Laptop requirement for Video and Photo editing

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Laptop requirement for Video and Photo editing High-end Processor: When it comes to editing, a lot is happening inside the processor. Editing is a complex task and therefore a solid processor is required to handle the process. If the processor is strong, the laptop will be more responsive, and you can complete the tasks efficiently. If you want to use the laptop for video and photo editing, at least the laptop should have an Intel Core i5 or AMD equivalent.

RAM: The bare minimum requirement for the RAM is 8GB and nowadays many laptops come with 8GB and 16GB RAM. Some top-of-the-line models come with 64GB RAM. Also, don’t forget that 8GB is manageable but if you want to do more than the average, 16GB is good enough. Softwares like Lightroom, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc., take up a lot of room and require a lot of RAM and processing power.

Solid Graphic Card: A competent graphic card will make the visuals better for you during and after the editing process. For most tasks, the dedicated graphic card can handle it. Usually, graphic cards are used for gaming, but modern editing applications also require dedicated graphic cards.

Screen size and resolution: Picking a screen size is very important when it comes to video and photo editing. The most ideal screen size for the editing purpose can be a 15-inch laptop because it perfectly balances portability and usability. After the screen size comes to the screen resolution. If screen size is important, screen resolution is critical. Display with higher resolution can give a lot of advantages because the video and images will be clearer and sharper

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