Waterwitch #149 Summer/Autumn 2012

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another look at the aqueduct over Stainton Beck (Br 171) where both LCT and CRT are very concerned about scour damage to the structure by the rapid flow in the beck. Our work over the next months will be concentrated at Stainton to continue the good work achieved by WRG this summer. Please join in as and when you can. If you are already on the email contact list for working party information, you will get a message with details of each forthcoming working party. If you would like to get these details and join in please send your name and email addre ss to trevittr@hotmail.com with the subject line ‘w/p please’. Richard Trevitt Acting working party organiser.

Working Party Report

Working party activities over the past few months have been focussed on several target areas. Prior to the start of the trip boat season we did some channel clearance of winter storm damage of fallen trees and overhanging branches* in order to enable the boat to reach Stainton, where passengers are then invited to get off the boat and walk on to see the current restoration activities. In June and August LCT volunteers were involved with IWA, Friends of Haslam Park and others in continuing the canal area clean-up in Preston in readiness for the IWA / Preston Guild Canal Festival. * It was ever thus. They were much bigger then it seems! At Stainton var ious tasks were carried out in preparation for the two week W a t e r w a y Recovery Group camps in July/ August, including surveys, scrub bashing, pointing trials and so on. We also had 12

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