Leelanau Christian Neighbors News - Summer 2014

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ot her wi sel i kel ygohungr y overt heweekend. Thef ood f r om Bi abmeanst heycan r et ur nt oschoolonMonday

Near l y10, 000di aper sgi ven t oLCN BabyPant r y.

PageTwo|LCN News|Summer2014

DearFr i ends, I t ’ sal r eadybeenan exci t i ngyearf orLCN and I ’ ml ooki ngf or war dt omor e ont hehor i zon. Adopt i ngt heLCN Baby Pant r yi sr i ghtatt het opof t hel i st . Wel comi ngt hat mi ni st r yi nt oourext ended f ami l yofpr ogr amshasbeen at r uepl easur e. I ti ssuchagoodf i twi t h ourf oodpant r i esandt he Bl essi ngsi naBackpack pr ogr am. Andt heneedi s l ar ge. Ihopeyouwi l lr eadt he ar t i cl esont hebabypant r y f orabr i efi nt r oduct i ont o someoft hei ssuesf aci ng st r uggl i ngyoungf ami l i es whohavebabi esand t oddl er s. Iseemor egr owt hahead f ort hef oodpant r i esand Bi aB. Thesepr ogr amsar e doi ngat r emendousj ob hel pi ngnei ghbor si nneed whohavef oundus. Thei ssuei show t or each t hosewhohaven’ tf oundus yet . Thatcoul dbeasmuch ast hr eet i mest hedemand weal r eadymeet ,accor di ng t oest i mat esf r om Feedi ng Amer i ca. Wemustr each out . OurNei ghbor hood Assi st anceMi ni st r yi svi t al t osomanyf ami l i esi nour communi t y. A mostvi vi d exampl ei st hest r uggl ewi t h t hespi kei npr opanepr i ces t hi spastwi nt er . Wecont i nuet ogetnew

vol unt eer sasBaby Boomer sr et i r eher eandI wel comeeachandever y oneoft hem wi t h appr eci at i onf ort hei r commi t mentt oLCN. Asanal l vol unt eer agencyweal waysneed addi t i onalhel p. Cur r ent l y weespeci al l yneedmor e assi st ancewi t hf undr ai si ng andf oodpant r y managementaswel las mor egener alvol unt eer s. Thi sf al lwewi l l i mpl ementanew f undr ai si ngappr oach. For now Ihavet okeepi ta secr et . Wat chf oran announcementi naf ew weeks. Ipr omi sei twi l lbe abal l . Af t erj ustaf ew mont hs aspr esi dentIhaveamuch deeperappr eci at i onf oral l ourvol unt eer s,ourboar d member s,ourmember chur ches,t hechur ch r epr esent at i vesandal lt he chur chmember swhogi ve t i me,f ood,mat er i al sand money. Thent her ear et he communi t ygr oupswho spont aneousl ydonat e,l ed byt heSut t onsBay– Leel anauRot ar y,now t he maj orsponsorofBi aB. LCN i sgr at ef ul . Thank youal l . Cor di al l y, Mar yHal l et tSt ant on Pr esi dent

PageThr ee|LCN News|Summer2014

r eadyt of ocusonl ear ni ng. “ Whenwest ar t edi nt hef al lof2012we hel pedabout80ki ds, ”saysLCN Pr esi dent Mar yHal l et tSt ant on. “ We’ r eel at edt o gr ow t hi spr ogr am somuchsoqui ckl y. We know t heseki dsneedt hef ood. ” Out goi ngSut t onsBayPubl i cSchool s Super i nt endentMi keMur r aypr ai sest he pr ogr am f ornotonl ymeet i ngst udent s’ basi cneedsbutal sof orpr ovi di ngmor al suppor t . “ I tpr ovi desst udent swi t ht hei deat hat t hei rcommuni t ycar es,t hatt her ear eadul t s outt her ewhoar econcer nedaboutt hem andt hei rwel f ar e, ”Mur r aysays. “ I t ’ shar df orust oi magi net hati nt he wor l dt odaywehavest udent swhowoul d goawhol eweekendwi t houtf ood. Butt hat i st hecase, ”hesays. “ Wehaveover50ofourst udent sher ei n Sut t onsBaywho,i fi twer en’ tf ort he Bl essi ngsi naBackpackpr ogr am,woul dnot eat . ” Bi aB cochai rJ oWal kerl ooksf or war dt o ser vi ngevenmor eki ds. “ Feedi ngAmer i ca est i mat est hatt her ear e750ki dsi n Leel anauCount ywhodon’ thaveenought o eat . Weknow t her ei sal otofunmetneed outt her e. ”

