La Prensa San Diego - September, 7, 2018

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Trabajadores de California Luchan Contra la Pobreza

Dread Mar I Traerá Nuevos Temas a SD






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La Prensa 41 Upholding the Constitution Isn’t Treason

Proceso de Reunificación de Familias Continúa a Paso Lento

Rapid Transit System Unveiled in South Bay




Fight for DACA Continues One Year After Trump Moves to End It






t this time last year, Francisco Peralta Vargas recalls he didn’t know what would happen to his life. “Forget it, when they tell you from night to day to say goodbye to everything you have planned, say goodbye to your work permit, goodbye to your job, you can no longer have a stable job anymore, you can’t pay your rent, you can’t pay your bills,” Vargas said. Vargas, a recipient of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, had just come back to San Diego after celebrating a friend’s wedding in Perris, California, when the news broke President Trump intended to rescind the program. Vargas a fulltime student decided to drop out of all his classes. “I wasn’t sure what would happen, if I was going to end up deported, without a job, I had to make as much as I could, with this anti-immigrant administration I had to prepare myself for the worst,” Vargas said. Her remembers dozens gathering in the evening together




BY MARIO A. CORTEZ For over 25 years, Marisa B. Ugarte has been involved in the struggle to find dignity for the most vulnerable people in our border region. “Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and it is not just women who are the victims, there are also men and children involved,” said Ugarte. “The biggest problem is understanding that human trafficking isn’t limited to sex work, but also there is also hard labor, domestic services, restaurant work, massage parlors work, and construction work.” Ugarte serves as the executive director of the Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition (BSCC), a nonprofit organization which she established to prevent and eradicate human trafficking through intervention and support for victims of this practice. BSCC began operating in 1997 as a team of volunteers and officially incorporated as a nonprofit in 2002. Since then, this human aid organization carries out the mission of advancing toward a world where there is no exploitation and where the lives of women, men, and children are PROFILE ON PAGE 8



Immigration Policies Now Targeting U.S. Citizens

Grupo Busca Proteger a Migrantes



s immigration enforcement policies have harshened over the past year, they have left a growing number of U.S. border region residents living in fear of being deported or losing their legal status. Today, many American citizens could be in danger of losing their citizenship or being accused of fraud. The first passport denial cases during the Trump administration took place Texas, and involved births attended by midwives or performed at small hospitals. Since many more people may continue to use these services, Congressmembers and representatives of Mexico’s foreign service are on alert. Border region activists are warning citizens born with the help of a midwife or at small medical centers to ensure that their birth was registered with the Health Department and verify that the doctor certifying the birth was properly licensed by the health department in the county or region where the birth took place.


Activists also stated that, in some cases, casting doubt on certain people’s citizenship or denying them passports after they have spent their whole life in the country is part of the intimidation and racism policy running rampant in the U.S. “This President wants to have a system of terror so that people are always afraid of having their citizenship or the possibility of remaining in this country taken away; or that they will be deported. I tell them we have to keep fighting so that this will not happen,” said

Congressman Juan Vargas. The Consulate General of Mexico in San Diego said that they have talked to their staff about being vigilant of any anomalies in this regard. Although their office has not seen any cases yet, they expressed concern over American citizens being unable to get a passport. “No cases have been brought to us yet, but we are monitoring the matter so we can respond if need be,” said Consul General of Mexico

Todavía no ha salido el sol en la comunidad de Linda Vista y un grupo de activistas ya vela por los derechos de los inmigrantes que ahí residen. Las llamadas “patrullas comunitarias” nacieron a raíz del endurecimiento de políticas que han despertado la amenaza de redadas de inmigración. Se trata de vehículos particulares que son marcados con letreros que hacen saber que se está “protegiendo a la comunidad”. “No al terror de ICE (Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas, por sus siglas en inglés) y la policía”, se lee en las puertas de estos automóviles. Esta iniciativa surgió en los años noventa por el grupo Unión del Barrio, ya que en aquel entonces, se veía que los departamentos de policía colaboraban con agencias federales, explicaron voluntarios. Por ende, esta tarea reanudó a mediados de julio, cuatro meses después de que se registrara un




California Workers Struggle with Poverty BY ANA GOMEZ SALCIDO

Almost one-third of Californians are in the workforce and yet they still struggle with poverty, this according to a new survey released by The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI). The survey maps how this group struggles to cover basic housing and healthcare expenses, and how these individuals are more likely than workers who are not struggling with poverty to find themselves exploited at work. The survey also provides a close examination of the lived experience of Californians working and struggling with poverty, including their economic

concerns and aspirations, and their beliefs in higher education, family values, and the American Dream. Key findings indicate that a significant proportion of Californians in the workforce are economically struggling. According to study findings, 31 percent of all Californians are working but struggling with poverty, which translates to 47 percent of the state’s workers. Californians who are working and struggling with poverty experience notable economic vulnerability and hardships and 56 percent of California workers struggling with poverty say it would be at least somewhat difficult to pay for a

$400 emergency expense, compared to only 24 percent of workers not struggling with poverty. “It is striking that nearly one-third of Californians are finding that the promise of the American Dream—that if you work hard, you’ll get ahead—is not coming true for them,” said PRRI CEO Robert P. Jones. “Grasping the magnitude of this problem and understanding the real-life struggles and hardships that impact these more vulnerable workers, is critical for California policymakers, businesses and nonprofits who want to work to create a healthier, WORKERS. ON PAGE 3


| SEPTEMBER 7 2018 |



‘Patrols’ Keep Watch on ICE Activity BY ALEXANDRA MENDOZA

Dawn has not yet come to the Linda Vista community, but a group of advocates is already up and working to protect the rights of local immigrants. These self-appointed “community patrols” have been reinstated in response to the enhanced threat of immigration raids brought about by current hardline policies. They are private citizens who patrol in their own vehicles marked with signs indicating that they are out “protecting the community”, and “NO to ICE and Police Terror” on their car doors. Unión del Barrio volunteers said that the patrols were originally started in the nineties by this San Diegobased political organization, as a response to police departments collaborating with federal agencies. The community patrols were reinstated mid-July of this year after an operation that led to the detention of over 100 people in San Diego and Imperial counties. The activists chose Linda Vista, a community with a large Mexican and Vietnamese immigrant population, because they feel it is “one of the hardest-hit by ICE in recent months.” Some of the neighbors corroborated having seen the detentions happen. The community patrols start doing their rounds of the neighborhood since very early in the morning and try to do this at least twice a week. If they spot a vehicle they suspect could be ICE, they inform people on social media and document the incident. These “community selfdefense” activists are well aware of the fact that they cannot interfere with ICE operations. If an officer goes after someone, all they can do is make sure that their rights are not violated, record the incident, and advise families as to what their next steps are, said PATROLS ON PAGE 3

PRINT • ONLINE • MOBILE APP FOUNDED: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California PUBLISHER/CEO Arturo Castañares CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Enrique Gonzalez CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tracy Powell CONTRIBUTORS/ WRITERS Francisco Barbosa, Augie Bareño, León Bravo, Marielena Castellanos, Ana Paula Ceballos, Mario A. Cortez, Alberto Garcia, Ana Gómez Salcido, Sandra G. León, Samuel López, Andrea López-Villafaña, Alexandra Mendoza, Mimi Pollack, Diana Rodriguez, Eduardo Rueda, and Paco Zavala

1712 Logan Avenue, San Diego, CA 92113, Tel 619.425.7400; email:


Upholding the Constitution Isn’t Treason


his week’s revelations that several government officials may be working to protect the country from a dangerous president shocked many politicos and it should alarm us all. A new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Bob Woodward quotes several White House insiders who claim that staffers have purposely taken papers from Trump’s desk, slow-played policy ideas, and even distracted the President in order to protect the country from his most dangerous impulses. The book claims some of the President’s closest advisors and appointees understand he is petty, shallow, and dangerous to the point that they feel like the last line of defense in keeping him from acting out his fantasies. Those claims were scary enough but then just two days later the New York Times ran an essay written by an unnamed senior administration official that claims he/she is one of those that is working to protect the country from the duly elected president. The New York Times knows the identity of the writer and confirms the person is a senior administration official, but refuses to name the person in order to protect his/her position. Within a few hours, some

of the President’s closest aides began publicly declaring they are not the writer of the scathing piece. Vice-President Mike Pence, Chief of Staff John Kelly, and even Defense Secretary James Mattis have stated they are not the one. And Trump, in his usual style, declared both the book and the article works of fiction, and called upon the New York Times to disclose the person in the name of national security, demanding the person be handed “over to the government at once.” We should be alarmed, not of a government official openly declaring his insubordination of the President. That’s not the problem. The real concern should be that the President, his staff, and his Cabinet have responded to both the book and the article in ways that seem more in place in a dictatorship than in our free democracy. Trump claims the actions of this unnamed staffer amount to treason, a strong word that sounds official but is wholly inaccurate in this case. Treason is the federal crime of levying war against the United States, or in adhering to its enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Trump’s reaction to the news that some among his staff are working against him is wrong. It may be betrayal. It may be disloyal. It may even be dishonest, but a crime it is not.

In fact, the opposite is true. What these staffers are doing, if in fact they are actually doing what is being claimed, is patriotic and it is 100% consistent with the oath they took upon joining the government. The oath each federal appointee takes swears that they will “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” and that they “will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office” they hold. No where in that oath does it say they will be loyal to Trump, or to follow down a dangerous path that could prove detrimental to the country. Their oath to defend against enemies, including domestic threats, supersedes any personal loyalties, obligations, or duty to any person. And Trump’s natural instinct to respond with threats of prosecution for a crime is ideologically opposite of what is actually happening. Trump’s claim that the actions of warning the public and taking affirmation actions to protect the country from disaster are treasonous should alarm us more than the underlying actions themselves. And his demand that the author of the article be handed over to the government sounds like an authoritarian regime in some

banana republic. Trump should be wearing a white captain’s cap, dark glasses, and a gaudy military uniform with a sash to look more like the cartoonish strongman that he sounds like. Bob Woodward’s book is important not only for the claims he makes, but more so because of who he is. Woodward and his reporter partner Carl Bernstein broke the Watergate story about Richard Nixon’s illegal acts and coverup when no other newspaper would cover it. Woodward helped expose the swamp that engulfed that White House, including the President that kept an enemies list, engaged in obstructing justice, and flatly lied to the public for years. At the core of Woodward’s reporting were details provided by a then-unnamed senior administration official that leaked information, in his view, to support and defend the Constitution. (Sound familiar?) That source went unnamed for over 30 years until it was finally revealed that he was the Associate Director of the FBI at the time of Watergate. Michael Felt, better known by the code name Deep Throat, felt his duty to the country demanded he expose what he knew. No one called it treason. No one demanded Felt be prosecuted. And no one would have known the

depths of the corruption in the White House had he not violated the trust of his President, the crook at the center of it all. Felt was a patriot. He fulfilled his sworn oath to the country. And he set an example that is being followed today. Whoever the author of this week’s article may be, he or she or they are living up to the ideals of America, where our right to criticize our leaders and to demand change, and even revolt against them, is enshrined in the words of our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution. It is their right and duty to object to corrupt leadership, especially at the highest office. It is their right to openly express what they know if it helps protect the public, and the Republic. We should be alarmed that more people aren’t alarmed by the fact that several people close to the President believe he is a danger to our country. If open defiance and revolt were outlawed, abolished, or discouraged in this country, our very existence would be in danger. In fact, more “senior administration officials” should take the extraordinary step of speaking up before it’s too late. It’s their patriotic duty to do more than frustrate the President; they have to reveal the full truth and let the process run its course.

Proceso de Reunificación de Familias Continúa a Paso Lento POR ALEXANDRA MENDOZA

A seis semanas de que concluyera el plazo otorgado por un juez de San Diego para que el gobierno de Estados Unidos reunificara a las familias que fueron separadas en la frontera, todavía unos 416 niños continúan alejados de sus padres, de acuerdo con un informe presentado esta semana ante la corte. Hasta la fecha, la administración de Donald Trump ha entregado a 2 mil 181 de los 2 mil 654 menores que separó de sus padres, lo que representa un avance de 24 familias reunificadas en comparación a la semana anterior. De los cientos de niños que se mantienen en cuidado de la Oficina de Reubicación de Refugiados, los padres de 304 de ellos ya fueron deportados por lo que el gobierno y abogados de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) trabajan para localizarlos y hacerles saber sus opciones. En el reporte semanal se indica que 109 padres han renunciado a su derecho de reunificación por lo que el menor sería entregado a un familiar o tutor en Estados Unidos, mientras que otros 53 ya han pedido que el niño sea trasladado al país en que se encuentra. La ACLU ha abogado por este grupo de padres ya que algunos les habrían hecho saber que firmaron su salida voluntaria ya que se les hizo creer que era la única forma de ser reunificados con sus hijos. Por ello, ya se ha solicitado al juez que se conceda el regreso de ellos para que puedan continuar con su petición de asilo político que fuera la razón por la cual habían dejado su país de origen en búsqueda de refugio. El juez Dana Sabraw, quien preside el caso en una corte de San Diego, ha pedido a las dos partes que busquen un acuerdo sobre si se permitiría la reunificación de algunas familias de regreso en Estados Unidos pero hasta el momento, éste no se ha concretado.

De no llegar a un consenso, sería el propio juez quien decidiría, aunque no hay plazo para ello. La ACLU también ha insinuado que disputará los casos de algunos padres que fueron catalogados como “no elegibles” para reunificación ya sea por su historial delictivo o porque el gobierno considera que representan un riesgo para el menor. En particular, este organismo defensor de derechos humanos, quien representa a los padres que se han visto afectados por esta política del gobierno federal, tiene dos casos en la mira.

