Abán's Wick

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best dress and carefully pin up her hair before leaving the cottage to meet Professor Blacks and Mrs. Kelly at the school house only one hour later. “It isn't going to be very helpful with Mrs. Kelly being there, I suppose,” said China, as Aunt Chelsea disappeared behind the ridge. “That's why my plan was so excellent,” said Pepper, unconcerned. “You know Brigid isn't going to breathe a word of this to Mrs. Kelly. She'll say that the note was lost and that Mrs. Kelly wouldn't believe that her darling had ever caused any sort of trouble.” “You are a clever one,” said China, tucking her chin in her hands as they continued to watch into the evening. “Let's go see what happens,” said Pepper suddenly. “What!” China cried. “We can't do that!” “Why not?” Pepper asked, already slipping back on her boots. “They're supposed to have a chaperone anyway, aren't they, so that the town won't talk? That's the last thing we need.” China needed little more convincing. She also had slipped on her boots, and within seconds, she and Pepper were pounding down the stairs toward the cottage door. “Watch the sheep, Emerald!” Pepper called over her shoulder, as Emerald sighed to herself, shook her head, and did as she was told. Off they raced. Chelsea was already beyond the north field by the time they could see her shadow pass toward the second hill. “Slow, slow,” whispered China, already out of breath. “We'll have to wait until she's just outside the school house before we go much further.” “Alright,” Pepper agreed. “But there's no way to hear what they're saying unless we hide inside.” 97

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