Miller's Living Systems

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Miller’s Living Systems Lauren Seei November 30, 2015 Techniques in Global Analysis

There are many approaches to analyzing problems. For example, the book The Thinkers Toolkit has been teaching intelligence analysts, as well as everyday civilians, helpful approaches to solving their problems and analyzing possible outcomes. While helpful, not a single one of these methods can be used in literally every situation, every single time, no matter what the variables. Only one analytic approach can be applied to any and every issue one single person, organization, or nation could come across; the Living Systems Theory. The Living Systems Theory written by James Grier Miller is the only current theory that is so extraordinarily complete that can be applied to literally everything that exerts life. Through the use of this theory, lead analysts like John McCreary can predict at about a 97 percent success rate the actions of world leaders and consequences of major world events. To begin understanding the Living Systems Theory, one needs to define a “living system”. These are open, self-organizing systems that have the special characteristics that make up life. They must interact with their environment through information and material-energy exchanges. A system can be conceptual/abstract or concrete/real. Each system has significant inputs, throughputs, and outputs of various matter – energy and information. Miller asserts that the concepts of space, time, matter, energy, and information are essential to his theory because systems exist in space and are made up of matter and energy, organized by information, and existing over time. Miller has defined all possible systems as needing a specific set of twenty subsystems in order to survive. Every system with the essence of life and processes

can be organized into eight hierarchical levels. Each and every level must have the processes of each of the twenty critical subsystems or else they will fail. Miller’s creation of levels is a “nested� hierarchy, in that each level needs the levels below it to work in order to not fail. The smallest and lowest level in the nested hierarchy is the cell. These are basic building blocks of all organs. They thrive on the food the organism (or system) obtains from its suprasystem. Cells then naturally divide and grow into a much larger grouping of cells. This becomes the second level in the hierarchy called organs. Organs are comprised of cells and organized into many multi-cellular systems. These are differentiated structures consisting of tissues and performing some specific function in an organism. The third level of the hierarchy is organisms. Simply stated, these are an assembly of molecules that have the properties of life. Organisms are made up of a large number of functioning organs that work together in order to sustain life. When organisms work together to sustain life as well as reproduce it, they create the next level in the hierarchy called groups. To become a group, there must be two or more organisms. Examples of these groups would be animals that move and hunt together. Lions move in prides where the females hunt and provide food while the males protect them from challenging groups. Together these animals are able to assure the prosperity of their group. Similar groups may then decide to get together and form an organization. These are systems with multi-echelon deciders whose components and subsystems

may be subsidiary organizations, groups, or even sometimes single persons. Organizations can be minimum and small, or they can be more complicated and further reaching. A business with a single owner and very few employees would be an example of a minimum organization. On the more complicated side of the spectrum would be the International Space Station, where nations come together to employ hundreds of people to explore common goals. Communities are the sixth level in the hierarchy. These contain both individual persons as well as groups. These are an act of purposeful formation, where each member comes together and decides who or what is responsible for governing them as well as providing services to them. An example of a community would be a city that works with states, school systems, grocery stores, etc. in order to provide a safe and secure environment to provide a prosperous future for the people inhabiting the area. Miller says that communities are tricky, in that he does not believe they are too unlike organizations to be at a higher level. The seventh level of the hierarchy defined by Miller is societies. These are large, living, concrete systems that are made up of organizations, communities, and individual persons. These typically have a loosely defined accepted way of life or principles. These are totipotential, meaning they have a complete set of matter – energy and information processing systems in order to sustain themselves (these are typically the highest level of totipotential systems as well). An example of a society would be the United States or any other nation.

The final and uppermost level of the systems hierarchy is the supranational systems. These are comprised of two or more societies, some or all of whose processes are under the control of a decider who is superordinate to their highest echelons. A modern day example would be the European Union. Member countries of a supranational system reap the benefits accrued from the communal activities to which each one contributes. The most recent example of this would be France enacting a part of the European Union charter, stating that since they had been attacked in Paris by the Islamic State that all nations of the European Union were required to act in solidarity, and help protect the nation. Another example of benefits would be the idea that a higher valued currency would be shared throughout all member nations despite the actual value of that particular nation’s money. However this could also be a downfall, as seen in Greece. These systems are considered by Miller to only be concrete if and when a superordinate decider is in control. Now that the hierarchical categorization of the systems are understood, one can look at the things that make up each and every living system. Each system is made up of twenty subsystems, all of which are required 100 percent of the time in order for the system to work and survive. There are two things that a subsystem can process; matter-energy, and information. Two subsystems process both matterenergy and information while the others process a single type. Beginning with the category of processing both matter-energy and information, the reproducer begins the process of life and allows for the system to have future beings. This particular subsystem carries out the instructions and the genetic code