El primero es de un niño que cumplió los cuatro años en custodia, quien fue separado de su madre debido a que contaba con una orden de arresto en su país de origen debido a que supuestamente forma parte de una pandilla. La mujer ya ha negado dicha acusación e inclusive, un juez de inmigración habría determinado que dicha orden no es suficiente para considerar que se trata de un “peligro a la comunidad”. Pese a ello, el gobierno ha optado por no reunificar a la mujer con su hijo, según la ACLU. El segundo caso es de un niño de

dos años que habría sido separado de su padre debido a que había dudas sobre su parentesco. Posteriormente, la administración federal habría indicado que correspondía a sus antecedentes criminales. La ACLU señaló que sólo tiene conocimiento de una admisión de culpabilidad por asalto en 2010, la cual considera, no debería impedir la reunificación con el menor. Ambas partes regresarán a la corte para una audiencia esta semana, en la que deberán informar al juez sobre sus avances e inquietudes en este proceso.

La Prensa San Diego (LPSD) is published weekly and distributed throughout San Diego County. LPSD is an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District, Case# 4137435 of May 9, 1978. ISSN 0789183. Articles published in LPSD do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Letters to the Editor or Publisher are welcome, but must contain complete name, address, and contact phone number. Any materials submitted are subject to editing revision for space and/or content. Contribution and advertising deadlines are every Tuesday at 5:00pm. LPSD reserves the right to refuse to publish, in its sole and absolute discretion, any advertising and advertorial material submitted for publication by clients (“Client Material”). Submission of Client Material to LPSD does not constitute a commitment by LPSD to publish the material. Publication of Client Material does not constitute an agreement to continue publication in any future issue. In the event of an error, or omission in printing or publication of client material, LPSD's liability shall be limited to an adjustment for the space occupied by the error, with the maximum liability being cancellation of the cost of the incorrect advertisement or republication of the correct client material. LPSD shall not be liable for consequential damages of any kind for publication of inaccuracies or failures to publish materials. Requests for corrections or retractions must be submitted within 30 days. © All rights reserved. La Prensa San Diego | SEPTEMBER 7 2018 | PAGE 3


Local elected officials and community members joined SANDAG, the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), Caltrans, and the City of Chula Vista to celebrate the start of the new South Bay Rapid limited service route between the East Palomar Transit Station at Interstate 805 in Chula Vista and Downtown San Diego. The new weekday service will run during peak morning and evening commute times. To celebrate this new connection, service on the new Rapid route will be free for all commuters during its first week of service, from Tuesday September 4 to Friday September 7. South Bay Rapid is a $128 million effort to provide



more robust employment environment in the state.” Workers struggling with poverty are also more likely than workers who are more economically secure to report that they or someone in their household experiences a range of economic hardships including putting off seeing a doctor or purchasing medication for financial reasons, having difficulty paying rent or mortgage, being unable to pay a monthly bill, reducing meals or cutting back on food to save money. Californians working and struggling with poverty are also more likely than workers who are economically secure to report that they or someone in their household encountered a variety of negative workplace experiences in the last year. “Californians working but struggling with poverty face a web of workplace challenges that make meeting basic housing and healthcare needs extraordinarily difficult,” said PRRI Research Director Dan Cox. “They feel undervalued by their employers and doubt that much can be done to improve their working conditions. And yet, they remain equally optimistic than other workers about achieving the American Dream in California.” The PRRI 2018 California Workers Survey was conducted by PRRI among a random sample of 3,318 adults (age 18 and up) living in California. Interviews were conducted online in both English and Spanish between May 18 and June 11, 2018.

in San Diego Marcela Celorio. They are on the alert, she added, in the event of an increase in frauds by those who would take advantage of peoples’ fears or ‘fix’ their legal status using fake documents. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) spoke out against this new practice, which they say had nearly come to an end a decade ago. "The Trump administration’s attempt to deny passports to long-term American residents living in border areas is just one more inhumane act in a series of unlawful actions,” said Lee Gelernt, deputy director of the ACLU’s Immigrants’ Rights Project. “We are investigating and exploring possible legal steps.” The ACLU further stated that passports are a necessary part of a citizen’s life, particularly in border communities where people work, shop, seek medical care, and have families on both sides of the border. The policy, they say, directly attacks the civil liberties of millions of residents of southern U.S. states that border Mexico. Congressman Juan Vargas added that we need the support of every citizen, regardless of place of origin, to confront the series of policies being implemented under the Trump Administration. “We have stopped him in almost every front: he wanted to build his wall, he has not [been able to]; he wanted to separate families, we have brought them together,” said Vargas.

Unión del Barrio representative Benjamin Prado. “We are just monitoring,” Benjamin said. “We also want to encourage the community to publicly report ICE activities, precisely because they do it undercover sometimes. We obviously cannot interfere if they already have someone, the goal is to do preventive work,” he added. According to Prado, they have confronted ICE twice since July. The first time, they witnessed a raid outside of a fast-food restaurant, and some days later, they encountered a vehicle they suspected was being driven by ICE officers. To strengthen their preventive work, the organization puts up posters with their contact information on utility poles around the neighborhood. While they are putting them up, some people are curious and approach them to ask about what they are doing or even to share their own experiences. The end goal is to create neighborhood groups so that, eventually, they can be the ones protecting the immigrant families that reside in their community, said Armando Abundis, another member of Unión del Barrio. They hope to be able to expand these patrols soon to other places around the county where they could be needed. “We would like to grow into other communities, but this is the community that needs us the most,” added Abundis.


Rapid Transit System Unveiled in South Bay



travelers with a frequent and reliable transit choice. In early 2019, South Bay Rapid service will open for full service and operate along a 26-mile route between the Otay Mesa Transit Center and Downtown San Diego. “The East Chula Vista area and the Otay Mesa community continue to grow”, said SANDAG director of Mobility Management at Jim Linthicum to La Prensa San Diego. “Right now is more difficult to get to downtown from the Otay Mesa Port of Entry, than from San Ysidro Port of Entry because of the trolley. But when this project is completed, you’ll be able to get to downtown from Otay Mesa in less than an hour with $2.50.” “The South Bay Rapid buses are not a regular buses, this

transit system includes stations with shelters and waiting areas, and an express service with no stops from Chula Vista up to downtown that takes between 20 to 25 minutes,” Linthicum added. “This project is a great alternative for people without a car or people who don’t want to drive”. When completed, South Bay Rapid will include 12 stations along a 26-mile route from the Otay Mesa Port of Entry to Downtown San Diego via eastern Chula Vista, connecting to employment and activity centers in Downtown San Diego and South County. The South Bay Rapid currently operates from Monday to Friday in rush hours, from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. in the mornings and from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the afternoons. When the project is completed, the South Bay Rapid will expand its service to every day of the week. Users of the South Bay Rapid can leave their cars at a new park and ride lot located in the East Palomar Transit Station. At the heart of the project is the dedicated transit guideway – a nearly six-milelong transit-only lane constructed in the median of East Palomar Street and along Eastlake Parkway in Chula Vista. The San Diego Metropolitan Transit System operates the South Bay Rapid service in the South Bay.



¿Tiene o alguna vez ha tenido ¡El tiempo para renovar es ahora!

Envía su solicitud de renovación de DACA lo más pronto posible, y tome en cuenta: recomendamos que obtenga una consulta legal de inmigración antes de enviarla USCIS no puede compartir su información de DACA con ICE sin una orden judicial

Si nunca tuvo DACA, no puede solicitar el programa de DACA por ahora, pero si debería: obtener una asesoría de inmigración Conocer sus derechos

Para encontrar ayuda legal gratuita y becas para la cuota de pago de $495, visita

La Prensa PAGE 4

| SEPTEMBER 7 2018 |




La Lucha por DACA Continúa un Año Después de que Trump Intentó Ponerle Fin



se trabaja duro, se saldrá adelante, no se está haciendo realidad”, dijo el CEO del PRRI, Robert P. Jones. “Comprender la magnitud de este problema y entender las luchas y dificultades reales que impactan a estos trabajadores más vulnerables es crucial para los legisladores, las empresas y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro de California que desean colaborar para crear un ambiente de empleo más saludable y robusto en el estado”. Los trabajadores que luchan contra la pobreza también tienen más probabilidades de informar que ellos o alguien en su hogar sufren una serie de dificultades económicas comparado a los trabajadores que tienen mayor seguridad económica, como el dejar de ver a un médico o comprar medicamentos por razones

La figura del caballo de Troya es parte de una recreación mítica con la que sutilmente se advierten los riesgos que existen cuando un enemigo utiliza el engaño como estratagema para introducirse en el sistema a fin de desestabilizarlo y vencerlo, sin la espectacularidad y costo de una gran confrontación. Como en los instrumentos de análisis hipotético, esta referencia es improbable que sucediera como el relato consigna, pero no improbable que haya sido pauta para dominar organizaciones establecidas legalmente. Esos hechos están consignados y son verificables en varios capítulos de la historia. En el México moderno, las “transformaciones” se pueden entender a través de esa lógica. En las tres que refiere usualmente el presidente electo para sustentar su proyecto (Independencia, Reforma y Revolución), hay evidencias de pequeños “Davides” que pudieron vencer poderosos Goliats: los conspiradores a la Corona española, Benito Juárez al poder eclesiástico y Francisco I. Madero al omnipotente dictador. En los ‘80s, con el agotamiento del modelo del nacionalismo revolucionario que mantuvo al país ordenado después de la segunda guerra mundial, mediante instrumentos keynesianos de gasto público permitió al salinismo apropiarse del poder político para imponer el neoliberalismo como paradigmática herramienta de gestión institucional. Al inicio del siglo XXI, y en respuesta a las crisis que el modelo acarreó, sumado a los excesos de una elite insaciable que se apropió de la riqueza nacional para conservar el poder intentó un cambio discreto a partir de imponer nuevas siglas políticas con una impresentable e irreverente figura presidencial (Fox) y otra arrogante y enfermiza (Calderón), ambos militantes del PAN. En el 2012, como resultado de las disfuncionalidades del





n este momento, el año pasado, Francisco Peralta Vargas recuerda que no sabía qué pasaría con su vida. "Olvídalo, cuando te dicen de la noche a día que te despidas de todo lo que tienes planeado, di adiós a tu permiso de trabajo, adiós a tu trabajo, ya no puedes tener un trabajo estable, no puedes pagar tu renta , no puedes pagar tus cuentas " dijo Vargas. Vargas, un beneficiario del programa de Acción Diferida para los Llegados en la Infancia (DACA, por sus siglas en inglés), acababa de regresar a San Diego después de celebrar la boda de un amigo en Perris, California, cuando se enteró que el presidente Trump tenía la intención de rescindir el programa DACA. Vargas, un estudiante a tiempo completo, decidió abandonar todas sus clases. "No estaba seguro de lo que sucedería, si iba a terminar deportado, sin trabajo, con esta administración antiinmigrante tenía que prepararme para lo peor", dijo Vargas. Recuerda a docenas que se reunieron en la noche del año pasado en el Centro de Gobierno del Condado de San Diego, el mismo lugar donde muchos se reunieron de nuevo este año, después de que la administración de Trump haya

continuado sus esfuerzos para terminar el programa. Vargas describió el año pasado como algo dulce pero amargo. "Fue demasiado rápido y cruel porque se lo hicieron a unas 800 mil personas en el país, y la mayoría de las personas con el permiso de DACA es gente que va a la escuela, gente que trabaja, gente que tiene un record limpio, gente que ha estado aquí desde pequeños, mucha gente no conoce su propio país de origen". Esa reunión, que incluyó varios destinatarios de DACA, condujo a la formación de los Soñadores de la Frontera de San Diego y también cambió su vida. "No estoy contento con lo que paso, pero hizo que muchísima gente despertara". Vargas agregó que desde ese momento el grupo ha estado ocupado presionando a los representantes del Congreso,

miembros del concejo municipal, participando en diferentes marchas, incluso viajando a Washington D.C. para reunirse directamente con docenas de senadores estadounidenses. Esta semana, el grupo continuó con sus esfuerzos y organizó una protesta en el mismo lugar y el mismo día en que lo hicieron hace un año, renovando el compromiso de seguir presionando para la protección permanente de los inmigrantes indocumentados. "Queremos utilizar este día para impulsar este movimiento para que la gente de la Casa Blanca y el resto del Congreso lo sepa, no tenemos miedo, estamos aquí, vamos a continuar aquí", Dulce García, abogada de inmigración y una de los directores del grupo pro DACA San Diego Border Dreamers, dijo DACA EN LA PAGINA 11


Trabajadores de California Luchan Contra la Pobreza POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Casi un tercio de los californianos forman parte de la fuerza laboral y, sin embargo, todavía están luchando contra la pobreza, esto de acuerdo a una nueva encuesta que fue publicada por el PRRI (Instituto de Investigación de Religión Pública, por sus siglas en inglés). La encuesta muestra cómo este grupo lucha para cubrir los gastos básicos de vivienda y atención médica, y como estas personas tienen mayor probabilidad de encontrarse a sí mismos explotados en el trabajo en comparación a los trabajadores que no luchan contra la pobreza. La encuesta también proporciona un análisis detallado de la experiencia vivida por californianos que trabajan y luchan contra la pobreza, incluidas sus preocupaciones y aspiraciones económicas, sus creencias en la educación superior, los valores

familiares y el sueño americano. Entre los resultados principales del sondeo, se indica que una proporción significativa de los californianos en el personal laboral tiene problemas económicos. El 31 por ciento de todos los californianos están trabajando, pero tienen problemas de pobreza, lo que se traduce en un 47 por ciento de los trabajadores del estado. Los californianos que trabajan y luchan contra la pobreza son susceptibles a sufrir dificultades económicas notables. El 56 por ciento de los trabajadores de California que luchan contra la pobreza dicen que sería un poco difícil pagar un gasto de emergencia de $400, comparado a solo el 24 por ciento de los trabajadores que no luchan contra la pobreza. “Es sorprendente que casi un tercio de los californianos descubran que la promesa del sueño americano, que si



