 47 F/G 0.04 LSF SRR President 8177F (A135F) YW 76 Intake 87 MS RED CROSS 1049 MI 31 SCR 37.0 MS RED CROSS 9094 MWT 1,219 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $94 15% $Feeder $95 28% $Profit $16,268 15% Top 6.9% Marbling EPD, 3% BM Influenced bull.
1574738 3/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 35GV51AN14AR BRC P CED 18 YHT 5.8 G A R High Security JSF 4005 CEM 9 IMF 0.70 MR BLACK CROSS 1080 BW -3.4 REA 0.91 MS BLACK CROSS 9158 WW 50 F/G -0.28 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 100 Intake 57 MS BLACK CROSS 1329 MI 25 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 7162 MWT 1,232 PAP -2.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $119 7% $Feeder $191 1% $Profit $25,487 1%
5% Cow Fert EPD, Top 0.2% F:G EPD, #4 Udder
Balancer, #7
AllAround Bull.
3/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 14GV32AN20AR33SM RED P CED 19 YHT 5.3 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 11 IMF 0.56 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -3.0 REA 0.91 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 44 F/G -0.18 LCoC Decree S022G YW 79 Intake 91 MS RED CROSS 1127 MI 23 SCR 36.2 BTBR MS RED CROSS 3058 MWT 1,208 PAP -1.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $98 13% $Feeder $115 18% $Profit $17,974 10%
1574420 3/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 9GV53AN26AR13BM BLK P CED 22 YHT 5.2 LZS-Elite Surprise 191 CEM 16 IMF 1.11 LZS-Elite Tendency 2125 BW -5.5 REA 0.76 LZS-Powers Tendency 1935 WW 45 F/G 0.12 LSF SRR Commander 5906C YW 92 Intake 60 MS RED CROSS 1119 MI 21 SCR 37.1 MS RED CROSS 9388 MWT 1,208 PAP 3.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $98 13% $Feeder $193 1% $Profit $23,010 3% #9 $Feeder S.Bal, #3 Marbling EPD S.Bal, 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal Southern Balancer
(928) 380-5149 Page 23
Lot 3032

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls









1574439 3/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 24GV65AN9BN2XX BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.5 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 8 IMF 1.05 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -3.4 REA 1.04 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 52 F/G 0.09 G A R High Security JSF 4005 YW 98 Intake 44 MS BLACK CROSS 1192 MI 21 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 5317 MWT 1,200 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $100 13% $Feeder $233 0.1% $Profit $26,514 1% #6 $Profit S.Bal, #2 $Feeder, #5 Marbling EPD, 9% BN Influenced bull. 5-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
1574461 3/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 6GV74AN12AR8SM BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.4 SydGen Bonus 8084 CEM 10 IMF 1.14 LCoC Bonus S022J BW -2.8 REA 0.63 MSF Pride GS039 WW 42 F/G -0.02 B3R B322 ELECTOR BTB R039 YW 80 Intake -3 MS BLACK CROSS 1258 MI 24 SCR 36.5 MS RED CROSS 9077 MWT 1,227 PAP 2.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $82 20% $Feeder $202 0.6% $Profit $22,624 3% #3 Marbling EPD Balancer, Feet Improver! 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator.
3/26/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV19AN63XX BRC H CED 14 YHT 5.9 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 8 IMF 0.42 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -2.3 REA 1.05 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 44 F/G -0.12 YW 80 Intake 12 4061 MI 26 SCR 37.1 MWT 1,232 PAP -1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $46 40% $Feeder $117 17% $Profit $12,985 26% Top 9% Feed:Gain with Top 10% Ribeye area. Great to feed out!
1583450 3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 12GV48AN25AR3BN BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.7 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 9 IMF 0.73 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -1.8 REA 0.74 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 41 F/G 0.07 AHL Redemption 429B YW 82 Intake 41 8030 MI 25 SCR 37.5 6008G MWT 1,195 PAP 0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $66 28% $Feeder $126 13% $Profit $15,541 17% Top 3.8% Marb
Top 6.7% Mature Wt EPD,
BN Influenced bull.
1574495 3/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV73AN3AR2XX BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.0 T C A Visionary 158 CEM 10 IMF 0.73 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E BW -4.6 REA 0.69 Top Norel BG276 WW 44 F/G -0.27 MR BLACK CROSS 9377 YW 82 Intake -56 MS BLACK CROSS 1409 MI 26 SCR 36.6 MS BLACK CROSS 7326 MWT 1,245 PAP -0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $81 20% $Feeder $164 4% $Profit $18,923 8% Top 0.3% Feed:Gain EPD, Top 4% Marbling
3/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 47GV53AN BBK P CED 18 YHT 6.0 G A R Sure Fire CEM 7 IMF 0.64 G A R High Security JSF 4005 BW -3.2 REA 1.09 G A R High Design 781 WW 65 F/G -0.37 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 116 Intake 65 MS BLACK CROSS 1247 MI 18 SCR 36.7 MS BLACK CROSS 7129 MWT 1,252 PAP 0.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeec $Ranch $116 8% $Feeder $189 1% $Profit $25,073 2% #3 WW EPD Balancer, #3 YW EPD, #7 Feed:Gain EPD, #9 Udder EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574468 3/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 21GV43AN11AR15SM BRC S CED 19 YHT 5.2 LCoC Nightride R072E CEM 11 IMF 0.79 LCoC Nightride S614J BW -5.8 REA 0.34 GRU Stabilizer DD037 WW 36 F/G 0.13 MR BLACK CROSS 9377 YW 62 Intake 24 MS BLACK CROSS 1281 MI 23 SCR 35.7 MS BLACK CROSS 7294 MWT 1,165 PAP -1.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeaaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $143 3% $Feeder $85 35% $Profit $20,373 6% #10 $Ranch S.Bal, Top 2.2% Marb EPD, #1 MWt EPD, 3% BN Influenced 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3051 MR
Page 24 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot 3050


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls






Lot 3057

1574489 3/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 17GV54AN13AR14SM BRC P CED 17 YHT 4.5 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 10 IMF 0.88 LCoC Devout U726J BW -4.2 REA 0.54 KLK Stabilizer GU420 WW 27 F/G 0.13 B3R B322 ELECTOR BTB R039 YW 49 Intake 29 MS BLACK CROSS 1363 MI 23 SCR 36.1 MS RED CROSS 9306 MWT 1,169 PAP 1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeaa eaaaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $46 40% $Feeder $84 35% $Profit $10,658 36%
0.9% Marbling EPD, #3 Mature Wt EPD Balancer, Feet Improver!
1574633 3/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 15GV46AN29AR6SM BRC P CED 24 YHT 5.9 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 14 IMF 0.62 Leachman Headline K038H BW -6.3 REA 0.61 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 48 F/G -0.24 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 102 Intake 61 MS BLACK CROSS 8356 MI 17 SCR 36.7 BTBR MS RED CROSS 5160 MWT 1,209 PAP 0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $133 5% $Feeder $127 13% $Profit $22,327 4%
0.7% Feed:Gain EPD,
Cow Fertility and Top 5% YW
Top 7%
1574532 3/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 21GV62AN7AR6SM BRC P CED 15 YHT 6.2 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 8 IMF 0.83 Leachman Headline K038H BW -2.1 REA 0.66 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 54 F/G -0.15 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 98 Intake -6 MS BLACK CROSS 5030 MI 21 SCR 37.2 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3094 MWT 1,240 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca $Ranch $130 5% $Feeder $171 3% $Profit $25,147 2% Top 3.7% Cow Fertility EPD, Top 1.5% Marbling EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574686 3/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 21GV23AN10AR47SG BRC P CED 10 YHT 6.1 Harris Farms 190E CEM 6 IMF 0.23 QVF Jackpot 5369G8 BW 1.0 REA 0.72 Red Doc 5369 WW 52 F/G -0.06 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2216 YW 79 Intake 74 MS BLACK CROSS 9467 MI 24 SCR 36.7 MS BLACK CROSS 6074 MWT 1,204 PAP 0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eaaaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $111 9% $Feeder $17 79% $Profit $11,638 31%
Southern Balancer
Top 9% $Ranch, with lower cow size and improved Feed:Gain 4-Star AllAround Bull.
(928) 380-5149 Page 25


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls




$Ranch $139 4%



$224 0.2%

#4 $Profit Balancer, #4 $Feeder, #7 Cow Fert, Top 1.8% Marbling EPD 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!





eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea

$Ranch $90 17% $Feeder $251 0.0% $Profit $26,756 1% #5 $Profit S.Bal, #1 $Feeder, #8 WW, #5 Ribeye, #9 F:G EPD, 3% BN Infl. 5-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal

1574413 3/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 37GV46AN14AR3BN BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.2 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 10 IMF 0.63 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -6.1 REA 0.77 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 27 F/G -0.03 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 62 Intake -54 MS BLACK CROSS 1086 MI 16 SCR 36.1 MS BLACK CROSS 9350 MWT 1,183 PAP 0.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeca $Ranch $152 2% $Feeder $150 6% $Profit $25,919 1% #7 $Profit S.Bal, #6 $Ranch, #6 Cow Fert, #6 Mature Wt, 3% BN Infl. 5-Star Maternal Specialist!
1574517 3/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 32GV49AN7AR6SM BRC P CED 19 YHT 5.9 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 9 IMF 0.62 Leachman Headline K038H BW -4.2 REA 0.86 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 50 F/G -0.39 ABF2070Z YW 86 Intake -19 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4146 MI 23 SCR 36.0 MS BLACK CROSS 5127 MWT 1,233 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eecaa $Ranch $152 2% $Feeder $141 8% $Profit $25,274 2% #8 $Ranch Balancer, #8 Cow Fertility Balancer, #5 Feed:Gain EPD 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!
3/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 20GV66AN5AR6SM BBK P CED 18 YHT 5.8 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 12 IMF 0.77 Leachman Headline K038H BW -0.6 REA 0.68 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 68 F/G -0.52 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 127 Intake 5 MS BLACK CROSS 7082 MI 19 SCR 37.2 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1312 MWT 1,255 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeec eeeee $Ranch $110 10% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $23,694 3% #2 WW EPD Balancer, #2
YW EPD Balancer, #1 Feed:Gain EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
Pen: EPDs 19GV51AN8AR22SM BRC P CED 13 YHT 5.6
Decree X936D CEM 6 IMF 0.81 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -0.5 REA 1.03 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 53 F/G -0.28 G A R High Security
4005 YW 92 Intake 16 MS BLACK CROSS 1096 MI 17 SCR 37.2 MS BLACK CROSS 9460 MWT 1,205 PAP -0.9
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeca eeeea
3/8/23 BTB
$Profit $29,756 0.4%
1574401 3/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV63AN4AR12SM BBK P CED 16 YHT 5.9 Leachman Groomsman S029G CEM 8 IMF 0.79 Leachman King James U356J BW -2.0 REA 1.16 LAM Stabilizer FS231 WW 57 F/G -0.21 G A R High Security JSF 4005 YW 104 Intake 28 MS BLACK CROSS 1040 MI 23 SCR 36.9 MS BLACK CROSS 9447 MWT 1,243 PAP 0.6
Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth
Lot 3060 Lot 3065
Page 26 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot 3070


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls




$Ranch $93 15% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $22,384 4%

Top 6.4% Marbling EPD, #1 Feed:Gain EPD S.Bal, 3% BN Influenced bull. 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal

Brittany & Charlie Hall





1574409 3/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 52GV18AN17AR11SM BLK P CED 17 YHT 6.2 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D CEM 10 IMF 0.57 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F BW -3.8 REA 0.61 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 WW 46 F/G -0.40 LCoC Decree S022G YW 91 Intake 44 MS RED CROSS 1071 MI 19 SCR 36.1 MS RED CROSS 9102 MWT 1,189 PAP -1.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeec eeeca $Ranch $121 7% $Feeder $114 18% $Profit $20,247 6% #3 Feed:Gain EPD Balancer, #8 Mature Wt EPD Balancer, #6 Udder EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574459 3/10/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 48GV46AN3BN3XX BBK P CED 15 YHT 5.7 MR BLACK CROSS 8235 ET CEM 9 IMF 0.67 PLAINSMAN JACKSON 1148J BW -2.1 REA 1.00 PRAIRIE GAL 8065F WW 47 F/G -0.57 MR BLACK CROSS 8347 YW 88 Intake -17 MS BLACK CROSS 1249 MI 16 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 5324 MWT 1,218 PAP -1.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeea
eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeca
BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV43AN6SM13BN BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.8 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 9 IMF 0.31 Leachman Headline K038H BW -2.1 REA 0.89 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 55 F/G 0.20 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2148 YW 104 Intake -4 MS BLACK CROSS 5317 MI 21 SCR 36.1 MS BLACK CROSS 9315 MWT 1,230 PAP -1.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $139 4% $Feeder $104 23% $Profit $21,147 5% Top 4.6% Cow Fertility, Top 11.8% WW EPD, #7 YW EPD S.Bal 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1574540 3/11/23
1574647 3/11/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 10GV73AN2AR12SM RED P CED 17 YHT 5.8 Leachman Groomsman S029G CEM 9 IMF 0.69 Leachman King James U356J BW -3.5 REA 0.78 LAM Stabilizer FS231 WW 49 F/G -0.39 Leachman Foundation G081D YW 91 Intake -11 MS BLACK CROSS 9002 MI 28 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 7019 MWT 1,214 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eecaa eeeec $Ranch $154 2% $Feeder $155 5% $Profit $26,476 1% #7 $Ranch Balancer, #3 Cow Fertility Balancer, #6 Feed:Gain EPD 5-Star Maternal Specialist!
MR BLACK CROSS 3080L 1574734 3/10/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 37GV60AN3AR BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.8 G A R High Security JSF 4005 CEM 8 IMF 0.72 MR BLACK CROSS 1080 BW -1.7 REA 1.14 MS BLACK CROSS 9158 WW 64 F/G -0.29 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 111 Intake 19 MS BLACK CROSS 1064 MI 16 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 9470 MWT 1,241 PAP 0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeec eeeea $Ranch $151 2% $Feeder $207 0.5% $Profit $29,749 0.4% #5 $Profit Balancer, #12 $Ranch, #12 $Feeder, #1 Cow Fert, Top 0.2% F:G 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
Bringing up the rear
Lot 3080
(928) 380-5149 Page 27

