Los Alamos Public School 1966 Yearbook

Page 171

t R O S T H O W : Jim Graebner, jackie Martinez. Dan Winterey, Jack Simpson, Keirn Roach. Kirk Tatum, Wencil McC-Ienahan. Don Barnes. Rav Zimmerman. Rick l.uders. Steve Hackenberry. Jim .-\dams. Bruce (iallaher. B / i C K R O W : Xino Segura, CTeg Maestas,

Ken Fisher, Robert Pacheco. Jim Bergowei'. Mark Andrews. Larr\ Davis, Jed Martin, Plii) Dunegan, (iar\ Hampton, Chris Benson. .Art Bridge, Allan Morrison, Kent W’vclin. Allan Kernodle.

Junior Varsity Squad Wins Two Fhe junior varsity squad, led by quarierlrack Art Bridge, finished their season with a 2-4 record. Both wins were dealt to Espanola, 12-6 and 22-0. T he javvees took hard losses from Santa I-’e, 13-6, the big M anzano M onarchs, 33-6, Las Vegas Robertson, 21 -6, and the McCurdy Bobcats, 4 1-6. Much credit should be given to the sophom ores, for through the season they are rec]uired to learn not only their offense and defense but the of fensive plays of the 10 varsity opponents. T h e execution of these plays enables the varsity to get a pre-gam e look at what they are to f ace.

Junior V'arsity Q)ach Mr. Andie Woodard

Tom Netuschil. junior varsity fullback, tries to outdistance several Las Vegans. The Cardinals took the hard fought win 2 1-6.






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An unidentified Topper is swarmed under in the 22-0 route ot the junior varsity Bees Irom Espanola.

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