Marisa B. Ugarte



Por más de 25 años, Marisa B. Ugarte ha estado involucrada dentro de la lucha por la dignidad de las personas mas vulnerables de nuestra región fronteriza. “La trata de personas es esclavitud moderna y dentro de la trata hay no solo hay mujeres, tambien hay hombres y menores”, comentó Ugarte. “El problema más grande es entender que no solo existe la trata sexual, sino también la trata laboral, abuso en los servicios domésticos, abuso en los restaurantes, abuso en las casas de masajes y abusos en construcción”. Hoy en dia Ugarte funge como directora ejecutiva de Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition (BSCC), una organización no lucrativa en pro de los derecho humanos cual ella fundó. Este organismo busca prevenir y erradicar la trata de personas por medio de la intervención y apoyo a las víctimas de esta práctica. BSCC comenzó a operar en 1997 como un equipo de voluntarios, incorporándose como organismo civil de manera oficial en el 2002. Desde entonces, esta asociación humanitaria lleva la misión de avanzar hacia un mundo en donde no hay explotación humana y donde las vidas de todo hombre, mujer, y menor de edad tengan valor y protección. “Nosotros en BSCC queremos que la gente sea libre de cualquier victimización, como sobreviviente o como víctima. Buscamos en tener un modelo de transición y hasta damos un paso más para buscar la reintegración a la sociedad de estas personas que han vivido la trata de personas”, explicó Ugarte. A pesar de fundar este organismo en 1997, Ugarte ya trabajaba con gente en situaciones precarias y víctimas de crímenes como la violencia doméstica. Poco después de llegar a Tijuana desde su natal Ciudad de México, Ugarte comenzó a trabajar con el sector Tijuana del Sistema de Desarrollo e PERFIL EN LA PAGINA 8


Ciudadanos de EEUU en Riesgo por Políticas de Migración POR ANGÉLICA GARCÍA

Más personas en las zonas fronterizas de Estados Unidos ahora viven con el temor de ser deportados o de perder su estado legal en el país debido a las políticas de migración que se han reforzado en el último año. Hoy, muchos ciudadanos de la Unión Americana podrían estar en peligro de perder su ciudadanía o ser acusados de fraude. Los primeros casos de negación de pasaporte a

ciudadanos estadounidenses durante la administración del presidente Donald Trump se registraron en Texas. Sin embargo, ante las posibilidades de que más ciudadanos nazcan gracias al apoyo de parteras o pequeños hospitales, autoridades del servicio exterior y congresistas se dicen en alerta. Activistas en las zonas fronterizas han advertido a los ciudadanos que nacieron con ayuda de una partera o en pequeños centros

médicos, la importancia de que dicho nacimiento se haya registrado en el departamento de salud, así como constatar que el doctor que certificó el nacimiento cuenta o contaba con licencias emitidas por los departamentos de salud del condado o región donde se encuentre. Aseguran estos activistas que, en algunos casos, la negación o falta de credibilidad de ciudadanía de ciertos individuos que cuentan con toda una vida

hecha en el país, es parte de una política de intimidación y racismo que impera en el país. “Este presidente quiere tener un sistema de terror para que la gente siempre este ahí con miedo, que le van a quitar su ciudadanía o la oportunidad de quedarse en este país, o que lo van a deportar, yo les digo, hay que seguir luchando para que esto no pase”, dijo el congresista Juan Vargas El Consulado General de México en San Diego informó

que mantiene conversaciones con su personal para detectar cualquier anomalía dentro de esta controversia. Aunque actualmente no hay casos registrados en sus oficinas, si es preocupante que un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos no pudiera recibir su pasaporte. “Hasta ahora no hemos recibido ningún caso, pero ya estamos nosotros atentos de que en la eventualidad, podamos atenderlo”, señaló Marcela Celorio, cónsul de México en San Diego, quien

agregó que estaría en alerta ante la posibilidad de ver un incremento en fraudes de personas que busquen aprovecharse de quienes tienen miedo o arreglan su situación legal con documentos falsos. La Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés) se declaró en contra de la nueva disposición que aseguran fue frenada hace una década en el país. "El intento de la administración Trump de negar pasaportes a residentes MIGRACIÓN EN LA PAGINA 5 | SEPTEMBER 7 2018 | PAGE 5



Inauguran Sistema de Tránsito Rápido en el Sur del Condado


South Bay rapid, un nuevo sistema de camiones rápidos en el Sur del condado de San Diego inició sus operaciones a partir de este 4 de septiembre. Funcionarios locales e integrantes de la comunidad se unieron a la celebración del arranque de operaciones junto con autoridades de SANDAG, del Sistema Metropolitano de San Diego, Caltrans y del Ayuntamiento de Chula Vista. El servicio inició de manera limitada desde Chula Vista con una estación en la calle East Palomar hasta el centro de San Diego. Este nuevo servicio operará de manera limitada en las horas pico de tráfico por las mañanas y tardes. Como parte de la celebración del nuevo servicio, los camiones rápidos operarán de manera gratuita durante la primera semana de operación, del martes 4 de septiembre hasta el viernes 7 de septiembre. El proyecto South Bay Rapid tuvo un costo de 128 millones de dólares y tiene el objetivo de proporcionar a los viajeros con una opción



de transporte rápida y confiable. A principios del próximo año, el South Bay Rapid operará de manera completa en una ruta de 26 millas entre un Centro de Tránsito en Otay Mesa y el centro de San Diego. “El área del Este de Chula Vista y la comunidad de Otay Mesa, están creciendo”, dijo el director de movilidad de SANDAG, Jim Linthicum a La Prensa San Diego. “Ahora es más difícil llegar al centro de San Diego desde la garita de Otay Mesa que desde San Ysidro, por el trolley, pero cuando este proyecto esté terminado, se podrá llegar al centro de San Diego desde Otay Mesa en menos de una hora con 2.50 dólares”. “Los camiones de South Bay Rapid no son los autobuses normales. Este sistema de tránsito incluye estaciones con áreas de sombra para la espera y con un servicio express sin paradas desde Chula Vista hasta el centro de San Diego que tomará entre 20 y 25 minutos”, agregó Linthicum. “Este proyecto es una gran alternativa para las personas sin vehículo o para las personas que no quieren

manejar’. Cuando el proyecto esté terminado, se contará con 12 estaciones a lo largo de la ruta de 26 millas desde la garita de Otay Mesa hasta el centro de San Diego por medio de Chula Vista, conectando a los lugares de trabajo y centros de actividades en el centro de San Diego y el Sur del Condado. El South Bay Rapid opera actualmente de lunes a viernes en las horas pico de tráfico, entre 5 a.m. y 8 a.m. por las mañanas y entre 3 p.m. y 6 p.m por las tardes. Cuando el proyecto esté terminado, South Bay Rapid expandirá su servicio a todos los días de la semana. Los usuarios del South Bay Rapid pueden dejar sus vehículos en el nuevo lote de park and ride en la estación de tránsito de East Palomar. En la parte media del proyecto se cuenta con un carril dedicado a este sistema que consta de 6 millas entre la calle de East Palomar y Eastlake Parkway en Chula Vista. El Sistema de Tránsito Metropolitano está a cargo del servicio de operación de South Bay Rapid.


estadounidenses a largo plazo, que viven en áreas fronterizas es solo un acto inhumano más, en una serie de acciones ilegales. Estamos investigando y explorando posibles pasos legales”, informó Lee Gelernt, subdirector del Proyecto de Derechos de Inmigrantes en ACLU Está organizacion dijo también que los pasaportes son una parte necesaria en la vida de los ciudadanos, especialmente en comunidades fronterizas donde se trabaja, se realizan compras, se busca atención médica y se cuenta con familiares en ambos lados de la frontera. Aseguraron que la nueva disposición atacaba de forma directa los derechos civiles de millones de personas que viven en los estados al sur del país y que comparten frontera con México. El congresista Juan Vargas agregó que es necesario el apoyo de cada ciudadano sin importar su lugar de origen ante la serie de políticas que implementa la administración del presidente Donald Trump.

panismo; la explosión de la inseguridad; y el incremento de la inestabilidad económica, social y política que genera la pobreza. Se convino realizar un nuevo intento para remediar y dar respiro de supervivencia a los poderosos. Una atractiva figura juvenil, combinada con supuesta eficiencia operativa, fue atractivo producto mercadotécnico para enfrentar al eterno opositor que una vez más equivocaba su estrategia electoral. Con el apoyo de una generosa derrama de recursos financieros, se convenció a los opositores apoyar el ajuste del modelo vía reformas estructurales que amortiguarían y darían respiro al sistema instaurado. El éxito coronó el esfuerzo y se pudieron reforzar los endebles cimientos del aparato gubernamental para asegurar la sobrevivencia de la elite. Lo que no se resolvió fue el apetito de enriquecimiento de una nueva mafia que sin recato dispuso de la renta nacional para beneficios privados. La corrupción minó la

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SD Contra Corporaciones Inmobiliarias

• Nuestra página de internet: • La oficina del Registro Electoral, en: 5600 Overland Ave., San Diego, CA 92123 • Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados (DMV)


La crisis de vivienda que se registra en el sur de California y en el resto de Estados Unidos llevó a tres ciudades en el condado de San Diego a sumarse a las manifestaciones registradas en San Mateo, Walnut Creek y Los Ángeles. A las afueras de edificios inmobiliarios entre las calles Ruffin Road y la Avenida Balboa en San Diego, llegaron a con pancartas y consignas residentes de todo el condado para exigir el freno a las campañas contra la Propuesta 10, que intenta dar control a los aumentos desmedidos de rentas que se registran en la región. La Proposición 10 es una medida electoral en el estado de California que, de aprobarse en noviembre, derogará la ley de vivienda de alquiler Costa-Hawkins la cual impide que las ciudades y los condados apliquen un control de alquileres a los apartamentos construidos después de 1995 o a las unidades de alquiler de viviendas unifamiliares y condominios. Esta ley también permite a los propietarios de edificios y condominios, aumentar el alquiler a su criterio cuando una unidad queda vacante. El sindicato de trabajadores en San Diego SEIU Local 221 dijo que el incremento de las rentas ha

golpeado a las familias de una forma significativa. “Estamos hablando del doble del promedio nacional”, aseguraron los miembros del sindicato. Durante la manifestación a favor de la Proposición 10 y contra grandes corporaciones inmobiliarias, se habló del último documento emitido por la oficina del secretario de estado en California, que muestra las contribuciones por 20.63 millones de dólares (MDD) en contra de la Proposición 10. El grupo National City Families Fair Housing informó en un documento que gran parte de estas contribuciones se habían realizado por compañías originarias de San Diego, tales como “Essex Property Trust” quien donó 2.4 millones de dólares seguida por la compañía Equity Residential con 1.7 MDD y Avalonbay Communities con 1.5 MDD. Los ciudadanos y grupos organizados aseguraron que votar a favor de la Proposición 10, será una de las principales herramientas para erradicar el incremento de rentas que en ciudades como National City registra aumentos de hasta 900 dólares. “Queremos controlar los desalojos por los incrementos injustificados de renta, si podemos mantener

a personas en sus viviendas, ahora estaremos viendo más opciones, y quienes ya han vivido en National City o en estas ciudades se mantengan ahí”, dijo Paola Martínez, directora de la Alianza de Californianos para el Empoderamiento de la Comunidad (ACCE, por sus siglas en inglés) El sindicato de trabajadores agregó que cerca del 30 por ciento de los trabajadores en California gastan más de la mitad de sus ingresos en rentas, lo que hace casi imposible para estas familias ahorrar para una emergencia. El grupo Housing Vivienda Ahora informó que en base a un estudio realizado en el estado de California las tasas de pobreza más altas del país se registran en la región debido al alto costo de la vivienda, donde un tercio de los hogares pagan más del 50 por ciento de sus ingresos en rentas y su población se ve obligada a elegir entre las necesidades de casa y alimentación de su familia y ponen en segundo término sus cuidados de salud y los sitios de guardería. Por su parte ACCE, señaló que en ciudades como National City, casi el 60 por ciento de quienes rentan un hogar deben utilizar el 30 por ciento o más de su salario para pagar la renta.

estructura que colapsó espectacularmente el pasado primero de julio. Hasta ahí las cosas pintan inmejorables para la “Cuarta Transformación” pero, sorpresivamente, un renovado Caballo de Troya emerge amenazante anticipando peligrosas consecuencias. La figura purificada de López Obrador protege el arribo de personajes y grupos impresentables que se apropian, descaradamente, de los poderes públicos, tanto del Ejecutivo como el Legislativo. Los Ebrard, Gómez, Monreales, Noroñas, Delgados, Batres, Padiernas, Sheimbauns y momias como Ifigenios, Ovalles, Heladios, Napoleones y Porfirios, todos ellos de mala memoria, saborean, desde ya, el disfrute de los beneficios que conlleva el poder absoluto. Que todo cambie para que siga todo igual parece ser nuestro destino. Ojala López Obrador recapacite y antes de tomar el poder corrija lo que hoy parece ruta insalvable.

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| SEPTEMBER 7 2018 |

Arts + Culture MÚSICA



2-FOR-1 COUPON: DIGITAL GYM La Prensa San Diego readers can receive a 2-for-1 coupon when in attendance to a screening of the following films at Digital Gym Cinema. Located at 2921 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104. Present this coupon at the box office to redeem the offer. Offer must be redeemed in full at the time of purchase. Not valid for 1st show of day or Mondays, or special events/engagements. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer must be the price of one general admission.

HULU PRESENTS: CRIME + PUNISHMENT (SEPTEMBER 7-13) San Diego exclusive theatrical engagement! CRIME + PUNISHMENT is the incendiary Sundance winning documentary about a group of whistleblowing policemen who come clean about predatory and illegal quota practices in the police force.