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls










3/11/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV26AN49AR RED P CED 15 YHT 6.0 LSF SRR Commander 5906C CEM 10 IMF 0.71 LSF SRR President 8177F (A135F) BW -2.8 REA 0.86 LSF SRR Flo-Marie 961 D6451 WW 53 F/G 0.33 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 96 Intake 112 MS RED CROSS 9415 MI 29 SCR 36.7 MS BLK CROSS 0156X MWT 1,225 PAP -1.0
Ease Maternal
Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
$100 13% $Feeder $139 9% $Profit $19,846 7% Top 9% Cow Fertility, Top 5% Marbling and Top 10% YW EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch
BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV74AN3AR BBK P CED 12 YHT 6.2 G A R High Security JSF 4005 CEM 7 IMF 0.69 MR BLACK CROSS 1080 BW 1.0 REA 1.19 MS BLACK CROSS 9158 WW 64 F/G -0.25 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E YW 116 Intake 29 MS BLACK CROSS 1243 MI 22 SCR 36.6 MS BLACK CROSS 5256 MWT 1,279 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeec $Ranch $114 9% $Feeder $219 0.3% $Profit $26,910 0.9% #11 $Profit Balancer, #6 $Feeder, #4 Cow Fert, #5 WW, Feet Improver! 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
1574741 3/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 66GV34AN BRC P CED 15 YHT 6.0 SB Cultural 260F CEM 8 IMF 0.42 MR BLACK CROSS 1500 BW -0.4 REA 1.03 MS BLACK CROSS 5130 WW 58 F/G 0.07 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 96 Intake 40 MS BLACK CROSS 6114 MI 18 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 9073 MWT 1,224 PAP -1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $113 9% $Feeder $120 15% $Profit $19,905 7%
8.2% WW EPD, #8 Udder EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
Lot 3090
Page 28 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot 3093


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls


Lot 3099





Lot 3100






1574597 3/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 36GV55AN5AR3BN BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.7 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 12 IMF 0.60 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -3.9 REA 0.85 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 48 F/G -0.25 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 93 Intake 3 MS BLACK CROSS 7326 MI 20 SCR 36.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2186 MWT 1,224 PAP -0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $102 12% $Feeder $159 4% $Profit $20,421 6% #5 Feed:Gain EPD S.Bal, 3% BN Influenced bull.
1574627 3/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 20GV54AN17AR6SM BRC P CED 17 YHT 5.9 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 10 IMF 0.66 Leachman Headline K038H BW -2.5 REA 0.82 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 53 F/G -0.23 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 112 Intake 76 MS BLACK CROSS 8270 MI 25 SCR 36.5 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3409 MWT 1,247 PAP 0.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeee $Ranch $104 11% $Feeder $179 2% $Profit $23,116 3% #6 YW EPD Balancer, Top 0.9% Feed:Gain EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
1574464 3/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 18GV41AN19AR22SM BRC P CED 11 YHT 5.9 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 7 IMF 0.77 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW 1.4 REA 1.15 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 61 F/G -0.30 MR BLACK CROSS 9201 YW 103 Intake 68 MS BLACK CROSS 1263 MI 18 SCR 36.7 MS BLACK CROSS 6129 MWT 1,270 PAP 1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeca eecaa eeeca $Ranch $81 20% $Feeder $215 0.3% $Profit $23,351 3% #7 $Feeder Balancer, #10 WW EPD, #11 Ribeye EPD, #12 Feed:Gain EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
1574503 3/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 13GV39AN14AR15SM BLK S CED 19 YHT 5.1 LCoC Nightride R072E CEM 12 IMF 0.80 LCoC Nightride S614J BW -5.1 REA 0.36 GRU Stabilizer DD037 WW 36 F/G -0.07 MR RED CROSS 8480 YW 65 Intake -14 MS RED CROSS 1473 MI 17 SCR 36.3 MS BLACK CROSS 8102 MWT 1,193 PAP -1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $140 4% $Feeder $100 25% $Profit $20,125 6% Top 8.2% Cow Fertility, Top 2% Marbling EPD, Top 5.9% Mature Wt EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1575010 3/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 13GV45AN14AR19SM BBK P CED 22 YHT 5.8 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 13 IMF 0.76 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -6.1 REA 0.65 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 53 F/G 0.35 MR BLACK CROSS 9201 YW 86 Intake 26 MS BLACK CROSS 1362 MI 21 SCR 36.8 MS BLACK CROSS 9238 MWT 1,219 PAP 0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $128 5% $Feeder $111 20% $Profit $21,456 5% #8 Cow Fertility S.Bal, Top 2.9% Marbling EPD, 6% BN Influenced bull 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/13/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV59AN5AR6SM BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.7 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E CEM 12 IMF 0.37 Leachman Headline K038H BW -5.9 REA 0.75 RGR Stabilizer FU104 WW 40 F/G -0.18 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 80 Intake -34 MS BLACK CROSS 8409 MI 19 SCR 35.7 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2147 MWT 1,226 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $157 2% $Feeder $103 24% $Profit $23,041 3% #5 $Ranch Balancer, #6 Cow Fertility Balancer, Top 2.9% Feed:Gain EPD 5-Star Maternal Specialist!
(928) 380-5149 Page 29



Lot 3119



$Ranch $111 9% $Feeder $98 26% $Profit $18,171 10% #6



Lot 3120

Lot 3122



3130 MR RED CROSS 3130L

3/13/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV36AN15SM6BN BBK P CED 18 YHT 6.2 LCoC Nightride R072E CEM 11 IMF 0.60 LCoC Nightride S614J BW -2.9 REA 0.49 GRU Stabilizer DD037 WW 56 F/G -0.14 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 98 Intake 65 MS BLACK CROSS 1162 MI 15 SCR 36.1 MS BLACK CROSS 6152 MWT 1,229 PAP 0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea
5% $Feeder
13% $Profit
4% Top
4-Star AllAround Bull.
$Ranch $128
Fertility, Top 6.4% F:G EPD, #7 Udder EPD, 6% BN Infl. bull.
3/13/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV37AN6AR22SM BRC P CED 18 YHT 5.7 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 11 IMF 0.55 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -0.7 REA 0.78 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 58 F/G -0.17 MR BLACK CROSS 9233 YW 98 Intake 53 MS BLACK CROSS 1492 MI 21 SCR 36.7 MS BLACK CROSS 7252 MWT 1,209 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeeee
eeeca eeeec
WW EPD S.Bal, Top 3.6% F:G EPD, Feet Improver! 6% BN Infl. bull.
3/14/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 26GV50AN2AR17SM BBK P CED 18 YHT 5.6 Leachman Groomsman S029G CEM 10 IMF 0.81 Leachman Jesse James U290J BW -6.3 REA 1.05 LAM Stabilizer EU322 WW 39 F/G -0.31 BTBR Nevada 1170Y YW 83 Intake -21 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4162 MI 21 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 7234 MWT 1,206 PAP -0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeec $Ranch $118 7% $Feeder $212 0.4% $Profit $26,865 1% #12 $Profit Balancer, #10 $Feeder, Top 1.8% Marb EPD, #10 F:G EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
1574618 3/14/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 30GV58AN7AR3BN BBK P CED 17 YHT 6.3 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 9 IMF 0.41 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -1.6 REA 0.90 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 53 F/G 0.21 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4365 YW 90 Intake -47 MS BLACK CROSS 8171 MI 21 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 7175 MWT 1,230 PAP -0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eecaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $43 42% $Feeder $124 14% $Profit $14,477 20% Top 14.8% WW EPD, #3 Udder EPD S.Bal, 3% BN Influenced bull.
1574522 3/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 13GV13AR25BM47SG RED H CED 6 YHT 6.5 Harris Farms 190E CEM 3 IMF 0.17 QVF Jackpot 5369G8 BW 4.6 REA 0.74 Red Doc 5369 WW 52 F/G 0.20 HICORY DICKORY DOC YW 79 Intake 102 MS RED CROSS 4221 ET MI 22 SCR 35.5 BCC 214N MWT 1,213 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeca eecaa $Ranch $119 7% $Feeder ($10) 91% $Profit $7,942 48% Top 9.0% Cow Fertility, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Page 30 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls



1574596 3/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 18GV80AN1AR BRC P CED 18 YHT 6.2 T C A Visionary 158 CEM 11 IMF 0.74 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E BW -2.8 REA 0.85 Top Norel BG276 WW 64 F/G -0.17 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 116 Intake 44 MS BLACK CROSS 7307 MI 23 SCR 37.4 MS BLACK CROSS 7056 MWT 1,256 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $82 20% $Feeder $202 0.7% $Profit $22,488 4% #6 WW EPD Balancer, #5 YW EPD Balancer, Top 3.6% Feed:Gain EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator.
1574649 3/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV36AN25SG6BM BBK S CED 12 YHT 5.3 Red Doc TRUMP TRAIN 7013 CEM 8 IMF 0.47 Mr Black Cross 0123 ET BW 1.3 REA 0.62 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 38 F/G -0.21 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4290 YW 68 Intake -64 MS BLACK CROSS 9009 MI 17 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 7344 MWT 1,212 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $119 7% $Feeder $95 29% $Profit $17,634 11% Top 1.5% Feed:Gain EPD, #2 Udder EPD S.Bal 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
MR BLACK CROSS 3135L 1574619 3/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 50GV50AN BBK P CED 16 YHT 6.0 G A R Sure Fire CEM 7 IMF 0.60 G A R High Security JSF 4005 BW -1.3 REA 1.13 G A R High Design 781 WW 61 F/G -0.31 BLACK BART 503B ET YW 105 Intake 84 MS BLACK CROSS 8178 ET MI 26 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 6044 MWT 1,248 PAP 0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec $Ranch $125 6% $Feeder $171 3% $Profit $24,669 2% Top 4% Cow Fertility EPD, #9 WW EPD, #12 YW EPD, #9 F:G EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
(928) 380-5149 Page 31
Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh
Lot 3135 Burton & baby
Balancer /

3137 MR


3141 MR RED CROSS 3141L

Lot 3137







3151 MR RED CROSS 3151L

1574676 3/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV28AN25AR25SG BRC P CED 14 YHT 5.1 Red Doc TRUMP TRAIN 7013 CEM 7 IMF 0.60 Mr Black Cross 0123 ET BW -3.8 REA 0.61 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 39 F/G 0.15 AHL Redemption 429B YW 83 Intake 33 MS BLACK CROSS 9408 MI 27 SCR 36.8 MS BLK CROSS 0222X MWT 1,202 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeec eeeea $Ranch $96 14% $Feeder $124 14% $Profit $16,087 15% A Deep, Soggy S. Balancer that will moderate Mature Wt Southern Balancer
1574624 3/16/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 26GV13AN29AR27SM RED P CED 14 YHT 5.5 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 9 IMF 0.50 Leachman Habanero W022H BW -2.0 REA 0.89 GWV Stabilizer 804 WW 44 F/G 0.04 Brandywine Beacon 431B YW 74 Intake 85 MS RED CROSS 8232 ET MI 23 SCR 37.0 KEK MS KENYON 3K28A MWT 1,187 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeca $Ranch $62 30% $Feeder $79 38% $Profit $11,934 30% #7 Mature Wt EPD Balancer, Feet Improver!
3/16/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV44AN16AR14SM BRC P CED 19 YHT 5.2 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 11 IMF 0.91 LCoC Devout U726J BW -5.1 REA 0.56 KLK Stabilizer GU420 WW 43 F/G 0.37 MR RED CROSS 8050 YW 82 Intake 94 MS BLACK CROSS 1348 MI 17 SCR 36.4 Ms Black Cross 8060 MWT 1,207 PAP 1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $122 15% $Profit $21,287 5% Top 5.3% Cow Fertility, #9 Marbling EPD S.Bal, 6% BN Influenced bull. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/16/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 47GV13AN23AR16SM BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.7 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D CEM 8 IMF 0.41 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F BW -4.1 REA 0.92 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 WW 46 F/G 0.07 Leachman Decree X936D YW 81 Intake 24 MS BLACK CROSS 1157 MI 18 SCR 35.9 BTBR MS RED CROSS 4062 MWT 1,203 PAP -0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeec eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeca $Ranch $150 3% $Feeder $108 21% $Profit $22,700 3% Top 5% Cow Fert EPD, Top 13.7% MWt EPD, #10 Udder EPD Balancer 4.5-Star
3/17/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV40AN5AR17SM BRC P CED 14 YHT 6.0 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 8 IMF 0.52 LCoC Docs Remedy S997J BW -0.7 REA 1.28 RGR Stabilizer GU445 WW 50 F/G 0.01 BTBR Mr Black Cross 3093 YW 87 Intake 19 Ms Black Cross 0049 MI 16 SCR 36.4 MS BLACK CROSS 7075 MWT 1,219 PAP -1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $104 12% $Feeder $167 3% $Profit $20,872 5% #1 Ribeye EPD S.Bal, 6% BN Influenced bull. Top 13% Cow Fertility.
1574558 3/17/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 78GV22AN BRC P CED 15 YHT 6.4 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D CEM 8 IMF 0.82 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F BW -3.2 REA 0.96 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 WW 40 F/G 0.00 CAROLINA LEVERAGE 3214A YW 74 Intake 20 MS BLACK CROSS 6120 MI 19 SCR 36.6 MS BLK CROSS 0370X MWT 1,172 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $170 1% $Feeder $203 0.6% $Profit $31,405 0.2% #1 $Profit Bal., #1 $Ranch, Top 1.6% Marb, #4 Mature Wt, #5 Udder EPD 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
1574587 3/17/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 17GV29AN17AR33SM RED P CED 9 YHT 6.0 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 6 IMF 0.67 Leachman Habanero W022H BW 0.9 REA 1.08 GWV Stabilizer 804 WW 56 F/G -0.24 Brandywine Beacon 431B YW 98 Intake 58 MS RED CROSS 7161 MI 25 SCR 37.0 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3088 MWT 1,234 PAP -1.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeca $Ranch $100 13% $Feeder $179 2% $Profit $22,714 3% Top 0.7% Feed:Gain EPD, Feet Improver! #10 PAP EPD Balancer 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
Page 32 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Balancer /
Balancer / Hybrid /