att heVFW Hal l#7731i n LakeLeel anau. A soci al hourbegi nsat5: 30and di nnerbegi nsat6: 30. Cat er edbyTr i sh’ sDi shes, t hedi nneri scompl et ewi t h bever agesi ncl udi ngbeer andwi ne. Ent er t ai nmentwi l lbe pr ovi dedandt her ewi l lbe asi l entauct i on. Ti cket s ar ej ust$35perper son. Cal l6505331400.

PageFour|LCN News|Summer2014

Thankst ot hegener osi t y ofcongr egat i onsi n13 memberchur chest heLCN BabyPant r y’ sannualdi aper dr i venet t ed6, 573di aper s i nApr i landMay! Par t i ci pant satt heGenui ne Leel anaueventi nJ une addedanot her3, 417. The gr andt ot ali s9, 990di aper s! Att hecur r entaver age r at eofuset hat ’ sabouta f ourt of i vemont hsuppl y. “ Wegi vemot her sacer t ai n numberofdi aper s dependi ngont hesi zet hei r chi l dneeds, ”saysbaby pant r ymanagerMar i a Ki ngsl ey. “ Wegi ve15di aper sf or si ze1and2,10di aper sf or si zes3t hr ough5,andf i ve di aper sf orsi ze6and t oddl erperweek. ” Basedonat ypi calchi l d’ s needst hi samount st oabout at wodaysuppl yf orausual week. Mostbabypant r i esi nt he gr eat erGr andTr aver sear ea al l ow t hei rf ami l i est ocome onl yonceamont h. The maxi mum numberof di aper st heygi vei s10.

Mostgi veonl yf i veorsi x. “ I t ’ si mpor t antt oust hat wemeetasmuchoft he needaspossi bl e, ”says Ki ngsl ey. “ Ar ecentst udyshowst hat cl eandi aper sar eacr i t i cal par tofababy’ snor mal devel opment . ” Di aper sal sohel ppr event heal t hr i skssuchas i nf ect i onst hatcanact ual l y t hr eat enababy’ sl i f e, Ki ngsl eysays. “ Ther esear chevenl i nked di aper swi t hamot her ’ s ment alheal t handt heent i r e f ami l y’ swel l bei ng. “ Soevent houghwear e mor egener oust hanot her babypant r i esi nt her egi on weseeaver yr ealneedt o doevenmor e. ”

Keswi ckUni t ed Met hodi stPast orPat t i HaasandLCN Baby Pant r yManagerMar i a Ki ngsl eycol l ect cont r i but i onst ot he r ecentdi aperdr i ve. Keswi ckl edLCN memberchur cheswi t h 1, 218di aper sdonat ed. Thankst oal lmember chur chesaswel lasot her donat i onboxl ocat i onsat t heLel andMer cant i l e, Tom’ si nNor t hpor tand Hansen’ si nSut t onsBay.