Anticipando su presentación en San Diego este viernes 7 de septiembre, La Prensa San Diego platicó en exclusiva con el intérprete argentino de reggae Dread Mar I sobre su actualidad y su gira en curso. En pleno viaje por las autopistas del norte de California durante nuestra conversación, Dread Mar I, de nombre Mariano Castro, actualmente hace su recorrido de Norte a Sur, transitando por plazas como Sacramento, San José, San Francisco y Santa Rosa previo a su concierto en San Diego, agendado para en The Music Box de Little Italy. “Nos va muy bien y estamos muy contentos con la gente que nos ha cantado las canciones nuevas que acaban de salir como ‘El seno del amor’ y ‘Si eres tu’, lo que nos sorprendió ya que no la habíamos tocado mucho y apenas la presentamos”, compartió Dread Mar I. Dentro de esta gira, el músico bonaerense se encuentra exponiendo temas de su más reciente producción, está denominada “Caminarás Caminos”, grabado en las legendarias productoras musicales Sunpower Studio y Anchor Studio de Jamaica. Entre los músicos involucrados en esta producción también destacan talentos del reggae como el baterista Kirk Bennet y el tecladista Carol Bowie McLaughlin. A pesar del ilustre linaje dentro del mundo del reggae que ostenta el equipo de producción

y los estudios donde se grabaron los temas, “Caminarás Caminos” dista mucho del reggae clásico. Entre la variedad de sonidos que se incorporan a la propuesta del argentino llegan influencias de trap, downtempo, hip hop y hasta dance. “La verdad, me dieron ganas de hacer canciones que a mi me gustan porque hacer música es un gusto que yo me doy a mi mismo”, explicó sobre la ejecución de su séptima grabación de estudio. “El reggae ha evolucionado y si escuchas un disco de ese reggae evolucionado, tiene una evolución musical; no es tradicional pero sigue siendo reggae”. “Ya no hay un género puro ni gente representando eso en lo absoluto, la música ya está muy fusionada y evolucionar es como una función natural”, agregó. Con miras a su llegada a San Diego, Dread Mar I afirmó que los aficionados al reggae, ya sea del estilo clásico o evolucionado, no se querrán perder del show que presentará ni mucho menos de “Caminarás Caminos”. “No se pierdan la presentación del viernes que va a estar muy linda, ni de ‘Caminarás Caminos’, está tremendo y es un buen disco para escuchar cuando sea”, cerró Dread Mar I. Como parte de esta velada de música, La Sucursal de La Cumbia, El Arka y Nelson El Toro harán los honores de telón previo a la salida al escenario de Dread Mar I.

FAR FROM THE TREE (SEPTEMBER 7-13) Discover the courage of compassion through the eyes of parents journeying towards acceptance of their one-of-a-kind kids. Based on The New York Times bestseller by Andrew Solomon.

SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7: 11:00AM, 6:10 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8: 11:00AM, 6:10 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9: 1:45, 3:45 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10: 11:00AM, 3:45 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11: 11:00AM, 3:45 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12: 1:45, 6:10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13: 11:00AM, 6:10 GOOD MANNERS (SEPTEMBER 7-13) Brazil’s GOOD MANNERS is a subversive and sensational modern-day melodrama and werewolf fable about a nanny who becomes suspicious about the behavior her boss displays during a full moon. Marked by whimsical flourishes, unexpected musical numbers, and an alluring sapphic love affair, GOOD MANNERS is a one-of-a-kind movie experience whose story becomes an allegory for societal and race based tensions in Brazil.

SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7: 1:00, 8:30 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8: 1:00, 8:30 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9: 11:00AM, 8:10 MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10: 1:00, 5:45 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11: 1:00, 8:20 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12: 11:00AM, 8:10 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13: 1:00, 8:20





La Prensa SAN DIEGO | DECEMBER 1 2017 | PAGE 1




Less Spanish Being Spoken in US Homes BY ANDREA LOPEZ-VILLAFAÑA


hat started out as two community leaders tackling low academic performance at Sherman Elementary here in San Diego has evolved into a statewide program that has fostered student success and engaged parents in the education of their children. This Friday, Dec. 1, the Parent Institute for Quality Education,


known as PIQE, will celebrate 30 years of family empowerment and student achievement with a special ceremony at Sherman Elementary. PIQE began in October of 1987 after Alberto Ochoa and Vahac Mardirosian began to feel concern over low academic performance among San Diego’s Latino students, especially those at Sherman Elementary. With help from Tom Payzant,

then-Superintendent of the San Diego Unified School District, Ochoa and Mardirosian began to hold meetings with parents to address why their children were not doing well in school. Through two questions for parents, “Why do you think students in this school are performing so poorly academi-


Separan a Familia en Custodia



Family Wellness Night Brings Community Together

Originally from Puebla, Vicente Sanchez Ventura, consul general of Mexico in Havana, sets the example that through perseverance and transcendence legacies can be made. After completing diplomatic service in Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Dallas, New Orleans, Austin, Detroit and Fresno, Sanchez Ventura assumes his new responsibility in the capital of Cuba. In his new role in Havana, Sanchez Ventura shares that there are 1,100 Mexicans, of whom 800 are students. However, 130 thousand Mexicans visit Cuba annually, as this country is a reference and cultural attraction for its visitors. "Havana has everything for everyone," Sanchez Ventura shared during an interview in Cuba with La Prensa San Diego. "From classical music to tropical music and very good rock," he said about the CONTINUED ON PAGE 7




Vicente Sanchez Ventura


While there is a focus to encourage younger generations to speak more than one language because of greater opportunities, one study found that the percent of Latinos speaking Spanish at home is decreasing. The study found that although the number of Latinos speaking Spanish was greater in 2015 than 2006, the total percentage of those Latinos who speak Spanish has decreased. Spanish is the country’s most common non-English language, however, there was a decrease of 5 percent of Latinos who speak it in major metropolitan areas, according to a study by the Pew Research Center published on Oct. 31. “While the number of Latinos who speak Spanish at home continues to increase due to the overall growth of the Latino


The King-Chavez Arts and Athletics Academy celebrated its Family Wellness Night this Wednesday, Nov. 29, bringing together parents, teachers, students, and other members of the community with the goal of creating conscience about physical activity and healthy eating habits. The after-school event featured sports activities, a bike-and-treadmill-powered arcade, and special presentations, among many more. These activities were organized by a committee comprised of 14 teachers and school staff members. Edgar Bautista, a teacher and soccer coach at the academy, mentioned that this event lines up with the school’s goals, which include advocating for good health habits. “We want to educate students and families to not only exercise and eat well, but to also look for resources to stay healthy,” said Bautista, who ran a snow cone station and a soccer shoot-out activity along with another coach. “There were teachers who were showing how to make healthy snacks. Other teachers, for example, were teaching ‘Mindfulness’ breathing exercises to kids so they can concentrate better.”

“We like that the children teach their parents about these exercises and strategies,” he added. Among the most popular activities of the night were a cheerleading demo, a “Mindfulness” demo by a group of students known as the Great Mindfulness Stars, and a talk about school lunches and how they are prepared. The event also featured a raffle which included memberships for ABC Boxing and the Jackie Robinson YMCA, among others. It is estimated that about 100 families gathered at the event, which has been held twice a year for eight years now. Going beyond the activities and lectures at the event, Bautista highlighted that within the communities of Sherman Heights and Logan Heights there are many organizations and resources for families looking to care for their health. “You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym to be healthy,” he pointed out. “ABC Boxing is free, the rec center is free, the Jackie Robinson YMCA has something for the entire family, there are many places for kids to stay healthy and active.”

Un padre de familia salvadoreño acusa haber sido separado de su hijo de un año de edad una vez que quedó en custodia de autoridades de inmigración. José Demar Fuentes llegó a la frontera el pasado 12 de noviembre, acompañado de su hijo Mateo, como parte de una caravana de 35 inmigrantes centroamericanos que se entregaron en la garita peatonal de San Ysidro para solicitar asilo político. Pero lo que nunca imaginó es que una vez en Estados Unidos sería separado de su hijo, quien ahora se encuentra en un albergue para menores inmigrantes no acompañados en Texas. El argumento de la Oficina de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) es que no se pudo comprobar el parentesco entre ellos. “El señor Fuentes no entregó un pasaporte, acta de nacimiento u otro tipo de identificación y el niño es muy pequeño para responder las preguntas de oficiales”, precisó la portavoz Lauren Mack. “Históricamente, algunos grupos criminales dedicados al contrabando han juntado adultos y niños que no son familiares para minimizar las posibilidades de ser detenidos si son arrestados en la frontera”, explicó la vocera a través de un comunicado. Por ello, es que el menor fue trasladado a un albergue mientras que José Demar Fuentes permanece en el centro de detención de Otay Mesa, en espera que se compruebe el lazo familiar. La abogada Erika Pinheiro del grupo Al Otro Lado no acepta la explicación de ICE, ya que dice estar segura de que el inmigrante



OVERVIEW La Prensa San Diego, the voice of the Mexican-American community of San Diego, first opened its doors December 1, 1976. THE GOAL: to create a bilingual media platform that understands the Latino experience and, most importantly, their needs. | OCTOBER 27 2017 | PAGE 7





IN A CITY WHERE IT CAN BE 94 DEGREES AND UP IN THE FALL, THE BIKINI INDUSTRY DOES NOT SUFFER, AND FOR HOLA SWIM OWNERS SYNCLETICA MAESTAS AND AIDA SORIA THAT INCLUDES LAUNCHING THEIR NEW VELVET BATHING SUIT COLLECTION. With a giant smile, Maestas holds a dark, sapphire-toned two piece bathing suit made with velvet fabric and shares that they will have other colors made from the fabric. “It’s the thing right now,” Maestas said. “Everything is velvet.” The Resort Line is the Hola Swim winter collection, which encompasses velvet fabric, dark colors, and black mesh. Soria said she tested the velvet suit because she wanted to make sure the fabric would hold up in the beach water, body surfing, pool, and in the washer. “As someone who goes to the beach all the time, that’s something I want to know,” Soria said. Their styles are different from the typical bathing suits found in the beaches of San Diego because they provide more coverage, yet remain sexy with the high waisted bottom piece. The one piece bathing suits

for this collection will have a higher neckline than a previous design but the black mesh on the sides will let the perfect amount of skin to peek through. Soria and Maestas wanted to make bathing suits that would look great on all body types, skin colors, and would be ideal for a beach trip with friends or a family pool event. They recently showed their collection during Fashion Week San Diego and were mentioned in British Vogue this month. Their bathing suits are manufactured locally in National City, and, depending on the season, Maestas and Soria change the fabric and trim. The Hola Swim showroom is located in Barrio Logan and purchases can be made through appointment while they are revamping their website. Inquiries can be made to or follow them on Instagram @holaswim.



Las tendencias de otoño 2017 vienen con mucha variedad, color, textura y detalles originales que hacen de esta temporada la más expresiva y creativa del año en cuando a moda se refiere.


Parent Institute for Quality Education Celebrates its 30th Anniversary


El vestido estampado de colores intensos como el azul verde, amarillo y negro, y encaje que marca la bastilla, las mangas y cuello. Refleja un espiritu festivo y muy bohemio. Es de la marca ANNA SUI PARA INC INTERNATIONAL CONCEPTS.

A True Peruvian Cuisine Experience AT PISCO ROTISSERIE & CEVICHERIA




Ya han pasado dos años desde que el firmamento artístico mexicano guarda luto a la memoria del cantautor, productor, músico y filántropo mexicano Juan Gabriel, quien se despidió para siempre del pueblo mexicano el 28 de agosto del 2016. En el marco de este segundo aniversario luctuoso, la Orquesta de Baja California, institución musical con una envidiable ficha curricular, dedicó un merecido homenaje al llamado “Divo de Juarez”, presentando un concierto el 6 de septiembre en la Sala de Espectáculos del Centro Cultural Tijuana. La Orquesta fue acompañada de artistas invitados dentro de esta gala dedicada al prodigo mexicano. Entre estos cameos se encuentran el Mariachi Garibaldi del

Southwestern College de Chula Vista, el tenor Ricardo Rodríguez y la soprano Mónica Abrego. Rodríguez, tenor mexicano originario de Tamaulipas, ha realizado una gran carrera musical, participando en la interpretación de ópera y de canciones populares. Por su parte, Abrego, es una de las sopranos más sobresalientes y versátiles de México, quien se ha presentado en escenarios nacionales e internacionales con un repertorio diverso que incluye ópera, canción de concierto y música popular. Entre los temas entonados en esta fiesta musical se pudieron apreciar los exitos “Noa Noa” , “La frontera”, “Abrázame muy fuerte”, “Hasta que te conocí” y muchos más, todos ellos bajo la dirección artística del maestro Armando Pesqueira.




From the moment you step into Pisco Rotisserie & Cevicheria, you’re captivated by the colorful umbrellas hanging off the ceiling, the smell of seasoned rotisserie chicken, and the beautiful paintings that decorate the walls. A friendly hostess will seat you with your choice of indoor or outdoor seating, and, as you find your ideal table, you might see the man responsible for it all, Chef Emmanuel Piqueras, smiling and

spending time with guests. Peruvian cuisine is not something that can be found at every corner in San Diego, and in order to fully embrace the talents found at this Liberty Station restaurant, it takes a willingness to fall in love with the different flavors and textures Peruvian cuisine has to offer. First, forget what you know, or think you know, about ceviche and enjoy the fresh flavors of the ceviche clasico. This ceviche is served in a white bowl filled with fish, red onion,

cilantro, camote, Peruvian corn, and “leche de tigre,” a citrus marinade, which beautifully provides the right amount of citrus to the fish. If you’re craving something spicier, you can choose the ceviche mixto, which has spicy rocoto, calamari, shrimp, fish, Peruvian corn, camote, and “leche de tigre.” As you move on to a larger plate, take a history lesson with the Lomo Saltado and Choclo Garlic Rice. Peruvian cuisine has influences from culinary giants like China,

Japan and Italy. This is evident in the Lomo Saltado dish, which is a traditional beef tenderloin stir fry, red onion, tomato, rustic potato, cilantro, garlic-soy sauce dish. The Choclo Garlic Rice has influences from Chinese cuisine and the choclo, or Peruvian corn, adds a touch of Peru to the side dish. If you are craving something sweet, the Spicy Caramel-Filled Cinnamon Churro with chocolate ice cream on the side is an excellent choice. And of course, you cannot skip the


Prickly Pear Pisco Sour. This flirty drink is a bright pink and made with La Caravedo Pisco Quebranta and prickly pear puree, lime juice, simple syrup, egg white, Chucho bitters, and topped with a beautiful pink flower. Pisco Rotisserie & Cevicheria is located in Liberty Station: 2401 Truxtun Rd #102 and is open Monday through Thursday from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., Friday from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., Saturday from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m.