1574608 3/17/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 18GV59AN1AR17SM BBK P CED 18 YHT 5.7 Leachman Groomsman S029G CEM 10 IMF 0.66 Leachman Jesse James U290J BW -4.9 REA 1.13 LAM Stabilizer EU322 WW 39 F/G -0.18 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4290 YW 79 Intake -27 MS BLACK CROSS 8078 MI 15 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 6045D MWT 1,204 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $191 1% $Profit $25,736 1% Top 4.6% Ribeye EPD, Top 2.9% F:G EPD, Top 15.1% Mature Wt EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/18/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV54AN3AR16BN BBK P CED 14 YHT 5.5 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 8 IMF 1.01 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -2.2 REA 0.75 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 45 F/G -0.05 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2214 YW 80 Intake 29 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4041 MI 25 SCR 36.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2114 MWT 1,182 PAP -0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec eeeea $Ranch $101 12% $Feeder $182 2% $Profit $22,229 4% #6 Marbling EPD S.Bal, #5 Mature Wt EPD S.Bal, #9 Udder EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer 3154 MR BLACK CROSS 3154L 1574628 3/17/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV33AN13BN25SG BRC S CED 18 YHT 5.8 Red Doc TRUMP TRAIN 7013 CEM 11 IMF 0.44 Mr Black Cross 0123 ET BW -2.2 REA 0.86 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 43 F/G 0.09 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 81 Intake 55 MS BLACK CROSS 8275 MI 17 SCR 35.8 MS BLACK CROSS 8056 MWT 1,231 PAP 1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eecaa eeeea eeeec $Ranch $106 11% $Feeder $110 20% $Profit $15,648 16% A really good looking S. Balancer to add heterosis to the Cow herd. 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Lot 3154
(928) 380-5149 Page 33
/ Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh
Lot 3156

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls



3164 MR RED CROSS 3164L

3/18/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 45GV37AN3AR12SM BBK P CED 18 YHT 5.9 Leachman Groomsman S029G CEM 9 IMF 0.47 Leachman King James U356J BW -1.7 REA 1.06 LAM Stabilizer FS231 WW 50 F/G -0.23 BLACK BART 503B ET YW 95 Intake 56 MS BLACK CROSS 6132 MI 24 SCR 37.3 MS BLACK CROSS 9146 MWT 1,192 PAP -2.1
Feet Dispo Pheno
C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc
eeeec eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeee $Ranch $144 3% $Feeder $165 3% $Profit $25,182 2% Top 4% Cow Fert EPD, Top 1% F:G EPD, #11 MWt EPD, #5 PAP EPD Bal 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!
33GV51AN2AR12SM BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.9 Leachman Groomsman S029G CEM 8 IMF 0.69 Leachman King James U356J BW -2.8 REA 0.90 LAM Stabilizer FS231 WW 50 F/G -0.14 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 94 Intake 40 MS BLACK CROSS 8269 MI 26 SCR 36.7 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3312 MWT 1,247 PAP -0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeec $Ranch $57 33% $Feeder $187 1% $Profit $19,024 8% Feet Improver! Top 6% Feed:Gain and Top 5% Marbling. 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator.
3/18/23 BTB
1574580 3/19/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV31AN13AR38SG RED P CED 16 YHT 5.8 KR 1255R/14 CEM 9 IMF 0.34 KR395/18 BW -2.8 REA 0.59 KR 62/09 2A WW 40 F/G 0.19 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 65 Intake 49 MS BLACK CROSS 7035 MI 19 SCR 36.4 MS BLACK CROSS 5232 MWT 1,194 PAP 0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $130 5% $Feeder $28 74% $Profit $13,206 25% Top 7% Cow Fertility, Top 6.2% Mature Wt EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Lot 3158
Page 34 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot 3159






Lot 3169




3/19/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 13GV38AN26AR19SM BRC P CED 20 YHT 4.9 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 13 IMF 0.79 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -4.8 REA 0.66 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 42 F/G 0.26 LSF SRR President 8177F (A135F) YW 75 Intake -8 MS BLACK CROSS 1003 MI 21 SCR 36.7 MS BLACK CROSS 9116 MWT 1,198 PAP -0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca
eeeea eeeca
$Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $121 15% $Profit $20,840 5%
4-Star AllAround Bull.
eeeaa eeeaa
Top 9.1% Mature Wt EPD and easy fleshing cows. Top 2% Marbling
1574519 3/20/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 29GV24AN10AR30SM BRC P CED 22 YHT 5.6 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.39 LCoC Decree S760H BW -4.6 REA 1.24 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 47 F/G 0.23 BCC BLACK BALANCE 2U YW 85 Intake 52 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4166 MI 21 SCR 36.3 MS BLACK CROSS 9342 MWT 1,201 PAP -2.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeec eeeea
$123 6% $Feeder $118 16% $Profit $20,805 5% #3 Ribeye EPD S.Bal, Feet Improver! #3 PAP
6% BN Influenced bull 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/20/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 26GV66AN3AR3BN BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.6 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 11 IMF 0.78 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -2.5 REA 1.07 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 49 F/G 0.12 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 92 Intake -17 MS BLACK CROSS 6316 MI 16 SCR 36.6 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2145 MWT 1,231 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeea eeeec $Ranch $120 7% $Feeder $228 0.2% $Profit $28,567 0.5% #3 $Profit S.Bal, #5 $Feeder, Top 2.4% Marbling EPD, 3% BN Infl. Bull 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
1574672 3/20/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 20GV42AN17AR12SM BBK P CED 20 YHT 4.8 Leachman Accelerate X166D CEM 12 IMF 0.75 LCoC Accelerate U422H BW -5.3 REA 0.57 LAM Stabilizer EU012 WW 40 F/G 0.03 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2238 YW 74 Intake 25 MS BLACK CROSS 9356 MI 24 SCR 36.1 MR BLACK CROSS 6228 MWT 1,202 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $102 12% $Feeder $100 26% $Profit $17,345 12% Top 13.1% Mature Wt EPD and easy fleshing cows. Top 3% Marbling
1574399 3/20/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 35GV32AN25AR8BM BLK P CED 20 YHT 5.1 MR BLACK CROSS 8235 ET CEM 11 IMF 0.31 PLAINSMAN JACKSON 1148J BW -5.3 REA 0.78 PRAIRIE GAL 8065F WW 40 F/G 0.14 LSF SRR President 8177F (A135F) YW 72 Intake 51 MS RED CROSS 1035 MI 21 SCR 36.3 MS RED CROSS 9196 MWT 1,230 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $50 38% $Feeder $67 47% $Profit $9,662 40% 8% BM Influenced bull and 4 Star Calving Ease.
1574443 3/19/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV52AN1AR19SM BRC P CED 24 YHT 5.0 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 13 IMF 1.20 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -7.7 REA 0.80 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 42 F/G 0.11 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 79 Intake 22 MS BLACK CROSS 1203 MI 15 SCR 36.1 BTBR MS Black Cross 7043 MWT 1,215 PAP -0.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeaaa eeeca eeeea $Ranch $137 4% $Feeder $235 0.1% $Profit $30,385 0.3% #3 $Profit Balancer, #3 $Feeder, Top 3.9% Cow Fert EPD, #1 Marb EPD 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
(928) 380-5149 Page 35
Lot 3170
Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls








Top 4.4% Cow Fert EPD, Top 0.2% F:G EPD, #11 Udder EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.





1574352 3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV51AN21SM6XX BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.5 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 12 IMF 0.92 LCoC Bedrock U200J BW -4.5 REA 0.81 LAM Stabilizer GS070 WW 41 F/G 0.15 BTBR SAGUARO 8111F ET YW 78 Intake 21 Ms Black Cross 0081 MI 21 SCR 36.7 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4203 MWT 1,220 PAP -2.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $127 6% $Feeder $185 1% $Profit $25,881 1% #12 Marbling EPD Balancer, #8 PAP EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574375 3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 30GV45AN21SM2DS BBK P CED 20 YHT 5.3 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 12 IMF 0.49 LCoC Bedrock U200J BW -5.3 REA 0.84 LAM Stabilizer GS070 WW 42 F/G 0.16 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 65 Intake -6 Ms Black Cross 0376 MI 20 SCR 36.8 MS BLACK CROSS 6209 MWT 1,213 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeca
keep the females and feed the steers. 4-Star
$Ranch $148 3% $Feeder $86 34%
$21,031 5% Top 3.8% Cow Fertility EPD,
3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV48AN25SG BRC S CED 16 YHT 5.4 Red Doc TRUMP TRAIN 7013 CEM 10 IMF 0.71 Mr Black Cross 0123 ET BW -1.1 REA 0.64 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 36 F/G -0.02 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 0031 YW 71 Intake 11 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4231 MI 23 SCR 36.3 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2395 MWT 1,178 PAP -1.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeca
$145 3% $Feeder $134 10% $Profit $23,537 3% #9 $Ranch S.Bal, #10 Cow Fert, Top 4.6% Marb, #2 MWt, #8 Udder EPD 4.5-Star
Southern Balancer
Maternal Specialist!
3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV53AN3AR19SM BBK P CED 18 YHT 6.2 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 11 IMF 0.30 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -0.4 REA 1.01 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 55 F/G -0.28 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 89 Intake 15 Ms Black Cross 0394 MI 18 SCR 36.9 MS BLACK CROSS 6084 MWT 1,219 PAP -0.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeca
33% $Profit
$Ranch $130
$Feeder $87
3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 31GV63AN3AR3BN BBK P CED 20 YHT 5.6 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 12 IMF 1.13 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -4.0 REA 0.99 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 39 F/G -0.19 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4290 YW 78 Intake 6 MS BLACK CROSS 9045 MI 21 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 7229 MWT 1,195 PAP -0.7
Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $168 1% $Feeder $229 0.2% $Profit $33,028 0.1% #1 $Profit S.Bal, #3 $Ranch, #3 Cow Fert, #1 Marbling EPD, 3% BN Infl. 5-Star AllAround Bull!
3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV33AN4AR47SG BRC P CED 10 YHT 6.6 Harris Farms 190E CEM 4 IMF 0.40 QVF Jackpot 5369G8 BW 0.8 REA 0.77 Red Doc 5369 WW 38 F/G 0.07 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4290 YW 62 Intake 65 MS BLACK CROSS 9110 MI 22 SCR 36.4 MS BLACK CROSS 7290 MWT 1,196 PAP -0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $124 6% $Feeder $64 49% $Profit $14,242 21% Top 7.4% Mature Wt EPD, Top 15% Cow Fertility and great Udder EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
CROSS 3185L 1574657
Lot 3178
Page 36 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot 3184
Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh
Balancer /












1574500 3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV36AN14AR19SM BRC P CED 21 YHT 5.3 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 13 IMF 0.65 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -8.4 REA 0.76 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 38 F/G 0.02 Brandywine Beacon 431B YW 78 Intake 33 MS BLACK CROSS 1431 MI 25 SCR 36.8 MS BLACK CROSS 8151 ET MWT 1,224 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $104 11% $Feeder $117 17% $Profit $18,737 9% 5 Star Calving Ease and Top 7% Marbling EPD and Top 9% $Profit
1574362 3/23/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 24GV44AN6AR24SM BBK P CED 16 YHT 6.1 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 10 IMF 0.57 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -0.4 REA 0.86 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 48 F/G 0.00 BTBR Mr Black Cross 3093 YW 85 Intake 8 Ms Black Cross 0147 MI 17 SCR 37.2 MS BLACK CROSS 7107 MWT 1,246 PAP -1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeec $Ranch $108 10% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $21,056 5% Top 7% Cow Fertility and Top 13% Marbling. Top 10% on all 3 Indexes! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574544 3/23/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV73AN2AR3BN BBK P CED 18 YHT 5.8 Leachman Foundation G081D CEM 9 IMF 0.98 Mr Black Cross 0466 BW -3.1 REA 0.78 Ms Black Cross 8060 WW 56 F/G -0.21 Leachman TL Decision G155A YW 103 Intake 9 MS BLACK CROSS 6003 MI 17 SCR 36.9 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4058 MWT 1,230 PAP 1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeec eeeca $Ranch $78 22% $Feeder $229 0.2% $Profit $23,077 3% #4 $Feeder
Above Average Maternal
S.Bal, #9 YW EPD S.Bal, #7 Marb EPD, 3% BN Influenced bull. 5-Star Calf Revenue Creator and
1574408 3/23/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV49AN9AR22SM BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.7 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.55 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -4.4 REA 1.26 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 42 F/G -0.06 G A R High Security JSF 4005 YW 72 Intake -11 MS BLACK CROSS 1056 MI 23 SCR 36.3 MS BLACK CROSS 9263 MWT 1,196 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $147 3% $Feeder $172 3% $Profit $26,923 0.9% #10 $Profit Balancer, Top 4.5% Cow Fert, #6 REA, #12 MWt, Feet Impr! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574680 3/23/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV47AN19SM6BN BBK P CED 16 YHT 5.5 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 10 IMF 0.66 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -3.3 REA 0.65 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 51 F/G -0.03 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2015 YW 87 Intake 19 MS BLACK CROSS 9428 MI 21 SCR 37.6 MS BLACK CROSS 6374 MWT 1,224 PAP -2.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $131 5% $Feeder $113 18% $Profit $22,540 3% Top 6.2% Cow Fertility, #4 Udder, #2 PAP EPD S.Bal, 6% BN Infl. Bull 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574465 3/23/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 21GV56AN1AR19SM BRC P CED 22 YHT 5.4 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 12 IMF 0.88 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -6.8 REA 0.84 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 44 F/G 0.29 ERTL ABSOLUTE SAM D456 YW 81 Intake 11 MS BLACK CROSS 1266 MI 23 SCR 36.8 MS RED CROSS 9441 MWT 1,206 PAP -0.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeaaa $Ranch $151 2% $Feeder $189 1% $Profit $28,533 0.5% #6 $Profit Balancer, #10 $Ranch Balancer, Top 0.9% Marbling EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3187L 1574510 3/22/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV32AN19SM25SG BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.3 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 12 IMF 0.53 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -2.5 REA 1.00 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 67 F/G 0.36 RED DOC 8149 YW 116 Intake 31 MS BLACK CROSS 1523 MI 16 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 6287 MWT 1,239 PAP 0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeee eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $114 8% $Feeder $141 8% $Profit $21,362 5% #1 WW EPD S.Bal, #1 YW EPD S.Bal, Top 15.6% Ribeye EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer Lot
(928) 380-5149 Page 37
/ Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls






