Game changers Virtual mission

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PHASE 3 - OPEN SCHOOLING COMMUNITY and VIRTUAL January-June 2021 Hi you, Is the COVID a problem for your missions because you cannot work with your local communities? If so, it is not anymore, on the contrary, it is an OPPORTUNITY…because from now you can work VIRTUALLY! and we know you are experts online!

LOCAL AND GLOBAL VIRTUALLY WHAT CAN YOU DO You are challenged to act as politics detectives virtual. And your virtual area is the world. And of course, this means that you can also include your community, city, region and country ☺ And again you are lucky, because with COVID everything is about politics … so, use it, if you like

FIRST TASK…INVESTIGATE Together with your school team, talk about what you would like to investigate with your partners in another country. Here are some suggestions…

➢ How is politics happening in the virtual world, including social networks? ➢ Who are the political players? How do they work?, are they using social networks? ➢ What kind of challenges are they involved and in which virtual networks? ➢ What is the role of the social networks in this pandemic situation? ➢…


Share your ideas with your partners in the other country. Start an online investigation, local, global? You decide! We are sure your ideas will work with the other teams in the project because in our world today everything is global


YOU KNOW MORE ABOUT POLITICS IN GLOBAL NETWORKS and you have been thinking, so move…

✓Create a mission with your team: a political mission that you discovered in your investigations Or, maybe, you prefer…. ✓To create your own mission, a mission that has not already been communicated through the social networks, it’s fine!

SOME EXAMPLES of missions for inspiration… • Migrants arriving in your community, in your country and in Europe – what politics are created and why, and what’s the role of the social networks in this? • How is your city, country, Europe, the world, reacting to the Climate change?, are they using the networks to create awareness and fight it? • Is your country and Europe, using the networks to engage young people in politics? • COVID, how is your country, Europe, the world reacting to the problems like non-good internet connection and access to digital tools in some countries? • How are doing the schools with COVID and the teaching? …many things can be missions…

YOU SEE… Many local missions can be global… and they can be worked as a team and virtually… But, you already knew that, right? ☺

NOW YOU WORK VIRTUAL REMEMBER you have to share your missions and you can choose your preferred network ☺

❑ share your missions with the other teams from the other countries ❑ discuss your strategies with them ❑ give feedback to the other teams’ strategies and plans


You have to tell us about your virtual political missions…

So, don’t forget to: …make videos, take photos, create drawings, stories, cartoons, games… You choose!

And, if you don’t know you ask us, easy ☺

SUMMARIZING Do what you do when playing your game missions…

a GAMER PLAN Join forces Stayed connected with the other teams Interact with the teams Build links Control and act with your missions Set yourself objectives React to problems

Change things you don’t like, being objective Use technology

Good luck – and big hugh ☺

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