| SEPTEMBER 7 2018 |




protected and held in high esteem. “We in BSCC want people be free from victimization. We seek to have a transition model and we even take a step further to seek the reintegration into society of these survivors of trafficking,” Ugarte said. Despite founding BSCC in 1997, Ugarte had worked with people in precarious situations and victims of crimes such as domestic violence years before. Shortly after arriving in Tijuana from her native Mexico City, Ugarte began working in the Tijuana sector of Mexico’s Integral System of Family Development (DIF, in Spanish) as an internal consultant. “We created several programs within DIF,” said Ugarte. “We started a program for unaccompanied children traveling to the border, founded programs for street children, founded the Domestic Violence Home Line, which still operates 24 hours a day, where someone can call if they are in danger.” After working in Tijuana’s DIF sector, Ugarte moved north of the border and began to work in northern San Diego County. “I was offered a position with The Eye Crisis and Counseling Center in Escondido managing crisis intervention,” Ugarte recalled. “I was given the management of minors. Then, I started my own organization because The Eye Crisis and Counseling Center closed down.” Since then, Ugarte has led BSCC and has faced the challenges that an organization of this type comes across. Through case management, outreach to the community,



emergency housing, transitional housing for victims readapting to regular life, and a hotline to report trafficking, BSCC works nonstop to reduce trafficking and the suffering of those who fall into exploitation networks. Despite offering a wide range of services, creating new alliances to provide more services to the community through BSCC is a task which Ugarte sees as vital for the organization and victims of trafficking. “The most ambitious project is to create more emergency and transitional homes. We have a great partnership with the police to rescue the victims, but space is insufficient and it is always necessary to seek more room for those who need help getting out of this cycle of exploitation,” she continued. A challenge that threatens the existence of this organization is insecure funds for its operations. As a nonprofit organization, BSCC needs the support of government agencies and the community to continue the fight against trafficking and to support those who have been victims of these practices. “It is important that the public helps us; monetary donations can be tax deductible and we also need vouchers or gift cards for discount supermarkets such as Food 4 Less or Grocery Outlet,” Ugarte said. While Ugarte’s work has improved the quality of life of hundreds of people, her and BSCC’s struggle is ever-ending. “If we do not take the problem of sexual exploitation and related crimes seriously then we are losing time, and many may lose their lives,” Ugarte warns.

Integral de la Familias (DIF) como asesora interna. “Hicimos varios programas dentro del DIF”, contó Ugarte. “Hicimos un programa para menores que viajan a la frontera no acompañados, programas para niños de la calle, fundamos la Casa Violencia Doméstica y la Línea de Crisis Binacional, cual aún opera, a donde las 24 horas alguien podría llamar si esta en peligro”. Ugarte despues paso del DIF de Tijuana a trabajar en el norte del Condado de San Diego. “Se me ofreció un puesto con The Eye Crisis and Counseling Center en Escondido manejando intervención de crisis”, recordó Ugarte. “De ahí se me dio el manejo de menores de edad. Después yo fundé mi propia organización porque The Eye Crisis and Counseling Center cerró sus operaciones”. Desde entonces, Ugarte ha liderado a BSCC y ha afrontado los retos que una organización de este tipo encuentra. Mediante asesorías de casos, programas de alcance a la comunidad, casas hogar para víctimas en vías de rehabilitación, y una línea para reportar trata de personas, BSCC opera de varias formas para disminuir la trata de personas y el sufrimiento de aquellas personas que caen en las redes de la explotación. Aun con esta gama de servicios, forjar más alianzas para proveer otros servicios a la comunidad por parte de BSCC es una tarea que Ugarte ve como necesaria para la organización y las víctimas de trata. “El proyecto más ambicioso es el de formar más casas


seguras, que no son lo mismo que los albergues. Tenemos una gran asociación con la policía al rescatar a las víctimas, pero el espacio en casas es insuficiente y siempre es necesario buscar más lugar para quienes ayudamos a salir de ese ciclo de explotación”, Ugarte dijo. Un reto que pone en peligro la existencia de este organismo es asegurar fondos para sus operaciones. Al ser una organización sin fines de lucro, BSCC necesita del apoyo de agencias gubernamentales y de la comunidad para seguir luchando contra la trata de personas y para apoyar a quienes han sido víctimas de estas prácticas. “Es importantísimo que el público contribuya con nosotros”, Ugarte informó. “Lo que alguien contribuya monetariamente si puede ser deducible de impuestos; tenemos en nuestro sitio web un link de Paypal”. “Necesitamos vales o tarjetas de regalo para los supermercados de descuento como Food 4 Less o Grocery Outlet”, Ugarte agregó. Aunque la labor de Ugarte y de BSCC ha mejorado la calidad de vida de cientos de personas, esta lucha por la dignidad de las víctimas de trata es perpetua, no puede cesar dice. “Este fenómeno de la trata no se va a ir y solo puede empeorar”, advirtió Ugarte. “Si no tomamos en serio la problemática de la explotación sexual, el turismo sexual, y la pornografia infantil, entonces estamos perdiendo el tiempo, y posiblemente muchos pierdan sus vidas”.

operativo que dejó más de 100 detenidos en los condados de San Diego e Imperial. Este vecindario, en donde radica un buen número de inmigrantes mexicanos y vietnamitas fue elegido por los activistas al considerarlo “uno de los más golpeados por ICE en los últimos meses”. Inclusive, algunos colonos coinciden en que han sido testigos de algún tipo de detención. Desde temprana hora, las patrullas comunitarias recorren las calles de este fraccionamiento. La intención es hacerlo por lo menos dos veces a la semana. En caso de ver un vehículo del cual se sospeche podría ser de oficiales de inmigración se notifica a través de redes sociales y se procede a documentar el incidente. Los activistas de la “autodefensa comunitaria” están conscientes de que no pueden interferir con el operativo. Si los agentes de ICE van sobre una persona, lo único que pueden hacer es cerciorarse que no se viole ninguno de sus derechos, grabar lo sucedido y orientar a familiares sobre los siguientes pasos a tomar, mencionó Benjamín Prado, representante del grupo Unión del Barrio. “Nosotros sólo estamos monitoreando”, enfatizó el activista. “También queremos animar a la comunidad a que haya un señalamiento público, denunciar las actividades de ICE precisamente porque lo hacen encubiertos algunas veces”. “Obviamente no podemos interferir si es que ya tienen a una persona, el objetivo es

hacer un trabajo preventivo”, precisó. De julio a la fecha, se han topado en dos ocasiones con autoridades migratorias, según Prado. En la primera ocasión, fueron testigos de un operativo a las afueras de un restaurante de comida rápida y días más tarde, detectaron un vehículo el cual se sospechaba era conducido por agentes federales. Para reforzar su labor preventiva, los activistas han colocado posters con información de contacto en diversos postes de luz a la redonda. Mientras esto sucede, algunos curiosos se acercan para preguntar más acerca de esta tarea y de ser el caso, compartir experiencias. Y es que la idea, es que se conforme un grupo de vecinos y que eventualmente, sean ellos mismos quienes resguarden a las familias migrantes que viven en su comunidad, destacó Armando Abundis, también voluntario de dicha agrupación. El objetivo es pronto extender esta tarea a otros puntos del condado en los que sean requeridos. “Nos gustaría abarcar más e ir a otras comunidades, pero esta es la comunidad que nos necesita más”, indicó Abundis. | SEPTEMBER 7 2018 | PAGE 9






ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00037999-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner ANGELA MICHELLE TYLER for a decree changing names as a) ANGELA MICHELLE TYLER TO ANGELLE MALAIKA MAUA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: SEPT-27-2018. Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 02-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEP 7, 14/2018 La Prensa San Diego

without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: SEPT. 27/2018 Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 07-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: AUG. 31, SEP 7, 14, 21/2018 La Prensa San Diego

a decree changing names as a) JONATHAN GOMEZ TO JONATHAN PEREZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT. 23/2018 Time: 08:30 a.m. Dept.: 26. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. MELROSE DRIVE VISTA, CA 92081 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 07-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: SEP 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 La Prensa San Diego

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00041922-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JAZMIN HERNANDEZ AND JAIME SANCHEZ JR. ON BEHALF OF MINOR CHILD for a decree changing names as a) JAIME ALONSO SANCHEZ TO JAIME SANTIAGO SANCHEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT-25-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG-21-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEP 7, 14/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00042673-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner NADIA ARELI ACOSTA ON BEHALF OF MINOR CHILDREN for a decree changing names as a) OLIVER KRISTIAN CESPEDES TO OLIVER KRISTIAN CAMARILLO ACOSTA MARTINEZ b) ARELI GUADALUPE CESPEDES TO ARELI GUADALUPE ACOSTA MARTINEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT-18-2018. Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 24-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: AUG. 31, SEP 7, 14, 21/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-0039141-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JULIA ZAMORA AND JAIME CRUZ ON BEHALF OF MINOR CHILD MARIA DE LALUZ CRUZ for a decree changing names as a) MARIA DE LALUZ CRUZ TO LUZ MARIA CRUZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00043068-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner AMY MONTSERRAT MARTINEZ JIMENEZ for a decree changing names as a) AMY MONTSERRAT MARTINEZ JIMENEZ TO AMY MONTSERRAT JIMENEZVALDEZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT. 18/2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 27-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: AUG. 31, SEP 7, 14, 21/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00043521-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MIKE BOB SAM for a decree changing names as a) MIKE BOB SAM TO DANIEL RETA HAILESELASSI THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT. 25/2018 Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 29-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: AUG. 31, SEP 7, 14, 21/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-26439 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MELISSA LIZETT OROZCO VICENCIO for a decree changing names as a) MELISSA LIZETT OROZCO VICENCIO AKA MELISSA LIZETT OROZCO GARCIA TO MELISSA LIZETT VICENCIO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: SEPT. 13, 2018 Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JUL- 19-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG 3,10 /2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00044489-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JONATHAN GOMEZ for

FICTITIOUS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ESCOBEDO CONSTRUCTION 835 GRAND AVE. APT #1, SPRING VALLEY, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91977 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ELOY ESCOBEDO MEDINA 835 GRAND AVE APT. #1, SPRING VALLEY, CA., 91977 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVUDUAL the First Day of Business 07/23/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ELOY ESCOBEDO MEDINA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 23, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9018956 Published: AUG. 17, 24, 31, SEPT. 7/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SANTOS CAFÉ AT THE OLD TOWN MARKET b) OLD TOWN COFFE PERK'S HOLO TWIGGS ST, SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92110 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ORLANDO BONILLA 1668 NATIONAL AVE. # 203, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92110 b) LETICIA RAMIREZ 1668 NATIONAL AVE # 203, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92113 This Business is Conducted By: MARRIED COUPLE the First Day of Business 08/09/2013 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ORLANDO BONILLA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL. 27, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9019312 Published: AUG. 17, 24, 31 SEPT. 7/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) IZZY'S AUTO SALES 4009 PARK BLVD, STE. 35, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92103 1573 WHISPERING PALM DR. OCEANSIDE, CA 92056 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) STEVE KWIATEK 1573 WHISPERING PALM DR. OCEANSIDE, CA, 92056 b) LORRAINE M KWIATEK 1573 WHISPERING PALM DR, OCEANCIDE, CA, 92056 This Business is Conducted By: MARRIED COUPLE the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: STEVE KWIATEK This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 06, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020017 Published: AUG 17, 24, 31 SEPT. 7/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) DR. HOUSE COMPANY 2130 DESERT BLUFF CT, CHULA VISTA, CA., SAN DIEGO, 91915 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) OLIVER GAMEZ 2130 DESERT BLUFF CT, CHULA VISTA, CA., 91915 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 08/13/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: OLIVER GAMEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 13, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020637 Published: AUG 17, 24, 31 SEPT.


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FICTITIOUS NAME 7/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) LA DULCERIA 3985 HARNEY ST. SUITE A, SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92110 350 THIRD AVE. APT, 117 CHULA VISTA, CA, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ERNESTO OSCAR OLMOS 350 THIRD AVE. APT. 117, CHULA VISTA, CA, 91910 b) ANA GABRIELA DIAZ 350 THIRD AVE APT. 117, CHULA VISTA, CA., 91910 This Business is Conducted By: MARRIED COUPLE the First Day of Business 01/01/2012 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ERNESTO OSCAR OLMOS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 16, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9018134 Published: AUG 17, 24, 31 SEPT. 7/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) GINER'S TRUCKING 4571 MARLBOROUGH #6 SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO 92116 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) RUBEN LUJAN GINER 4571 MARLBOROUGH DR. #6, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92116 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVUDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: RUBEN LUJAN GINER This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 30, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9019473 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SAN DIEGO ACOUSTICS 7063 CARROLL RD, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92121 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) NEIL PHILIP HAMOUVITCH 11185 VIA TEMPRANO, SAN DIEGO, CA,. 92124 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: NEIL PHILIP HAMOVITCH This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 21, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021350 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SUPERIOR MOBILE AUTO DETAILING 339 TOWNSIDE DR. VISTA, CA., SAN DIEGO 92084 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) MARTIN LOPEZ GUTIERREZ 339 TOWNSIDE DR. VISTA, CA., 92084 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: MARTIN LOPEZ GUTIERREZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 15, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020850 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SD TUFF STUFF 553/555 W. MAIN ST. EL CAJON, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92020 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ISMAEL MACARIO 3716 NEREIS DR. LA MESA, CA., 91941 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ISMAEL MACARIO This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 22, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021452 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) IREPAIR 415 PARKWAY PLZ, EL CAJON, CA,. SAN DIEGO 92020 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) SD PHONE REPAIR CORPORATION 603 PARKWAY PLZ, EL CAJON, CA., 92020 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business 07/01/2018 I declare that all information in this



statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: SD PHONE REPAIR CORPORATION This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 15, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020884 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 10, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020554 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 21/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) TRAVEL TOURS 4124 ASHFORD ST, SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92111 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ONE SOURCE DIRECT 4124 ASHFORD ST., SAN DEIGO, CA 92111 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ONE SOURCE DIRECT This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 08, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020336 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ANTONIO'S CUSTOM AUTO BODY & PAINT 8484 COMMERCE AVENUE, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92121 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) S & A CORDOVA, LLC 8484 COMMERCE AVENUE, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92121 This Business is Conducted By: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the First Day of Business 07/01/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: S & A CORDOVA, LLC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 16, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020977 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) PEG'S MAIDS 3814 ALPHA ST. SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO 92113 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) DUNIA TOVAR 3814 ALPHA ST. SAN DIEGO, CA., 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVUDUAL the First Day of Business 08/22/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: DUNIA TOVAR This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 22, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021458 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego ABANDONMENT OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ANTONIO'S CUSTOM AUTO BODY & PAINT 8484 COMMERCE AVENUE, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92121 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) A & C ENTERPRISES, LLC 8484 COMMERCE AVENUE, SUITE B, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92121 This Business is Conducted By: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the First Day of Business 11/17/2016 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JORGE ANTONIO CORDOVA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 16, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020976 Published: AUG. 24, 31, SEPT. 7, 14/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) RELYON MOVERS b) MOVERS IN SAN DIEGO c) TOP TEAM MOVERS d) OCEANSIDE LOCAL MOVERS e) BESTBET MOVERS f) SEO RANKING BUDOLY g) BEST FIT MOTORS 7084 FRIARS RD. #429, SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92108 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) BEST FIT MOVERS, LLC 6755 MIRA MESA BLVD #123-200, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92121 This Business is Conducted By: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the First Day of Business 07/01/17 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: BEST FIT MOVERS, LLC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) CALCOAST VENDING 3114 44TH ST. SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92105 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ARMANDO URIOSTEGUI 3114 44TH STREET SAN DIEGO, CA., 92105 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 01/01/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ARMANDO URIOSTEGUI This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 21, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021405 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 31/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) G & V SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACION, IMPUESTOS Y MÁS 500 LA TERRAZA BLVD SUITE 150, ESCONDIDO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92025 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) VITALIA SANCHEZ' NUCAMENDI 7708 CAMINITO LILIANA SAN DIEGO, CA., 92129 b) GABRIELA SOLORIO 32345 ROCK ROSE DR., LAKE ELSINORE, CA., 92532 This Business is Conducted By: GENERAL PARTNERSHIP the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: VITALIA SANCHEZ - NUCAMENDI This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 16, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021018 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 21/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) OLIVA'S CLEAN SERVICES 1774 39 STREET SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92105 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) EDGARDO MISAEL OLIVA SIERRA 1774 39 STREET, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92105 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 08/29/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: EDGARDO MISAEL OLIVA SIERRA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 29, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021975 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 21/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ANDY CAMACHO LENDING TEAM 690 OTAY LAKES RD, CHULA VISTA, CA., SAN DIEGO 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) USA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INC. 4545 MURPHY CANYON RD. # 211, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92123 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business 03/03/09 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: USA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 23, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021591 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 21/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SIN FRONTERAS IMMIGRATION b) SIN FRONTERAS LAW 1012 DRACMA DR, SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92154 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) IVONNE RUVALCABA LINARES 1012 DRACMA DR, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92154 b) JOHANNA FLORES 1012 DRACMA DR, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92154 This Business is Conducted By: GENERAL PARTNERSHIP the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: IVONNE RUVALCABA LINARES This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 23, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021593 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 21/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

FICTITIOUS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ORTIZ INSTALL AND REPAIR 3070 DON PANCHO WAY, SAN YSIDRO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92173 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) GABRIEL ORTIZ GODOY 3070 DON PANCHO WAY, SAN YSIDRO, CA., 92173 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: GABRIEL ORTIZ GODOY This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 27, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021782 Published: AUG. 31, SEPT. 7, 14, 31/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO EL CAJON 1129 BROADWAY EL CAJON, CA. SAN DIEGO, 92021 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO EL CAJON 1129 BROADWAY, EL CAJON, CA 92021 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO EL CAJON This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 15, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018 - 9020877 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO LA MESA 7473 EL CAJON BLVD., LA MESA, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91942 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO LA MESA 7473 EL CAJON BLVD, LA MESA, CA., 91942 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO LA MESA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 15, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018- 9020878 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ILEANA SILVA CUEVA b) IS ARTESANAL 445 CUYAMACA AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92113 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ILEANA DEL CARMEN LLANOS 445 CUYAMACA AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 08/13/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ILEANA DEL CARMEN LLANOS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 13, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020633 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) INTERNATIONAL POWER ASSOCIATION 1047 VIA MIRALESTE, CHULA VISTA, CA., SAN DIEGO, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) INTERNATIONAL SALES MANAGEMENT INC. 1047 VIA MIRALESTE, CHULA VISTA, CA., 91910 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business 08/01/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: INTERNATIONAL SALES MANAGEMENT INC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 30, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9022173 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

SUMMONS Summons- (Citation for Freedom From Parental Custody and Control) CASE NUMBER: DN A62590 TO: MARIA REGINA SAAVEDRA TORRES IN THE MATTER OF PETITION OF: MARIA CLARA TORREZ HERNANDEZ AND EFRAIN LINARES VILLANUEVA You are advised that you are required to appear in the Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, in Department 9 at the court location indicated above on 10/12/2018, at 9:00 am., to show cause, if you have any, why (names) Angeline Claire Saavedra Minor(s) should not be declared free from parental custody and control ( * for the purpose of placement for adoption) as requested in the petition. You are advised that if the parent(s) as present at the time and place above stated the judge will read the petition and, if requested, may explain the effect of the granting of the petition and, if requested, the judge shall explain any term or allegation contained therein and the nature of the proceeding, its procedures and possible consequences and may continue the matter for not more than 30 days for the appointment of counsel or to give counsel time to prepare. The court may appoint counsel to represent the minor whether or not the minor is able to afford counsel. If any parent appears and is unable to afford counsel, the court shall appoint counsel to represent each parent who appears unless such representation is knowingly and intelligently waived. If you wish to seek the advice of an attorney in this matter, you should do so promptly so that your pleading, if any, may be filed on time. 1. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, Superior Court Of California, County of San Diego Central Division, Juvenile Court, 2851 Meadow Lark, San Diego CA, 92123 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: Matthew S. Walker, (bar # 101470) Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP pro bono from SDVLP 12255 el Camino Real, Suite 300, San Diego, CA 92130 (858)847-4158 Published: AUG. 31, SEP. 7, 14, 21/2018 La Prensa San Diego

NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of San Diego (City) is seeking to receive Electronic Bids for the below named Public Works project. The solicitation, including plans and specifications, may be obtained from the City’s website at: https:// Contractors intending to submit a Bid must be prequalified. Please refer to the solicitation for instructions. Project Name: California Tower Seismic Retrofit Project Number: K-19-1560-DBB-3 Estimated Value : $ 2,620,000.00 Bid Open Date: 10/09/2018 , at 2:00 P.M . License Requirement: B It is the policy of the City of San Diego to encourage equal opportunity in its Construction and Consultant contracts. Bids or proposals from local firms, small, minority-owned, disabled, veteran-owned, and women-owned businesses are strongly encouraged. Contractors are encouraged to subcontract with and/or participate in joint ventures with these firms. The City is committed to equal opportunity and will not discriminate with regard to race, religion, color, ancestry, age, gender, disability, medical condition or place of birth; and will not do business with any firm that discriminates on any basis. Bids shall be received no later than the date and time noted above at: City of San Diego’s Electronic Biding Site PlanetBids at: https:// cfm?CompanyID=17950 James Nagelvoort, Director Department of Public Works September 6, 2018 8/31/18 CNS-3168791# LA PRENSA


| SEPTEMBER 7 2018 |





SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS If you are a parent who suspects your child, in the specified age range below, may have a disability requiring special education or related services in order to receive a benefit from their education, contact your local school district, Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA); or the San Diego County Office of Education for information and assistance. Federal and state laws prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability and require public schools to provide free appropriate public education (FAPE) to children with disabilities pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Specialists in determining eligibility and educating students with disabilities will assess your child, at no cost to you, and determine whether your child is eligible for special education or related services under the standards of each act. Programs are offered by the public schools throughout San Diego County for children with disabilities between the ages of birth and 21. School districts may not discriminate on the basis of handicap, sex, race, national origin or age against any person who qualifies as a person with a disability. For further information regarding special education programs and services, call or write: Carolyn Nunes Senior Director, Special Education



CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS Project Name: INSTALLATION OF NEW RECYCLED WATER SERVICES, CONTRACT NO. 5205-B Bid No.: PWS19-512UTIL (RE-BID) Bid Submittal Deadline: OCTOBER 3, 2018; 11 a.m. Engineer’s Estimate: $661,100 Required Contractor’s Classification(s): “A” Federal Funding: YES Prevailing Wages to be Paid: REQUIRED Complete bid packages are available for viewing on the Internet at: Bid documents found there may be used for bidding. Description of Work: Install 19 recycled water services throughout the District service area at 15 distinct locations. Time/Location of Pre-Bid Meeting: A pre-bid meeting and tour of the project site will not be held. Until the bid submittal deadline, the City shall accept sealed bids, clearly marked as such, at the Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314, Attn: Public Works Contract Administration, by mail, delivery service or by deposit in the Bid Box located in the first floor lobby, at which time they will be opened and read, for performing the work as described above. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND BID REQUIREMENTS This bid and the terms of the Contract Documents and General Provisions constitute an irrevocable offer that shall remain valid and in full force for a period of 90 days and such additional time as may be mutually agreed upon by the City of Carlsbad and the Bidder. The City of Carlsbad may disqualify a contractor or subcontractor from participating in bidding when a contractor or subcontractor has been debarred by the City of Carlsbad or another jurisdiction in the State of California as an irresponsible bidder.

San Diego County Office of Education 6401 Linda Vista Road

Heather DiFede

East County SELPA

(619) 590-3920

Theresa Kurtz

North Coastal SELPA

(760) 761-5110

The work shall be performed in strict conformity with the plans, provisions, and specifications as approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on file with the agency. The specifications for the work include City of Carlsbad Technical Specifications and the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Parts 2 & 3, current edition at time of bid opening and the supplements thereto as published by the "Greenbook" Committee of Public Works Standards, Inc. (if applicable), all hereinafter designated “SSPWC”, as amended. Specification Reference is hereby made to the plans and specifications for full particulars and description of the work. The General Provisions (Part 1) to the SSPWC do not apply.

Angela McNeece

North Inland SELPA

(760) 788-4671

The City of Carlsbad encourages the participation of minority and women-owned businesses.

Doyan Howard


(858) 521-2800

Lorelei Olsen

San Diego Unified SELPA

(619) 725-7650

The City of Carlsbad encourages all bidders, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators and contractors to utilize recycled and recyclable materials when available, appropriate and approved by the Engineer.

Russell Coronado

South County SELPA

(619) 470-5224

San Diego, CA 92111 858-292-3774

OBTAINING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Bid packages various supplemental provisions and Contract documents may be obtained on the City of Carlsbad web site at Paper copies will not be sold. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by this agency. BID SECURITY

PROGRAMAS DE EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL Si usted es un padre de familia con un hijo/a dentro de los rangos de edad delineados a continuación, y sospecha que su hijo/a pudiera tener alguna discapacidad que requiera de educación especial o servicios relacionados para que él/ella obtenga el beneficio de su educación, favor de contactar a su distrito escolar local, a su Área del Plan Local para la Educación Especial (SELPA), o a la Oficina de Educación del Condado de San Diego para mayor información y asistencia.

Each bid must be accompanied by security in a form and amount required by law. The bidder's security of the second and third next lowest responsive bidders may be withheld until the Contract has been fully executed. The security submitted by all other unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, or deemed void, within ten (10) days after the Contract is awarded. Pursuant to the provisions of law (Public Contract Code section 10263), appropriate securities may be substituted for any obligation required by this notice or for any monies withheld by the City to ensure performance under this Contract. Section 10263 of the Public Contract Code requires monies or securities to be deposited with the City or a state or federally chartered bank in California as the escrow agent. The escrow agent shall maintain insurance to cover negligent acts and omissions of the agent in connection with the handling of retentions under this section in an amount not less than $100,000 per contract. PREVAILING WAGE TO BE PAID

Las leyes federales y estatales prohíben la discriminación en base a alguna discapacidad y exigen que las escuelas públicas proporcionen educación pública gratuita y apropiada (FAPE) para menores con discapacidades bajo el decreto de la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Incapacidades y la Sección 504 de la Ley de Rehabilitación. Los especialistas en determinar elegibilidad y en educar a estudiantes con discapacidades evaluarán a su hijo/a sin costo alguno para usted, para así determinar si su hijo/a es elegible para recibir servicios de educación especial o servicios relacionados, bajo las convenciones de ambos decretos. Dichos programas son ofrecidos en todo el Condado de San Diego bajo el sistema de educación pública para menores con discapacidades entre 0 meses a 21 años de edad. Los distritos escolares no deben discriminar en base a discapacidad, sexo, raza, origen nacional, o edad contra cualquier persona que califique como persona discapacitada.

This invitation to bid does involve federal funds. If there is a difference between the minimum wage rates predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and the general prevailing wage rates determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of labor, the Contractor and subcontractors shall pay not less than the higher wage rate. Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates in the county, or counties, in which the work is to be done have been determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. A current copy of applicable wage rates is on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The Davis Bacon rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the Contract shall be those as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor. Davis Bacon Wage determinations can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor’s web site, See Appendix “C” for all Davis Bacon Requirements.

Para más información sobre los programas y servicios de educación especial, sirvanse comunicarse o escribir a:

The provisions of Part 7, Chapter 1, of the Labor Code commencing with section 1720 shall apply to the Contract for work.

The Prime Contractor shall be responsible for insuring compliance with provisions of section 1777.5 of the Labor Code and section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contracts Code, "Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act." The City Engineer is the City's "duly authorized officer" for the purposes of section 4107 and 4107.5.

A contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.

Carolyn Nunes Senior Director, Special Education San Diego County Office of Education

The Prime Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with Section 1776 of the Labor Code, which generally requires keeping accurate payroll records, verifying and certifying payroll records, and making them available for inspection. Contractor shall require all subcontractors to comply with Section 1776.