Granddaughter Claire

Lot 3208

3210 MR RED CROSS 3210L

1574474 3/23/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV52AN4AR14SM BLK P CED 23 YHT 5.7 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 12 IMF 0.70 LCoC Devout U726J BW -7.4 REA 0.78 KLK Stabilizer GU420 WW 40 F/G -0.09 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 74 Intake 10 MS RED CROSS 1302 MI 17 SCR 36.6 MS BLACK CROSS 7172 MWT 1,206 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca $Ranch $155 2% $Feeder $133 10% $Profit $25,056 2% #6 $Ranch Balancer, #11 Cow Fertility Balancer 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!
1574355 3/24/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 36GV34AN25SG5XX BRC P CED 11 YHT 5.9 RED DOC 8149 CEM 6 IMF 0.27 MR BLACK CROSS 1230 BW -0.5 REA 0.77 MS BLACK CROSS 6334 WW 57 F/G -0.26 BTBR SAGUARO 8111F ET YW 96 Intake 49 Ms Black Cross 0091 MI 14 SCR 36.4 MS BLK CROSS 0208X MWT 1,244 PAP -0.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eaaaa eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $115 8% $Feeder $44 63% $Profit $13,539 24% #9 WW EPD S.Bal, #4 Feed:Gain EPD S.Bal 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
3/25/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV47AN11AR19SM BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.6 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 12 IMF 0.73 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -4.3 REA 0.88 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 41 F/G -0.07 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2238 YW 79 Intake -42 MS BLACK CROSS 9130 MI 19 SCR 36.4 MS BLACK CROSS 6288 MWT 1,203 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $172 1% $Feeder $186 1% $Profit $30,401 0.3% #2 $Profit S.Bal, #2 $Ranch, #10 $Feeder, #2 Cow Fert, 6% BN Infl. Bull 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
1574354 3/24/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 40GV39AN19SM1AR BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.5 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 9 IMF 0.55 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -2.0 REA 1.14 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 42 F/G -0.15 SLC SWAGGER 105A ET YW 79 Intake 72 Ms Black Cross 0090 MI 17 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 9447 MWT 1,214 PAP 0.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeca $Ranch $113 9% $Feeder $130 12% $Profit $20,524 6% Top
4.1% Ribeye EPD, Top 5.3% Feed:Gain EPD, Feet Improver!
AllAround Bull.
1574360 3/25/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV39AN10AR25SG BRC S CED 16 YHT 5.3 RED DOC 8149 CEM 9 IMF 0.51 MR BLACK CROSS 1230 BW -3.1 REA 0.72 MS BLACK CROSS 6334 WW 41 F/G -0.12 DUNN'S OVERTIME 032C YW 82 Intake 17 Ms Black Cross 0140 MI 22 SCR 36.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3061 MWT 1,212 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeca $Ranch $130 5% $Feeder $105 23% $Profit $17,882 11% Top 9% Feed:Gain EPD, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1574551 3/26/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 46GV21AN33AR RED P CED 17 YHT 5.7 SKF Dunn's Departure 052D CEM 9 IMF 0.58 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F BW -4.0 REA 0.42 Dunn's Miss Wharton 6D26 WW 31 F/G -0.31 AHL Redemption 429B YW 63 Intake 49 MS RED CROSS 6030 MI 19 SCR 37.0 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4338 MWT 1,156 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeea eeeee eeaaa eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeca $Ranch $161 2% $Feeder $64 49% $Profit $20,780 5% #3 $Ranch Balancer, Top 4% Cow Fert EPD, #11 F:G EPD, #1 MWt EPD 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!
Page 38 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
/ Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh









1575015 3/26/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 12GV31AN12SM38BM BLK P CED 16 YHT 5.7 Leachman Accelerate X166D CEM 10 IMF 0.32 LCoC Accelerate U422H BW -1.0 REA 0.70 LAM Stabilizer EU012 WW 56 F/G -0.11 CHRK 187B YW 97 Intake 63 MS RED CROSS 8313 MI 17 SCR 36.0 MS RED CROSS 4221 ET MWT 1,223 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $87 18% $Feeder $59 53% $Profit $12,495 28% Top 10.5% WW EPD, A S. Balancer that is Deep and Thick. Southern Balancer
1574516 3/27/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 24GV39AN17SM13BN BRC P CED 20 YHT 6.2 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 12 IMF 0.52 LCoC Docs Remedy S997J BW -3.9 REA 1.04 RGR Stabilizer GU445 WW 60 F/G -0.22 BTBR Nevada 1170Y YW 105 Intake 48 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4138 MI 22 SCR 35.7 MS BLK CROSS 0204X MWT 1,197 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee $Ranch $134 4% $Feeder $146 7% $Profit $22,643 3% #4 WW EPD S.Bal, #4 YW EPD, #8 F:G EPD, Top 8.1% Mature Wt EPD Southern Balancer
1574548 3/27/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV57AN4AR14SM BRC P CED 13 YHT 5.9 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 6 IMF 0.71 LCoC Devout U472H BW -0.9 REA 1.00 LAM Katie FS286 WW 61 F/G -0.20 LETHAL HARDWARE 140A YW 111 Intake 27 MS BLACK CROSS 6018 MI 18 SCR 37.6 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4207 MWT 1,224 PAP 2.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $111 9% $Feeder $190 1% $Profit $24,635 2% #11 WW EPD Balancer, #8 YW EPD Balancer, Top 1.9% Feed:Gain EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574372 3/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 31GV43AN7AR19SM BBK P CED 15 YHT 6.0 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 9 IMF 0.62 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -2.0 REA 1.28 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 37 F/G -0.12 DUNN'S OVERTIME 032C YW 63 Intake -24 Ms Black Cross 0282 MI 12 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 6399 MWT 1,219 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eecaa eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeca $Ranch $113 9% $Feeder $181 2% $Profit $24,142 2% #3 Ribeye EPD Balancer, Feet Improver! Top 7% Cow Fert and 1% REA 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
1574388 3/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 31GV36AN8AR25SG BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.7 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 10 IMF 0.68 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -1.9 REA 0.80 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 48 F/G 0.13 ERTL ABSOLUTE SAM D456 YW 88 Intake 107 Ms Black Cross 0557 MI 15 SCR 35.9 MS RED CROSS 8312 MWT 1,241 PAP -1.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $51 37% $Feeder $140 8% $Profit $13,425 24% Top 5.9% Marbling EPD, add Heterosis with Southern Balancer. Southern Balancer
MR BLACK CROSS 3215L 1574494 3/26/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 43GV46AN2AR8BM BBK P CED 16 YHT 5.1 MR BLACK CROSS 8235 ET CEM 9 IMF 0.31 PLAINSMAN JACKSON 1148J BW -3.9 REA 0.65 PRAIRIE GAL 8065F WW 43 F/G -0.01 MR BLACK CROSS 9265 YW 70 Intake -2 MS BLACK CROSS 1398 MI 22 SCR 37.4 MS BLACK CROSS 8176 MWT 1,224 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeea eeeca $Ranch $87 18% $Feeder $52 57% $Profit $12,349 28% Feet Improver! 8% BM Influenced bull.
Lot 3217
(928) 380-5149 Page 39
/ Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh
Lot 3218







3239 MR RED CROSS 3239L


Granddaughter Reese

Lot 3239


3/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 18GV42AN25SM13BN BBK P CED 8 YHT 5.7 K C F Bennett Absolute CEM 4 IMF 0.42 BROWN HAYS ABSOLUTE D4002 BW 0.7 REA 0.46 Hays Izzie 190W WW 64 F/G -0.33 MR BLACK CROSS 8265 YW 110 Intake 36 MS BLACK CROSS 1167 MI 24 SCR 37.5 MS BLACK CROSS 6374 MWT 1,237 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $106 11% $Feeder $107 22% $Profit $17,484 11%
S.Bal, #2 YW EPD S.Bal, #3 F:G EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Top 6.5%
Fertility, #2 WW EPD
1574452 3/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 44GV54AN2AR BBK P CED 18 YHT 5.8 MR BLACK CROSS 8235 ET CEM 10 IMF 0.51 PLAINSMAN JACKSON 1148J BW -4.7 REA 0.99 PRAIRIE GAL 8065F WW 50 F/G 0.14 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E YW 89 Intake -31 MS BLACK CROSS 1234 MI 23 SCR 36.6 MS BLACK CROSS 7086 MWT 1,226 PAP -0.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eecaa
6% $Feeder
5% $Profit
Cow Fertility and lowest 7% Intake, save $. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
$Ranch $126
Feet Improver! Top 7%
3/29/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV29AN12AR30SM RED P CED 17 YHT 6.0 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.36 LCoC Decree S760H BW -2.4 REA 1.15 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 60 F/G 0.05 GILLY'S FLOYD B440 YW 100 Intake 37 MS RED CROSS 6301 MI 20 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 9029 MWT 1,245 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eecaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $112 9% $Feeder $124 14% $Profit $20,080 6%
5.6% Cow Fertility EPD,
Top 3.7% Ribeye EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574441 3/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV36AN12AR29SM BLK P CED 20 YHT 4.6 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 12 IMF 0.96 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -6.4 REA 0.90 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 40 F/G 0.40 LCoC Decree S022G YW 68 Intake 15 MS RED CROSS 1198 MI 15 SCR 36.5 MS RED CROSS 7114 MWT 1,176 PAP -1.5
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeca
5% #8
$Ranch $89 17% $Feeder $168 3%
Marbling EPD Balancer, #5 Mature Wt EPD Balancer, Feet Improver!
3/28/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV36AN22SM13BN BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.2 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 11 IMF 0.67 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -5.7 REA 0.97 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 51 F/G -0.15 MR BLACK CROSS 9233 YW 89 Intake 25 MS BLACK CROSS 1427 MI 22 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 6288 MWT 1,204 PAP -0.9
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $127 6% $Feeder $157 5% $Profit $24,531 2% Top
Southern Balancer
6.4% Marbling EPD, Top 5.3% Feed:Gain EPD
3/29/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV51AN5AR19SM BBK P CED 22 YHT 6.1 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 13 IMF 0.80 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -5.1 REA 0.86 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 46 F/G -0.08 Leachman Foundation G081D YW 86 Intake 14 MS BLACK CROSS 9158 MI 20 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 9315 MWT 1,198 PAP -2.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $159 2% $Feeder $162 4% $Profit $27,425 0.8% #7 $Profit Balancer, #4 $Ranch, #10 Cow Fert, #2 PAP EPD, Top 2% Marb 5-Star Maternal Specialist!
Page 40 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
/ Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh


