Latino Perspectives Magazine September 2012

Page 23


Glamour goal Alexander Joseph Sanchez, fashion designer

How did you become interested in fashion design? , ¿UVW EHFDPH LQWHUHVWHG LQ IDVK 387 @235/ +==/7.371 =2/ /@ $-2885 08; =2/ ;=< +7. -+./6 3-< $ 37 %/69/ = 3< +7 /7?3;876/7= @2/;/ -;/+=3?3=B 3< HQFRXUDJHG , KDYH DOZD\V EHHQ LQWHUHVWHG LQ PDQ\ GL̆HUHQW +;= 08;6< ,>= 0+<2387 3< @2/;/ 2+?/ 08>7. 6B 9+<<387

Education and training: B =;+37371 2+< ,//7 37 =2/ 0+<2387 -5+<</< += $ @3=2 37<=;>-=8; +;=2+ 3HQD , KDYH DOVR WDNHQ VHZLQJ FODVVHV DW D ORFDO EULGDO VKRS 2+?/ ,//7 ,5/<</. =8 2+?/ =2/ <>998;= 80 <8 6+7B 9/895/ @28 2+?/ 2/59/. =8 -;/+=/ 8998;=>73=3/< 08; 6/ =8 ;/+-2 6B 98=/7=3+5 2+?/ <28@7 </?/;+5 -855/-=387< += 0+<2387 <28@< 8;1+73C/. += $ Describe your designing process:


,/-86/ 37<93;/. ,B 6+7B =2371< =2+= +;/ 80=/7 :>3=/ UDQGRP , KDYH EHHQ NQRZQ WR VLW VNHWFK DQG GHVLJQ IRU 28>;< 0=/; + ./<317 -87-/9= 3< -8695/=/. ,/137 =2/ ./<317 @3=2 6><537 0+,;3- =8 -;/+=/ =2/ 9+==/;7 08; =2/ 0+,;3 @355 ></ =8 -8695/=/ =2/ ./<317 = <8>7.< <3695/ /78>12 28@/?/; 3= 3< :>3=/ +7 37?85?/. 9;8-/<< =8 -;/+=/ + :>+53=B JDUPHQW 7KHUH DUH DOZD\V D IHZ EXWWHUÀLHV LQ P\ VWRPDFK ZKHQ , SUHVHQW D JDUPHQW WR WKH SXEOLF IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH

Influences, inspiration for your latest collection: +6 ->;;/7=5B 37<93;/. ,B ;/=>;7371 =8 =2/ 15+68>; 80 85. 855B@88. @3=2 + 68./;7 =8>-2 08; =8.+BN< @86/7

A fashion designer you want to meet? 7KH GHVLJQHU , ZRXOG OLNH PRVW WR PHHW DW =23< 9837= 37 6B -+;//; 3< +;5 +1/;0/5. @8>5. 58?/ =8 <3= .8@7 @3=2 236 +7. 1/= 23< 37<3./;N< 9/;<9/-=3?/ 87 23< +6+C371 48>;7/B =2;8>12 =2/ 0+<2387 @8;5. / 3< <8 DFFRPSOLVKHG DQG FUHDWLYH DQG KDV GH¿QLWHO\ OHIW KLV PDUN 87 0+<2387

Future plans and professional goals? B 18+5 3< =8 -87=37>/ ./<317371 +7. =8 -;/+=/

Alexander Sanchez and model; 2012 collection

D FDUHHU IRU P\VHOI GUHVVLQJ ZRPHQ DQG PDNLQJ WKHP 0//5 ,/+>=30>5 +6 95+77371 =8 +==/7. =2/ % 9;81;+6 37 35+7 =+5B =8 <=>.B 3?EDEB5 ./<317 +0=/; 1;+.>+=/ IURP KLJK VFKRRO DW 16$$ , ORRN IRUZDUG WR VKRZLQJ P\ FUHDWLRQV DW WKH 1HZ <RUN DQG 3DULV IDVKLRQ ZHHNV

Website: +5/A+7./;<+7-2/C./<317< -86

Help us highlight the local arts $/7. 3708;6+=387 =8 /.3=8; 5+=37896 -86

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