PageFi ve|LCN News|Summer2014 byMar yHal l et tSt ant on LCN st ar t edBl essi ngsi na Backpacki n2012af t er r eal i zi ngt hatt her ewer e ki dsi nt hecount ygoi ng hungr yont heweekends dur i ngt heschoolyear . Aswest ar t edput t i ngt he pr ogr am t oget hert he OmenaWomen’ sCl ubhear d abouti tandj umpedr i ght i n. Pr esi dentJ udySmar tand Vi cePr esi dentMar ci a Bi skupskimetwi t husand sai d,“ How canOWC hel p f eedt heseki ds?” Si ncet hatf i r stweekof sendi ngf oodhomet ot he chi l dr enamemberofOWC hel pspackt hebagsand t hendel i ver st hebagst o Nor t hpor tPubl i cSchooland al sot ot heLeel anau Chi l dr en’ sCent eri n Nor t hpor t . Al ongwi t hhel pi nguswi t h

t hephysi calaspectoft he pr ogr am t hemember s i ndi vi dual l yhavebr oughti n f r eshf oodsuchasbananas, or anges,cl ement i nesand appl eswhi cht heki dsr eal l y l ove! Asi ft hi si sn’ tenought he cl ubdonat essomeofi t s member shi pduest ot he

pr ogr am asdot he i ndi vi dualmember s. A l i t t l ecl ub( wel l ,maybenot sol i t t l ewi t h40member s) maki ngaBI Gi mpact ! Thankyoumember soft he OmenaWomen’ sCl ubf or st eppi ngupandmaki nga di f f er encei nt hel i vesofso manychi l dr en!

PageSi x|LCN News|Summer2014

LCN Pr ogr am Pr of i l e Si ncei t sadopt i oni n Febr uar yt heLCN Baby Pant r yhasbeengr owi ngas qui ckl yast hei nf ant sand t oddl er si tser ves. Oper at edf orei ghtyear sas ami ni st r yofI mmanuel Lut her anChur chi nSut t ons Bay,t hebabypant r y physi cal l ymovedt oLCN of f i cesandopenedher eon Febr uar y3. Begi nni ngwi t hanaver age of25–30babi eswhoused about350di aper seach weekt hebabypant r y r eachedanaver ageof40 babi esand500di aper s weekl ybyear l ysummer . “ Theneedhasbeenas hi ghas650di aper si nsome weeks, ”saysmanagerMar i a Ki ngsl ey. “ Weknow some oft hati saseasonal i nf l uence. Theexpect at i on i st hedemandwi l lbest r ong f ort her estoft heyear . ” I naddi t i ont odi aper st he pant r ypr ovi deswi pes, cr eam,f or mul aandbaby f ood,gent l yusedcl ot hi ng

LCN Volunteer PR O FILE

t hr ought oddl ersi ze4and new orgent l yusedt oys. “ Anot heri mpor t antaspect i st heoppor t uni t yf or mot her st oconnectwi t h Par ent i ngCommuni t i es coor di nat or s, ”Ki ngsl ey says. “ Thecoor di nat or shel p mot her swi t hchi l d devel opmentandpar ent i ng i ssues. Theyal sohel p nei ghbor sconnectwi t h heal t hcar eandot her humanser vi cest heymay need. ” I nJ unet hebabypant r y movedi nt ol ar gerquar t er s atLCN of f i ces. Thenew

spacepr ovi desaddi t i onal r oom f orhi ghvol umei t ems suchasdi aper sand cl ot hi ngaswel lasst or age f orseasonalcl ot hi ngand suppl i es. “ Wear et r emendousl y t hankf ulf ort hededi cat i on andst ewar dshi pof I mmanuelLut her anf or shepher di ngt hebaby pant r yf oral lt hoseyear s, ” saysLCN Pr esi dentMar y Hal l et tSt ant on. “ Wear eal sopl easedt o wel comesever alnew vol unt eer swhoar e commi t t edt omeet i ngt hi s cr i t i calneed. ”

PageSeven|LCN News|Summer2014

Wehaveaver yqui ckand easywayt osi gnupf orour emai ll i st . Weaskonl yyour emai laddr ess,yourname, whet heryouar eadonoror vol unt eerorbot h,and whet heryoupr ef erget t i ng ouremai l sasf or mat t ed newsl et t er soraspl ai nt ext . Her e’ st headdr ess: ht t p: / / eepur l . com/ ND319 Thankyouf orhel pi ngus makeourdonat i onsgoeven f ur t her !

Leel anauChr i st i anNei ghbor s P. O.Box32 Sut t onsBayMI49682 Addr essSer vi ceRequest ed


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