3245 MR RED CROSS 3245L

3246 MR RED CROSS 3246L

3250 MR RED CROSS 3250L



1574402 3/29/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 5GV56AN2AR36SM BBK P CED 13 YHT 5.5 K C F Bennett Absolute CEM 8 IMF 0.67 BROWN HAYS ABSOLUTE D4002 BW -0.9 REA 0.72 Hays Izzie 190W WW 59 F/G -0.06 LCoC Decree S022G YW 95 Intake 39 MS BLACK CROSS 1043 MI 20 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 9078 MWT 1,263 PAP 1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $84 19% $Feeder $137 9% $Profit $18,244 10% Top 7.2% WW EPD, #12 Udder EPD Balancer, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574611 3/30/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV65AN4AR14SM RED P CED 14 YHT 5.6 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 8 IMF 0.64 LCoC Devout U472H BW -0.6 REA 0.77 LAM Katie FS286 WW 64 F/G -0.07 B3R B322 ELECTOR BTB R039 YW 100 Intake 35 MS BLACK CROSS 8118 MI 17 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 6346 MWT 1,204 PAP 1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $60 31% $Feeder $127 12% $Profit $15,090 18% #7 WW EPD Balancer, Top 15.4% Mature Wt EPD
3/30/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV15AN40AR22SM RED P CED 12 YHT 4.9 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 7 IMF 0.42 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -1.8 REA 1.26 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 42 F/G -0.03 LSF SRR President 8177F (A135F) YW 80 Intake 53 MS RED CROSS 1051 MI 30 SCR 36.3 MS RED CROSS 9199 MWT 1,186 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeec $Ranch $124 6% $Feeder $139 9% $Profit $22,234 4% Top 6.5% Cow Fertility, #2 Ribeye EPD S.Bal, #8 MWt, 6% BM Infl. bull. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574406 3/30/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 8GV56AN19SM13BM BBK P CED 22 YHT 5.0 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 12 IMF 1.11 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -4.6 REA 0.62 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 62 F/G 0.28 G A R High Security JSF 4005 YW 106 Intake 100 MS BLACK CROSS 1052 MI 18 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 9216 MWT 1,209 PAP 0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $103 12% $Feeder $198 0.8% $Profit $24,342 2% #7 $Feeder S.Bal, #3 WW EPD S.Bal, #3 YW EPD S.Bal, #2 Marbling EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal Southern Balancer
1574457 3/30/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 14GV45AN19SM19SG BLK P CED 23 YHT 4.8 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 14 IMF 0.59 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -7.1 REA 1.00 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 42 F/G 0.22 KR395/18 YW 86 Intake 84 MS RED CROSS 1246 MI 17 SCR 36.2 MS RED CROSS 7327 MWT 1,195 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $153 2% $Feeder $148 6% $Profit $24,213 2% #5 $Ranch S.Bal, #4 Cow Fertility S.Bal, Top 6.8% Mature Wt EPD 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist! Southern Balancer
1574620 3/30/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 9GV41AN12AR38SM RED P CED 22 YHT 5.7 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.70 LCoC Decree S022G BW -2.1 REA 0.64 LAM Stabilizer EU005 WW 50 F/G -0.32 Leachman 18 Karat X235C YW 93 Intake 60 MS RED CROSS 8179 MI 24 SCR 35.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3106 MWT 1,217 PAP -0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $146 3% $Feeder $131 11% $Profit $23,970 2% #2 Cow Fertility Balancer, #8 Feed:Gain EPD Balancer, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
Lot 3243
(928) 380-5149 Page 41
Lot 3250
Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls

3256 MR


Lot 3256



$Ranch $130 5% $Feeder $158 4%

$22,599 3% Top 4.9% Cow Fertility, #4 Marbling EPD S.Bal, Top 9% Feed:Gain EPD 4-Star AllAround




Claire & June


Calf Revenue Creator.

Lot 3260

1574745 3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 29GV39AN6BN25SG BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.2 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 11 IMF 0.69 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -4.5 REA 0.80 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 36 F/G -0.06 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2166 YW 62 Intake 31 MS BLACK CROSS 6418 MI 7 SCR 36.2 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3220 MWT 1,209 PAP -2.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeaaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $106 11% $Feeder $101 25% $Profit $17,621 11% Top 5.4% Marbling EPD, Feet Improver! #1 PAP EPD S.Bal 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1574593 3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV43AN9AR17SM BBK P CED 20 YHT 5.0 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 12 IMF 0.46 LCoC Docs Remedy S997J BW -4.1 REA 1.09 RGR Stabilizer GU445 WW 45 F/G 0.26 DUNN'S OVERTIME 032C YW 76 Intake 20 MS BLACK CROSS 7236 MI 18 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 8067 MWT 1,192 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $152 2% $Feeder $105 22% $Profit $22,732 3% #9 $Ranch Balancer, Top 3.7% Cow Fertility EPD, #10 Mature Wt EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 35GV40AN25SG BRC P CED 23 YHT 5.4 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 13 IMF 0.81 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -8.5 REA 0.72 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 25 F/G 0.29 Mr Black Cross 6144 YW 53 Intake 29 MS BLACK CROSS 8102 MI 15 SCR 37.4 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1109 MWT 1,195 PAP -2.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $138 4% $Feeder $151 6% $Profit $24,585 2% #10 $Profit S.Bal, Top 1.8% Marbling EPD, Feet Improver! #5
4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 13GV63AN25SG BBK P CED 21 YHT 5.1 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 11 IMF 1.10 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -5.3 REA 0.36 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 38 F/G -0.12 Gardens Yahoo QE12 YW 66 Intake -21 BTBR Ms Black Cross 8048 MI 21 SCR 36.5 BTBR Ms Black Cross 6096 MWT 1,224 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea
eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca
Southern Balancer
eeeea eeeee
1574614 3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 14GV43AN12AR30SM BRC P CED 12 YHT 6.3 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 7 IMF 0.84 LCoC Decree S760H BW -0.6 REA 0.73 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 44 F/G -0.21 MR BLACK CROSS 5106 YW 87 Intake 35 MS BLACK CROSS 8136 MI 22 SCR 36.5 MS BLACK CROSS 7379 MWT 1,256 PAP 0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeea eecaa eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeea eeeea $Ranch $64 29% $Feeder $212 0.4% $Profit $21,455 5% #9 $Feeder
Balancer, Top 1.3% Marb, Top 1.5% F:G EPD, Feet Improver! 4-Star
Page 42 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls



3267 MR RED CROSS 3267L

1574615 3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV51AN1AR19SM BBK P CED 16 YHT 5.1 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 9 IMF 0.52 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -4.7 REA 1.14 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 40 F/G 0.26 PROBITY 254D28 YW 68 Intake -71 MS BLACK CROSS 8151 ET MI 23 SCR 36.6 MS WATCHMAN 508C MWT 1,236 PAP 0.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeec $Ranch $121 7% $Feeder $137 9% $Profit $21,821 4% Top 4.1% Ribeye EPD, All 3 Indexes in Top 10%! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3/31/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 12GV59AN9AR14SM BBK P CED 17 YHT 4.7 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 8 IMF 0.94 LCoC Devout U726J BW -4.5 REA 0.50 KLK Stabilizer GU420 WW 42 F/G -0.01 G A R High Security JSF 4005 YW 81 Intake 59 MS BLACK CROSS 1108 MI 16 SCR 36.0 MS BLACK CROSS 9370 MWT 1,217 PAP 0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $37 46% $Feeder $158 4% $Profit $14,952 19% #10 Marbling EPD Balancer, Top 4% $Feeder index.
1574531 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 26GV35AN8AR30SM RED P CED 18 YHT 5.9 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.74 LCoC Decree S760H BW -2.4 REA 1.15 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 52 F/G -0.16 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2214 YW 88 Intake 30 MS RED CROSS 5018 MI 24 SCR 36.4 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3071 MWT 1,236 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeec $Ranch $128 6% $Feeder $179 2% $Profit $25,535 1% Top 5.1% Cow Fertility EPD, #12 Ribeye EPD Balancer, Top 4.4% F:G EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
Lot 3261
(928) 380-5149 Page 43
Lot 3267



3272 MR RED CROSS 3272L

3275 MR RED CROSS 3275L




1574588 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 10GV43AN25AR22SM BBK P CED 17 YHT 5.8 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 11 IMF 0.80 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -3.9 REA 0.99 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 48 F/G -0.13 AHL Redemption 429B YW 93 Intake 52 MS BLACK CROSS 7162 MI 30 SCR 37.7 MS BLACK CROSS 5107 MWT 1,250 PAP 0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $110 10% $Feeder $189 1% $Profit $24,414 2% Top 4.5% Cow Fertility EPD, Top 2% Marbling EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574600 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV51AN6AR12SM BBK P CED 16 YHT 5.6 Leachman Accelerate X166D CEM 8 IMF 0.81 LCoC Accelerate U422H BW -1.5 REA 0.71 LAM Stabilizer EU012 WW 43 F/G 0.05 Gardens Yahoo QE12 YW 76 Intake 2 MS BLACK CROSS 8005 MI 25 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 6343 MWT 1,176 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeca $Ranch $68 27% $Feeder $138 9% $Profit $16,692 13%
EPD Balancer, Feet Improver!
Top 1.8% Marbling EPD, #6 Mature Wt
4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 26GV45AN4AR25SG RED P CED 23 YHT 5.5 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 12 IMF 0.80 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -6.7 REA 0.64 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 25 F/G -0.43 Gardens Yahoo QE12 YW 49 Intake -67 MS BLACK CROSS 8068 MI 24 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 6254 MWT 1,205 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeca eeeaa eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea $Ranch $119 7% $Feeder $157 5% $Profit $22,740 3% Top 2% Marbling EPD, #2 Feed:Gain EPD S.Bal Southern Balancer
1574595 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV22AN18AR30SM RED P CED 22 YHT 5.5 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 13 IMF 0.54 LCoC Decree S760H BW -5.6 REA 0.98 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 34 F/G 0.21 Brandywine Beacon 431B YW 66 Intake 41 MS BLACK CROSS 7294 MI 26 SCR 35.4 MS BLACK CROSS 9342 MWT 1,193 PAP -0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeaaa eeaaa eeeec eeeca eeeca $Ranch $140 4% $Feeder $111 20% $Profit $22,163 4% Top 7.6 % Cow Fertility, #10 Mature Wt EPD S.Bal, 6% BN Infl. Bull 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574602 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 29GV49AN1AR19SM BBK P CED 17 YHT 6.0 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 10 IMF 0.88 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -2.1 REA 0.99 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 57 F/G 0.23 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 100 Intake 102 MS BLACK CROSS 8022 MI 22 SCR 37.0 MS BLACK CROSS 6213 MWT 1,262 PAP 1.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeca $Ranch $99 13% $Feeder $206 0.5% $Profit $24,504 2% Top 9.3% WW EPD, Top 0.9% Marbling EPD, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1575014 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV43AN3AR19SM BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.6 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 10 IMF 0.42 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -1.8 REA 0.70 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 48 F/G -0.18 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2166 YW 87 Intake 28 MS BLACK CROSS 8251 MI 22 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 5008 MWT 1,224 PAP -0.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $106 11% $Feeder $79 39% $Profit $16,304 15% Top 2.9% Feed:Gain EPD, 6% BN Influenced bull. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
3275 Grant Boice Page 44 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/ Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls




Lot 3280

3283 MR RED CROSS 3283L

1574666 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 24GV23AN31AR21SM RED P CED 18 YHT 5.7 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 13 IMF 0.53 LCoC Decree S022G BW -1.7 REA 1.01 LAM Stabilizer EU005 WW 55 F/G -0.05 Dunn HeatWave 07B YW 103 Intake 70 MS RED CROSS 9212 MI 20 SCR 35.8 MS RED CROSS 0301X MWT 1,213 PAP -0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeee $Ranch $93 15% $Feeder $139 9% $Profit $19,185 8% Top 12% WW EPD, Feet Improver! Lots of growth with Top 6% YW EPD
1574428 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 46GV53AN1XX BBK P CED 10 YHT 6.1 MR BLACK CROSS 8235 ET CEM 5 IMF 0.53 PLAINSMAN JACKSON 1148J BW 0.9 REA 0.93 PRAIRIE GAL 8065F WW 63 F/G -0.19 Leachman TL BottomLine G385E YW 108 Intake 13 MS BLACK CROSS 1159 MI 22 SCR 36.7 MS BLACK CROSS 6088 MWT 1,266 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeee eeeca $Ranch $77 22% $Feeder $149 6% $Profit
10% #8 WW EPD Balancer, #10 YW EPD Balancer,
Feed:Gain EPD
Top 2.4%
1574507 4/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 15GV38AN21SM25BM RED P CED 15 YHT 5.3 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 9 IMF 0.53 MR RED CROSS 1146 BW -1.8 REA 1.02 MS BLACK CROSS 5135 WW 41 F/G 0.03 LCoC Decree S022G YW 71 Intake 65 MS RED CROSS 1503 MI 24 SCR 36.6 MS RED CROSS 7257 MWT 1,206 PAP -1.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $94 15% $Feeder $101 25% $Profit $18,007 10% Top 13.3% Ribeye EPD, #9 PAP EPD S.Bal Southern Balancer
(928) 380-5149 Page 45
Lot 3283
Southern Balancer
Balancer /
/ Gelbvieh Bulls

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls


1574632 4/2/23 BTB


Mature Wt EPD S.Bal, Feet Improver! Low intake to save feed.


1574758 4/2/23 BTB



Above average Growth and Carcass. Add heterosis to herd w/ S. Bal.

