Learn more about Lattitude venture fund and how it works

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Learn more about Lattitude venture fund and how it works It is no secret that innovation, invention, and technology drive the US economy, but they also have a stronghold on the nation's cultural imagination. Modern-day media is also rife with stories of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs succeeding against all obstacles, and in these stories, the entrepreneur is a contemporary cowboy with a venture investor at his side, exploring new industrial frontiers in the same way that former Americans in the Wild West did. The venture capital industry in the United States is admired around the world as a driver of economic progress. Although popular myths romanticize the American economy, distinguishing the actual reality from popular myths is vital to understanding how this critical component of the US economy operates. Venture capital can be very useful for entrepreneurs (and would-be entrepreneurs), but in the same economy, things may appear a little different for Latino-owned businesses. Contrary to popular belief, Lattitude venture fund, for example, only plays a tiny role in funding fundamental innovation. The next stage of the innovation life cycle, which is the period in a company's early stages where innovation begins to take form through commercialization, is when venture capital plays an essential role. It is believed that around 80% of venture investors' money is invested in establishing the infrastructure needed to grow the business—in expense investments from initial manufacturing to sales and marketing) and the balance sheet (providing working capital and fixed assets). There are an estimated four million Latino-owned enterprises across the United States, making them the fastestgrowing segment of small businesses in the country, with a 34 percent increase in the last decade alone, and according to research, California was the state where the most business loan applications from Latinos originated (around 20,7 percent). Lattitude Venture Fund L'Attitude venture fund is best described as a form of private equity financing provided only by the said venture capital firm to early-stage Hispanic/Latino start-up enterprises that are thought to have strong growth potential or have already demonstrated high growth since inception. In summary, an investor or venture capitalist would buy a stake in a Latino entrepreneur's idea, help develop it for a short period, and then exit with the help of investment. Lattitude Venture Fund is not a long-term investment solution, but rather an early-stage investment to aid an enterprise until it reaches sufficient credibility and size to be recognized as a corporate, or to offer liquidity so that institutional public-equity markets can enter. In essence, L'Attitude venture fund addresses the gap between traditional, low-cost sources of financing available to existing enterprises and sources of money for innovation. To adequately address that void, the venture capital firm must give not just attractive returns to its own members, but also a significant return on capital to attract private equity funds and enough upside potential to Latino entrepreneurs to entice high-quality concepts with high profits. A venture fund is a vital part of any company's development stages, and many venture fund managers provide assistance, in addition to money. Venture capital funds are often constructed with the expectation that fund managers will invest in new enterprises over a two-year period (this may vary), deploy nearly all of the capital in a fund within five years, and return capital to investors within ten years. There is also a great deal of variation in investment and return times in practice, of course. Because it focuses on a very specialized type of investment, venture investing differs from other methods of equity financing such as hedge funds, the stock market, and mutual funds. Most venture capital funds, such as Lattitude Venture Fund, may have minimum investment amounts, but these can vary greatly based on the fund, how much it hopes to earn and its investing thesis.

About us L’attitude Ventures is a mission-driven venture fund that invests in early-stage Latino-led and owned businesses in the United States with substantial and high-growth potential that may be realized through technology. The company was founded in 2019 by L'ATTITUDE co-founders Sol Trujillo and Gary Acosta, as well as Kennie Blanco, to address a disturbing economic cost to our country: the underfunding of US Latino entrepreneurs. Our fund is sizable, and it will stimulate a significant number of Latino entrepreneurs from the Seed to Series A stages, with significant investor round participation; initial check sizes range from $200,000 to $1,500,000. We also act as a trustworthy intermediary, bringing cash from investors of all stages and types together to support the success of Latino entrepreneurs today and in the future. Please visit our website at https://lat.vc/ for more information.

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