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Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordon: From Sat 23 January to Sun 28 February 2010 Cairo: the breaking up of the ice is a collaborative exhibition by Cairo draws upon Audubon’s Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordan. graphic tale of the six desolate The exhibition will include a new weeks his flatboat was stranded film installation inspired by the at the frozen confluence of the writings of the 19th century artist, Ohio and Mississippi rivers, in ornithologist and frontiersman 1809. Today this is the site of John James Audubon, who is Cairo, in Southern Illinois. The renowned for his epic publication once prosperous Cairo is now a The Birds of America. Cairo derelict town, devastated over (2009) completes a trilogy of time by floods, racial and social short interrelated films, made unrest and severe economic by Cartwright & Jordan during decline. two expeditions alongside the Entry is free, more information Mississippi and Ohio rivers. from www.cornerhouse.org


Cairo - The Breaking Up Of The Ice

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