1574631 4/2/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV35AN10AR17SM RED P CED 20 YHT 5.6 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 10 IMF 0.38 LCoC Docs Remedy S997J BW -5.2 REA 1.16 RGR Stabilizer GU445 WW 46 F/G 0.03 MR BLACK CROSS 6206 YW 73 Intake -48 MS BLACK CROSS 8310 MI 23 SCR 35.8 MS BLACK CROSS 5338 MWT 1,185 PAP -1.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $131 5% $Feeder $102 24% $Profit $19,486 7% #6 Ribeye EPD S.Bal, #7 Mature Wt EPD, #7 PAP EPD, 6% BN Infl. bull.
3286 MR RED CROSS 3286L
1574755 4/2/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV42AN6AR30SM BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.0 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.96 LCoC Decree S760H BW -5.8 REA 0.93 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 41 F/G 0.16 MR BHSF Prophet B006 YW 76 Intake 78 MS BLACK CROSS 9119 MI 26 SCR 35.6 MS BLACK CROSS 7252 MWT 1,211 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eecaa eeeca eeeca $Ranch $143 3% $Feeder $174 2% $Profit $26,681 1%
Top 3.2% Cow Fertility EPD, #7 Marbling EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround
4/2/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 24GV44AN16SM13BN BRC P CED 17 YHT 5.8 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4290 CEM 9 IMF 0.40 MR BLACK CROSS 9233 BW -2.8 REA 0.93 MS BLACK CROSS 9099 WW 49 F/G 0.24 Leachman Decree X936D YW 76 Intake -1 MS RED CROSS 1175 MI 23 SCR 35.8 MS RED CROSS 7293 MWT 1,220 PAP 0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeec eeeea
$75 23% $Feeder $100 25% $Profit $15,694 16%
Southern Balancer
CED 14 YHT 5.3
IMF 0.54
BW -3.5 REA 0.73
YW 65 Intake -46 MS BLACK CROSS
MI 25 SCR 35.8
MWT 1,179 PAP -1.5
Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
RED DOC 8149
CROSS 1230
CROSS 5269
Maternal Cow Fert Udder
eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eecaa eeeea
Southern Balancer
$Ranch $126 6% $Feeder $115 17%
$19,996 7% #3
4-Star AllAround Bull.
25GV30AN21AR25SG BBK P CED 23 YHT 5.7 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 14 IMF 0.68 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -6.0 REA 0.86 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 38 F/G 0.22 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2306 YW 68 Intake -28 MS BLACK CROSS 9221 MI 20 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 6007 MWT 1,215 PAP -1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeca $Ranch $125 6% $Feeder $129 12% $Profit $20,889 5% Top 9.2% Cow Fertility, Top 5.9% Marbling EPD, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
4/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 26GV52AN2AR19SM BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.4 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 9 IMF 0.59 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW 0.1 REA 0.85 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 41 F/G 0.25 VRT LAZY TV WATCHMAN W021 YW 70 Intake 30 BTBR MS BLK CROSS 3056 ET MI 21 SCR 37.9 MS BLACK CROSS 8060 MWT 1,212 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeaaa $Ranch $122 7% $Feeder $116 17% $Profit $20,503 6% Top 4.6% Cow Fertility EPD, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574529 4/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 20GV55AN2AR21SM BBK P CED 13 YHT 5.3 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 9 IMF 0.71 LCoC Bedrock U200J BW -2.5 REA 0.74 LAM Stabilizer GS070 WW 51 F/G 0.29 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 92 Intake -39 Ms Black Cross 5005 MI 17 SCR 36.9 BTBR Ms Black Cross 3070 MWT 1,220 PAP -0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeeee $Ranch $87 18% $Feeder $169 3% $Profit $20,723 6% Feet Improver! Low intake with Top 5% Marbling and Top 13% YW EPD Lot 3297 Page 46 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls




3304 MR RED CROSS 3304L

1574385 4/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 32GV36AN6AR25SG BBK P CED 14 YHT 5.6 RED DOC 8149 CEM 9 IMF 0.57 MR BLACK CROSS 1230 BW -2.2 REA 0.81 MS BLACK CROSS 6334 WW 46 F/G -0.09 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 80 Intake -10 Ms Black Cross 0530 MI 15 SCR 35.9 MS BLACK CROSS 8418 MWT 1,197 PAP 0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeaaa $Ranch $167 1% $Feeder $128 12% $Profit $25,256 2% #8 $Profit S.Bal, #4 $Ranch S.Bal, #7 Cow Fertility S.Bal, Feet Improver! 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist! Southern Balancer
1574576 4/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV48AN19SM13BN BRC P CED 18 YHT 5.8 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 11 IMF 0.48 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -2.2 REA 1.13 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 55 F/G 0.08 Bismarcks Mr Govenor 2A YW 99 Intake 58 MS BLACK CROSS 6374 MI 18 SCR 37.3 Ms Black Cross 9302 MWT 1,234 PAP -1.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeee $Ranch $135 4% $Feeder $145 7% $Profit $23,325 3% Top 4.9% Cow Fertility, #10 YW EPD, #7 Ribeye EPD S.Bal 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1574549 4/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 5GV38AN5AR50SG BRC P CED 9 YHT 5.7 Red Doc 3150 CEM 5 IMF 0.31 RED DOC 8149 BW 0.5 REA 0.88 Red Doc ET 3322 WW 52 F/G 0.05 K C F Bennett Absolute YW 94 Intake 29 MS BLACK CROSS 6019 MI 14 SCR 36.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4220 MWT 1,277 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeaaa $Ranch $60 31% $Feeder $107 21% $Profit $11,659 31% Top 11% Yearling EPD and add heterosis with the S. Balancer. Southern Balancer
1574586 4/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV17AN25AR30SM RED P CED 17 YHT 5.2 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.66 LCoC Decree S760H BW -5.2 REA 0.97 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 33 F/G 0.12 Brandywine Beacon 431B YW 60 Intake 31 MS RED CROSS 7106 MI 26 SCR 36.0 BTBR MS RED CROSS 1050 MWT 1,199 PAP -1.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $112 9% $Feeder $132 11% $Profit $20,622 6% Top 9.8% Mature Wt
Feet Improver!#12
Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
(928) 380-5149 Page 47
Lot 3303

3305 MR RED CROSS 3305L


Lot 3305



Lot 3307



1574607 4/4/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 14GV24AN30AR30SM RED P CED 15 YHT 6.2 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 9 IMF 0.34 LCoC Decree S760H BW -1.6 REA 0.90 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 54 F/G 0.22 OOO SIR LOIN 5122 YW 90 Intake 66 MS RED CROSS 8077 MI 21 SCR 37.0 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3116 MWT 1,228 PAP 0.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeee $Ranch $94 15% $Feeder $83 36% $Profit $15,384 17% Feet Improver! Top 13% Cow Fert and WW along with Top 15% YW EPD
1574386 4/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 6GV38AN6AR50SG BRC P CED 10 YHT 5.6 Red Doc 3150 CEM 5 IMF 0.34 RED DOC 8149 BW -0.3 REA 0.39 Red Doc ET 3322 WW 50 F/G -0.11 B3R B319 ELECTOR BTB T037 YW 82 Intake 13 Ms Black Cross 0541 MI 20 SCR 36.9 MS RED CROSS 8473 MWT 1,230 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eaaaa eeeee eeeee eeeca $Ranch $116 8% $Feeder $24 76% $Profit $12,458 28%
Southern Balancer
Feet Improver! Top 15% Cow Fertility and Top 10% Feed:Gain EPDs 4-Star AllAround Bull.
4/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 38GV45AN25SG2XX BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.2 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 12 IMF 0.70 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -5.9 REA 0.54 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 19 F/G -0.17 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 3045 YW 22 Intake -131 MS BLACK CROSS 6191 MI 20 SCR 36.4 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4102 MWT 1,197 PAP -2.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eaaaa eeaaa eeeea eeeaa eecaa $Ranch $105 11% $Feeder $95 28% $Profit $16,037 15% Top 5% Marb EPD, Top 3.6% F:G EPD, #1 Udder EPD, #4 PAP EPD S.Bal 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1574554 4/5/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 47GV26AN2AR25SG BRC P CED 12 YHT 6.0 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 6 IMF 0.33 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -1.9 REA 0.98 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 42 F/G -0.09 PRO-HART CAPPUCCINO 410B YW 74 Intake 26 MS BLACK CROSS 6088 MI 15 SCR 37.0 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4359 MWT 1,257 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeec eeeea $Ranch $84 19% $Feeder $84 36% $Profit $14,242 21% Feet Improver! Top 14% Feed:Gain. Add Heterosis with S. Balancer Southern Balancer
1574364 4/6/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 4GV48AN15AR32SM BBK P CED 22 YHT 5.3 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 14 IMF 0.65 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -5.8 REA 0.96 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 38 F/G 0.14 BROWN HAYS ABSOLUTE D4002 YW 81 Intake 94 Ms Black Cross 0181 MI 28 SCR 36.5 MS BLK CROSS 0250X MWT 1,238 PAP -0.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $125 6% $Feeder $132 11% $Profit $21,892 4% Top 3.6% Cow Fertility EPD, and a 5 Star Calving Ease bull. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
Hay Lake Page 48 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh
Balancer /


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls




1574634 4/6/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV33AN7AR30SM BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.1 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 9 IMF 0.59 LCoC Decree S760H BW -2.4 REA 0.78 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 33 F/G 0.02 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 61 Intake -20 MS BLACK CROSS 8358 MI 20 SCR 36.1 MS BLACK CROSS 7086 MWT 1,199 PAP -1.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeee eeeea eeaaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $151 2% $Feeder $117 17% $Profit $23,415 3% #11 $Ranch Balancer,
Maternal Specialist!
#5 Cow Fert, Feet Improver! #11 PAP EPD 4.5-Star
4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV57AN4AR14SM BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.6 Leachman Devout X799D CEM 12 IMF 0.96 LCoC Devout U472H BW -5.0 REA 1.08 LAM Katie FS286 WW 54 F/G 0.27 BTBR Mr Black Cross 3093 YW 94 Intake 42 Ms Black Cross 0146 MI 15 SCR 35.9 MS RED CROSS 7094 MWT 1,222 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $128 6% $Feeder $212 0.4% $Profit $27,172 0.9% #9 $Profit Balancer, #8 $Feeder Balancer, #6 Marbling EPD Balancer 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574387 4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV49AN19SM6BN BBK P CED 18 YHT 6.1 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 11 IMF 0.67 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -2.7 REA 1.20 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 57 F/G 0.19 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 103 Intake 102 Ms Black Cross 0552 MI 26 SCR 37.4 MS BLACK CROSS 8410 MWT 1,221 PAP 0.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $109 10% $Feeder $180 2% $Profit $23,665 3% #10 WW EPD S.Bal, #8 YW EPD, #4 Ribeye EPD, 6% BN Influenced bull. 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
Lot 3317
(928) 380-5149 Page 49
Lot 3322








3335 MR RED CROSS 3335L

1574533 4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV42AN19AR19SM BBK P CED 13 YHT 5.7 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 8 IMF 0.57 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -1.4 REA 0.91 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 51 F/G 0.02 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2214 YW 79 Intake -45 MS BLACK CROSS 5049 MI 24 SCR 36.6 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3313 MWT 1,262 PAP 0.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa $Ranch $69 26% $Feeder $135 10% $Profit $16,528 14% Low Intake with Top 13% Marbling EPD.
1574636 4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 36GV36AN6AR17SM BRC P CED 20 YHT 5.1 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 11 IMF 0.34 LCoC Docs Remedy S997J BW -3.3 REA 0.96 RGR Stabilizer GU445 WW 44 F/G 0.00 BLACK BENJAMIN 501B ET YW 77 Intake 44 MS BLACK CROSS 8402 MI 21 SCR 37.2 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1383 MWT 1,206 PAP -1.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $118 8% $Feeder $66 48% $Profit $16,635 14% Feet Improver! Top 13% Cow Fertility and Top 16 % Mature Wt
1574480 4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 31GV34AN19SM13BM BLK P CED 22 YHT 5.1 Leachman Turbo U202F CEM 12 IMF 0.66 LCoC Turbo U097J BW -5.1 REA 1.11 Hays Izzie 7G77 WW 40 F/G 0.11 Dunn HeatWave 07B YW 77 Intake 72 MS RED CROSS 1322 MI 27 SCR 36.1 MS RED CROSS 4233 ET MWT 1,190 PAP -1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeec $Ranch $191 0.4% $Feeder $133 11% $Profit $28,401 0.6% #4 $Profit S.Bal, #1 $Ranch, #1 Cow Fert, #8 Ribeye EPD, Feet Improver! 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 34GV33AN8AR25SG BRC P CED 17 YHT 6.1 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 10 IMF 0.48 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -3.7 REA 0.83 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 42 F/G -0.18 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2321 YW 76 Intake 39 MR BLACK CROSS 6228 MI 18 SCR 36.3 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2366 MWT 1,258 PAP -0.8
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $70 26% $Feeder $121 15% $Profit $15,648 16% Top 2.9% Feed:Gain EPD, Top 8% $Feeder index. Southern Balancer
4/7/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV48AN3AR21SM BRC P CED 18 YHT 6.2 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 11 IMF 0.66 LCoC Decree S022G BW -2.3 REA 1.15 LAM Stabilizer EU005 WW 58 F/G 0.15 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 95 Intake 73 MS BLACK CROSS 9312 MI 20 SCR 36.0 MS BLACK CROSS 5148 MWT 1,224 PAP -0.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $103 12% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $20,469 6% Top 8.2% WW EPD, Top 3.7% Ribeye EPD, 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574560 4/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 63GV13AN25SG RED P CED 19 YHT 5.8 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 12 IMF 0.41 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -2.3 REA 1.10 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 37 F/G 0.15 BLACK BART 503B ET YW 68 Intake 101 MS BLACK CROSS 6122 MI 28 SCR 36.7 MS OK SCARLETT 6R3 ET MWT 1,253 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $136 4% $Feeder $110 20% $Profit $21,145 5% #9 Cow Fertility S.Bal, #10 Ribeye EPD S.Bal, Top 5% $Profit & $Ranch 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Lot 3333
Page 50 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/ Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls
Lot 3335