6401 Linda Vista Road San Diego CA 92111

Graham Jordan Deputy Clerk August 29 2018

(858) 292-3774 Heather DiFede

East County SELPA

(619) 590-3920

Theresa Kurtz

North Coastal SELPA

(760) 761-5110

Angela McNeece

North Inland SELPA

(760) 788-4671

Doyan Howard


(858) 521-2800

Lorelei Olsen

San Diego Unified SELPA

(619) 725-7650

Russell Coronado

South County SELPA

(619) 470-5224



NOTIFICACIÓN DE NOMINADOS ALCALDE DE CARLSBAD, CONSEJO DE LA CIUDAD, SECRETARIO DE LA CIUDAD Y TESORERO DE LA CIUDAD SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que las siguientes personas han sido nominadas para los cargos designados a ser ocupados en la Elección Municipal General que se llevará a cabo en la Ciudad de Carlsbad, el martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018:




AVISO DE LA INTENCIÓN DE ADOPTAR UNA DECLARACIÓN NEGATIVA ATENUADA ESCUELA INTERMEDIA BELL PROYECTO SOLAR FOTOVOLTAICO 7 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2018 POR MEDIO DE LA NOTIFICACIÓN PRESENTE, se comunica que el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego (Distrito), como agencia principal, distribuye para su revisión por el público, un borrador del Estudio Inicial/la Declaración Negativa Atenuada (IS/MND en inglés), de acuerdo a la Ley de California de Calidad Medioambiental (CEQA) para el Proyecto Solar Fotovoltaico para la Escuela Intermedia Bell (Proyecto Propuesto), ubicado en la Ciudad de San Diego. Título del proyecto: Proyecto Solar Fotovoltaico para la Escuela Intermedia Bell Agencia encargada: Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego Ubicación del proyecto: El Proyecto Propuesto ocurriría dentro de un plantel escolar que le pertenece al Distrito en 620 Briarwood Road, San Diego, CA 92139. El área del proyecto no aparece en ninguna lista del Código de Gobernación de sitios de desechos peligrosos enumerados en la Sección 65962.5 del Código del Gobierno. Descripción del proyecto: El Proyecto Propuesto incluye la instalación de un sistema solar FV montado en el suelo en el plantel existente de la Escuela Intermedia Bell junto al campo de juego. Las líneas de transmisión eléctrica se instalarán en un conducto subterráneo desde los paneles solares montados en el suelo. Los paneles solares FV individuales serán construidos de materiales de color oscuro (generalmente azul o negro) y se cubren con capas antirreflectoras. Los paneles solares FV modernos reflejan hasta tan sólo el dos por ciento de la luz solar entrante, que sería igual que el agua y menos que el suelo o tejados de madera. No habrá cambios operativos a la escuela debido al Proyecto Propuesto, tales como cambios al horario de timbres o los lugares para dejar/recoger a los estudiantes. Además, no ocurrirán cambios en la inscripción o la capacidad de la escuela con el Proyecto Propuesto. Efectos no atenuados significantes al medioambiente: No se identificaron impactos significantes y no atenuados. Efectos atenuados significantes al medioambiente: Se identificaron impactos significantes para las siguientes categorías de recursos; sin embargo, también se han identificado posibles medidas de atenuación que disminuirán los impactos a un nivel insignificante: Peligros y materiales peligrosos y hallazgos obligatorios de significancia. Disponibilidad: El borrador del IS/MND está disponible para su lectura en los siguientes lugares: Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, en el Centro de Operaciones Físicas de los Planteles, Salón Anexo 5 (consultar con la recepcionista), 4860 Ruffner Street, San Diego, CA 92111 Biblioteca de Skyline Hills, 7900 Paradise Valley Rd, San Diego, CA 92114 Oficina Principal de la Escuela Intermedia Bell, 620 Briarwood Road, San Diego, CA 92139 En línea en Comentarios: Comentarios por escrito sobre el borrador del IS/MND deben dirigirse a: Paul Garcia, CEQA Environmental Coordinator, Facilities Planning & Construction, 4860 Ruffner Street Annex Room 5, San Diego, CA 92111. Se pueden enviar los comentarios por correo electrónico al: environmental@ El plazo de treinta días para la lectura y repaso del borrador del IS/MND por el público es del 7 de septiembre de 2018 – 8 de octubre de 2018. Los comentarios deben entregarse a más tardar para el 8 de octubre de 2018. Una versión final del IS/MND que incorpore las aportaciones del público será preparada para la consideración de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en una audiencia pública futura. Para más información, por favor comuníquense con Paul Garcia, coordinador ambiental de CEQA, al (858) 637-6290 o a Para averiguar la fecha y la hora de la junta de la mesa directiva del Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego, por favor llamen a la Oficina de la Mesa Directiva al (619) 725-5550, o visiten el sitio web de la Mesa Directiva de Educación en La Oficina de la Mesa Directiva también tiene información sobre cómo los individuos/grupos aportan información a la mesa directiva y/o hablan en la junta de la mesa directiva.

Para Alcalde: Vote por 1 Matt Hall Cori Schumacher Para Miembro del Consejo de la Ciudad Distrito No. 1: Vote por 1 Tracy Carmichael Barbara Hamilton David McGee Linda Breen Para Miembro del Consejo de la Ciudad Distrito No. 3: Vote por 1 Corrine Busta Priya Bhat-Patel Para Secretario de la Ciudad: Vote por 1 Barbara Engleson Para Tesorero de la Ciudad: Vote por 1 Craig Lindholm Sheila R. Cobian 24 de agosto de 2018 Sheila R. Cobian, CMC Fecha Gerente de Servicios de la Secretaría de la Ciudad Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad



AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA CONSORCIO DEL CONDADO DE SAN DIEGO INFORME DE EVALUACIÓN Y DESEMPEÑO ANUAL CONSOLIDADO 2017-18 Se da aviso por este medio que el Consejo de Supervisores llevará a cabo una audiencia pública el día 25 de Septiembre de 2018 a las 9:00 de la mañana en el salón 310 del Centro Administrativo del Condado, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, CA 92101, con respecto al Informe de Evaluación y Desempeño Anual Consolidado (CAPER) del Año Fiscal 2017-18. El CAPER describe los logros durante el año fiscal anterior del Programa de Subsidios Globales para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG), Programa de Asociación para Inversiones en Vivienda (HOME) y el Programa de Subsidios para Soluciones de Emergencia (ESG). Los Programas de CDBG y ESG de la Zona Urbana del Condado de San Diego proveen fondos para actividades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario en el área no incorporada así como en las seis ciudades participantes (Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway y Solana Beach). El Programa Consorcio HOME del Condado de San Diego provee los fondos para actividades de vivienda en la parte Urbana del Condado y en las seis ciudades del Consorcio (Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Mesa, San Marcos, Santee, y Vista). El público está invitado a asistir a la audiencia pública para comentar sobre el CAPER. El público también puede presentar sus comentarios por escrito durante el periodo de 15 días para comentarios que termina el 25 de Septiembre del 2018. El CAPER está disponible en la página de Internet del Condado Comentarios por escrito deberán ser dirigidos a: Servicios de Vivienda y Desarrollo de la Comunidad, de Desarrollo Comunitario, 3989 Ruffin Road, San Diego, CA 92123, (858) 694-4806, o por correo electrónico a: Personas con problemas auditivos, por favor llamen al (866) 945-2207. Personas que necesiten asistencia para participar en esta reunión (por ejemplo: personas que no hablan inglés, personas con problemas auditivos, etc.) deben llamar cinco días antes de la reunión al personal para solicitar arreglos especiales. 9/7/18 CNS-3164438# LA PRENSA

SUMMONS SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: DN 18FL00867 NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: HUMBERTO VILLA JR. You are being sued. PETITIONER’S NAME IS: KOBY RODRIGUEZ You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs.





You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your right to custody of your children. You may also be ordered to pay child support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association. Tiene 30 días de calendario después de haber recibido la entrega legal de esta Citación y Petición para presentar una Respuesta (formulario FL-120) ante la corte y efectuar la entrega legal de una copia al demandante. Una carta o llamada telefónica no basta para protegerlo. Si no presenta su Respuesta a tiempo, la corte puede dar órdenes que afecten el derecho a la custodia de sus hijos. La corte también le puede ordenar que pague manutención, y honorarios y costos legales. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. Si desea obtener asesoramiento legal, póngase en contacto de inmediato con un abogado. Puede obtener información para encontrar a un abogado en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California (www.sucorte., en el sitio Web de los Servicios Legales de California (www.lawhelpcalifornia. org) o poniéndose en contacto con el colegio de abogados de su condado. NOTICE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. AVISO-LAS ÓRDENES DE RESTRICCIÓN SE ENCUENTRAN EN LA PÁGINA 2: Las órdenes de restricción están en vigencia en cuanto ambos cónyuges o miembros de la pareja de hecho hasta que se despida la petición, se emita un fallo o la corte dé otras órdenes. Cualquier agencia del orden público que haya recibido o visto una copia de estas órdenes puede hacerlas acatar en cualquier lugar de California. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court you waived for you or the other party. EXENCIÓN DE CUOTAS: Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario un formulario de exención de cuotas. La corte puede ordenar que usted pague, ya sea en parte o por completo, las cuotas y costos de la corte previamente exentos a petición de usted o de la otra parte. 1. The name and address of the court is: El nombre y dirección de la corte son: Superior Court of California, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO 901 PARK STREET PASO ROBLES, CA., 93446 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are:

For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association.

(El nombre, dirección y número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante si no tiene abogado, son): BRENT D. PETERSON (bar # 238145)

NOTICE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them.

Date (Fecha): JUL 3, 2018

605-13th Street, Paso Robles, CA, 93446 (805)400-3001 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) C. CAMPBELL, Depputy (Asistente) Published: AUG. 31, SEP. 7, 14, 21/2018 La Prensa San Diego

YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE: RIGOBERTO REBOLLAR MONTES DE OCA You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not protect you. Your written response must be in proper legal form if you want the court to hear your case. There may be a court form that you can use for your response. You can find these court firms and more information at the California Courts Online Selfhelp Center (www. selfhelp), your county law library, or the courthouse nearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, money, and property may be taken without further warning from the court. There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral service. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services program. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the California Legal Services Web site (, the California Court Online Self-Help Center (www., or by contacting your local court your local court or court bar association. NOTE: The court has a statutory lien for waived fees and coast on any settiement or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in civil case. The court’s lien paid before the court will dismiss the case. Tiene 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le entregue esta citación y papeles legales para presentarse una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o una llamada telefónica no lo protege. Su respuesta por escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. Puede encontrar estos formularios de la corte y más información en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes California (www.sucorte, en la biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presentación, pida al secretario de la corte que le dé un formulario de extensión de pagos de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a tiempo, poder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte podrá quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin mas advertencia. Hay otros requisitos legales. Es recomendable que llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no a un abogado. Puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar a un abogado, es posible que cumpla con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos de un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Puede estos grupos sin fines de lucro en el sitio web de California Legal Services, (www., en el centro de ayuda de las Cortes de California, ( o poniéndose en contacto con la corte o con el colegio de abogados locales, AVISO: Por ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las cuotas exentos por imponer un gravamen sobre cualquier recuperación de $10,000 ó más de valor recibida mediante un acuerdo o una concesión de arbitraje en un derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravamen de la corte antes de que la corte pueda desechar el caso. The Name and Address of Court: El nombre y Dirección de la Corte es: Hall of Justice 2851 MEADOW LARK DR., SAN DIEGO , CA 92123 The Name, Address, and telephone number of plaintiff´s attorney, or plaintiff without an attorney, is: El nombre, la dirección y el número de teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es: ERMILIA A. MARTINEZ, ESK. (SBN 219713) 1901 FIRST AVENUE, SUITE 188, SAN DIEGO, CA 92101 (619)955-8700 Published: AUG. 17, 24, 31 SEPT. 7/2018 La Prensa San Diego

FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court you waived for you or the other party. 1. The name and address of the court is: El nombre y dirección de la corte son: Superior Court of California, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO 3341 POWER INN ROAD SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95826. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: DAPHNE Z. XIAO SBN 256762 2414 16TH STREET, SUITE 6 SACRAMENTO, CA 95818 (916) 453-0356 Date: JAN 12, 2016 Clerk, by N. WOODMASS, Depputy Published: AUG. 17, 24, 31 SEPT. 7/2018 La Prensa San Diego



CIUDAD DE OCEANSIDE AVISO DE NOMINADOS PARA CARGOS PÚBLICOS SE NOTIFICA POR MEDIO DE LA PRESENTE que las siguientes personas han sido nominadas para los cargos mencionados a continuación para ser cubiertos en la Elección Municipal General a llevarse a cabo el martes, 6 de noviembre de 2018 en la Ciudad de Oceanside. Para Miembro del Concejo Municipal, Distrito 1 Vote Por Uno Susan Custer Chuck Lowery Michael E. Malulani K. Odegaard Esther C. Sanchez Para Miembro del Concejo Municipal, Distrito 2 Vote Por Uno Dana Corso Terry Warren “TJ” Johnson Sr. Christopher Rodriguez Kristopher R. Kagan Lawrence “Larry” Kornit Para Tesorero de la Ciudad Vote Por Uno Victor Roy Rafe Edward Trickey, Jr. Zack Beck Secretario de la Ciudad | SEPTEMBER 7 2018 | PAGE 11



AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PÚBLICA CONSORCIO DEL CONDADO DE SAN DIEGO ESTRATEGIA DEL PLAN ANUAL 2019-20 SUBSIDIOS GLOBALES PARA EL DESARROLLO COMUNITARIO, ASOCIACIÓN PARA INVERSIONES EN VIVIENDA, Y SUBSIDIOS PARA SOLUCIONES DE EMERGENCIA Se da aviso por este medio que el Consejo de Supervisores llevará a cabo una audiencia pública el día 9 de octubre de 2018 a las 9:00 de la mañana en el salón 310 del Centro Administrativo del Condado, 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego, California, con respecto a la estrategia del Plan Anual del Año Fiscal 2019-20. El Condado desarrolla un Plan Anual cada año para identificar proyectos específicos a ser financiados durante el próximo año fiscal, a través de los tres programas federales administrados por la Agencia de Salud y Servicios Humanos, Servicios de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario: Programa de Subsidios Globales para el Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG), Programa de Asociación para Inversiones en Vivienda (HOME) y el Programa de Subsidios para Soluciones de Emergencia (ESG). La Estrategia del Plan Anual ayudará a guiar el desarrollo del Plan Anual. Los Programas de CDBG y ESG de la Zona Urbana del Condado de San Diego proveen fondos para actividades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario en el área no incorporada, así como en las seis ciudades participantes (Coronado, Del Mar, Imperial Beach, Lemon Grove, Poway y Solana Beach). El Programa Consorcio HOME del Condado de San Diego provee los fondos para actividades de vivienda en la parte Urbana del Condado y en las seis ciudades del Consorcio (Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Mesa, San Marcos, Santee, y Vista). El Plan Consolidado del año 201519 fue aprobado por el Consejo de Supervisores el día 7 de abril del 2015, e incluye una evaluación de las necesidades comunitarias, la identificación de recursos disponibles para atender las prioridades de necesidades en la comunidad, y un plan estratégico de cinco años. Como un subcomponente del Plan Consolidado, es necesario completar un Plan Anual para las programas CDBG, HOME, y ESG del Condado de San Diego. Pronto se preparará el Plan Anual del año 2019-20 en el cual se identificarán actividades recomendadas para recibir fondos en el año fiscal 201920. Un esquema de la estrategia actual del plan anual puede verse en el sitio web de Servicios de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario: https:// index.html Se invita al público a asistir a la audiencia pública para comentar sobre la estrategia del Plan Anual, y para obtener las opiniones de los ciudadanos sobre las necesidades de vivienda y desarrollo comunitario antes de la preparación del Plan Anual 2019-20. El público también puede presentar sus comentarios por escrito durante el periodo de 30 días para comentarios que termina el 9 de octubre del 2018. Comentarios por escrito deberán ser dirigidos a: Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo de la Comunidad, División de Desarrollo Comunitario, 3989 Ruffin Road, San Diego, California 92123, (858) 6948724, o por correo electrónico a: Personas con problemas auditivos, por favor llamen al (866) 945-2207. Personas que necesiten asistencia para participar en esta reunión (por ejemplo: personas que no hablan inglés, personas con problemas auditivos, etc.) deben llamar cinco días antes de la reunión al personal para solicitar arreglos especiales. 9/7/18 CNS-3169460# LA PRENSA

durante la protesta. Sigue habiendo incertidumbre para el programa DACA y los miles de jóvenes protegidos bajo esta política, incluso después de que un juez federal dictaminó que podría continuar. El juez de distrito de los Estados Unidos Andrew Hanen negó una solicitud de un mandato preliminar sobre el programa, dando a los beneficiarios de daca una victoria, pero también dijo que eventualmente podría ser considerado ilegal. "Aquí, el huevo ha sido revuelto", escribió Hanen. "Tratar de ponerlo de nuevo en el caparazón con solo un registro preliminar de medidas cautelares, y tal vez con un gran riesgo para muchos, no tiene sentido ni sirve a los mejores intereses de este país". El fallo se produjo días antes de la marca de un año, cuando el presidente Donald Trump rescindió el programa hace un año, esta semana. El juez también dijo que la responsabilidad de mantener a DACA pertenece al Congreso, "DACA es un programa popular y uno que el Congreso debería considerar ahorrar", continuó Hanen. "Si la nación realmente quiere tener un programa DACA, le corresponde al Congreso decirlo". Durante la protesta, García también habló sobre la demanda. "Nosotros demandamos al Presidente y gracias a nuestros esfuerzos, nosotros

pudimos ganar una orden en corte, donde podemos renovar nuestro permiso de DACA. No fue porque los políticos, no fue porque algún político se compadeció de nosotros, no fue porque esta administración tuviera corazón, sucedió porque los demandamos. Pero no es suficiente. Todavía necesitamos protecciones permanentes ", dijo García. El fiscal general de Texas, Ken Paxton, quien encabezó varios estados en la demanda contra DACA, se mostró satisfecho con el fallo y dijo en un comunicado: "Nuestra demanda es vital para restablecer el estado de derecho en el sistema de inmigración de nuestra nación". En septiembre pasado, en una declaración que explicaba la decisión de rescindir DACA, el presidente Trump dijo: "No estoy a favor de castigar a los niños". Pero también dijo: "Antes de preguntar qué es justo para los inmigrantes ilegales, también debemos preguntar qué es justo para las familias, los estudiantes, los contribuyentes y los solicitantes de empleo estadounidenses". Trump agregó: "El fracaso de décadas de Washington, D.C. para hacer cumplir la ley federal de inmigración ha tenido consecuencias predecibles y trágicas: salarios más bajos y un mayor desempleo para los trabajadores estadounidenses".

El fiscal general de EE.UU. Jeff Sessions llamó a DACA "amnistía ejecutiva unilateral". También dijo que DACA "negó empleos a cientos de miles de estadounidenses al permitir que esos mismos extranjeros ilegales tomen esos trabajos". En respuesta al anuncio de Trump el año pasado, el ex presidente Barack Obama respondió con una declaración en Facebook y calificó la decisión de Trump de poner fin al programa como "cruel" y "autodestructivo". En 2012, el presidente Obama utilizó sus poderes ejecutivos para permitir que unos 800 mil jóvenes inmigrantes no autorizados trabajen legalmente y permanezcan en el país sin temor a la deportación. Para la mayoría de estos jóvenes, Estados Unidos es el único hogar que han conocido. Durante la protesta, García recordó al grupo que había personas como ellos que empujaron a Obama a la acción. "Lo ganamos porque hubo jóvenes arrestados, arriesgando todo, sus medios de subsistencia, sus vidas, sus familias, todo para ganar DACA", dijo García. Tres jueces federales también han impedido que la administración ponga fin a DACA. Alex Montoya, originario de Colombia, también habló en la protesta. "Soy un inmigrante orgulloso", dijo. Montoya habló sobre la necesidad de la unidad.

"Necesitamos continuar uniéndonos para luchar contra la tiranía que estamos viendo en la Casa Blanca hoy y asegurarnos de que sepan que no es tierra de ellos, no es tierra de el, es nuestra tierra, y la reclamaremos". Aquellos en la protesta también dio la bienvenida a Dream Riders, un grupo encabezado por jóvenes organizadores del Consorcio Nacional de Servicio y Educación de Corea del Norte (NAKASEC) y sus afiliados, quienes completaron una campaña en bicicleta desde Seattle a San Diego para abogar por un camino hacia la ciudadanía para todos los indocumentados inmigrantes. Se espera que el Procurador General de Texas Paxton apelará el fallo. Si se aprueba su apelación, el Tribunal Supremo de EE.UU. Podría finalmente determinar el caso. Mientras tanto, Vargas regresó a la escuela, se graduó de un colegio comunitario con un título de asociado y fue aceptado en la Universidad de California San Diego el año pasado para obtener un título en negocios internacionales y estudios Internacionales. Un año después, resuelto, y sin miedo Vargas también habla con esperanza en su voz. "Puedo decir felizmente que somos fuertes y seguimos adelante para encontrar una solución permanente".

Uncertainty remains for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program and the tens of thousands of young people protected under the policy even after a federal judge ruled it could continue. U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen denied a request for a preliminary injunction on the program, giving DACA recipients a win, but he also said it could eventually be found unlawful. "Here, the egg has been scrambled," Hanen also wrote. "To try to put it back in the shell with only a preliminary injunction record, and perhaps at great risk to many, does not make sense nor serve the best interests of this country," Judge Hanen said. The ruling came days before the one-year mark when President Donald Trump rescinded the program one year ago, this week. The judge also said the responsibility to keep DACA belongs to Congress, “DACA is a popular program and one that Congress should consider saving,” Hanen continued. “If the nation truly wants to have a DACA program, it is up to Congress to say so.” At the rally Garcia also addressed the lawsuit. “We sued the President and thanks to our efforts we won an order in court, where we can renew our DACA permits. It wasn’t because of politicians, it wasn’t because the politicians had compassion for us, nor was it because this administration had a heart, it happened because we sued. But it’s not enough. We still need permanent protections,” Garcia said. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, who led several states in the lawsuit

against DACA, was pleased with the ruling and said in a statement, "Our lawsuit is vital to restoring the rule of law to our nation's immigration system." Last September in a statement explaining the decision to rescind DACA, President Trump said, “I do not favor punishing children.” But he also said, “Before we ask what is fair to illegal immigrants, we must also ask what is fair to American families, students, taxpayers, and jobseekers.” Trump added, “The decades-long failure of Washington, D.C. to enforce federal immigration law has had both predictable and tragic consequences: lower wages and higher unemployment for American workers.” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions called DACA "unilateral executive amnesty." He also said DACA "denied jobs to hundreds of thousands of Americans by allowing those same illegal aliens to take those jobs." In response to Trump’s announcement last year, former President Barack Obama responded then with a statement on Facebook and called Trump’s decision to end the program "cruel" and "self-defeating." Back in 2012, President Obama circumvented Congress by using his executive powers to allow about 800,000 young unauthorized immigrants to work legally and stay in the country without fear of deportation. During the rally Garcia reminded the group it was people like themselves who pushed Obama into action. “We won it because there were youth getting arrested, risking everything, their livelihoods, their lives, their

families, everything to win DACA,” Garcia said. Three federal judges have also blocked the administration from ending DACA. Alex Montoya who is originally from Columbia also spoke at the rally, “I am a proud immigrant.” Montoya stressed the need for unity. “We need to continue to come together to fight the tyranny that we are seeing in the White House today and make sure they know it is not their land, it’s not his land, it’s our land, and we will reclaim it.” Those at the rally also welcomed ‘Dream Riders’ a group spearheaded by young organizers with the National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC) and affiliates, who completed a campaign riding bicycles from Seattle to San Diego to advocate for a pathway to citizenship for all undocumented immigrants. It is expected Texas Attorney General Paxton will appeal the ruling. If his appeal is moved forward, the U.S. Supreme Court could ultimately determine the case. Vargas meanwhile, did return to school, graduated from a community college with an associate’s degree and was accepted into UC San Diego late last year to obtain a degree in international business and international studies. One year later, resolved, and without fear Vargas also speaks with hope in his voice. “I can happily say we are strong and continue ahead to find a permanent solution.”



last year at the San Diego County Administration building, the same place were many gathered again this year, after the Trump administration has continued efforts to end the program. Vargas described last year as bittersweet. “It was too fast and cruel because they did it to about 800,000 people in the country, and most of the people in DACA are people who go to school, people who work, people with clean records, people who have lived here since they were children, many of whom don’t know the countries where they came from.” That gathering which included a number of DACA recipients led to the formation of San Diego Border Dreamers and it also changed his life. “I’m not happy about what happened, but it did make a lot of people wake up.” Vargas added since that time the group has been busy putting pressure on congressional representatives, city council members, participating in different marches, even traveling to Washington D.C. to directly meet with dozens of U.S. Senators. This week the group continued their efforts holding a rally at the same place on the same day as they did a year ago renewing the commitment to continue pushing for permanent protections for undocumented immigrants. “We want to use this day to push this movement so the people at the White House and the rest of Congress knows, we are not afraid, we are here, we are going to continue here,” Dulce Garcia an immigration attorney and one of the directors of San Diego Border Dreamers told the crowd during the rally.


financieras, tener dificultades para pagar la renta o la hipoteca, no poder pagar un recibo mensual, reducir las comidas o reducir los alimentos para ahorrar dinero, entre otros. Los californianos que trabajan y luchan contra la pobreza también tienen más probabilidades que los trabajadores económicamente seguros de informar que ellos o alguien en su hogar se encontraron con una variedad de experiencias laborales negativas en el último año. “Los californianos que trabajan pero que luchan contra la pobreza se enfrentan a una red de desafíos en el sitio de trabajo las cuales causan que las necesidades básicas de vivienda y atención médica sean extraordinariamente difíciles”, dijo Dan Cox, director de investigación del PRRI. La Encuesta del PRRI de Trabajadores de California 2018 fue realizada por el PRRI entre una muestra al azar de 3,318 adultos (mayores de 18 años) que viven en California. Las entrevistas se realizaron por Internet, en inglés y en español, entre el 18 de mayo y el 11 de junio de 2018.

New Executive Director Arrives at Border View YMCA


The YMCA branch serving the communities of San Ysidro, South San Diego, and Southwestern Chula Vista announced the arrival of its new executive director this week. Through a press release from the YMCA of San Diego County,

Gaby Millan was presented as the new head of Border View YMCA. Millan, who grew up in the nearby community of Del Sol, was selected after the a nationwide talent search. “My expertise and my heart lie in serving underserved and underrepresented communities,” said Millan. “My time at the Y has

allowed me to reflect back on my decision to choose this career path and reinforced my commitment to advocating for families like mine. I hope to continue Border View’s history of community support.” Millan began her career at the Y during her undergrad days at Cal Poly Pomona, working at the Fullerton YMCA campus in Orange County during after school hours. From there she would later work at the Chula Vista and Eastlake YMCA branches as membership director. She also served as regional director of membership and health and wellness. Within the branch she now directs, Millan has been in charge of membership and took up an interim tenure as executive director for three months, while the search for someone to fill the position was conducted. Now, in her newly-minted role as executive director, Millan believes that reaching this

position is like a way of coming back home. “I feel that I accomplished my goals,” she said about coming back to her community in a permanent leadership position. “It’s like a circle, what I always wanted was to help families like mine, I always knew it.” “Gaby’s passionate commitment to the communities served by the Border View Family Y has been evident during her time in the greater San Diego area,” Carolyn Woempner, area vice president for the YMCA of San Diego County, pointed out. “Her ideas to connect with the community will allow us to serve more people in an equal way, strengthening the lives of thousands of children, adults, seniors and families.” The Border View YMCA is located at 3601 Arey Drive in South San Diego.


| SEPTEMBER 7 2018 |


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