The poli is of those who live it!

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THE POLI IS OF THOSE WHO LIVE IT! VOTE LAVORI IN CORSO MAY 9.10 We all live the Poli, but how easy is it to suffer it? We often think that all the real satisfactions are waiting for us elsewhere: outside these classrooms or after our graduation day. By living the Poli, we actually found out that it's apart of us. In a situation in which less people are signing up for university, at the Poli we register a large increase of pre-matriculations. It's an evident sign of how attractive our university is: it offers the certainty of a job well done and of a high level preparation. This is sufficient to begin with, but it's not enough in front of all the difficulties the Poli might present to us. It's evidently necessary to not be alone. A real friendship helps you discover the passion of the beginning and it keeps you up when everything seems to be falling down. The more serious it is, the more it helps you overcome deep problems and even the more technical ones in university. The desire to build the Poli comes from a friendship like this: the Poli becomes a home, our home. This is why we are running for the elections: because if the Poli is our home, we want it to be beautiful, and we want it to be for everyone.


Anticipate of one week the beginning of the didactic period and extend of one week the summer session, in order to extend of one week both the summer and the winter session.In this way, we would have 7 weeks for each one of the main sessions, without changing the one in September. The aim is to gain at the beginning and at the end of the two sessions the exams of the nonfrequenting semester, keeping the central weeks available for the lessons of the actual semester. In this way there would be more liberty to organize in each session the exams of both semesters, and the 5th examination. Tests during the year: propose that, for a maximum of 10 credits per semester, you can give intermediate tests, without penalizing the studying needed for the other exams or your lessons. "Bottle cap" exams: stimulate corrective actions for those exams in which the overtaking statistics of the students are lower than 15%, both as far as the Academic Senate is concerned and in the various Study Courses, with the help of the CPD. Organization of the exam session: - a more efficient communication between students and referents in order to have exams distributed with more criteria. - Simplify the exam mode. Less parts for the same exam (for example: test+written exam+oral exam=3 dates). - Free the date of the examination from the date of the presentation of a project.


- Scholarship for merit starting from 500â‚Ź: this idea converts the current refund for merit into a real scholarship, so that you can make use of this money in the most convenient way. - Reduction for merit: taxes proportional to the progress of your study course, with a maximum of a 20% discount. - Pop up: we will ask to have a pop up on our personal page (similar to the CPD questionnaire) which reminds you expire date for the taxes payment and, more importantly, the date by which you must ask for a tax reduction.


- Reform of the questionnaire: more sections with a focus on the quality of the didactics. - Nominate referents in the CPD to support the students of the first year.


- an increase of study rooms. - a new library with a digital consultation. - More compact lessons: less free periods in the lesson schedules and closer classes. - Lunch room and bar services: new refreshment points, lunch room(with microwaves included). - Wi-fi extension: an intervention is necessary in the classes M, N, 12, 14 and 16 and in the Lingotto study room. - Increase of the hours in which study rooms and libraries are available: closing hour for libraries, 7 pm. Closing hour for study rooms, 12:30 am.


- Cafeterias: our proposal is to transform the free daily meal into an equivalent voucher which can be used in any public or private contracted location. - Residences: we propose that the students who have been called can decide not to live in a residence, obtaining a cover of the rental expenses, but only if the spot isn't left out of use. - Scholarships 23.000-35.000â‚Ź ISEE: creation of a scholarship for the intermediate tax bands.

Lavori in Corso PoliTo

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