La Prensa San Diego - September 28, 2018

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La Prensa 41 The Truth Escaped the Kavanaugh Hearing Undetected

Gobierno de EE. UU. aún no Reunifica a 136 Niños Migrantes



Rossi Rock Smashes Through 2018

Xolos Buscan Pase a Liguilla


Community College 4-Year Degree Program Extended







John Lewis Speaks About Graphic Novel

Sweetwater School District Discovers $30 Million Hole in Annual Budget



Congressman and civil rights leader John Lewis stood before a large audience at the San Diego Civic Theatre last weekend with a message. “Never give up, never give in, be bold, be courageous and find a way to get in what I call good trouble,” he said. Lewis, who has been arrested more than 40 times as part of the civil rights movement and other causes including immigration, was in San Diego for a discussion about his book, “March: Book One,” the first of three graphic novels about his life and support for civil rights and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The first tome in the ‘March’ trilogy was selected for the One Book, One San Diego program, an initiative by public radio and television station KPBS, the San Diego County Library, and the San Diego Public Library which encourages all San Diego residents to read the same book. “Sometimes I say during these JOHN LEWIS ON PAGE 3

Katty Ibarra


BY MARIO A. CORTEZ When Katty Ibarra launched her marketing and advertising company, she would repeatedly come across a problem many women in the business world have also faced. “When I would meet with a company’s director to make a deal, they said they wanted to speak with the company’s owner,” Ibarra shared with La Prensa San Diego. “They didn't understand that I was the owner and when I would tell them that the company was mine they no longer wanted to do business.” Currently acting as the director of the Women's’ Business Center of San Diego and Imperial Counties, Ibarra coordinates efforts and resources to help local women interested in becoming entrepreneurs open a business. A lifelong professional, Ibarra is someone who had to learn how to navigate the world of business as a woman. Born in Mexico City, she received her bachelor's degree in graphic design from Universidad del Valle de México and pointed out that her PROFILE ON PAGE 11

outh Bay middle and high schools could face budget cuts after the district found it had $30 million less than it

expected. The District made the issue public at a monthly meeting of its Board of Trustees this Monday. “When our staff was finalizing this [budget] report in late August, we detected some cause for concern of a potential shortfall in closing our financial books for the 17-18 school year,” reads a statement from its Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. Karen Janney. The budget miscalculation seems to have been discovered after a new chief financial officer began working at the District last month. Before Jenny Salkeld began her job, her predecessor and two other financial managers all retired within weeks of each other. The major issue that led to the budget gap is connected to employee raises the District recently approved, which the District under budgeted by $16 million for this year, combined with having ended last fiscal year more than $20 million below what was expected due to lower enroll-







South Bay Has a New Community Park Firman Reso-

lución Alcaldes de SD y Tj



undreds of people celebrated the opening of the new Cesar Solis Community Park, a $20 million project long sought by South Bay Residents. The park is part of San Diego Mayor, Kevin Faulconer commitment to break ground on or upgrade 50 parks in five years. The park is named after retired Assistant Police Chief Cesar Solis and marks the first time in San Diego City history that a park is named after a Filipino-American. Solis spent 32 years with the San Diego Police Department before retiring in 2014. Working his way up through the ranks, Solis retired as the highest-ranking FilipinoAmerican in SDPD history. Solis, who joined the community celebration, grew up in South Bay and still resides in the area with his wife. “We’re investing in parks throughout the city and creating new spaces where families gather, children play, and community spirit grows,” Faulconer said. “It’s fitting that the park is named after Solis, who protected this community for decades and now this


neighborhood asset will forever honor his legacy.” Located near two schools, the new 20-acre park includes a five-acre joint-use field shared with the San Ysidro School District. Additional features include a new multi-purpose athletic field with lighting and backstops, open recreation areas, walking paths and parking, a service building with restrooms and a snack bar, picnic areas, shade structures, and a skate park. The $20 million project has been long sought after by the

residents of Ocean View Hills and surrounding communities. It is a multi-phased project that will eventually include a new recreation center and aquatic center. “Congratulations to the families of Ocean View Hills, the City of San Diego has created a beautiful park that will serve this community for generations to come,” Solis said. “My family is deeply honored and proud to be a part of this project. Thank you to Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Councilmember

Una coalición de 25 alcaldes fronterizos, incluyendo los de San Diego y Tijuana firmaron esta semana dos resoluciones en apoyo al comercio internacional y a que se continúe invirtiendo en proyectos de infraestructura a lo largo de la franja fronteriza. En el marco de la séptima cumbre binacional de la Asociación de Alcaldes Fronterizos celebrada en San Antonio, los alcaldes de San Diego y Tijuana, Kevin Faulconer y Juan Manuel Gastélum respectivamente, se unieron al llamado para promover la colaboración transfronteriza. “Trabajando juntos, este grupo de alcaldes juega un papel crucial para construir puentes entre nuestros dos países y demostrar cómo la colaboración puede llevar a la prosperidad económica para la región fronteriza”, señaló el alcalde de San Diego. “Nos hemos unidos en una voz colectiva para pedir a nuestros funcionarios federales que




Fondos Disponibles para Mejorar Vecindarios POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Un programa federal que ofrece fondos anuales a estados, ciudades y condados para mejorar vecindarios, se encuentra ahora disponible para el Condado de San Diego. Las solicitudes para estos Subsidios de Desarrollo Comunitario (CDBG, por sus siglas en inglés) se aceptan desde ahora y hasta el 2 de noviembre. El programa de CDBG es un programa flexible que proporciona una gran variedad de recursos para que las comunidades mejoren diferentes áreas. Desde 1974, el programa de CDBG ha sido uno de los programas que se ha realizado por

mayor tiempo en el Departamento de Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de Estados Unidos (HUD, por sus siglas en inglés). En el pasado, los fondos federales de CDBG se han utilizado para mejorar centros locales para jóvenes y personas de la tercera edad, parques, calles, sistemas de drenaje, instalaciones de bomberos, y asuntos de accesibilidad. Dependiendo del proyecto, se cuenta con fondos disponibles para la comunidad. Residentes y organizaciones sin fines de lucro pueden presentar proyectos que beneficien a residentes de bajos o medios recursos en las áreas rurales de San Diego, que estén alineados con el

Plan Consolidado del Condado y que apoye las metas de: incremento de la disponibilidad de vivienda accesible; mejoramiento de la seguridad, acceso y tránsito en las comunidades; o mejoramiento y mantenimiento de centros de refugio o servicios para personas que viven en las calles. El programa de CDBG fue diseñado para mejorar las comunidades de bajos y medios recursos. Y trata de buscar que se tenga acceso a viviendas con precios accesibles, servicios para las comunidades más vulnerables, y la creación FONDOS EN LA PAGINA 5


| SEPTEMBER 28 2018 |


Neighbohood Repair Funds Available BY ANA GOMEZ SALCIDO

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a federal program that provides annual grants to states, cities and counties is now available to fix neighborhoods in the San Diego County. Applications are being accepted now through November 2, 2018. The CDBG program is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs. Beginning in 1974, the CDBG program is one of the longest continuously run programs at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In the past, federal CDBG funds have been used to improve local youth and senior centers, parks, streets, drainage systems, accessibility issues and fire facilities. Depending on the project, money may be available for the community. Residents and non-profits may propose projects that benefit low- and moderateincome residents in the unincorporated area of the county as long as the projects align with the County’s Consolidated Plan and support the goals of: increasing the availability of affordable, supportive and livable housing; improving the quality, safety, accessibility, and walkability of communities; or increasing and maintaining accessible, available and supportive homeless shelters and services. The CDBG program was designed to improve low and moderate-income communities. And it works to ensure decent affordable housing, to provide services to the most vulnerable in the communities, and to create jobs through the expansion and retention of business. The San Diego County allocates CDBG funds toward various community improvement projects in the unincorporated areas of San FUNDS ON PAGE 9

PRINT • ONLINE • MOBILE APP FOUNDED: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California PUBLISHER/CEO Arturo Castañares CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Enrique Gonzalez CREATIVE DIRECTOR Tracy Powell CONTRIBUTORS/ WRITERS Francisco Barbosa, Augie Bareño, León Bravo, Marielena Castellanos, Ana Paula Ceballos, Mario A. Cortez, Alberto Garcia, Ana Gómez Salcido, Sandra G. León, Samuel López, Andrea López-Villafaña, Alexandra Mendoza, Mimi Pollack, Diana Rodriguez, Eduardo Rueda, and Paco Zavala

1712 Logan Avenue, San Diego, CA 92113, Tel 619.425.7400; email:


The Truth Escaped the Kavanaugh Hearing Undetected


spectacle played out live on TV from our nation’s capitol today as a woman detailed her claims of an assault 36 years ago by the current nominee to the Supreme Court. Not since the nomination hearings of Clarence Thomas in 1991 has the country had to watch and listen to brutally-personal and emotionallyraw testimony from two individuals that each portrayed the other as a pawn in the most political of all games. In those hearings, it was a 35-year old Anita Hill that detailed workplace harassment by Thomas. This week, it was a 51-year old university professor, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who testified about an alleged sexual assault she says was committed by Brett Kavanaugh, President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court. Until last week, Kavanaugh seemed to be gliding toward a lifetime appointment to replace the late Antonin Scalia. Dr. Ford’s allegations came to light just last week after a confidential letter she sent to US Senator Dianne Feinstein was leaked to the press. Feinstein has been criticized for having sat on the letter for weeks, but she maintains it was Ford that requested her name not be made public. Although Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee were reluctant to allow Dr. Ford to testify, she was finally scheduled for this Thursday and was given the morning to testify before Kavanaugh was allowed a rebuttal presentation. Dr. Ford, visibly terrified to speak before TV cameras and a hostile majority on the committee, delivered a clear, articulate, and emotional presentation about the night she maintains then-17-year-old Kavanaugh assaulted her during a house party in 1982. She detailed the

vivid details she says she still remembers clearly, including his covering her mouth with his hand, and the cruel laughing from Kavanaugh and his friend Ford alleges witnessed the assault. Like many victims of trauma and assault, Dr. Ford says she did not report the incident at the time, and only disclosed it to her husband, therapist, and eventually close friends in recent years, all before Kavanaugh become the nominee in July. When she was done, it was Kavanaugh’s turn, and he delivered a harsh, sometimes angry, and more often combative response. He denied the allegations and accused Democrats of a coordinated conspiracy against him. Not to be left out, Republican Senators jumped in to offer their full-throated support for him and cast Dr. Ford as either confused or simply a tool of partisan politics. Online trolls and political operatives have criticized Ford for the timing of her allegations, for her sketchy recollection of the exact location of the party, and for her failure to report the alleged assault at the time it supposedly happened. In their desperate desire to appoint a conservative to the Court that could tilt the balance of legal decisions for decades, Republicans have trampled on the credible claims of a woman that has nothing to gain by coming forward, and has already felt the pain of everything she has to lose. She has received death threats, been called horrible names, and had to flee her home in fear. Like victims of abuse by priests, clergy, teachers, movie producers, football coaches, and even Bill Cosby that have bravely come forward in recent years to detail assaults from many years ago, Dr. Ford put herself in the line of fire before a politically polarized country that now seems to use politics to determine facts, not

facts to determine politics. In interviews and polling of average Americans, the number of people that believe Kavanaugh and Ford fall disproportionally along party lines. This week, an NPR poll found that Kavanaugh is believed by 61% of Republican men and 57% of Republican women, while Ford is believed by 54% of Democratic men and 57% of Democratic women. Thursday’s Judiciary Committee hearing saw nearly every Democratic member repeatedly ask for the FBI to reopen its background investigation of Kavanaugh to review the new allegations. In addition to Ford, two other women have also come forward with their own claims against the nominee. Republican Senators dismissed the calls for the FBI to look into the matter. When asked by Democratic Senators if he would support an FBI review, Kavanaugh refused to answer directly. Oddly, the committee also refused to subpoena Kavanaugh’s friend, Mark Judge, who Ford says was in the room when the alleged assault happened. Judge has stated he doesn’t remember any such event but refused to testify publicly. In the end, the committee testimony turned into a she said/he said argument without any additional witnesses being called to testify. Critics claim Ford has no proof to substantiate her claims so her word alone should not disqualify Kavanaugh from the appointment. Experts maintain that victims of abuse rarely have proof precisely because most assaults happen when victims are vulnerable, alone, or outnumbered. Ford, who is a psychology professor at Palo Alto University and a research psychologist at the Stanford University School of Medicine, knows exactly why victims remember the details of the trauma but may have forgotten other aspects of the events that led



