1 Acre Farm House

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1 Acre Farm House


BUY DELHI FARMS At that time, there were ordinary houses in the field of farms, and they were now very few compared to numbers. Therefore, there were no definite guideline for them at the time. Those whose home was used in the made farm, considered them to be their first home. This increased the value of land from millions to crores. Now you can Buy Delhi Farm House in like Dlehi City at your budget. www.1acrefarmhouse.com

SERVICES Around this, the low-density residential area contained direct houses in the ground. In lesser density residential plots, there was a significant increase in the cost of millions to crores. one Acre Farm House - one of the best Farm House in Delhi at an affordable price.



The LDRA farmhouse in Delhi. Which is provide all facility of farm house. the most important thing is that this Farm House is in the green area under DDA LDRA Policy, MPD 2021 and LPP. This project offering affordable farmhouses in Delhi.


New Delhi, Delhi 110047 +91-8800203576



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