Vanessa Rousso: Renowned Poker Player and Student at University of Miami School of Law

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Vanessa Rousso: Renowned Poker Player and Student at University of Miami School of Law [By Rebecca Unzicker] Currently ranked in the top 5% of her class at University of Miami School of Law, Vanessa Rousso is also one of the top 10 female money earners of all time on the World Series of Poker and the World Poker Tour circuits. Known as the “Lady Maverick of Poker,” Rousso, 24, is completing her third year of law school and is the youngest woman in history to compete in the finals of a WSOP-circuit event. With an undergraduate degree in economics

finalist in a moot court competition, and

top professionals at the World Poker Tour

from Duke University, Rousso plans to

has participated in the Miami Law Women

Championship event. She has won four

practice securities litigation after law school.

Student Organization, in the University of

World Series of Poker events, including

However, the practice of law may have to wait

Miami Law Review, and on Miami Law’s moot court board. She began studying law because of the challenge of appealing to an audience through public speaking while pursuing logical and creative solutions.

an eighth-place finish in this year’s $5,000

a few years while the young poker champ pursues still more titles and lucrative prizes. “I will likely defer the practice of law for a few years while I pursue the business opportunities

event. Most recently, she finished in first place at the World Poker Tour Borgata Open, winning almost $300,000. What she enjoys about poker, Rousso said, is that it is an ever-elusive target.

that have been made available to me as a

“I enjoy tackling the art of adversarial

result of my success in poker,” Rousso said.

persuasion,” Rousso said. “I found success

“There is always another variation to learn,

in these arenas early on as a debate While her counterparts routinely pursue

another group of people to challenge, and

champion in high school and, later, as a

internships prior to law school graduation

most importantly, the competition is always

mock trial lawyer at Duke.”

learning, changing, and evolving,” she said.

in order to gain practical legal experience, Rousso spends summers traveling the country

Having graduated with honors from Duke

to compete in professional poker tournaments.

in two and a half years, Rousso earned a bachelor’s degree with a major in economics and a minor in political science. While she was at Duke, her studies in economics focused heavily on game theory, to which she attributes much of her poker-playing success. Rousso earned more than $680,000 in 2006 on the World Series of Poker and

“I have been offered internships with some

World Poker Tour circuits. She is one of the

very prestigious law firms that I have

top 10 female poker players of all time.

repeatedly turned down to play the World Series of Poker, which takes place each

In April of 2006, Rousso placed seventh

summer,” Rousso said.

in a field of more than 600 of the world’s

In fact, one of her enduring law school memories is of a day in April 2006 when she finished a law school exam, rushed to the airport, arrived within seconds of missing her flight, and flew to Las Vegas, Nevada, to compete in the World Poker Tour world championships. Rousso not only aced that law school exam, but she also finished seventh in the world championships. The recipient of a full-tuition scholarship, Rousso is a dean’s-list student, was a semiPAGE

Q. What do you do for fun? A. Read, watch movies, work out, skydive, fine dining, play games of all sorts. Q. What CD is in your CD player right now? A. Moby. Q.What is the last magazine you read? A. Forbes. Q. What is your favorite TV show? A. American Idol. (It is addictive; you have to admit it!)

Rousso’s other hobbies and interests include playing backgammon, skydiving, working out, and film. She has volunteered with MADD, Toys and Tales, Walk for the Cure, the Palm Beach Youth Court, the Make-AWish Foundation, and the Center for Race Relations at Duke. She is also an instructor for the World Poker Tour Boot Camp. The only serious poker player in her family, Rousso will also be the only lawyer. “Ultimately, I will always be both a lawyer and a player regardless of the activity that I pursue as my primary profession,” she said. On the Net University of Miami School of Law World Poker Tour World Poker Tour Boot Camp

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