More Affordable Housing for NC BY ANGELICA GARCIA

Cost of living is the number one issue for California residents, and excessive rent increases in places like National City have pushed people to decide to move elsewhere in the U.S. or south of the border. To combat this, a $100million project in National City is investing in affordable, sustainable housing, giving respite to hundreds of low-income families. This 201-unit development in historic Westside National City by non-profit Community Housing Works will provide intelligentgrowth opportunities for a better future for the community. Community Housing Works has worked with 38 other California communities in the construction of 3,300 affordable apartments benefitting over 9,000 families. "My affordable home at Paradise Creek has been life-changing and helped me stabilize my finances as I prepare to go back to school. I am thankful to Community Housing Works,” said Diana Yescas, a resident of this housing development who spoke at the opening ceremony. At the event, National City Mayor Ron Morrison spoke of the strong investments

up to them or happened afterward. Dr. Ford explained the way brains work, detailing, in her words, that “it’s just the level of norepinephrine and epinephrine in the brain that … encodes that neurotransmitter, encodes memories into the hippocampus. And so the trauma-related experience then is kind of locked there whereas other details kind of drift.” It didn't matter. The tragedy of this week’s hearing is that the #metoo movement may have hit a speed bump when it ran into politics. If Dr. Ford, a credible, educated, articulate women couldn’t be taken seriously when detailing an assault she says she’s “100%” certain was perpetrated by a known assailant, then what hope do young boys, girls, teenagers, runaways, wives, husbands, actresses, and other victims have that their claims will be believed? Victims’ claims should be reviewed, investigated, and vetted to ensure proper due process is afforded to both the accuser and the accused. No one should fear either outright rejection or prejudiced prosecution. But, this week’s political theatre left both sides unsatisfied that the truth was pursued, that justice was served, or that victims will be better protected in the future. In the end, politics won the day. Lives were forever altered. And the truth escaped the light of day. It was another black eye for our society that seems to only move forward in fits and starts, and mostly by taking one step forward and two steps back. And it was another reminder that politics operate on another plane, are slow to change, and resistant to social pressure until voters demand change through elections. We will all have to wait to see if the November elections usher change into Washington, or if the old “boys will be boys” mentality will prevail.

SD and Tijuana Mayors Sign Trade and Public Works Resolutions BY ALEXANDRA MENDOZA

being made in the area and in the second phase of the project in order to give more residents the possibility of a home near their work, their family, and public transit. “San Diego announced that they had $50 million for affordable housing; that is for nearly 1.5 million people. This project alone got $50 million in tax funds, that is what it cost in taxpayer contributions to do this project,” he said. California Senator Ben Hueso, who represents the 40th District, agreed that more projects like the one at 2120 Hoover Avenue are needed as, he said, these are a real solution to the housing crisis and soaring rents, versus the rent control measures that will be on the ballot for the upcoming elections. “This is the solution, if a city is seriously interested in

reducing the cost of rent and in providing homes to low-income residents. This is the solution, you have to work and propose [these kinds of ] measures, because rent controls are not the solution; they’ve tried then elsewhere in the state and they do not work,” said Hueso. During the ceremony, they spoke about how difficult it is to find affordable housing projects with all the amenities and feel welcoming inside and out to the families moving in. They also stated that this was an inclusive development that went beyond providing just housing, but also provided support in areas such as employment and developing tools for parents and children.


A coalition of 25 border mayors, including those of San Diego and Tijuana, signed two resolutions this week pledging support for international trade and continued funding for border infrastructure projects. During the seventh Binational Summit of the U.S.-Mexico Border Mayors Association, San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum reiterated their commitment to fostering cross-border collaboration for the benefit of their people. “By working together, this group of mayors plays a critical role in building bridges between our two countries and showing how collaboration can lead to economic prosperity for the border region,” Mayor Faulconer said in a press release. “We’ve come together with a collective voice to call on our federal leaders to invest more in border infrastructure and modernize trade regulations as we work at growing the competitive advantage we have as border cities.”

“Together we can strengthen social and economic development for our region. Especially on issues of border security and infrastructure, as this benefits citizens on both sides of the border,” said Tijuana Mayor Juan Manuel Gastelum. One of the resolutions specifically calls for enhancing the legal flow of goods, services and people, as well as supporting the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) between the U.S., Mexico and Canada. The Border Mayors Association also signed a resolution urging federal leaders to restore funding for the U.S.-Mexico Border Water Infrastructure Program in the Fiscal Year 2019 budget process. The Binational Border Mayors Summit takes place every year, and is hosted at a U.S.-Mexico border city. Other issues addressed at the summit include bilateral relations, transportation networks, and border crossings, among others. San Antonio Mayor Ron MAYORS ON PAGE 5

La Prensa San Diego (LPSD) is published weekly and distributed throughout San Diego County. LPSD is an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District, Case# 4137435 of May 9, 1978. ISSN 0789183. Articles published in LPSD do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Letters to the Editor or Publisher are welcome, but must contain complete name, address, and contact phone number. Any materials submitted are subject to editing revision for space and/or content. Contribution and advertising deadlines are every Tuesday at 5:00pm. LPSD reserves the right to refuse to publish, in its sole and absolute discretion, any advertising and advertorial material submitted for publication by clients (“Client Material”). Submission of Client Material to LPSD does not constitute a commitment by LPSD to publish the material. Publication of Client Material does not constitute an agreement to continue publication in any future issue. In the event of an error, or omission in printing or publication of client material, LPSD's liability shall be limited to an adjustment for the space occupied by the error, with the maximum liability being cancellation of the cost of the incorrect advertisement or republication of the correct client material. LPSD shall not be liable for consequential damages of any kind for publication of inaccuracies or failures to publish materials. Requests for corrections or retractions must be submitted within 30 days. © All rights reserved. La Prensa San Diego | SEPTEMBER 28 2018 | PAGE 3



unbelievable days in our country that we’re too quiet, we need to make a little noise,” the civil rights leader went on to say. Tom Karlo, KPBS general manager, said this launch was “a season of firsts,” as the launch hosted over 2,000 people and “March: Book One,” is the first graphic novel to be chosen for the program’s adult book selection. “Another first is to host a great American icon, civil rights leader, United States representative John Lewis,” Karlo added. Misty Jones, founding partner of One Book, One San Diego and director of the San Diego Public Library, was also at the launch event. She explained how the graphic novel owes its existence to a comic book Congressman John Lewis read when he was young, the comic book titled, “Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Montgomery Story,” which was published in 1958. Also invited to speak at the book launch was Alfonso Nunez, the executive director and founder of the non-profit Little Fish Comic Book Studio, which teaches the

comic artform to students in San Diego. Nunez grew up in North Park and said that social justice, equity, and equality have always been in comics. Nunez said Superman, the very first superhero, debuted in 1938 and was not fighting Lex Luthor or invaders from outer space. “Superman, in that very first comic 80 years ago, was fighting against domestic abuse and crooked, corrupt politicians,” he said. He also talked about why Captain America was created. Nunez said he was created in

1941 because the creators were aware of atrocities being committed in Europe and they “created Captain America so they could, through the power of the comic art form, fight against it.” Nunez added, “It’s worth noting, and seems inconceivable now, that when they created Captain America they were in fact met with death threats for having the audacity of creating a superhero involved in what was then seen as a European war, not a World War.” Also in attendance was

“March: Book One” coauthor and digital director and policy advisor for Congressman Lewis Andrew Aydin, who came up with the idea to do a book out of his upbringing reading comic books and as a means to teach the civil rights movement to new generations. Aydin said, “The Southern Poverty Law Center describes teaching civil rights to two people and four words, Rosa Parks, Dr. King, and ‘I have a dream.’” Nate Powell, who illustrated the book, also attended the event. Being an Arkansas

native and having spent his school years in Montgomery, Alabama, said a lot of his time spent on the graphic novel was a reckoning of his entire lifetime. He said reflecting these days, his parents, like many of their peers “sort of capped off a lot of this information with an exception or a dismissal, oh but that was a different time, that was way back there,” and added, “All these things didn’t add up because it seemed increasingly it was being put into that kind of dismissal, that kind of drawing a line of unreality, where these were two segments of history that did not have a thread that ran through it.” “Understanding equality as being in everyone’s best interest that is a very dangerous idea to those in power,” Powell pointed out. During his visit to San Diego, Congressman Lewis also met with students at San Diego’s Morse High School. Congressman Lewis said the right to vote is precious, it is almost sacred, it is the most powerful nonviolent instrument, and he urged the crowd

on election day, “Go out and vote like we never voted before.” “Stand up, speak up. You can do it, we must do it, and we must save our country and save democracy,” Congressman Lewis added. More than 100 events and film screenings were planned as part of the programming to explore the book. Below are just a few of the events organized around “March: Book One.” What Would You March For: Sign Making Workshop, Thursday, September 20, 2018 at 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Escondido Branch Library ‘Stand and Deliver’ Film Screening, Friday, September 28, 2018 at 3 p.m. at the Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library Express Yourself: ButtonMaking Party, Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at 5 p.m. at the Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library Express Yourself Civil Rights Poetry Slam & Book Discussion of ‘March: Book One,’ Monday, December 10, 2018 at 4 p.m. at the Otay Mesa-Nestor Branch Library


San Diego International Airport Contributes to Regional Economy BY ANA GOMEZ SALCIDO

A new economic impact study completed for San Diego International Airport (SAN) indicates a dramatic increase in regional employment, payroll and economic impact as a result of the airport. The study quantifies the airport’s total economic contributions to the region at nearly $12 billion annually. “This study highlights the airport’s role as far more than a vital transportation resource for the San Diego region,” said Kimberly

Becker, Airport Authority president and CEO. “SAN is a regional asset that is also a major economic driver and job creator, constantly looking at ways to improve the passenger experience and help the region become increasingly global.” The study measures the direct and indirect economic impacts generated by SAN. To do so, the study compared 2017 data from the U.S. Department of Transportation, San Diego Tourism Authority, Airport Authority and on-airport

tenants. The study was last conducted in 2013 using data from 2012. Since then, the airport has undertaken a number of construction projects to make travel easier and more efficient. Projects include: The Green Build Terminal 2 Expansion, Rental Car Center, Terminal 2 Parking Plaza, International Arrivals facility, and the on-airport roadway. Total employment supported by the airport has increased by 31 percent over the past five years. In 2017

nearly 118,000 residents in the region were employed directly or indirectly due to the activities at SAN, generating nearly $3.9 billion in total annual payroll. Of total employment in San Diego County, SAN supports 5.7 percent of people employed in the region. The growth in economic impact is largely due to the airport’s increase in passenger traffic. In 2012, the airport accommodated nearly 17.3 million passengers, which grew to nearly 22 million in 2017 passen-

gers. Business and leisure visitors spend money while visiting the region, thereby helping support additional economic impacts. According to the San Diego Tourism Authority, visitors arriving by air spend an average of $835 per person per trip. In 2017, it is estimated that more than 5.9 million visitors to the region spent nearly $5 billion in the regional economy. After Los Angeles International Airport and San Francisco International Airport, San Diego

International Airport is the third-busiest airport in California by passenger enplanements and the 27th busiest airport in the U.S., based on date for 2016 from the Federal Aviation Administration. In 2017, twenty-one passenger airlines served San Diego International Airport including Air Canada, Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, British Airways, Japan Airlines, Skywest Airlines, Southwest Airlines, Virgin America, and more.




ment rates and errors in accounting for expenses. After making one-time fund transfers and funding changes among its construction funds, the District’s unrestricted general fund, which is used to pay regular expenses, is now expected to end up with a negative $4 million balance for this fiscal year ending in June, and the District has no reserve funds. By state law, school district’s must maintain about 2 per cent of their annual budget in reserves, which for Sweetwater’s $350 million annual budget should equal more than $7 million. “As a result of a shortfall in closing the financial books of 2017-18 school year, we will have to revise/ rebuild our adopted budget for the 2018-19 school year,” the statement also reads. Sweetwater has until October 8 to present a revised budget for next school year, but it has few options. Cuts to certified teachers require a “pink slip” notice to have been given by March 15, so any such cuts could not come until next year. Cuts to classified employees, such as maintenance and support staff, only require a 60-day notice. Additional cuts could come from books, supplies, consultants, legal fees, and other non-staff expenses. According to state law, each of the California’s 1,050 school districts must approve their annual budgets each year without

running deficits. Each county office of education must oversee and approve the budgets of each district within its county. For Sweetwater, the San Diego County Office of Education and its board serve as the fiscal overseers of its budget. When any district falls below the required financial levels for the following year, the district receives a “negative” rating, triggering on-site assistance from the county. At that point school, districts can seek loans to maintain cash flows. If a district becomes fiscally insolvent, the county office of education is authorized to install an appointed administrator to run the district, and the school board’s authority is suspended. During the past 17 years that the state oversight process, known as AB 1200, has been in place, only a handful of districts have fallen below the minimum financial standards that required a takeover, including Oakland and Compton school districts. Appointed administrators usually make drastic budget cuts to return the districts to financial solvency. In both the Oakland and Compton takeovers, Randy Ward was tasked to serve as the appointed administrator. Ward later served as Superintendent of San Diego County Office of Education. During his tenure in Oakland, Ward made changes to its internal operations, finances, closed

schools, and fought for a school bond ballot measure. The cuts Sweetwater will need to consider may have to include negotiations with its employee labor unions to seek concessions over the next few years. The District’s public statement made it clear solutions would require input from stakeholders. “Since we first noticed the concern, we have been sharing information with our Board of Trustees, site and district leaders, as well as our labor partner leaders. Our commitment during this process continues to involve voices, opinions, recommendations, suggestions as we move forward to rebuild the 18-19 budget,” the statement reads. The next board meeting is scheduled for October 8. Sweetwater Union High School District educates approximately 42,000 students among its 27 middle and high schools in Chula Vista, Imperial Beach, National City, and south San Diego communities. School Board Trustees include Board President Paula Hall, Vice-President Kevin Pike, Nicholas Segura, Arturo Solis, and Frank Tarantino.