information, or a charter of a system, and mobilizes matter and energy to produce one or more similar systems. Miller’s example of this would be the human reproductive system. A political example would be recruiters for political parties who want people to vote for their candidate, “reproducing” in order to grow their population in order to have a larger population than their opponent has. The next subsystem that processes both matter-energy and information is called the boundary. This is simply the perimeter of the system. It hold together the components which make up the system, protects the components from environmental stresses, and excludes or permits entry to various sorts of matterenergy and information. Miller relates this to the human skin, protecting a person’s vital organs and securing life from outside stresses. Another example would be a secret service officer who protects the President from any possible outside threats. The secret service officer is the boundary between the head of the executive branch and a possible terrorist, and keeps him or her safe from environmental stresses yet allows certain types of information through with good judgement. Moving into the last eighteen subsystems, eight of these process only matterenergy and not information. These subsystems typically rely on physical movement and processes. The first of these is the ingestor. The main job of the ingestor is to bring matter-energy across the system’s boundary from the environment. An example of this would be the mouth and nostrils. Through these a person breathes air, inhales pollutants, eats, and eventually digests because of this, food, nutrients or possibly things bad for their body. The main thing to note about the ingestor is that its job is

not to study the things it lets into the body, it is just to process the substances into the system. The next matter-energy processing subsystem is the distributor. This subsystem has the task of carrying inputs from outside the system, or outputs from subsystem to subsystem around the system in components. Miller gives the two examples of the heart and the vascular system in the human body. The heart processes “old” or “used” blood from outside of itself (its own system) and inputs that into itself, processing it to make “new” or “fresh” blood to be circulated. The vascular system circulates the new blood out to other subsystems throughout the entire system, ensuring the ability to have life in the entirety of the system. Referenced above, the ingestor leads to the body being fed. After being fed, the body needs another matter-energy processor in order to break down the food to retrieve nutrients. This subsystem is called the converter. Converters change certain inputs to the system into forms that are more useful for the special processes of each particular system. When the stomach digests the food the ingestor brings across the boundary through the mouth, the stomach is allowing matter-energy to be processed in new ways that the whole system can use to continue sustaining life. Producers also process matter-energy. These are in charge of forming stable associations that endure for significant periods of time among inputs and outputs from the convertor. This produces material that can be used and synthesized for a significant number of things. General growth, damage repair, and replacement of

components in the system, or simply providing energy for moving things into the suprasystem are regular functions of the producer. Matter – energy storage is another subsystem that Miller categorizes as processing only matter–energy. This subsystem places matter or energy at a certain location in the system, retains it over time, and then retrieves it. Miller relates this to the bladder or the liver. The bladder and liver retain matter and filter through it in order to keep the system healthy and functioning properly. Without these storage subsystems humans would have a significantly lower lifespan and could not guarantee a sustainable population future. Similar to the matter – energy storage is the extruder. This subsystem processes matter-enery in order to expel it in the forms of products or waste from the system. Miller’s examples of this were the lungs and kidneys. While the matterenergy storage systems and the extruder are compared using very similar examples, they are very distinct. Matter-energy storage is the process of storing, processing, and retrieving of material that may or may not need to be considered waste. The actual expulsion of matter-energy considered not useful to the system is carried out but the extruder, and cannot be done by the matter-energy storage. This is a prime example of how each subsystem builds upon one another, and how the entire system will fail when missing a subsystem. The last two matter-energy processing subsystems are the motor and the supporter. The motor moves the system, or parts of the system, in relation to part or all of its environment or components of its environment in relation to each other.

