The Esports Journal - Edition 3

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Unilever or Wallmart have already confirmed their attendance. And last but not least, a special focus on LatAm is schedule on day#2 of Esports BAR Miami this year. Why are the US and LATAM markets such an important focus for Esports BAR and the industry in general? Latin America has quickly risen in popularity and has now developed some of the most talented players and teams in the world. After Riot Games launching a Latin America league, based in Santiago, Chile, Allied Esports announced recently the production of a Latin America esports event, Nation vs. Nation, while Blizzard just added Latin America to the Arena World Championship alongside with NorthAmerica, Europe, Korea and Australia/ New-Zealand regions. With three main cultures and languages, Latin America is a rich and promising region for esports. It seems important to help the industry and non-endemic leaders to understand this phenomenon, its key factors and more importantly how to reach this growing community; this why for this edition, Latin America is part of the three pillars of the event.

What are the other pillars of the conferences? Aside from a big focus on brands (keynote series + round-table sessions), media networks and platforms also represent a bigger part of the Forum. Broadcasting questions and content issues are rising as esports is getting more and more popular. A special focus for media and about media is absolutely necessary. Finally, sports and esports are getting closer than ever, in terms of similarities and complementarities opportunities, a powerful combination can be built, for example, the NBA created its league dedicated to the NBA 2K game.

What else is there to announce ahead of this year’s edition? Mentoring has been since a while a strong part of our shows. We have been on board so far some of the most experienced execs in esports that have been extremely engaged in our show to help younger execs to maximize their skills and knowledge. We do continue the mentoring programme in Miami, but we add to this a brand new format of sessions: the Round-Table Series.

The concept is very simple: Execs from media platforms, publishers and leading brands will sit at round-tables to share to delegates insights on how to work with them. Each session lasts 1 hour, during each slot there will be 5 tables, available for ten delegates, each one led by a representative from a platform, or a brand or a publishing company. You can check all of our announcements on our website:


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