8 de octubre de 2018 Primer día en que las boletas de voto-por-correo y el voto en la Oficina de Registro estarán disponibles. Para que usted pueda recibir una boleta de voto-porcorreo usted debió haberse registrado para poder votar por correo antes de la fecha límite para esta elección, el 22 de octubre de 2018. ¿DE QUÉ TRATA EL VOTO POR CORREO?

Las boletas de voto-por-correo comenzarán a estar disponibles a partir del 8 de octubre de 2018.

El voto-por-correo es una modalidad donde usted puede votar desde la comodidad de su hogar.


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Para comprobar el estatus de su registro, de su boleta electoral o si tiene alguna pregunta visite o comuníquese al 858-505-7247 y reciba ayuda en español

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La Prensa PAGE 4

| SEPTEMBER 28 2018 |



Gobierno de EE. UU. aún no Reunifica a 136 Niños Separados de sus Familias





l gobierno de Estados Unidos ha reunificado hasta ahora a 2 mil 296 de los 2 mil 654 niños migrantes que fueron separados de sus padres en la frontera en gran medida por la implementación de la política de “cero tolerancia” contra la inmigración irregular, señala un informe presentado ante la corte de San Diego. En el reporte semanal, la administración del presidente Donald Trump precisó que continúan bajo su cuidado unos 136 niños, tres de ellos menores de cinco años, de los cuales ya han sido deportados los padres de 96 de ellos. Los otros 219 niños no serán elegibles para reunificación, en su mayoría porque los padres renunciaron a dicho derecho, y en otros casos, porque el gobierno encontró antecedentes criminales que los hizo determinar que serían un riesgo para el menor. En dichos casos, los menores serían entregados a algún familiar en Estados Unidos o con un tutor. En otras circunstancias, los niños podrían ir con padres de crianza. El juez Dana Sabraw de San Diego, quien preside las tres demandas colectivas entabladas en nombre de las familias separadas, insinuó en una reciente audiencia que el caso podría estar encaminado a un “cierre significativo” en un futuro no muy lejano. Esto, luego de que el gobierno federal y la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU, por sus

siglas en ingles), organismo que representa a los padres separados de sus hijos, llegaran a un acuerdo que resolvería dicho litigio y bajo el cual, cientos de familias tendrán una nueva oportunidad para pedir asilo político. El juez ya ha dado su visto bueno a dicho plan, aunque todavía queda que emita una orden final de la cual, podrían beneficiarse cerca de mil inmigrantes. Sin embargo, Sabraw ha urgido al gobierno de Trump a que inicie con el proceso para que una vez aprobado el plan se puedan reanudar las entrevistas cuanto antes. Los abogados del Departamento de Justicia han hecho saber que “continúan trabajando con los demandantes para finalizar los documentos necesarios para la aprobación e implementación del acuerdo”. El juez ha dicho que cuando esto suceda volverá a supervisar el

proceso para que todos los beneficiados tengan su entrevista. Mientras tanto, tanto el gobierno federal como un comité designado por la ACLU continúan con la tarea de localizar a los padres que fueron deportados sin sus hijos para que conozcan sus opciones. Hasta ahora, se ha contactado vía telefónica a 346 de un grupo de 414 padres repatriados, de los cuales, ya se ha confirmado la intención de 246 de ellos. Por ahora, unos 72 padres han pedido que el gobierno traslade a sus hijos al país en donde ahora se encuentran, mientras que otros 174 han renunciado al derecho de reunificación, por lo que sus hijos serían liberados a algún otro familiar o con un tutor. La ACLU ha señalado que muchos de estos padres han preferido renunciar a sus hijos a que regresen a las condiciones de violencia que aquejan a sus países de origen.


Abren Parque en el Sur de San Diego POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Cientos de personas celebraron la inauguración del nuevo Parque Comunitario Cesar Solis, un proyecto de 20 millones de dólares solicitado por varios años por los residentes del Sur del Condado. El parque es parte del compromiso Kevin Faulconer, alcalde de San Diego, de inaugurar o mejorar 50 parques en cinco años. El parque fue nombrado en honor al subjefe del Departamento de Policía de San Diego Cesar Solis, quien se encuentra ahora jubilado, y es el primer parque en la historia de la Ciudad de San Diego en llevar el nombr de un Filipino-Americano. Solis estuvo 32 años en el Departamento de Policía de San Diego (SDPD, por sus siglas en inglés) antes de jubilarse en el 2014. Solis pasó por diferentes rangos antes de jubilarse como el FilipinoAmericano con el rango más alto en la historia del SDPD. Solis, quien estuvo en la celebración del nuevo parque comunitario, creció en el Sur del Condado y continua su resi-

dencia en el área. “Estamos invirtiendo en parques a lo largo de la ciudad y estamos creando espacios donde las familias se pueden juntar, los niños pueden jugar, y donde el espíritu comunitario puede crecer”, dijo Faulconer. “Es apropiado que el parque esté nombrado por Solis, quien protegió a la comunidad por décadas y ahora este recurso de la comunidad honrará su legado para siempre”. Este parque de 20 acres está ubicado cerca de dos escuelas, e incluye un espacio de cinco acres que comparte con el Distrito Escolar de San Ysidro. El parque también cuenta con un espacio con iluminación para diversos deportes, áreas de espacio recreativo, senderos y estacionamiento, un edificio con baños y una tienda, áreas para picnic, estructuras para dar sombra, y un área para andar en patineta. Este proyecto de 20 millones de dólares fue solicitado por varios años por los residentes de Ocean View Hills y de las comunidades de los alrededores. El parque forma parte de un proyecto de varias fases

que eventualmente contará con un nuevo centro recreativo y un centro acuático. “Quiero felicitar a las familias de Ocean View Hills y al Ayuntamiento de San Diego por crear un parque hermoso que servirá a las próximas generaciones en esta comunidad”, dijo Solis. “Mi familia está profundamente honrada y orgullosa de ser parte de este proyecto. Gracias al alcalde Kevin Faulconer y al regidor David Álvarez por su liderazgo y compromiso para mejorar nuestras comunidades”. Cientos de personas se reunieron para la celebración de la inauguración del parque que incluyó pinta caritas, juegos, y música por parte del Mariachi de la Preparatoria de San Ysidro. En enero del 2016, Faulconer se comprometió a construir o mejorar 50 parques en cinco años. Hasta el momento, el Ayuntamiento ha inaugurado 22 parques y hay más de dos docenas de parques en diferentes fases ya sea de diseño o PARQUE EN LA PAGINA 11


A la manera de organizar una empresa, ya sea pública o privada bajo criterios de funciones y jerarquías se le denomina como “modelo burocrático”. La forma tradicional de un organigrama, en el que vía especializaciones y control se pretende alcanzar la eficiencia. Es el antídoto a la producción artesanal propia del feudalismo. La burocracia puede mejorar resultados, pero ante sociedades complejas -como las que vivimos en los tiempos modernos- no es un esquema virtuoso, por el contrario, alimenta deficiencias resultado de excesos de puestos, duplicidades, traslapes y redundancias. En otras palabras, lo que puede hacer una cuadrilla en ocho horas de trabajo, en los hechos requieren más personas y más horas porque el contratismo impone sus fueros. Es la manera artificial a través de la cual los gobiernos generan empleo, no por la vía de elevar resultados por trabajador sino haciendo lo mismo con más nómina. A la larga, el modelo es insostenible y debe ser drásticamente corregido con recortes y despidos ante el efecto negativo que experimentan las finanzas públicas. La propuesta del nuevo gobierno, sin embargo, de reducir drásticamente sueldos y reubicar oficinas está lejos de ser la medida idónea para elevar resultados. Es indudable que ha habido abusos de la alta jerarquía que se ha asignado desproporcionadas prestaciones, pero los mandos medios y la base apenas y reciben beneficios marginales. En los hechos se han pauperizado. Festinar y legislar por consigna la reducción generalizada de sueldos es producto de una discurso demagogo. No hay consultor profesional que a través del uso de la tijera presupuestal pueda elevar resultados. Todo lo contrario, propiciará, cómo está sucediendo, una desbandada de funcionarios que están aprovechando los últimos momentos de su gestión para jubilarse o autorizarse liquidaciones millonarias. La nueva administración se está dando un balazo en el pie al iniciar su gestión en un escenario adverso. Más



Katty Ibarra



Cuando Katty Ibarra decidió comenzar su propia compañía de mercadotecnia y publicidad, ella se encontraba una y otra vez con un problema que muchas mujeres empresarias también han enfrentado. “Cuando yo llegaba con un director de una empresa a intentar venderle, ellos querían hablar con el dueño de la empresa”, compartió Ibarra con La Prensa San Diego. “No entendían que yo era la dueña y cuando les decía que la empresa era mía ya no querían hacer negocios”. En función actual como directora del Centro de Negocios para Mujeres de San Diego e Imperial (WBC, por sus siglas en inglés), Ibarra coordina esfuerzos y recursos para ayudar a sobresalir a las mujeres de nuestra región quienes están interesadas en abrir un negocio o hacer crecer su compañía. Como profesionista de toda la vida, Ibarra es alguien quien ha tenido que aprender cómo navegar el mundo empresarial como mujer. Nacida en la Ciudad de México, Ibarra recibió su licenciatura en diseño gráfico por la Universidad del Valle de México (UVM). Ella cita su interés por el arte y el diseño como uno que se le da desde la infancia. “Siempre me llamaron la atención los colores de los productos, sus empaques, sus letras y tipografías”, explico. “ Y si me voy mas atras, me encantaban los superhéroes y me llamaban mucho la atención los iconos que tenían en sus uniformes”. Durante su transcurso en la UVM, el mundo del diseño web se fue desarrollando. Al salir de la carrera comenzó a trabajar con una profesora de la universidad y luego pasó a trabajar con uno de las agencias de mercadotecnia del mundo de habla hispana. Tras cambios en la compañía, y con tan solo 21 años de edad, Ibarra decidió abrir su propia compañía. “Comencé a emprender con una agencia de marketing y publicidad y diseño de logotipos y flyers pero también empecé a darme cuenta de




El Congresista John Lewis Habla sobre su Novela Gráfica en San Diego POR MARIELENA CASTELLANOS

El congresista e icono de los derechos civiles John Lewis compareció ante un grupo de más de 2 mil personas en el San Diego Civic Theatre el pasado fin de semana con un mensaje. "Nunca te rindas, sé valiente, y encuentra la manera de entrar en lo que

yo llamo un buenos problemas", dijo. Lewis, quien fue arrestado más de 40 veces durante el movimiento por los derechos civiles y otra vez más en una manifestación de inmigración, estuvo en San Diego para una discusión sobre su libro, "March: Book One", el primer tomo de una trilogía sobre su vida y su apoyo a los derechos.

