Reload Magazine

Page 47

The Nether is Minecraft’s version of the Undeworld, complete with lava and fearsome monsters.

-Photo courtesy of Forrest Hammel and Mojang

all day. If you go into my home to get the free cake I advertised, you may as well press the button and release the lava because you’re trapped anyway. The floor and walls are indestructible, the door only opens from the outside, and if you try and destroy the cake dispenser, the TNT behind it will explode. You die regardless, but you at least choose how long it takes. Lava in five seconds, TNT now, or starvation in a few minutes. I’m upstairs, looking through the glass you can’t reach laughing. Did you look through my window outside and see my unlocked diamond chest? It’s a trap. By entering the house, you lock yourself in and the pressure plates that cover the floor are powering my machine gun arrow dispenser. You have three seconds to live, even in diamond armor. When you mess with me, you will die. And I like to make sure that happens.

Chris Stevens a.k.a. tigerdragon4797 I bought Minecraft 2 years ago, and didn’t get into playing it until about 2 months ago. The reason behind that was because my previous computer re-

A naturally spawning NPC Village full of villagers, slimes, and other monsters.

-Photo courtesy of Vicente Kaufhold and Mojang

fused to run the game. When I started, I had an advantage over other people just starting out. My advantage was that I had watched my friends play, and I had watched many videos. There are a variety of Minecraft videos out there, ranging from Minecraft music parodies on popular songs, my favorite being “When I Ruled the World- a Minecraft parody”, to instructional videos about redstone, to my favorite, MInecraft survival videos. Minecraft survival videos are videos of hardcore servers, in which you basically reenact the Hunger Games, but in Minecraft. My favorite series include Mine Cracked, and Zombies vs. Dwarfs. So far I have only talked about other people in videos, so I will now talk about myself. On most servers I am known as a Warrior of Old, because of

“I am the chosen one.” -Chris Stevens

my skills in battle. I have been known to accumulate stacks of Diamond armor and weapons with in the half hour of playing. I can take down a creeper with a glance, and people beg me to teach them my ways (including driver565839 and longhorn1347). One time I received a request from Notch, asking me if I would like to get paid to stay on Minecraft all day as Herobrine. I declined the offer, for previously that day, I had destroyed Herobrine for good. When Minecraft said that they had removed Herobrine, only I knew that it was because he was beyond all hope. I have been to the End 5 times, but not for the normal reason. Most people travel to the End to kill the Ender Dragon, but I have befriended him, and we have long theological conversations, and every time we learn something new. That sums it up. I am a master Minecraft, leader and teacher of all. I slay monsters, and talk to Dragons. I am the chosen one.



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