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Not Just for Kids

Here are some things you and your family can do right here on LBI to become more Bay Friendly

Good Fishing When you’re trying to catch a big one, remember that lead sinkers and fishing lines are a hazard to wildlife. Water birds swallow the sinkers lost from your line and die from lead poisoning. Instead, use plated steel sinkers or washers and plated steel hooks. And be sure to properly dispose of used fishing line so it won’t entangle wildlife. If there isn’t a receptacle at your local marina, set one up!


Beach Trash Pickup Always take a reusable trash bag with you when you go to the beach or shoreline. Carry out your own trash and pick up any other trash you find.

Water Watch Be a water detective. Check for leaky faucets, and turn off the water while brushing your teeth or washing dishes. Learn about water-saving devices such as low-flow showerheads and appliances, and talk with your family about installing them.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle We make a lot of unnecessary trash. Reduce the amount Adopt a Storm Drain Many of our storm drains are already marked with signs to prevent of trash you make: buy things with less packaging; fix things instead of buying new ones; recycle; compost organic wastes. Donate to or buy from Southern Ocean County Hospital’s Old and New Shop or other local thrift stores. dumping. Find the drains nearest your home and keep them free of debris. Contact the Alliance for Living Ocean about their Adopt-a-Storm-Drain program.

Get Involved Join an ecotour of the Island and learn about the waters around you. Encourage your friends and neighbors to join in. Need more ideas? Read the Taking Action chapter.

Take Out the Toxics With your family, read Chapter 8. Then go on a toxics hunt around your house. Look for these warnings on the labels: DANGER, CAUTION, WARNING, POISON, CORROSIVE, CAUSTIC, INERT, FLAMMABLE, or EXPLOSIVE. Contact your municipality to determine the hazardous waste disposal days in your area. Watch how the hazardous collection process works. Learn about alternatives to toxic products and use them when you can.

Carry re-usable grocery and shopping bags Stop using plastic and paper bags when you shop. Sturdy reusable shopping bags are available for $1 at many local stores. Give them as gifts to Island friends and neighbors.

Become a Bay-Friendly Family Create your own project to help clean up our environ- ment, preserve habitat, or otherwise improve our Bay. When completed, write about it on the form included in this chapter. We’ll publish your story on the LBIF Save Our Bay website and perhaps feature you in a future publication. In addition, you’ll receive a Bay-Friendly Family certificate for your home.