"March: Book One" fue seleccionado para el programa One Book, One San Diego, programa organizado por la emisora pública KPBS y las bibliotecas de San Diego y el Condado con el fin de motivar a todos los residentes de San Diego a leer un mismo libro. "A veces digo durante estos días increíbles en nuestro país que estamos demasiado

callados, necesitamos hacer un poco de ruido", dijo Lewis. Tom Karlo, gerente general de KPBS, dijo que este lanzamiento fue una "temporada de primicias". “March, Book One” es la primera novela gráfica elegida para el libro para adultos y también fue el primer lanzamiento de un libro en el Teatro Cívico y el

primer lanzamiento con más de 2 mil asistentes "Otro primero es recibir a un gran ícono estadounidense, el representante de los derechos civiles en los Estados Unidos, John Lewis", agregó Karlo. Misty Jones, socio fundador de One Book, One San Diego y directora de la JOHN LEWIS EN LA PAGINA 9 | SEPTEMBER 28 2018 | PAGE 5




inviertan más en infraestructura fronteriza y modernicen las regulaciones comerciales a medida que trabajamos para aumentar la ventaja competitiva que tenemos como ciudades fronterizas”, agregó a través de un comunicado. Con ello, esta coalición de líderes electos refuerza el compromiso de trabajar en beneficio de sus comunidades, coinciden. “Juntos podemos fortalecer el desarrollo social y económico de nuestra región. Especialmente en cuestiones de seguridad e infraestructura fronteriza que benefician a ciudadanos de ambos lados de la frontera”, comentó Juan Manuel Gastélum, presidente municipal de Tijuana. Together we can strengthen social and economic development for our region. Especially on issues of border security and infrastructure, as this benefits citizens on both sides of the border,” En específico, una de las resoluciones exhorta al mejoramiento del flujo legítimo de mercancías, servicios y personas, a la par de apoyar la modernización del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (NAFTA, por sus siglas en inglés) con México y Canadá. A su vez, se firmó una carta para urgir al gobierno de Estados Unidos para que reanude el financiamiento para el programa de infraestructura de proyecto de agua para el año fiscal 2019. La cumbre de alcaldes se realiza cada año en alguna sede de la frontera entre México y Estados Unidos, en donde también se tocan temas como la relación bilateral, red de transporte y cruces fronterizos, entre otros. El alcalde de San Antonio, Ron Nirenberg, resaltó la relación que se ha consolidado entre San Diego y Tijuana, la cual dijo “demuestra cómo se hace diplomacia en el Siglo XXI”. Ambas ciudades, han firmado memorándums de entendimiento en favor de las dos comunidades y cada año, sus líderes viajan tanto a Washington D.C, como a la capital mexicana en la Ciudad de México para abogar por el comercio y otros aspectos que competen a la región binacional.



Nirenberg stressed that the strong relationship between San Diego and Tijuana “demonstrates how diplomacy is done in the 21st Century”. San Diego and Tijuana have several MOUs in place to benefit both communities, and every year their leaders travel to both Washington, D.C. and Mexico City to advocate for trade and other issue of interest for this binational region.

Más Viviendas Accesibles para National City POR ANGÉLICA GARCÍA

El costo de vida se ha convertido en el problema principal de los residentes de California, y los incrementos desmedidos en las rentas en ciudades como National City generan que más personas decidan ir a vivir a otros puntos del país o al sur de la frontera. Ante esta condición, y la posibilidad de un control de rentas en el estado, más de 100 millones de dólares se han invertido en National City para la construcción de viviendas accesibles con la finalidad de dar un respiro a decenas de familias. La construcción de 201 viviendas en el histórico



de empleos por medio de la expansión o retención de negocios. El Condado de San Diego ayuda con la asignación de fondos para diferentes proyectos comunitarios de mejora en las áreas rurales del Condado de San Diego así como en las seis ciudades participantes de Poway, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Coronado, Lemon Grove e Imperial Beach. El Departamento de Servicios de Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario (HCDS, por sus siglas en inglés) realizará una reunión comunitaria para explicar el proceso de solicitudes del CDBG, el próximo 18 de octubre a la 1 p.m. en 3989 Ruffin Road en San Diego, California, 92123. Cualquier personas que necesite asistencia de otro idioma o por alguna incapacidad en la reunión, se le solicita que contacte al personal del HCDS, cinco días antes de la reunión para solicitar el apoyo. En la reunión se contará con información sobre otros programas como el de HOME Investment Parnetships y el de CDBG Vivienda Accesible, los cuales cuentan con fondos relacionados con vivienda así como para el programa de compradores de vivienda por primera vez. En la reunión también se contará con información sobre subsidios de emergencias, los cuales están disponibles para mejorar la calidad y el número de refugios de emergencia así como las instalaciones de transición para las personas que viven en las calles y así reducir el riesgo de que familias o individuos terminen viviendo en las calles. Las personas que asistan a la reunión también podrán aprender sobre diferentes subsidios para ofrecer vivienda a las personas con VIH o sida, los cuales están disponibles para personas de bajos recursos.



vecindario de Westside en National City por parte de la organización sin fines de lucro Community Housing Works proporcionará oportunidades de crecimiento inteligente que brinden mejores oportunidades para el futuro de esta comunidad. Esta asociación civil ha trabajado en 38 comunidades del estado de California, participando en las construcción de 3 mil 300 apartamentos accesibles en el estado, sitios donde habitan más de 9 mil familias. "Mi casa asequible en (la inmobiliaria Paradise Creek) me ha cambiado la vida y me ayudó a estabilizar mis finanzas mientras me preparo para volver a la escuela, estoy agradecida con la comu-

nidad”, dijo Diana Yescas, residente de este desarrollo habitacional, durante la inauguración. El alcalde de la ciudad, también habló de las fuertes inversiones que se realizan en la zona y la segunda fase de este proyecto para lograr más habitantes cuenten con un hogar cerca de su trabajo, familia y transporte público. “San Diego anunció que tenían 50 millones de dólares para vivienda accesible, eso es casi para un millón y medio de personas, este proyecto solamente recibió subsidios de impuestos por 50 millones de dólares, fue lo que costo en impuestos de los contribuyentes realizar este proyecto”, dijo Ron Morrison, alcalde de

National City. El Senado de California también estuvo de acuerdo en la necesidad de más proyectos como el realizado en el número 2120 de la avenida Hoover, que, afirman, representan una solución real a la crisis de vivienda y altos costos de renta en comparación con los proyectos de control de alquiler a votarse en las siguientes elecciones. “Esta es la solución, si una ciudad está seriamente interesada en reducir el costo de las rentas y proveer viviendas para las personas que son de bajos ingresos, esta es la solución, tienen que trabajar y proponer medidas, porque las de control de rentas no son la solución, se

han hecho en otras partes del estado y no funcionan”, dijo Ben Hueso, senador estatal por el Distrito 40. En el sitio, se destacó la dificultad para llevar a cabo proyectos accesibles con todos los beneficios y que tuvieran un aspecto interno y externo que hiciera sentir bienvenidas a las nuevas familias. También dijeron se desarrollaba un programa integral que buscaba apoyar no solo en el ámbito de vivienda, sino también en el laboral y el de desarrollo de herramientas a padres e hijos. También dijeron apoyar el proyecto con el fin de ver a familias en espacios que cuenten con las condiciones de salud adecuadas.


Aeropuerto de San Diego Contribuye a la Economía POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Un nuevo estudio sobre el impacto económico que tiene el Aeropuerto Internacional de San Diego (SAN, por sus siglas de identidad bajo la Asociacion Internacional del Aerotrasporte) indica que se tiene un gran incremento en la fuerza laboral, nómina, e impacto económico en la región debido a este aeropuerto. El estudio cuantifica el

total de las contribuciones económicas a la región en casi 12 mil millones de dólares al año. “Este estudio subraya el rol del aeropuerto más allá como un recurso de transporte para la región de San Diego”, dijo Kimberly Becker, presidente y CEO de la Autoridad Aeroportuaria. “SAN es un recurso regional que también es un importante motor económico y creador de empleos, que constantemente

busca la manera de mejorar la experiencia de los pasajeros y ayudar a la región a ser más global”. El estudio mide el impacto económico directo e indirecto generado por SAN. Para la comparación se utilizaron datos del Departamento de Transporte de Estados Unidos, de la Autoridad de Turismo de San Diego, de la Autoridad Aeroportuaria, y otras fuentes del 2017. El último estudio realizado

antes que el recién publicado, fue en el 2012 con información del 2012. Desde ese entonces, el aeropuerto ha contado con varios proyectos de construcción para contar con una experiencia de viaje mejorada y más eficiente. Los proyectos de construcción incluyen el de la expansión de la Terminal 2, el Centro de Renta de Vehículos, la Plaza de estacionamiento de la AEROPUERTO SD EN LA PAGINA 9


| SEPTEMBER 28 2018 |

Arts + Culture MUSIC



Not missing a beat after his acclaimed 2017 release “Pony,” South Bay-based rapper Rossi Rock has continued his steady workrate into the current year. With this summer’s release of his latest full-length project, titled “The Main Chambelán,” Rossi Rock has continued to make waves in 2018. La Prensa San Diego caught up with Rossi Rock after his performance at Üateke Rock Fest at Embarcadero Park last week, which featured some of the biggest names in the world of rock en español along with notable local performers. “I know (the event) is Spanish rock but we thought we would come and fuck stuff up a little bit with some rap,” he said. “A lot of people showed me love today and I really had a good time here.”

During his engagement at this music festival, Rossi Rock performed songs off of his latest production, in which one can hear stories of honest vulnerability and not fitting in as a kid along with lighter tunes celebrating the joy of getting replies from crushes and making up with that special someone. Daily life and San Diego also play a big part in the narratives shared by Rossi Rock, with several namedrops including local landmarks and hang-out spots around town. “I’m inspired by San Diego,” he stated. “Anything you hear me talk about im inspired by, whether it is the good or the bad I’m inspired by the city that I am living in; I call it lifestyle raps and whenever you hear my shit you will know what San Diego is like. In that same vein, lifelong friends, fellow creatives, and collaborators also receive

mentions throughout this production, just as they have in his earlier work. “The people I talk about are my brothers and growing up in San Diego those are the people that I was just around organically and whether we are just kicking it or working on music I am inspired by the people I’m around and I’m going to mention my those names. Shout out to my homies, Suav City to the death,” he exclaimed. While the title “The Main Chambelán” is a way in which Rossi Rock decided to display pride of his Mexican heritage, there is a bit of foreshadowing to this name. After the release of this album, he too has become the focal point of the local rap scene in 2018 -- just as the main chambelan, the birthday girl’s primary companion at her quinceañera, stands out over the other boys present on the night the girl he escorts passes into womanhood in Mexican culture. The latter months of 2018 will be busy ones for this rapper on the rise, as he is wrapping up work on a video for his song “Selena Over Jenny, Tequila Over Henny,” off his latest release. “We just met up at my homie’s crib and just started shooting,” he said of the impromptu start to work on the video. “We hit the beach and the crib and you’ll see it when it comes out.” Next week, Rossi Rock will


2-FOR-1 COUPON: DIGITAL GYM La Prensa San Diego readers can receive a 2-for-1 coupon when in attendance to a screening of the following films at Digital Gym Cinema. Located at 2921 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104. Present this coupon at the box office to redeem the offer. Offer must be redeemed in full at the time of purchase. Not valid for 1st show of day or Mondays, or special events/engagements. Cannot be combined with any other offers. Offer must be the price of one general admission.

I AM NOT A WITCH (SEPTEMBER 28 OCTOBER 4) After a banal accident in her village in Zambia, Shula, an eight-year-old girl, is accused of witchcraft. After a quick trial, she is found guilty and locked up in a witches' camp.

SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28: 6:05, 10:10 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29: 3:05, 7:05 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30: 11:00AM, 9:10 MONDAY, OCTOBER 1: 3:05, 7:05 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2: 1:00, 5:05 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3: 3:05, 10:00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4: 3:05, 7:05 SCIENCE FAIR (SEPTEMBER 28 OCTOBER 4) Hailed by critics as "immensely likeable," "brilliant and quirky" and an "ode to the teenage science geeks on who our future depends," and winner of the audience award at Sundance and SXSW, National Geographic Documentary Films' SCIENCE FAIR follows nine high school students from around the globe as they navigate rivalries, setbacks and, of course, hormones, on their journey to compete at The International Science and Engineering Fair.

SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28: 12:00, 4:05 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29: 1:05, 5:05 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30: 1:00, 5:05 MONDAY, OCTOBER 1: 1:05, 5:05 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2: 11:00AM, 7:05 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3: 1:05, 5:05 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4: 1:05, 5:05




A young woman obsessed with horror, subjects herself to twelve hours of grueling torment at an extreme haunt in an attempt to confront her own fears and conquer the tragic past which haunts her.



While many people think Mexican food is an unhealthy mix of beans cheese, and tortillas, there is much more than that and Celebrity chef and cookbook author Maru Davila is out to prove that Mexican food can still be delicious while also being very good for you. In her cookbook, titled “The Mexican Food Diet,” Davila has modified recipes, or

which many are taken from her mother and grandmother - and turns them into satisfying, good-for-you meals and snacks. For example, there is a recipe for guacamole with baked jicama chips. The guacamole contains onions, garlic, cilantro, lime juice, hot peppers, and olive oil, all known for their health benefits. The jicama chips are a tasty substitute for tortilla chips.

To look at her today, one would never guess that Davila didn’t always follow this healthy eating lifestyle. In fact, she herself struggled with weight and health issues for a good part of her life. Davila was born in Mexico City. Her father was an engineer and her mother a homemaker who later became a chef. It had been Davila’s dream since she was 12 years old to attend Harvard Business School. She was successful in achieving her goal in 1997 and then moved to San Diego. However, she was not in good health and, like many professionals, went through a life crisis brought on by being torn between career success and starting a family. She also had to decide if she wanted to pursue her career in San Diego or move to New York City. Davila ended up snagging a job at a local consulting company and got married, but still had lingering doubts about not going to New York. In 2000, she and her then-husband split up. In addition, the health problems she had experienced most of her life began to get worse. She suffered from kidney infections and many digestive disorders. She was on many different medications, feeling stuck and depressed, and DIET ON PAGE 11





cómo son diferentes las oportunidades para las mujeres”, recordó. Estas diferencias e inequidades pueden ser minimizadas con suficiente apoyo, recursos y por medio del empoderamiento a estas mujeres. Con eso en mente, Ibarra dirige el WBC para impulsar a más mujeres al exito empresarial. “La inteligencia y el talento y están ahí, tanto en las mujeres como en los hombres, pero insisto que las oportunidades y los recursos no son iguales por completo y ahorita en el centro nuestro objetivo es darle esas herramientas y apoyo que necesitan muchas mujeres”, subrayó. “Les damos validación, mentoría y asesoría para que puedan emprender su negocio de forma exitosa y que puedan cambiar su entorno socioeconómico o el de su familia”. Durante su gestión del WBC, Ibarra ha creado alianzas y nexos con organizaciones y empresas que también buscan apoyar a las mujeres emprendedoras por medio de recursos como asesorías personalizadas, capacitación, consultoría y mucho más. “Tenemos una alianza con Hera Hub, que es un (espacio


de oficinas compartidas) para mujeres que cuenta con un programa incubador y acelerador de negocios. También creamos una alianza para dar consultoría a los miembros totalmente gratis y también a un costo más bajo para ser más accesible a más mujeres”. Ubicado dentro del plantel del Southwestern College en National City, el WBC se ubica en un lugar idóneo de acuerdo a su directora, ya que está rodeado de varias organizaciones que también buscan apoyar a la comunidad de emprendedores. “Estamos en el mismo lugar que el Centro de Desarrollo de Empresas Pequeñas, aquí también hay un contratista de gobierno y está también quien se encargue de comercio internacional para ayudar a importar y exportar”, detalló. Al haber tenido que luchar para establecerse en el mundo de los negocios, Ibarra dice que dirigir este recurso es algo muy especial para ella. “Me encanta ayudar a mujeres por que siento que es parte del propósito de mi vida ayudar a otras mujeres y crear nuevas alianzas con otras organizaciones de mujeres para que nos beneficiemos todos”, afirmó.

trabajo y bajas remuneraciones, sumado al desconocimiento de cómo se hacen las cosas que se evidencia en confusas declaraciones de funcionarios propuestos, quienes sin mayor análisis plantean acciones disparatadas en sus futuras responsabilidades. De ahí que sea recomendable, como razonada medida de orden, realizar auditorías organizacionales antes de imponer cambios de fondo. En la fallida administración de Vicente Fox se optó por contratar “cerebros” a través de despachos de reclutador de talentos, sólo a un iluso se le pudo ocurrir semejante despropósito. La opción de hacerlo por cuotas de poder tendría igual o peor resultado. Por el bien de la nación, y con el deseo de que a la próxima administración le vaya bien— porque le iría bien a México— el presidente electo debe controlar sus ímpetus y los de su círculo cercano e impulsar un ordenado y profesional relevo de cuadros directivos, no un “ukase” que imponga medidas propias de grupos cerrados y convencieros aduladores. | SEPTEMBER 28 2018 | PAGE 7


| SEPTEMBER 28 2018 |

Deportes TRIVIA


Aficiones que Sufren de Verdad Estas son las ciudades con equipos profesionales y más de 25 años sin celebrar un título


Pocas aficiones han sufrido tanto como la de los Browns de Cleveland. La franquicia de la NFL es considerada una de las peor manejadas en el deporte profesional y su historial lleno de derrotas es parte de su sello indeleble. Apenas la semana pasada, los Browns lograron romper una racha de 635 días sin conocer la victoria. Con un triunfo sobre los Jets de Nueva York, el equipo de Cleveland volvió a darle una alegría a sus sufridos aficionados. La calamidad de los Browns es parte de la mitología deportiva de este país, pero el equipo de futbol americano no camina solo por el pasillo de la ignominia. Ademas de Cleveland, hay otras franquicias que no pueden esconder su frustración histórica al haber fracasado en su intento de darle un título a los fanáticos de la ciudad que representan Las cuatro ciudades que

más tiempo tienen sin repetir la obtención de un título: CINCINNATI Años sin un título: 28 Equipos Profesionales: Reds (MLB) y Bengals (NFL) Último campeón: Reds en 1990 MINNEAPOLIS Años sin un título: 27 Equipos Profesionales: Twins (MLB), Vikings(NFL), Timberwolves (NBA) y Wild (NHL) Último campeón: Twins en 1991 TORONTO Años sin un título: 25 Equipos Profesionales: Blue Jays (MLB),Raptors (NBA) y Maple Leafs (NHL) Último campeón: Blue Jays en 1991 ATLANTA Años sin un título: 23 Equipos Profesionales: Braves (MLB), Falcons (NFL) y Hawks (NBA) Último campeón: Braves en 1995


Xolos Afilan los Colmillos Con tres triunfos al hilo, Tijuana ya está dentro de la pelea por llegar a la Liguilla del Apertura 2018


Les ha costado mucho trabajo, pero los Xolos de Tijuana ya comienzan a ver la luz al final del túnel. La escuadra fronteriza encadenó su tercer triunfo consecutivo al vencer la jornada pasada al Pachuca, metiendose de lleno a la pelea por llegar a la Liguilla. El sábado, los Xolos tendrán la gran oportunidad de dar un gran salto en la tabla de posiciones si es que logran sacar los tres puntos en su visita a los Rayados de Monterrey. El equipo de Tijuana llega al duelo de la jornada 11 del Torneo Apertura 2018 en el octavo puesto de la clasificación general al sumar 15 puntos, mismos que tienen Querétaro y Tigres. Una victoria en su próximo duelo le significaría a Xolos llegar a 18 unidades y de esa manera sobrepasarían a los Rayados, que se mantienen en el sexto peldaño de la tabla con 17 puntos.

La buena racha en la que se ha metido el conjunto canino se debe en gran parta al gran trabajo de su defensiva. En los últimos tres partidos, los Xolos no han recibido anotación y han podido ganar por la mínima diferencia. Con 10 anotaciones recibidas en lo que va de la temporada, Tijuana tiene la tercera mejor defensiva de la Liga MX. Cruz Azul, con solamente cinco goles admitidos, y Pachuca con 10, son los únicos equipos que en ese rubro están arriba de los Xolos. La visita al Estadio BBVA representará el enfrentamiento número 20 entre Tijuana y Monterrey. La radiografía estadística muestra una ventaja para para el club regiomontano al sumar siete triunfos, ocho empates y cinco derrotas. La última visita de los Xolos a la cancha de Rayados fue en la Liguilla del torneo pasado y en esa ocasión el equipo de Tijuana se llevó el triunfo por marcador de 2-1.


¿Qué es lo que hace la diferencia entre un país encumbrado con uno que lleva siglos tratando de salir del oscuro laberinto del subdesarrollo? La cultura, la honestidad, la rectitud, el trabajo, el esfuerzo, la justicia, la confianza. Esas son solo algunas de las respuestas que separan a los políticos de una nación emprendedora, orgullosa y vanguardista con los buitres corruptos de naciones tercermundistas. El ejemplo que te voy a dar a continuación retrata perfectamente la gran diferencia que existe entre un estado comprometido a salvaguardad el interés común y otro en donde abunda la avaricia personal. El 19 de septiembre de 1985, un terremoto en la Ciudad de México concibió las escenas de horror más grandes que a mi generación le haya tocado atestiguar. Centenares de edificios, casas y locales comerciales se derramaron y terminaron por ser la tumba de miles de niños, jóvenes, ancianos, hombres y mujeres. La postal de la capital mexicana era idéntica a la de una ciudad que acababa de sufrir el más cruento de los bombardeos militares. Restaurar las heridas sociales y económicas de la metrópoli mexicana requeriría décadas enteras y en ese momento la única prioridad del gobierno, que en ese entonces encabezaba el presidente Miguel de la Madrid, debió haber sido la reconstrucción de la capital. En medio de la tragedia más grande en la historia reciente de México, a los politicos de esa época se les ocurrió que sería una gran idea organizar el Mundial de 1986. El gobierno pensó en el futbol como un gran difusor para dejar de hablar del terremoto que dejó más de 10 mil muertos y que destapó la corrupción de muchos funcionarios de alto nivel que autorizaron proyectos de construcción que se derrumbaron por no cumplir con las mínimas normas de calidad en sus materiales. Fue así que México le dijo a la FIFA que estaba listo para albergar la Copa del Mundo de 1986, evento que debió organizar Colombia, pero al que renunció por la guerra encarnizada que sostenía contra el narcotráfico y Juan Pablo escobar. Apenas ocho meses después del fatídico terremoto de septiembre de 1985, en el Estadio Azteca, y con el mundo entero, como testigo, se dio el saque inicial del Mundial México 86. Mientras los juegos se desarrollaban en la capital mexicana, miles de damnificados vivían a la intemperie, dormían en la calle y comían en parques públicos. La semana pasada, en Sapporo, Japón, se registró un temblor de fuerza moderada que dañó algunas estructuras y que dejó 21 personas muertas. Antes de ser sacudida por el temblor, la ciudad de Sapporo tenía asegurada la organización de los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2026.