Miller states that the muscles in the human body are an example of this. The supporter maintains the proper spatial relationships among components of the system, so that they can interact without weighing each other down or crowding each other. Proper spacing allows for appropriate growth of each subsystem and creates an environment fostering the sustainability of life. There are ten subsystems that process only information. These information processors use sensory abilities to read information and convert it into useful forms for each part of the system. The first of these subsystems that Miller writes about is the input transducer. This is the sensory subsystem which brings markers bearing information into the system. The input transducer then changes the markers into other types of matter-energy forms that are suitable for transmission to all other subsystems within the system as a whole. Miller’s examples of this are the eyes and ears. These body parts translate sounds and visions into information that the brain can process and send out to other subsystems in order to protect the wellbeing of the system as a whole. The internal transducer is an information processing subsystem that is comparable to the receptor cells in the central nervous system. These transducers are sensory subsystems that receive, from subsystems or components within the whole system, markers bearing information about significant alterations in those subsystems. After receiving these markers, the internal transducer changes them into a more suitable form of matter – energy that allows the information to be transmitted within the system to other subsystems as needed.

Another example that is found in the central nervous system is what Miller calls the channel and net. This is a subsystem that is composed of routes where markers bearing information can be transmitted to all parts of the system. These routes can be simple single pathways, or, they can be multiple pathways that are interconnected. The channel and net are directly related to the input transducer and the internal transducer. This is what allows them to send and receive their information, before and after it is processed into matter – energy. The next two information processing subsystems are examples found in the human brain. The first is the decoder. This is the subsystem which alters the code of information input to it through the input transducer or the internal transducer. It changes the information into a “private� code that can be used internally by the system as a whole. This is another example of how all the subsystems are interconnected. The next example found in the human brain is the associator. This is the subsystem which carries out the first stage of the learning process. The associator forms enduring associations among items of information in the system. This leads to a particularly good example of an information subsystem that works with a matter-energy and information processing subsystem. When a child touches a hot stove and burns their hand, they learn the association of heat and pain. The skin (the boundary subsystem) gets hurt and works with the brain (the associator subsystem) to learn the association and not touch the hot stove again. With these subsystems working together, the system is provided more of a possibility to sustain life.

Memory is a subsystem that most humans are familiar with. This is the subsystem that carries out the second stage of the learning process. This stage is to store the information learned from different periods of time and be able to retrieve it from all over the system. A common example of this would be the brain. A more political example would be a bank. The bank may store a customer’s money at one specific branch’s location. However, it is accessible at all locations. It is remembered by computer systems exactly how much that customer deposited into their account. No matter where the customer is in the nation, the bank will always have a specific memory as to what their current account balance is. The decider is an executive subsystem. This is found in the human brain, or even calculators. The decider receives information inputs from all other subsystems. Once information is received the decider is able to transmit to all of the other subsystems guidance and coordination of how to handle certain situations. The decider has general control over the system. Miller talks about how there are different types of deciders. The first is a decider who can only focus on purposes or goals, not both. The second is the type that actually can focus on both purposes and goals. One type is one that focuses on analysis and problem solving. Synthesis is the main goal of another type of decider. The last decider focuses on implantation of certain things. All deciders are different, and while they may focus on a specific subset of ideas (purpose, goals, analysis, etc.), it is possible for them to use a small part of each type in their final decisions.

Another subsystem that has an example in the human brain is the encoder. This subsystem processes information by altering the codes of information that has been input to it from other information processing subsystems. This changes “private” code into “public” code so that it can be interpreted by other systems in the environment. The best example of this is when the brain alters information codes from private thought into words. When a person speaks, they are allowing themselves to be interpreted by their outside environment. Another way the brain transfers private thought into public knowledge is through body language. A person or animal is able to protect themselves from possible predators through body language and specific warning signs. A cobra’s attack stance or a rattlesnake shaking its tail is a clear sign to their environment not to come closer or else. This subsystem allows for communication with other systems that share the same environment. While not all communication is negative like the example above, certain aspects can be used to reject or further relationships. This allows for prosperity of the system through protection. The last of the twenty subsystems is the output transducer. This processes information and is the subsystem that puts out markers. These markers bear information from the system, and the transducer changes the marker within the system into other matter – energy forms which can be transmitted over channels in the system’s environment. There are five major types of transmissions that Miller describes. Beginning with matter, energy and information, Miller goes even further to state that transmissions can include people and money.