1574743 4/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 45GV31AN2AR19SM BBK P CED 13 YHT 6.2 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 7 IMF 0.30 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -1.8 REA 1.29 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 50 F/G 0.27 BLACK BART 503B ET YW 81 Intake -35 MS BLACK CROSS 6210 MI 21 SCR 37.3 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1284 MWT 1,275 PAP -1.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeaaa $Ranch $71 25% $Feeder $148 6% $Profit $17,670 11% #2 Ribeye EPD Balancer, #7 Udder EPD Balancer
1574604 4/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 5GV19AN35AR41SM RED P CED 19 YHT 5.2 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.93 LCoC Decree S760H BW -3.1 REA 0.90 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 51 F/G 0.07 Leachman 18 Karat X235C YW 82 Intake 83 MS RED CROSS 8057 MI 28 SCR 36.7 MS RED CROSS 6196 MWT 1,209 PAP -0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eecaa eeeaa eecaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeec $Ranch $89 17% $Feeder $159 4% $Profit $20,247 6% #11 Marbling EPD Balancer, Great Phenotype with Top 6% $Profit.
1574415 4/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 41GV41AN16BN2XX BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.8 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4290 CEM 10 IMF 0.58 MR BLACK CROSS 9233 BW -1.1 REA 0.78 MS BLACK CROSS 9099 WW 50 F/G -0.12 Dunn's Easy Journey 031F YW 83 Intake 50 MS BLACK CROSS 1102 MI 14 SCR 36.0 MS BLACK CROSS 9228 MWT 1,237 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeca eeeea $Ranch $84 19% $Feeder $131 11% $Profit $17,993 10% Top 9% Feed:Gain EPD, Top 12% Marbling. Southern Balancer
1574605 4/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 28GV43AN19SM6BN BBK P CED 24 YHT 5.6 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 15 IMF 0.59 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -6.1 REA 0.56 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 32 F/G -0.11 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 72 Intake 18 Ms Black Cross 8060 MI 12 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 6260 MWT 1,181 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeec eeeea eeeee eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeca eeeea $Ranch $146 3% $Feeder $104 23% $Profit $22,462 4% #8 $Ranch S.Bal, #4 Mature Wt EPD S.Bal, Feet Improver! 6% BN Infl. 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!
4/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 27GV16AN7AR50SG BRC P CED 9 YHT 5.6 Red Doc 3150 CEM 5 IMF 0.11 RED DOC 8149 BW 0.0 REA 0.93 Red Doc ET 3322 WW 46 F/G -0.07 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2351 YW 81 Intake 15 MS BLACK CROSS 5363 MI 19 SCR 37.0 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2366 MWT 1,256 PAP -1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeaa eaaaa eeeca eeeea eecaa $Ranch $112 9% $Feeder $47 61% $Profit $13,769 23% Top 9% $Ranch, keep the females with added heterosis for S. Balancer Southern Balancer
BLACK CROSS 3337L 1574581 4/8/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 14GV25AN5SE50SG BRC P CED 12 YHT 5.8 Red Doc 3150 CEM 8 IMF 0.31 RED DOC 8149 BW 0.4 REA 0.73 Red Doc ET 3322 WW 49 F/G -0.19 Black Cross Hero 4031 YW 86 Intake 47 MS BLACK CROSS 7039 MI 16 SCR 37.1 MS BLACK CROSS 5212 MWT 1,214 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeec eeeec $Ranch $140 4% $Feeder $63 50% $Profit $16,811 13% Top 6.5% Cow Fertility, Top 2.4% Feed:Gain EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
3337 MR
Lot 3337
(928) 380-5149 Page 51
Lot 3338
Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls


Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls




1574525 4/10/23 BTB



Top 0.8% Marb EPD, Top 8.1% MWt EPD, Feet Improver! #6 PAP EPD Bal 4-Star


3348 MR RED CROSS 3348L 1574598

EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.


1574750 4/9/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV40AN17SM13BN RED P CED 13 YHT 5.6 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 8 IMF 0.48 LCoC Docs Remedy S997J BW 0.4 REA 1.11 RGR Stabilizer GU445 WW 49 F/G 0.11 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2148 YW 80 Intake -53 MS BLACK CROSS 8316 MI 21 SCR 36.4 MS BLACK CROSS 5198 MWT 1,216 PAP -1.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeaaa eeeec $Ranch $106 11% $Feeder $136 10% $Profit $18,336 10% #9 Ribeye EPD S.Bal, #8 PAP EPD S.Bal, Top 14% Cow Fertility 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
1574599 4/10/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 16GV43AN19SM16BM BRC P CED 15 YHT 5.5 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 7 IMF 0.33 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -2.1 REA 0.98 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 53 F/G -0.03 VFF MR ADV 87-4 YW 85 Intake 44 MS BLACK CROSS 7390 MI 32 SCR 36.5 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3242 MWT 1,219 PAP 0.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeaa eeeaa eecaa eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eecaa $Ranch $105 11% $Feeder $80 38% $Profit $16,248 15%
Feet Improver! Southern Balancer
Top 14.8% WW EPD,
4/11/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV41AN6AR30SM RED P CED 20 YHT 5.7 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.84 LCoC Decree S760H BW -2.9 REA 1.17 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 40 F/G 0.10 Dunn's Wharton 026C YW 75 Intake 52 MS RED CROSS 7327 MI 26 SCR 35.7 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2198 MWT 1,228 PAP -0.4 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $128 5% $Feeder $203 0.6% $Profit $27,239 0.8% #8 $Profit Balancer, Top 3.7% Cow Fertility EPD, #10 Ribeye
CEM 10
LCoC Bedrock U200J BW -3.4 REA 0.62 LAM Stabilizer GS070 WW 46 F/G 0.31 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 2306 YW 78 Intake 43 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4291 MI 22 SCR 36.8 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1114 MWT 1,197 PAP -2.1
YHT 5.1 Leachman Bedrock M522F
IMF 0.89
Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno
Maternal Cow Fert Udder
eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeca
$126 6% $Feeder $138 9% $Profit $22,597 3%
AllAround Bull.
1574752 4/10/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 22GV41AN6AR30SM BRC P CED 16 YHT 5.8 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.63 LCoC Decree S760H BW -1.9 REA 0.86 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 42 F/G 0.24 MR BLACK CROSS 6222 YW 73 Intake 44 MS BLACK CROSS 8446 MI 22 SCR 35.7 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2198 MWT 1,227 PAP -0.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa $Ranch $41 43% $Feeder $128 12% $Profit $12,938 26% Feet Improver! Top 8% Marbling EPD.
1574641 4/11/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV45AN7AR19SM BBK P CED 14 YHT 5.9 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 9 IMF 0.52 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -0.7 REA 0.96 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 51 F/G 0.47 MR BLACK CROSS 6222 YW 86 Intake 69 MS BLACK CROSS 8455 MI 25 SCR 36.2 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 4331 MWT 1,256 PAP 0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $98 13% $Feeder $123 14% $Profit $18,592 9% Top 5.4% Cow Fertility, 3% BM Influenced bull. Nelson Maldonado helping the cooks Page 52 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/

3352 MR RED CROSS 3352L






3360 MR BLACK CROSS 3360L 1574359

1574357 4/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV31AN18AR30SM RED P CED 18 YHT 5.6 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.78 LCoC Decree S760H BW -4.0 REA 0.70 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 51 F/G 0.01 Brandywine Beacon 431B YW 97 Intake 63 Ms Black Cross 0111 MI 31 SCR 35.1 MS BLK CROSS 0210X MWT 1,201 PAP -2.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeca eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeaa eeeea $Ranch $106 11% $Feeder $164 4% $Profit $22,310 4% Top 12.2% Mature Wt EPD, #4 PAP EPD Balancer
1574382 4/13/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 17GV56AN3AR19SM BRC P CED 19 YHT 5.5 Leachman Bedrock M522F CEM 11 IMF 0.68 Leachman Jurisdiction U245J BW -3.3 REA 0.85 LAM Stabilizer CX223 WW 50 F/G 0.15 Leachman Foundation G081D YW 86 Intake 22 Ms Black Cross 0468 MI 21 SCR 36.9 MS BLACK CROSS 8196 MWT 1,207 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeec eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea $Ranch $147 3% $Feeder $149 6% $Profit $25,323 2% #9 Cow Fertility Balancer, with
Wt and Top 6% Marbling 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!
Low Mature
4/13/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 23GV50AN4AR15SM BBK P CED 19 YHT 5.4 LCoC Nightride R072E CEM 11 IMF 0.89 LCoC Nightride S614J BW -4.7 REA 0.60 GRU Stabilizer DD037 WW 42 F/G 0.12 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 4160 YW 74 Intake 83 MS BLACK CROSS 1292 MI 19 SCR 36.3 MS BLACK CROSS 8435 MWT 1,220 PAP -1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $99 13% $Feeder $143 8% $Profit $20,130 6% Top 0.8%
Marbling EPD, should bring Marbling Premiums
the Rail!
4/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 29GV40AN1AR25SG BBK P CED 12 YHT 5.6 RED DOC 8149 CEM 7 IMF 0.58 MR BLACK CROSS 1230 BW -0.8 REA 0.87 MS BLACK CROSS 6334 WW 57 F/G 0.00 BCC OMEGA 34C YW 104 Intake 95 Ms Black Cross 0129 MI 16 SCR 36.0 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3369 MWT 1,238 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea $Ranch $91 16% $Feeder $142 8% $Profit $16,817 13% #7 WW EPD S.Bal, #5 YW EPD S.Bal, Top 12% Marbling EPD Southern Balancer
1574346 4/14/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 6GV56AN30SM8XX BRC P CED 19 YHT 5.5 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.64 LCoC Decree S760H BW -4.8 REA 0.56 MSF2 Sonya FS685 WW 40 F/G -0.07 Thomas Big Data 7435 YW 77 Intake -6 Ms Black Cross 0010 MI 23 SCR 35.7 MS BLK CROSS 0054X MWT 1,216 PAP -0.5 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeca $Ranch $110 10% $Feeder $117 17% $Profit $19,386 8% Top 10% Cow Fertility and Top 6% Marbling EPD. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
1574511 4/13/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 44GV25AN6AR25SG BBK P CED 13 YHT 5.7 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 7 IMF 0.23 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW 0.9 REA 0.80 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 45 F/G -0.09 MR FORTUNE 4049 ET YW 68 Intake -10 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2194 MI 19 SCR 35.7 MS BLACK CROSS 6072 MWT 1,244 PAP -1.2 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeee eeeaa eaaaa eeeea eeeca eeeca $Ranch $100 13% $Feeder $45 63% $Profit $13,556 23% Top 11% Cow Fertility and Top 14% Feed:Gain EPD. 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Lot 3352
(928) 380-5149 Page 53
/ Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls
Lot 3360

Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls


1574492 4/15/23 BTB

#7 Feed:Gain EPD S.Bal, 6% BM Influenced bull. 4-Star AllAround Bull.


Henry Hovey & his goat


Top 13.2% WW EPD, Feet Improver! 3% BN Influenced bull.


1574539 4/24/23 BTB


WW EPD, Feet Improver! 4.5-Star Maternal Specialist!

4/15/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV50AN25SG BRC P CED 19 YHT 5.6 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 11 IMF 0.93 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -3.6 REA 0.61 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 32 F/G -0.10 Leachman Foundation G081D YW 68 Intake 83 Ms Black Cross 0435 MI 25 SCR 36.2 MS BLACK CROSS 8470 MWT 1,204 PAP -0.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeee eeeee eeeee eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeaa eeeaa $Ranch $150 2% $Feeder $144 7% $Profit $24,304 2% #7 $Ranch S.Bal, #5 Cow Fertility
#8 Marbling EPD S.Bal 5-Star Maternal Specialist! Southern Balancer
4/21/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV48AN3AR21SM BRC P CED 17 YHT 5.1 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 9 IMF 0.76 LCoC Decree S022G BW -1.5 REA 0.95 LAM Stabilizer EU005 WW 56 F/G 0.21 KERSTIENS 314R YW 94 Intake 54 MS BLACK CROSS 9096 MI 20 SCR 35.8 MS ELLIOT 3272N MWT 1,209 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeec eeeee eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeca eeeaa
$128 5% $Feeder $154 5% $Profit $23,805 2% #12 Cow
Fertility Balancer,
BRC P CED 17 YHT 4.8
C F Bennett Absolute CEM 11 IMF 0.33 BROWN HAYS ABSOLUTE D4002 BW -3.6 REA 0.43 Hays Izzie 190W WW 34 F/G -0.24
C213 YW 68 Intake -13 MS BLACK CROSS 1391 MI 29 SCR 36.8 MS RED CROSS 9413 MWT 1,219 PAP -0.5
Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeaaa eaaaa eeeea eeeea eeeaa
72% $Profit
$Ranch $118 8%
4/16/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 19GV53AN3AR21SM BRC P CED 19 YHT 5.4 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 12 IMF 0.57 LCoC Decree S022G BW -3.6 REA 0.93 LAM Stabilizer EU005 WW 54 F/G 0.29 BTBR Mr Black Cross 3093 YW 98 Intake 49 Ms Black Cross 0207 MI 13 SCR 36.1 MS BLACK CROSS 7197 MWT 1,206 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee
eeeaa eeaaa eeeee eeeea eeeaa eeeee eeeea eeaaa
$Ranch $47 39% $Feeder $130
$Profit $14,491 20%
21GV59AN12SM5DS BBK P CED 19 YHT 4.6 Leachman Accelerate X166D CEM 12 IMF 0.80 LCoC Accelerate U422H BW -7.0 REA 0.72 LAM Stabilizer EU012 WW 30 F/G 0.00 BTBR MR BLACK CROSS 3257 YW 67 Intake 7 MS BLACK CROSS 5269 MI 18 SCR 35.3 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 3024 MWT 1,168 PAP -1.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeca eeaaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeca $Ranch $167 1% $Feeder $135 10% $Profit $26,763 1% #2 $Ranch Balancer, Top 3.8% Cow Fertility EPD, #2 Mature Wt EPD 4-Star AllAround Bull.
Kristin & Devin Hovey Meg & Spencer Spencer & girls when Verde flooded Page 54 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/


