Key 6° 2008

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EXAMEN NACIONAL DE ADELANTO DE INGLÉS 6to AÑO – Abril 2008 KEY FOR THE TEACHER Part A) 1. Listening Script. ( bold and underlined words are to be completed by the students). Read each part twice. Chip shop More than 90% of the world's mobile phones are powered by technology created by British firm Arm. It designs chip architectures that it licenses to semiconductors makers such as Qualcomm and Broadcom. Ian Drew from Arm said future mobile phones demanded ever more processing power. But building chips with greater processing was not a straightforward, he said. "If you look at a typical phone the first thing you have got to do is get within the half a watt envelope. "It needs to get into your pocket. And there's no fan. It needs to work for days rather than hours.

7 marks (half each)

Part B) Now listen to the second part of the report and choose the right option.Mr Drew added: "When you start adding multi media experiences - such as 3D graphics, video, and games - there are two ways to do that: you can get bigger and bigger processors or you have multi core where you can switch off a processor when you don't need it." Arm is demonstrating a chip architecture (1), called Coretex A9, that will offer four cores, or processors, on a single chip. Symbian has been working with Arm on future uses for multi-core mobile phones. "You can use massive amounts of processing if you need it. But if you don't you can power down the cores that aren't required," said Mr Clifford. Symmetrical Multi Processing will drive the next generation of applications on a phone, he added. "Silicon vendors are looking very seriously at how they integrate SMP." (1) LDOCE: the structure of a computer system and the way it works


1b / 2c / 3b /

READING 2. Answer the questions. 1. It has developed quite a lot and very fast. 2. It will be like a small or hand-held computer. 3. They have been great, selling millions of them. 6 marks (2 each)

3. True or False. Find the evidence. 1. False. Sales of smartphones are expected to overtake … 2. True. They are predicting big sales of GPS – enabled phones as personal navigation becomes the latest feature … 3. False. It was published in Great Britain. BBC ( from London) 6 marks (2 each)

4. Vocabulary. ( words are written in the order they appear in the article) 1) laptops 2) transition 3) partners 4) rhetoric 5) boast 6) far fetched 7) handset 7 marks (1 each)

LANGUAGE IN USE 5. The correct verb forms are: 1. is being driven 2. will hit 3. broke 4. had to 5. had said 5 marks (1 each)

6. Reported Speech exercise. 1. A specialist said that all of those single use devices – MP3 players, digital cameras, GPS- were collapsing onto the phone.

2. He also said / or told reporters that we were going past the point where that was a phone with a few other things.

3. Some time ago Luis Pineda asked if mobile phones would evolve into multifunctional devices.

6 marks (2 each) We suggest marking this exercise using the following criteria; give one point for correct form and tense of reporting verb and another point for correct tense in reporting.

7. Finish these sentences: Accept coherent and relevant ideas related to the topic dealt with in the whole test. 6 marks (2 each) 1 mark for meaning 1 mark for language

8. Join the sentences using relative pronouns. 1. The future of the internet, which in computing applications is not going to be in the home, is going to be mobile.

2. Yan Drew, who is from Arm Company said, that future mobile phones demanded even more processing power.

3. More than 90% of the world´s mobiles phones that are powered by technology were created by British firm Arm. A second possibility can be: More than 90 % of the world´s mobile phones that were created by British firm Arm are powered by technology.

6 marks (2 each)

9. WRITING Rubrics suggested by “Inspección de Inglés” should be followed.

13 marks

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