Aug/Sept 2011 Bamford Chapel Magazine

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I feel blessed to be here as your minister as there are so many capable and willing people who are being called to different forms of ministry within the church. I want to encourage us all, as we enter the holiday period to reflect on what God has done, and is doing in this Church through you who a part of this church. But also what God will continue to do as we continue to walk with Him. I hope for those who have been away that you have had a relaxing break, for those who have holidays planned that you have a restful and relaxing time and for those who aren’t going on holiday I hope you have a good summer. So that when groups and meetings begin again in September we can continue God’s work with our physical batteries recharged. I know God has a lot more in store for Bamford Chapel and I hope we will all want to be a part of that as we see God leading us on to share the Good News of His Son Jesus Christ. God Bless Richard

God loves you so much that He’ll accept you just the way you are - but He loves you too much to leave you that way. 4

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