PERRO SIN COPA Se acabaron las aspiraciones de los Xolos de Tijuana en la Copa MX, Cruz Azul se mostró superior en su duelo el pasado martes con marcador de 2-1 uno en la cancha del Estadio Caliente. El árbitro central condicionó el partido al minuto 27, cuando expulsó a Eryc Castillo por una falta sobre Pablo Aguilar donde el jugador de Xolos aparentemente resbaló y golpeó el tobillo del defensor cementero. El gol de Edgar Méndez llegó al minuto 33, luego de que el disparo del español no fuera detenido por Gibran Lajud del Club Tijuana. En la parte complementaria, al minuto 57, Martín Cauteruccio anotó de media vuelta y con la marca encima para duplicar la ventaja. En un tiro de esquina, el azul José Madueña terminó metiendo el balón dentro de su propia portería, para el 2-1 definitivo. Cruz Azul se verá las caras con los Bravos del FC Juárez, que de forma simultánea eliminó al América en penales. SIN CARGOS OSUNA Al relevista mexicano Roberto Osuna se le retiró un cargo por agresión doméstico, informó la justicia de Canadá por la cual fue procesado. A cambio del retiro, el ex lanzador de los Azulejos de Toronto aceptó una fianza de paz de un año. En la jurisprudencia canadiense, la fianza de paz es un trato en el que una persona acepta mantener buena conducta durante un determinado periodo de tiempo. El derecho mexicano, que fue traspasado a los Astros de Houston a finales de julio, no dio declaraciones a los periodistas al retirarse de la corte tras una breve audiencia. El abogado de Osuna, Domenic Basile, dijo que su cliente estaba arrepentido, pero que su intención era declararse no culpable si el caso terminaba en juicio. En declaraciones distribuidas por los Astros, Osuna manifestó estar “contento y aliviado” por la decisión de la corte. La Organización del Béisbol de las Grandes Ligas suspendio a Osuna por 75 juegos sin derecho a paga por quebrantar el reglamento sobre violencia doméstica. JIMMY OUT Jimmy Garoppolo, mariscal de campo de los San Francisco 49ers deberá

someterse a una cirugía de rodilla izquierda y se perderá el resto de la temporada, anunció el equipo. Los 49ers informaron que una resonancia magnética confirmó los temores del equipo de que Garoppolo sufrió un desgarro de ligamento anterior cruzado en una jugada al final del encuentro del domingo, una derrota por 38-27 ante los Chiefs de Kansas City. La lesión representa un duro golpe a las aspiraciones de los 49ers, que planearon su reconstrucción en torno al quarterback de 26 años. Ahora San Francisco deberá pasar la temporada con C.J. Beathard como su quarterback titular. Los 49ers batallaron la campaña pasada con Beathard en los controles de la ofensiva antes que la llegada de Garoppolo a mitad de la temporada cambiará su suerte. San Francisco ganó los últimos cinco partidos el año pasado con Garoppolo como titular y el equipo lo recompensó con un contrato de 137.5 millones de dólares por cinco temporadas. NUEVO PILOTO EN SAUBER El italiano Antonio Giovinazzi será el compañero del finlandés Kimi Raikkonen

en el equipo Alfa Romeo Sauber F1 para el Mundial de Fórmula Uno 2019, informó la escudería en un comunicado. Para Alfa Romeo la llegada de Giovinazzi, que ocupa el lugar de Charles Leclerc y que ya ha trabajado con el equipo los dos últimos años, cumple con la tradición de descubrir y desarrollar jóvenes talentos. Entiende la escudería que la decisión de elegir a Giovinazzi es especialmente significativa dentro del proyecto que esta temporada supuso el retorno de Alfa Romeo al Mundial y que es relevante también la presencia de un piloto italiano de nuevo en la competencia. El italiano, nacido en Martina Franca hace 24 años, hizo su debut en la Fórmula Uno con Sauber en el Gran Premio de Australia de 2017. Luego compitió ese mismo año en China, aunque ha participado en más pruebas y sesiones libres de entrenamientos para el equipo. Giovinazzi también agradeció a Ferrari y a Alfa Romeo Sauber por darle esta oportunidad, así como aseguró que está motivado y ansioso por empezar a trabajar. | SEPTEMBER 28 2018 | PAGE 9




Community College 4-Year Degree Program Extended California students participating in the California Baccalaureate Pilot Program— including local students at Mesa College— will continue to have the opportunity to earn a fouryear degree well into 2026 with last week’s signing of Senate Bill 1406 (SB 1406). Authored by State Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Mateo), SB 1406 will allow for a threeyear extension to the California Baccalaureate Pilot Program, which permits two-year colleges to award bachelor’s degrees that address regional workforce needs. With this extension, students can now begin their path to a four-year degree at a community college as late as the 2022-2023 school year, when the program would have ended had Governor Brown not signed the legislation "Four-year degrees at community colleges will help create the future workforce in our state," said Hill in a press release distributed by the San Diego Community College District (SDCCD), to which Mesa College belongs. "These affordable and high-quality degrees available at community colleges are transforming people's lives, allowing them to get good-paying jobs close to home." Baccalaureate programs can only exist at community

colleges to address specified, regional shortages in workforce sectors throughout the state and cannot duplicate program offers from other public four-year universities. Locally the program has seen strong support from SDCCD Chancellor Constance Carroll and former State Senator Marty Block, who also served as president of SDCCD’s Board of Trustees. "We at the SDCCD and at college districts throughout California are truly grateful for Senator Hill and Governor Brown for this much needed legislation that will extend opportunities for students to earn a bachelor's degree in critical workforce areas," said Carroll. "The pilot program embodies the California Community Colleges mission of advancing economic growth by providing excellent, affordable, local bachelor's programs that lead directly to jobs." This spring semester saw the first-ever graduating class to come from the program, with Mesa College grads holding four-year degrees in health information management. Students at Shasta, West Los Angeles, Bakersfield and Santa Monica colleges were also part of this inaugural cohort. Only 23 states, including California, offer baccalaureate degree programs at the community college level.





Diego County and six participating cities — Poway, Del Mar, Solana Beach, Coronado, Lemon Grove, and Imperial Beach. Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS) will host a community meeting on the application process at 1 p.m. on Oct. 18, 2018 at 3989 Ruffin Rd., San Diego, CA 92123. Anyone needing assistance to participate in the meeting (non-English speaking, hearing or visually impaired, etc.) should contact HCDS staff at least five days prior to the meeting for special arrangements. The upcoming meeting will also provide general information about the HOME Investment Partnerships and CDBG Affordable Housing Programs, these programs fund affordable housing opportunities such as the County’s First-Time Homebuyer Program. At the meeting there will also be a presentation about Emergency Solutions Grants, these funds are for improving the quality and number of emergency shelters and transitional facilities for the homeless, and to prevent at-risk families or individuals from becoming homeless. And participants will also learn about Housing Opportunities for Persons with HIV/AIDS, the funds are for affordable housing and services for low-income households living with HIV or AIDS.

Terminal 2, las instalaciones de Arribos Internacionales, y el camino del aeropuerto. La fuerza laboral del aeropuerto ha incrementado en un 31 por ciento en los últimos cinco años. En el 2017, casi 118 mil residentes en la región fueron empleados directamente o indirectamente debido a las actividades en SAN, generando casi 3.9 mil millones de dólares en salarios al año. De la fuerza laboral existente en el Condado de San Diego, el 5.7 por ciento fue empleado por SAN. El incremento en el impacto económico se debe al aumento en el tráfico de pasajeros. En el 2012, el aeropuerto tuvo casi 17.3 millones de pasajeros, lo que creció a casi 22 millones de pasajeros en el 2017. Los visitantes a la región de San Diego que llegan por medio del aeropuerto en viajes de negocios o en vacaciones también invierten en la región, lo que aumenta el impacto económico del aeropuerto. De acuerdo a la Autoridad de Turismo, los visitantes que llegan por avión a San Diego gastan un promedio de 835 dólares por persona por viaje. En el 2017, se estima que más de 5.9 millones de pasajeros gastaron casi 5 mil millones de dólares en la región. El Aeropuerto Internacional de San Diego es el tercer aeropuerto más transitado en California luego del Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles y del Aeropuerto Internacional de San Francisco. El Aeropuerto Internacional de San Diego ocupó el lugar 27 en la lista de aeropuertos más transitados de Estados Unidos en el 2016, según los datos de la Administración Federal de Aviación.


Biblioteca Pública de San Diego, también estuvo en el evento de lanzamiento y explicó cómo la novela gráfica debe su existencia a un cómic que el congresista John Lewis leyó cuando era joven, el cómic titulado, "Martin Luther King, Jr. y la historia de Montgomery", que se publicó en 1958. También se invitó a hablar en el lanzamiento del libro a Alfonso Núñez, el director ejecutivo y fundador de la organización sin fines de lucro Little Fish Comic Book Studio, que enseña la forma artistica de las historietas a los estudiantes de San Diego. Núñez creció en North Park y dijo que la justicia social, la equidad y la igualdad siempre han estado en los cómics. Núñez dijo que Superman, el primer superhéroe, debutó en 1938 y en ese primer cómic no estaba luchando contra Lex Luthor o contra los invasores desde el espacio. "Superman, en ese primer cómic, hace 80 años, estaba luchando contra el abuso doméstico y los corruptos políticos corruptos” dijo. También habló sobre por qué se creó el Capitán América. Núñez dijo que este justiciero fue creado en 1941 porque los creadores sabían de las atrocidades que se estaban cometiendo en Europa y “crearon al Capitán América para que pudieran luchar en contra de eso través de las historietas". Núñez agregó "vale la pena señalar y parece inconcebible ahora, que cuando crearon el Capitán América en realidad se encontraron con amenazas de muerte por tener la audacia de crear un superhéroe involucrado en lo que entonces se veía como una guerra europea, no una guerra mundial". Además, asistieron Andrew Aydin, coautor de “March: Book One” y director digital y asesor de políticas del Congresista Lewis. "El Southern Poverty Law Center describe la enseñanza de los derechos civiles en dos personas y cuatro palabras: Rosa Parks, (Martin Luther King Jr. y ‘yo tengo un sueño’", dijo. El ilustrador del cómic, Nate Powell, también asistió. Powell, quien es de Arkansas y pasó varios años en la escuela en Montgomery, Alabama, ​​dijo que gran parte del tiempo que pasó en la novela gráfica fue un ajuste de cuentas con su vida. "Entender la igualdad como un beneficio para todos, y esa es una idea muy peligrosa para aquellos en el poder", señaló. Durante su visita a San Diego, el congresista Lewis también se reunió con estudiantes en la escuela secundaria Morse de San Diego. "March: Book One" es la primera obra de cómic en ganar el National Book Award y una novela gráfica autobiográfica del New York Times más vendida. El congresista Lewis dijo que el voto es precioso, que es casi sagrado, es el instrumento no violento más poderoso e instó al grupo el día de las elecciones: "Sal y vota como nunca antes votamos". "Ponte de pie, habla, puedes hacerlo, debemos hacerlo, y debemos salvar a nuestro país y salvar la democracia", agregó el congresista Lewis. Se planearon más de 100 eventos y proyecciones de películas como parte de la programación para explorar el libro. A lo largo de esta celebración, se realizarán algunos eventos organizados en torno a "March: Book One”.

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| SEPTEMBER 28 2018 |




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ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00044489-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner JONATHAN GOMEZ for a decree changing names as a) JONATHAN GOMEZ TO JONATHAN PEREZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT. 23/2018 Time: 08:30 a.m. Dept.: 26. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 325 S. MELROSE DRIVE VISTA, CA 92081 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 07-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: SEP 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 La Prensa San Diego

a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San 1100 UNION STREET SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: SEP- 17-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: SEPT. 21, 28 OCT. 5, 12/2018 La Prensa San Diego

1047 VIA MIRALESTE, CHULA VISTA, CA., SAN DIEGO, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) INTERNATIONAL SALES MANAGEMENT INC. 1047 VIA MIRALESTE, CHULA VISTA, CA., 91910 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business 08/01/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: INTERNATIONAL SALES MANAGEMENT INC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 30, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9022173 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 12, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023279 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28, OCT. 5/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

YSIDRO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92173 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) AUDELIO SERNA BELLO 135 AVERIL RD. APT. 15, SAN YSIDRO, CA, 92173 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 07/12/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: AUDELIO SERNA BELLO This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 18, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023778 Published: SEPT. 21, 28, OCT 5, 12/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: RODOLFO ESTRADA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 25, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9024385 Published: SEPT. 28, OCT. 5, 12, 19/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00042595-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner ARIADNA PALAFOX AND JOSE ANTONIO BERISTAIN ON BEHALF OF MINOR for a decree changing names as a) GABRIELA IVONNE BERISTAIN PALAFOX TO IVONNE GABRIELA BERISTAIN PALAFOX THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: OCT 18, 2018 Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 330 W BROADWAY SAN DIEGO, CA., 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: AUG- 24-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: SEPT. 14, 18, 21, OCT. 5/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00046382-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner SYLVIA CISNEROS PEREZ for a decree changing names as a) SYLVIA CISNEROS PEREZ TO SYLVIA CISNEROS THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: NOV 01, 2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San 1100 UNION STREET SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: SEP- 14-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: SEPT. 21, 28 OCT. 5, 12/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00046679-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MONIQUE DEL ROSARIO ON BEHALF OF MINOR for a decree changing names as a) RUBEN ISAIAH PADILLA TO RUBEN ISAIAH DEL ROSARIO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: NOV 01, 2018 Time: 9:00

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00048383-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MARIA ANTONIA GUERRERO FLORES for a decree changing names as a) MARIA ANTONIA GUERRERO FLORES TO MARIA ANTONIA VALDIVIA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: NOV 15, 2018 Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San 1100 UNION STREET SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: SEP- 25-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: SEPT. 28 OCT. 5, 12, 19/2018 La Prensa San Diego


FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO EL CAJON 1129 BROADWAY EL CAJON, CA. SAN DIEGO, 92021 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO EL CAJON 1129 BROADWAY, EL CAJON, CA 92021 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO EL CAJON This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 15, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018 - 9020877 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO LA MESA 7473 EL CAJON BLVD., LA MESA, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91942 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO LA MESA 7473 EL CAJON BLVD, LA MESA, CA., 91942 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: SID'S AUTO BODY INC. FIX AUTO LA MESA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 15, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018- 9020878 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ILEANA SILVA CUEVA b) IS ARTESANAL 445 CUYAMACA AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92113 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ILEANA DEL CARMEN LLANOS 445 CUYAMACA AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 08/13/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ILEANA DEL CARMEN LLANOS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 13, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9020633 Published: SEPT. 7, 14, 21, 28/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) INTERNATIONAL POWER ASSOCIATION

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Pura Vida Life Savers 193 Las Flores Dr. APT. B Chula Vista, CA, San Diego, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Edgar David Pacheco 193 Las Flores Dr. Apt. B Chula Vista, CA., 91910 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/10/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Edgar David Pacheco This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 10, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9022988 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28, OCT. 5/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) GOULET INDUSTRIES 930 INDUSTRIAL BLVD, CHULA VISTA, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91911 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) WILLIAM R. GOUGLET 1052 CUYAMACA AVE. CHULA VISTA, CA, 91911 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/11/2003 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: WILLIAM R. GOULET This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 11, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023157 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28, OCT. 5/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) FEDERICO'S REMODELING 314 28TH ST. APT. B, SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92102 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) FEDERICO PEREZ SOLORIO 314 28TH ST. APT B, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92102 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 02/01/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: FEDERICO PEREZ SOLORIO This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT. 05, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023297 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28 OCT. 5 /2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) KALO BOBA & ACAI 2399 ULRIC ST, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92111 601 C EAST PALOMAR ST #262, CHULA VISTA, CA, 91911 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) SO CAL PARTNERS LLC 601 C EAST PALOMAR ST. #262, CHULA VISTA, CA, 91911 This Business is Conducted By: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: SO CAL PARTNERS LLC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 05, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9022532 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28, OCT 5/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) BAJA GREEN ENERGY 13540 HUBARO ST. 39, SYLMAR, CA., LOS ANGELES, 91342 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ALFREDO ABURTO NARVAES This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/12/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ALFREDO ABURTO NARVAEZ This Statement Was Filed With

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) HEALTHY FOOD- STEVIA b) HEALTHY FOOD- AGAVE NECTAR 1010 10TH ST. IMPERIAL BEACH, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91932 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ESAU QUIROZ 1010 10TH ST. IMPERIAL BEACH, CA., 91932 b) JAVIER ORTIZ ZAMORA 1010 10TH ST. IMPERIAL BEACH, CA., 91932 This Business is Conducted By: COPARTNERS the First Day of Business 09/12/18 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ESAU QUIROZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 12, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023276 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28, OCT. 5/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) J & T EXPRESS 485 DENNERY RD APT 88, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92154 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) THANIA I HERNANDEZ BARAJAS 485 DENNERY RD APT 88, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92154 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 08/21/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: THANIA I HERNANDEZ BARAJAS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County AUG 21, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9021421 Published: SEPT. 14, 21, 28, OCT. 5/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) EMY FASHION ACCESSORIES 2612 DANIEL AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92111 704 SAMPSON ST. SAN DIEGO, CA, 92113 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) MERCEDES SALCEDO HERNANDEZ 704 SAMPSON ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/09/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: MERCEDES SALCEDO HERNANDEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 12, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023331 Published: SEPT. 21, 28, OCT. 5, 12/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) ONE TOUCH D'SIGNS 5023 LOGAN AVE #9, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92113 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) JOSE OBED MENDEZ 5023 LOGAN AVE. #9, SAN DIEGO, CA. 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/19/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JOSE OBED MENDEZ CASTILLO This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 19, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023880 Published: SEPT. 21, 28, OCT. 5, 12/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) CALAVERA REPUBLIC 2125 WINNETT ST, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92114 7107 BROADWAY LEMON GROVE, CA, 91945 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) JUAN A RODRIGUEZ 2125 WINNET ST., SAN DIEGO, CA., 92114 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JUAN A RODRIGUEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT. 14, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023482 Published: SEPT. 21, 28 OCT. 5, 12 /2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SERNA ADVERTISING 135 AVERIL RD. APT. 15, SAN

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) GRAND REAL ESTATE b)GRAND MORTGAGE 4545 MURPHY CANYON RD #211, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92123 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) USA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INC 4545 MURPHY CANYON RD #211, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92123 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business 04/14/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: USA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 14, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023528 Published: SEPT. 21, 28, OCT. 5, 12/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) BILLS HOME LOANS 4545 MURPHY CANYON RD# 211, SAN DIEGO, CA SAN DIEGO, 92123 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) USA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INC 4545 MURPHY CANYON RD# 211, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92123 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business 09/18/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: USA FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS INC. This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 18, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023741 Published: SEPT. 21, 28, OCT. 5, 12/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) RIVER SMALL REPAIR 10940 SCRIPPS RANCH BLVD. 14 SAN DIEGO, CA., SAN DIEGO, 92131 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) RAUL RIVERA 10940 SCRIPPS RANCH BLVD. 14, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92131 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/14/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: RAUL RIVERA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 14, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023548 Published: SEPT. 28, OCT. 5, 12, 19/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) OMNI 1 YOGA CENTER 1625 SWEETWATER RD. SUITE H, NATIONAL CITY, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91950 1416 L AVENUE, NATIONAL CITY, CA, 91950 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) AMARA POSADASCARRERA 1416 L AVENUE, NATIONAL CITY, CA., 91950 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/18/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: AMARA POSADAS-CARRERA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT. 18, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023777 Published: SEPT. 28 OCT. 5, 12, 19 /2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) R TRUCK SERVICE 690 COLORADO AVE, CHULA VISTA, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) RODOLFO ESTRADA 690 COLORADO AVE, CHULA VISTA, CA., 91910 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) M&M'S CATERING'S & TAQUIZA'S 5463 IMPERIAL AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92114 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) HECTOR ELIAS LOPEZ 5463 IMPERIAL AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA., 92114 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/20/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: HECTOR ELIAS LOPEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 20, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023943 Published: SEPT. 28, OCT. 5, 12, 19/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) B&G TRADING b) B AND G TRADING 2830 VIA ORANGE WAY, SUITE A1, SPRING VALLEY, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91978 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) JORGE BANDA 1011 FORT STOCKTON DR APT. 801, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92103 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JORGE BANDA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County SEPT 20, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9023936 Published: SEPT. 28, OCT 5, 12, 19/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

SUMMONS SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: DN 18FL007090N NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: JUANA PANIAGUA ZUNIGA You are being sued. Lo están demandando. PETITIONER’S NAME IS: CIRILO CAYETANO MORENO PRADO You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association. NOTICE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court you waived for you or the other party. 1. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 325 S MELROSE DR VISTA CA 92081 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: CIRILO CAYETANO MORENO PARADO 226 N CITRUS AVE #B VISTA CA. 92084 760-840-6739 Date (Fecha): AUG 17, 2018 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) C. CAMPBELL, Depputy (Asistente) Published: SEPT. 28, OCT. 5, 12, 19/2018 La Prensa San Diego

NOTICE Convocatoria a Licitación Camiones de Mantenimiento y Jardines La Asociación de Gobiernos de San Diego (SANDAG, por sus siglas en inglés), por este medio solicita licitaciones para la adquisición de cuatro camiones de mantenimiento y jardines. Se cuenta con una copia completa de la Convocatoria en el portal en internet de SANDAG: El plazo para presentar licitaciones vence el 11 de octubre de 2018 a las 2:00 p.m.

NOTICE Advertisement for Bids Notice is hereby given that the San Diego Unified School District, acting by and through its governing board, will receive sealed bids for the furnishing of all labor, materials, transportation, equipment, and services for: DISTRICT FURNISHED/CONTRACTOR INSTALLED GYM BLEACHER REPLACEMENT AT POINT LOMA HIGH SCHOOL A mandatory site visit is scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on October 4, 2018 in front of the main office of Point Loma High School, 2335 Chatsworth Blvd., San Diego, CA 92106. PLEASE SEE BID FOR DETAILS (No.CZ19-0429-08). GENERAL CONTRACTORS ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO INVITE SUBCONTRACTORS TO SITE VISITS. All bids must be received at or before 1:00 p.m. on OCTOBER 18, 2018, at the Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Department, 2351 Cardinal Lane, Bldg. M, San Diego, CA 92123, at which time bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The project estimate is between $290,000 and $330,000. This this is not a PSA project and does not require prequalification. The District requires that Bidders possess any of the following classification(s) of California State Contractors License(s), valid and in good standing, at the time of bid opening and contract award: B. All late bids shall be deemed non-responsive and not opened. Each bid shall be in accordance with all terms, conditions, plans, specifications and any other documents that comprise the bid package. The Bid and Contract Documents are available in three formats, hard copy, CD, or online from PlanWell. Hard copy bid documents are available at Crisp Imaging, 4920 Carroll Canyon Rd., San Diego, CA 92121, phone number 858-535-0607, for a refundable payment of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) per set; CD’s are available for a non-refundable charge of $50. Payments shall be made by check payable to SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT. If the payment for Bid and Contract Documents is refundable, refunds will be processed by the District only if the Bid and Contract Documents, including all addendums, are returned intact and in good order to Crisp Imaging within ten (10) days of the issuance of the Final Bid Tabulation. Online documents are available for download on PlanWell through Crisp Imaging. Go to, click on PlanWell, Public Planroom, search SDUSD (Questions? 949-285-3171). All bids shall be submitted on bid forms furnished by the District in the bid package beginning September 25, 2018. Bid packages will not be faxed. SENATE BILL (SB) 854 REQUIREMENTS: Effective July 1, 2014, no contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal, or awarded a contract for a public works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code §1725.5 [with limited exceptions from this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code §1771.1(a)]. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the DIR. Prime contractors must add the DIR Registration Number for each of their listed subcontractors to the Subcontractors List AND submit a

certificate of registration for their own firm and those of their listed subcontractors upon request by the District. Failure of the bidding prime contractor to list their subcontractors DIR Registration Number on the Subcontractors List at time of bid may result in rejection of their bid as non-responsive. Refer to the following DIR Website for further information: Public-Works/PublicWorks.html PREVAILING WAGES: Prevailing wage requirements apply to all public works projects and must be followed per Article 17 of the General Conditions of this bid. DISABLED VETERAN BUSINESS ENTERPRISE PARTICIPATION PROGRAM: Pursuant to Resolution In Support of Service Disabled Veterans Owned Businesses (SDVOB) and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprises (DVBE) approved on May 10, 2011 by the Board of Education, the Bidder is required to satisfy a minimum DVBE participation percentage of at least three percent (3%) for this project. In compliance with this Program, the Bidder shall satisfy all requirements enumerated in the bid package. Each bid must be submitted on the Bid Form provided in the bid package and shall be accompanied by a satisfactory bid security in the form of either a bid bond executed by the bidder and Surety Company, or a certified or cashier's check in favor of the San Diego Unified School District, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of their bid value. Said bid security shall be given to guarantee that the Bidder will execute the contract as specified, within five (5) working days of notification by the District. The District reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bids or in the bidding process. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of 120 days after the date set for the opening of bids. For information regarding bidding, please call 858522-5825. PRE-QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: Pursuant to Public Contract Code (PCC) §20111.6, each contractor wishing to bid as a prime to the District for projects estimated at $1,000,000 or over, or any subcontractor performing the license classifications of A, B [if performing the work of] C-4, C-7, C-10, C-16, C-20, C-34, C-36, C-38, C-42, C-43 and/or C-46 wishing to submit a bid to a bidding prime contractor must be prequalified in order to bid. Projects estimated at 10 million or greater require audited financials. Contact Glenda Burbery at to request a pre-qualification questionnaire. Completed questionnaires must be submitted to the District no later than 10 BUSINESS DAYS before the bid opening due date. Any questionnaires submitted later than this deadline will not be processed for this Invitation for Bids. The District encourages all general contractors bidding as a prime contractor, and all MEP subcontractors to request a questionnaire, complete it and submit it as soon as possible. SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Andrea R. O’Hara, Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Officer Strategic Sourcing and Contracts Department NO. CZ19-0429-08