Now that the theory has been broken down into the two major parts; the hierarchical levels of systems and the subsystems that make up each system, one can begin to understand it analytically. While this theory is based mostly in science, it can be applied to almost every situation. Through their structure, interaction, behavior, and development, this theory leads to a perfect analytical approach. The definition alone encompasses so much information that can be used when studying an opponent or outside threat. In order to understand this approach better, former analyst John McCreary was interviewed. McCreary stated that the most important part about using Miller’s Living Systems Theory is that an analyst knows every part (each subsystem) had to be there, had to happen in order to create the outcome said analyst is trying to solve. By using Miller’s theory one can work backwards to find the unique starting point of each particular issue. McCreary stated that one of the major fundamental tasks in political analysis is to predict events and warn. One of the things that had consistently interested him was how different cultures expressed certain things through different languages. Nothing is expressed exactly the same way in all culutres, and the Living Systems Theory helped him to be able to predict things happening amongst these cultures despite the language and social barriers. Living Systems proves that all nations need specific things to live and survive, this is something that McCreary noticed crosses borders and cultural divides.

The example McCreary likes to use is that “someone had to bring the pliers.” Throughout history the United States armed forces would repeatedly go for the people placing the bombs, and not necessarily the people creating them. By using Miller’s Living Systems you can think backwards and trace each system back by subsystems. The example is as follows; In Afghanistan, someone placed a bomb which exploded. Whoever placed that bomb had to find materials to make said bomb. Materials to make said bomb are not available in Afghanistan. Someone had to have a connection in neighboring countries to retrieve said materials. Someone had to bring said materials, and whoever brought those materials needed to be housed somewhere. Once all materials are in the same area, someone had to bring the pliers to create said bomb. By using the Living Systems theory, an analyst uses a “this had to have happened previously in order for event A to occur” approach. The assurance of each of the subsystems needs being met allows the analyst to look at the situation in terms of stability in order to catch the entire chain of bomb makers and material importers instead of just the bomb placer. In terms of current history, ISIS typically uses kidnapped women to place bombs. Catching the woman who has been kidnapped and forced to wear a suicide vest will not stop ISIS or even lessen their ability to create more weapons. Using Living Systems it is obvious that to combat ISIS the United States and other nations need to come together to cut off their supplies. The rescue of kidnapped refugees needs to be a priority so that unsuspecting humans can no longer be used as arsenals for massive killings.

There are tons of ways McCreary and other analysts apply Miller’s Living System Theory. Most importantly they note that the theory and study of living systems does not give analysts a way out, it does not always provide analysts with a specific answer. However, it does provide you with patterns and constant repetitions necessary for life which will lead analysts to the right answer. This has been noted to be the most inclusive theory in the sciences. Biologically speaking it encompasses what is thought to be all possible systems exerting signs of life. McCreary believes this to also be one of the most rewarding theories in history and in intelligence analysis. Even if a person is not an intelligence analyst, Miller’s Living Systems Theory can be used by them. In everyday situations, citizens need you use real analyst techniques to determine the best course for them to take. When considering a marriage proposal, buying property, or moving across the globe, Millers Living Systems is a particularly good way for anyone to analyze a problem and come up with a great and useful conclusion.

Summary There are tons of techniques that can be used to analyze a situation. One commonly looked over technique is Millers Living Systems Theory. This theory, based mostly in the science of biology is generally overlooked because of its roots. The Living Systems Theory says that every system that exerts any sign of life must meet the requirements of twenty subsystems that live within it. Without these subsystems the system would fail. After all of these subsystems needs are met, each system goes on to be organized in a “nested” hierarchy. Within this hierarchy systems work together to allow each level to grow into the next until eventually reaching the level of a suprasystem. By using the theory that everything is interconnected, McCreary is able to turn Millers 1,102 page volume into a working backwards exercise. By knowing that every system must have specific needs met (to grow in power, to reproduce, to eat, etc.), McCreary is able to narrow down his problem statements to “who created this?” instead of the regular analyst frenzy that comes with a myriad of questions. McCreary’s greatest example of how using Living Systems works as an analyst technique is when he uses it to understand not “who placed the bomb” but “who brought the pliers to make the bomb?” By using this to find the makers of the bombs the strategy of making a safer, bomb free environment is much easier managed than by simply trying to counteract people who simply place the bomb. Miller’s Living Systems theory is the most encompassing biological theory, but also the most rewarding analyst technique.

References Friedl, S. (n.d.). Living Systems Requirement for Free Energy and Matter. Retrieved November 15, 2015. Miller, J. (1995). Living Systems. Univ Pr of Colorado. John McCreary

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