1574358 4/29/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 31GV42AN3AR21SM BRC P CED 18 YHT 5.6 Leachman Decree X936D CEM 10 IMF 0.66 LCoC Decree S022G BW -3.2 REA 1.26 LAM Stabilizer EU005 WW 61 F/G -0.07 MR TWISTER 7195E ET YW 109 Intake 77 Ms Black Cross 0124 ET MI 21 SCR 35.7 BCC MISS OBJECTIVE 41W MWT 1,245 PAP -3.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eecaa eeaaa eeeca eeeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeec $Ranch $37 45% $Feeder $205 0.6% $Profit $18,233 10% #12 WW EPD Balancer, #9 YW EPD Balancer, #5 Ribeye EPD , #1 PAP EPD 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator.
1574542 4/29/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 14GV50AN7AR19SM BBK P CED 14 YHT 5.8 Leachman Docs Remedy U683E CEM 9 IMF 0.34 LCoC Docs Remedy S899H BW -1.0 REA 1.01 LCoC Michelle CX017 WW 58 F/G 0.47 SM 11-262 YW 92 Intake 51 MS BLACK CROSS 5351 MI 27 SCR 36.3 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 2361 MWT 1,252 PAP -0.3 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeca eeeaa eeeca $Ranch $89 17% $Feeder $86 34% $Profit $16,155 15% Top 8.6% Cow Fertility, #5 WW EPD S.Bal, 6% BM Influenced bull.
1574668 4/24/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 25GV25AN25BM25SG BRC P CED 18 YHT 5.4 Red Doc Diablo 6306 CEM 11 IMF 0.42 Mr Black Cross 0209 ET BW -1.8 REA 0.76 BCC Miss Nevada 26B WW 42 F/G 0.03 CHRK 187B YW 68 Intake 4 MS BLACK CROSS 9276 MI 14 SCR 36.0 TENDERNESS 9002W MWT 1,236 PAP -1.7 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeaaa eeeea eeeca eeeea $Ranch $111 9% $Feeder $95 29% $Profit $16,955 13% #10 PAP EPD S.Bal, Top 10% Cow Fertility. You will like his Phenotype 4-Star AllAround Bull. Southern Balancer
Lot 3378 Lot 3379
Ryleigh who is TROUBLE! Ryleigh with her favorite animal
Warren, Kathleen, & Claire
The Crew at Melbourne (928) 380-5149 Page 55 Balancer / Southern Balancer / Hybrid / Gelbvieh Bulls
The Ballerina in Boots
We appreciate our customers! Page 56 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
(928) 380-5149 Page 57



Lot 3043



H2301 HOLLANDS H04 OF 1715 2301

20900800 3/6/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 100AN BBK P CED 10 YHT 5.3 G A R Sure Fire CEM 4 IMF 1.24 G A R High Security JSF 4005 BW -0.1 REA 0.64 G A R High Design 781 WW 55 F/G -0.29 Gardens Yahoo QE12 YW 92 Intake 55 BTBR MS Black Cross 7043 MI 26 SCR 37.2 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1018 MWT 1,213 PAP 2.6 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeca eeeea eeeca eeeea eeeea eeeca eeeec eeeec $Ranch $94 8% $Feeder $207 8% $Profit $24,119 4% #2 YW AN, #1 Marbling AN, #1 Feed:Gain AN, #2 Mature Wt AN 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
20771660 3/11/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 100AN BBK P CED 3 YHT 5.1 G A R Sure Fire CEM -5 IMF 1.00 G A R High Security JSF 4005 BW 2.1 REA 0.51 G A R High Design 781 WW 59 F/G 0.01 K C F Bennett Absolute YW 91 Intake 6 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 6106 MI 12 SCR 36.4 BTBR MS BLACK CROSS 1134 MWT 1,206 PAP 1.9 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eee eeeea eeeea eeeee
#1 $Feeder, #1 Cow Fertility, #1 Udder Wt 4.5-Star AllAround Bull!
eeeea eeeee eeeca eeeca eeeca $Ranch $128 2% $Feeder $276 0.9% $Profit $32,384 0.3%
$Profit AN, #1 $Ranch,
20630991 2/1/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 100AN BBK PP CED 12 YHT 5.7 G A R Sure Fire CEM 16 IMF 0.77 BSD Curve Bender H04 BW -0.4 REA 0.88 G A R 100X 2195 WW 56 F/G 0.21 B/R Confidence 413 YW 99 Intake 57 Hollands 1407 0f 413 1715 MI 24 SCR 36.3 Hollands 2805 of 1005 1407 MWT 1,246 PAP -1.1 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeca eeeea eeeca eeeee eeeee eeeaa eeeea eeeca $Ranch $78 12% $Feeder $253 2% $Profit $25,748 2% #2 $Feeder AN, #2 WW AN, #1 YW AN, #1 Ribeye AN, Neg PAP EPD 5-Star Calf Revenue Creator and Above Average Maternal
Page 58 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Lot 3086
Angus Bulls

H2303 HOLLANDS H04 OF 1913

H2308 HOLLANDS H04 OF 2024 2308

H2316 HOLLANDS H04 OF 1612 2316

2303 20630994 2/3/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 100AN BBK PP CED 6 YHT 5.1 G A R Sure Fire CEM 9 IMF 1.08 BSD Curve Bender H04 BW 1.3 REA 0.69 G A R 100X 2195 WW 50 F/G -0.04 Silver State 10 X 610 YW 85 Intake 13 Hollands 610 of 1703 11913 MI 19 SCR 36.1 Hollands 916 of 413 1703 MWT 1,224 PAP 0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeeaa eeeaa eeeca eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeea eeeee $Ranch $65 18% $Feeder $179 16% $Profit $19,234 11% #2 Marbling AN, #2 Feed:Gain AN, with Great Phenotype. 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator.
20630992 2/12/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 100AN BBK PP CED 17 YHT 5.4 G A R Sure Fire CEM 13 IMF 0.77 BSD Curve Bender H04 BW -1.4 REA 0.85 G A R 100X 2195 WW 50 F/G 0.13 Silver State 10 X 610 YW 82 Intake -25 Hollands 610 of 708 2024 MI 32 SCR 35.9 Hollands Obj OT26 of 402 708 MWT 1,227 PAP 0.8 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeaaa eeeec eeeec $Ranch $110 4% $Feeder $200 10% $Profit $25,176 3% #2 $Profit
Intake. 4-Star AllAround Bull.
$Ranch AN, #2 Cow Fertility AN, with Low
20631941 2/24/23 BTB Pen: EPDs 100AN BBK PP CED 18 YHT 5.2 G A R Sure Fire CEM 20 IMF 0.55 BSD Curve Bender H04 BW -3.1 REA 0.87 G A R 100X 2195 WW 49 F/G 0.00 AF/ Cuervo Confidence B01 YW 90 Intake 80 Hollands B01 of 1201 1612 MI 24 SCR 36.9 Hollands 983 of 420 1201 MWT 1,234 PAP 1.0 C. Ease Maternal Cow Fert Udder Growth Feed/Carc Feet Dispo Pheno eeee eeeaa eeeaa eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeea eeeaa eeeee $Ranch $64 18% $Feeder $192 12% $Profit $20,067 9% #2 Ribeye AN, #2 Udder Wt AN, with Great Phenotype. 4-Star Calf Revenue Creator.
Lot H2303 Lot H2308
(928) 380-5149 Page 59
Lot H2316
Angus Bulls
Page 60 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
Friends & Crew

Ranch Life

(928) 380-5149 Page 61


Generations of breeding decisions have laid the foundation for your herd. Now you can continue—and improve— that legacy with INHERIT Select,™ a genomic tool to help cow-calf producers with crossbred cattle make more informed selection and breeding decisions.

INHERIT Select provides the industry with Genomic Expected Progeny Differences (GEPDs) for 16 traits that inform three economic indexes which simplify complex information to make better management decisions easier.


A replacement can take about 4 years to break even.1 Identifying females that produce more valuable calves can add value long term.

One Year Guarantee!

With GEPDs and indexes provided by INHERIT Select, you can make earlier and better selection decisions to identify future replacements. Selecting the right replacements is critical to the future of your herd, and has a direct impact on short-term profitability.

• Earlier marketing decisions can help reduce heifer-raising costs and generate revenue.

• Future herd productivity is accelerated by selecting females with more favorable predictions.

Bar T Bar is offering a one year guarantee on all bulls that we sell. This guarantee will cover your purchased bull(s) against death, injury, infertility, and loss of use. If, during the first year from purchase, you lose the use of your bull for whatever reason, we will give you a credit towards the purchase of a new bull. We only ask that your herd veterinarian provide a written statement describing the death, injury, or infertility. If the bull in question can be salvaged, we would like you to keep the salvage value, and a credit will be issued, less the salvage amount you receive for the bull. If the bull is turned out for breeding, then the credit will be given at 75% of the original purchase value (less any salvage value). All claims must be made within 1 year from the date of purchase and cannot exceed the greater of 2 bulls per invoice or 15% of the total invoice.


Example 1: Your $5,000 bull dies before you turn him out to breed. You receive a full credit of $5,000. (Purchase Price - $0 Salvage - $0 Use).

Example 2: Your $5,000 bull injures his scrotum after you pull him from the cows. You sell him for $1000 in salvage. You receive a credit of $2,750 ($5000 purchase - $1000 salvage - $1250 usage).

Requirements for claims:

1. All claims must be made within 365 days of purchase.

2. A veterinary statement regarding the circumstances is required.

INHERIT Select identifies genomic approximations of breed composition to help harness hybrid vigor and optimize production efficiency by:

• Determining emphasis by breed contributing to crossbred GEPDs

– Incorporating parent information for improved accuracy

3. A verbal agreement from Bar T Bar Ranch is required prior to a bull being sold for salvage. Documentation of the salvage value of the bull, including identification of the bull on the sale barn ticket, that corresponds to the bulls Bar T Bar identifications (ear tag or metal clip) is also required. This credit can be used for the purchase of bulls, females, semen, and/or embryos from Bar T Bar. If the credit is not used within 24 months of the date of issuance, then it will expire.

Note: Guarantee will be revoked on all bulls that are not paid for within 30 days of invoice date.

• Indicating potential maternal hybrid vigor that favorably impacts reproduction, fitness and survival traits

• Helping to inform breeding decisions in future calf crops

Page 62 see video at http://www.superiorlivestock.com/
We are committed to helping ranchers reduce the losses from brisket disease.

We know from our own cowherds that losing calves to brisket at any time from birth through yearling stage can have significant financial cost. We are convinced that pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) scores are very strong predictors of whether or not animals will have the disease. For this reason, we have collected over 7,705 PAP scores on cattle in our program.

Unfortunately, taking measurements will not solve the problem. Most ranchers know that buying PAP tested bulls reduces the problems with brisket, but most still report losing 3% - 8% of their calves to brisket depending on the year. This level of calf loss is still unacceptable!

We believe that the best strategy to reduce brisket disease is to use genomically enhanced expected progeny differences (EPDs) for PAP. Think of selecting for low birth weight. Just buying bulls under 80 pounds would help calving ease, but using low birth weight EPD bulls is a much more effective strategy. This is true, because an EPD takes into account much more information. For example, buying a 75 lb. BW bull out of a sire that generally sires very heavy calves is far less likely to be easy calving than is a similar BW bull out of a sire that generally sires light calves. The same is the case with PAP.

Our PAP EPD closely relates to the actual PAP score of the bulls as shown in the graph below. The correlation between the PAP scores and the PAP EPDs are 85%. This is typical in a trait like PAP that is 30% heritable. However, as with all EPDs, you can see that some bulls score better or worse on the EPDs than on the actual score. Ranchers concerned with PAP scores should use the EPDs – not the actual PAP scores.

Key points regarding PAP and PAP EPDs:

• We have taken 7,705 PAP scores (all by Dr. Tim Holt).

• PAP is 30% heritable.

• The PAP EPDs reported were calculated by Zoetis. They include information related to the genomics of the bulls. This increases the accuracy of the prediction, even without a PAP test.

• Selecting bulls using the PAP EPD is FAR more accurate than simply using the PAP scores.

• Herds that have significant brisket disease should use the lowest PAP EPD bulls.

y = 6.0962x + 50.783 R² = 0.8531 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 PAP vs PAP EPD
AGE: Yearling Yearling 18 months + ELEVATION: 6,000 ft. and lower 7,000 ft. and higher 8,000 ft. and higher Low Risk 41 and lower 42 and lower 45 and lower Moderate Risk 42 to 48 43 to 48 46 to 51 High Risk 49 and higher 49 and higher 52 and higher EPD Criteria Results +3.0 and higher 30% Calf Loss 0.0 and lower Little to no loss -0.7 and lower Improve herd (928) 380-5149 Page 63
Dr. Tim Holt PAP Testing.
Leachman Cattle of Colorado Guidelines for High Altitude Selection of Cattle Bar T Bar guarantees any bull that we PAP at 40 or lower before the sale, to PAP
or lower at 8000 feet in the fall.

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experience—to help you grow your legacy.

Terms and Conditions: The cattle will sell under the Terms and Conditions of the American Gelbvieh Association and the American Angus Association. In the event of default in any part of the Terms and Conditions covering the sale by either the buyer or seller, it shall be the responsibility of the buyer or seller to instigate any action necessary to bring about a fair settlement of any claims arising from the sale and to be responsible for any costs included therein. The sale management assumes no responsibility, legal or otherwise, for the failure of either buyer or seller to fulfill their obligations.

Disclaimer: Although all has been done to make sure this is a safe sale to attend, please do so at your own risk. The owners of Bar T Bar Ranch or any of the Leachman Cattle of Colorado employees and the sale management take no responsibility for any accident or loss that you may incur.

Pub/s: Bar T Bar Traffic: 3/8/23 Run Date: TBD Color: BW Author: TH Trim: 7.5”w x 3.375”h Live: n/a Bleed: n/a Version: 1
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PO Box 190 Winslow, AZ 86047 Bob and Judy Prosser Cell: (928) 380-5149 Email: info@bartbar.com Lee Leachman, Herd Consultant (970) 568-3983 Jerrod Watson, Customer Service (303) 827-1156 Buy Bulls out of Proven Cows that Graze Native Range 365 Days a Year, and Thrive in Arid, Rough Country. Bar T Bar Ranches Annual Bull Sale April 13th, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. (PDT) Southern Balancers, Balancers, Gelbvieh & Angus Crater Ranch Headquarters · Winslow, AZ Bulls185 Sell! CATTLE

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