Speeches: 2006 - 2008 by Hyo Jin Moon

Page 132

If it's uncontrollable; they'll probably kill each other in the end. What good is freedom? Why do you need freedom for the people when they can't control their desires? It's that kind of basic stuff. Unless we can address those kind of basic questions, all the ideal stuff we think and talk about really doesn't mean anything. You can talk about it till the cows come home I guess. It isn't going to happen till you have all sorts of stuff in your head that you want. You have to know how to control stuff you had better know why you want that stuff. Think about this week OK. You're free to do so in America. That's why it's silly in the end. But I live here; I have freedom, but you have no absolutes. Of course you have a lot of laws and regulations, a lot of secondary absolutes. I call man-made laws secondary absolutes. God-made laws like simple physics are primary absolutes. We make our laws because we need to live gregariously. If we didn't have any laws we would probably kill each other or something. There are layers and layers of complicated laws. They will absolutely go after you if you break one of them. It's absolute; trust me! They'll penalize you in an absolute manner. When they come after you it's absolute. Think about what you want to be and how we want to present ourselves to the world and try to do something to help each other. (Hyo-Jin-nim is in tears) Do something meaningful, something from the heart. Don't do it because someone is watching you or because of your pride. Do it because you are made of something and it's just the right thing to do.... (HyoJin-nim's words become hard to understand because he is in tears.) Do you know the story of Sun Wukong, the Monkey in Buddha's hand? That's how you feel. That's what you are in the end and you know it. You will die. You want to leave a lasting propaganda? Die well and let somebody else say that "he died well" That's the way to do it. Anyway something like that. Take care. I'll see you.

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