SUMMONS - (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: DN 18FL007674N

Notice of Public Sale of Personal Property

NOTICE TO RESPONDENT: OSCAR LOMBARDO BARRIENTOS SIERRA You are being sued. Lo están demandando. PETITIONER’S NAME IS: ERLINDA ESTELA BARRIENTOS You have 30 calendar days after this Summons and Petition are served on you to file a Response (form FL-120) at the court and have a copy served on the petitioner. A letter or phone call will not protect you. If you do not file your Response on time, the court may make orders affecting your marriage or domestic partnership, your property and custody of your children. You may be ordered to pay support and attorney fees and costs. For legal advice, contact a lawyer immediately. You can get information about finding lawyers at the California Courts Online Self-Help Center (www. help), at the California Legal Services Web site (, or by contacting your local county bar association. NOTICE-RESTRAINING ORDERS ARE ON PAGE 2: These restraining orders are effective against both spouses or domestic partners until the petition is dismissed, a judgment is entered, or the court makes further orders. They are enforceable anywhere in California by any law enforcement office who has received or seen a copy of them. FEE WAIVER: If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the clerk for a fee waiver form. The court may order you to pay back all or part of the fees and costs that the court you waived for you or the other party. 1. The name and address of the court is: Superior Court of California, SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 325 S MELROSE DR VISTA CA 92081 2. The name, address, and telephone number of petitioner’s attorney, or the petitioner without an attorney, are: ERLINDA ESTELA BARRIENTOS P.O. BOX 2343, VISTA CA 92085 760-758-5137 Date (Fecha): AUG 07, 2018 Clerk, by (Secretario, por) C. CAMPBELL, Depputy (Asistente) Published: SEPT. 28, OCT. 5, 12, 19/2018 La Prensa San Diego

Notice is hereby given that the selfstorage units listed below will be sold on a public website by competitive bidding ending on October 5, 2018 @ 10AM at www.selfstorageauction. com for the property at: U-Stor-It Logan Ave 930 South 47th Street San Diego, CA 92113 619-431-3765 #1027 Ontiveros, Felipe – Furniture, Umbrellas, Xmas Decorations #1037 Gloria Tyler – Boxes, Clothes #2037A Willibaldo, Oscar Rodriguez – Boxes, Lamp, Fan #2048 Miranda, Blanca – Bike, Toys, Boxes #2059 Bologna, Shannon Michael – Clothes, Boxes, Totes #2062 Thomas, Jase – Shoes, Toys, Totes, TV, Furniture #2106 Crowder, Javan – Clothes, Shoes, Tote #2119 Munoz, Angela – Totes, Pillow #2121 Powell De Thomas, Patricia – Shoes, totes, Blankets #2133 McMaron, Ursula – Carpets, Totes, Speaker, Printer #3087 Rodriguez, Joseph – Sleeping Bag, Clothes #3119 Dr Marco Chavez, Corp – Boxes, File Cabinet, Xmas Decorations #3151 Revele, Andria – Boxes, TV, Clothes #4002 Salgado, Dirceo – Toys, Box, Totes, Clothes #4026 Duong, Nelson – Boxes, Clothes #4123 Harris, Amber – Clothes, Bags, Boxes, Toys #4154 Cobb, Natasha – Boxes, Totes, Comforter #4266 Wright, Sherry – Totes, Clothes #5026 Gutierrez, Jesus – Totes, Furniture, Boxes #5027 Lombardini, Blanca – Totes, Clock, Furniture, Speaker #5028 Estrada, Juan Carlos – Totes, Bags, TV Payments must be made with cash only and paid at the facility within 72 hrs. All goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of payment. ​ Sale is subjected to adjournment.​ | SEPTEMBER 28 2018 | PAGE 11







interest in the art of design comes from an young age. “The colors of products, their packaging, letters and typography have always drawn my attention,” she explained. “And if you go even further, I loved superheroes and the icons on their uniforms drew my attention.” During her undergrad days, the world of web design developed and Ibarra noticed took notice of the trend. After graduation, she began to work with a professor at her university and later went on to work for one of the biggest marketing agencies in the Spanish-speaking world. However, after major changes at the company, Ibarra chose to open her very own company at only 21 years old. “I began to run a marketing and advertising agency and designed flyers but also started to notice how opportunities were different for women,” she recalled. These differences and inequities can be minimized with enough support, resources and empowerment, she says. With this in mind, Ibarra directs the WBC to launch more women into success in the business world. “Intelligence and talent are already there, both in women as in men, but I insist that opportunities and resources are not completely equal, and at the center our objective is giving these tools and support that is needed by many women,” she pointed out. “We give them validation, mentoring, and help so that they can undertake their business and change their or their family’s socioeconomic environment.” During her time managing the WBC, Ibarra has created alliances and connections which also seek to help women entrepreneurs through resources such as one-on-one assessments, training, consulting, and much more. “We have a partnership with Hera Hub which is an office share space for women in San Diego and has a business incubator and accelerator. We also created a partnership to give consulting to our members for free and providing the same program at a lower cost so that it is more accessible to more women.” Located inside the Southwestern’ College’s National City Campus, the WBC is located in an ideal complex according to its director, as it is surrounded by organizations that also seek to aid aspiring entrepreneurs. “We are in the same place as the Small Business Development Center, there is also a government contractor here and there is also someone that handles international commerce to help import and export,” she elaborated. Having to fight to establish herself in the world of business as a woman, Ibarra says that directing this resource is something very special. “I love helping women because I feel it is part of my life’s purpose to help other women and creating partnerships so that we can all benefit,” Ibarra stated.

reaching the end of her rope. Her career was going well, but she didn’t feel healthy, and her weight fluctuated up and down. Then, in 2008, a series of events happened that began to turn her life around. First, she met Andrew Dumke (whom she later married) and in 2010 her daughter Charlotte was born. Davila had previously been a runner, so she decided to begin competing in triathlons. This in turn exposed her to a different type of eating. She noticed that eliminating certain foods had a big impact on her physically and it also affected her chronic conditions. It was like a light bulb lit up, so she started to connect the dots of how nutrition can affect someone physically, mentally, and emotionally. Davila then decided to study at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition and took classes online. She got certified as a health coach and also got herself tested and found out her body had issues with the protein in dairy products and digesting gluten and certain other foods. Years of taking antibiotics for the many infections she had had also ruined the flora in her digestive system and her body was out of balance. It was then that she knew she had to come up with a healthy lifelong plan of eating. This all lead her to develop her three-part Flaca Forever plan. The first part of this plan is a two-week detox. The second part is to stop dieting and change that mentality by following a lifelong plan of eating. The third part is to control cravings. She started surrounding herself with experts to help with the above plan, so she herself and others who followed could develop a different and healthier lifestyle. The detox was to help the body get rid of damaging toxins. To stop dieting and control cravings, there needed to be the correct ingredients and whole foods. She also felt, as do many experts, that taking out dairy products and gluten was important. Finally, natural supplements were also added. As she was working on all this, she realized that Mexican food had many detoxifying elements which could be used to make healthy and delicious meals. After developing and experimenting with different recipes, “The Mexican Food Diet” was published in 2017. She wanted the cookbook to contain healthy, but delicious recipes and tips, so one would feel like they were eating in a tasty and satisfying way without the deprivation that strict dieting can cause. Today, she is a successful mom, author, healthy chef, integral nutritionist, and weight loss expert. As Davila says, “It is never too late to look and more importantly feel great.”

AVISO PÚBLICO La misión del DTSC es proteger a las personas de California y el medio ambiente de los efectos dañinos de las sustancias tóxicas restaurando los recursos contaminados, cumpliendo con las leyes para el manejo de desechos peligrosos, reduciendo la generación de desechos peligrosos y fomentando la fabricación de productos químicamente más seguros. PLAN DE TRABAJO DE ACCIÓN DE REMOCIÓN DE PARADISE CREEK PARK, NATIONAL CITY Periodo de comentarios públicos de 30 días: del 28 de septiembre al 29 de octubre de 2018 Para información en español por favor comuníquese con Elsa López al número (818) 717-6571. AVISO: El Departamento de Control de Sustancias Tóxicas (DTSC, por sus siglas en inglés) le invita a comentar sobre el borrador del Plan de Trabajo de Acción de Remoción (RAW, por sus siglas en inglés) para Paradise Creek Park, ubicado en el vecindario Westside de National City, en el Condado de San Diego, California (Propiedad). El propósito del RAW es remediar (limpieza) de plomo encontrado en el suelo que se importó en la Propiedad durante la década de 1950 desde un lugar desconocido y presentar un convenio de uso de suelo (LUC, por sus siglas en inglés) con el Condado de San Diego para restringir el desarrollo futuro del área del parque y prohíbe el disturbio del suelo en la Propiedad. La ciudad de National City previamente preparó un Informe de Impacto Ambiental (EIR, por sus siglas en inglés). En conformidad con la Ley de Calidad Ambiental de California (CEQA), La ciudad de National City ha preparado un reporte de impacto ambiental (EIR por sus siglas en inglés) en febrero del 2010 y un adendo del mismo documento en febrero del 2014.



(858) 231-6054 9923 CARMEL MT RD SAN DIEGO, CA 92129


Extienden Programa de Licenciaturas en Colegios Comunitarios POR MARIO A. CORTEZ

Estudiantes en California que ingresen al programa California Baccalaureate Pilot Program— incluyendo aquellos en Mesa College— continuarán contando con la oportunidad de conseguir su licenciatura hasta el 2026 luego de que se firmara el Proyecto de Ley del Senado Estatal 1406 (SB 1406) Escrito por Jerry Hill, representante Demócrata de San Mateo, el SB 1406 permitirá un alargue de tres años a este programa, el cual permite a universidades con planes de cuatro semestres otorgar licenciaturas completas que se enfoquen en atender las necesidades del mercado laboral en su región. Con esta extensión, aún les será posible a estudiantes comenzar su camino a un título universitario en el ciclo escolar 2022-2023, cuando el programa hubiera cesado de no haber sido firmado el SB 1406. “Las licenciaturas en los colegios comunitarios ayudarán a crear la futura fuerza laboral en nuestro estado”, dijo Hill por medio de un comunicado de prensa circulado por el Distrito de Colegios Comunitarios de San Diego (SDCCD, por sus siglas en inglés), al cual Mesa College está integrado. “Estas licenciaturas de alta calidad y asequibles que están disponibles en los colegios están transformando la vidas de personas, permitiéndoles conseguir empleos bien remunerados cerca de sus hogares”. Los programas de este tipo

solo se pueden ofrecer en colegios comunitarios con el fin de atender deficiencias en el campo laboral estatal y no pueden igualar el mismo plan de estudios de otras universidades. Localmente, el programa ha contado con fuerte apoyo por parte de Constance Carroll, rectora del SDCCD, y del ex senador estatal Marty Block, quien fuera presidente de la junta de regidores del SDCCD. Nosotros dentro del SDCCD y en los distritos de colegios comunitarios a lo largo de california estamos muy agradecidos con el senador Hill y el gobernador Brown por esta muy necesitada legislación que extenderá oportunidades a estudiantes para que consigan licenciaturas en áreas críticas de la fuerza laboral”, dijo. “El programa representa la misión del Sistema de Colegios Comunitarios de California de avanzar el crecimiento económico al proveer excelentes y accesibles programas de licenciaturas que dirijan a empleos”. El pasado semestre primaveral recibió a la primera generación titulada de este programa, con los titulados por Mesa College aceptando sus diplomas en manejo de informática médica. Estudiantes en los colegios Shasta, Bakersfield, West Los Angeles y Santa Mónica también conformaron esta camada. Solo 23 estados, incluyendo a California, ofrecen programas de licenciaturas en colegios comunitarios.

La propiedad incluye una parcela de aproximadamente 3.5 acres, limitado por West 19th Street al norte, West 22nd Street al sur, Paradise Creek al este y Harding Avenue al oeste. La propiedad está baldía y sin desarrollar desde 1950. Para proteger a los visitantes del parque cuando se desarrolla, el proyecto RAW propone excavar los dos o tres pies superiores del suelo y transportar el suelo excavado a una instalación de eliminación aprobada. Para restringir el desarrollo futuro del área del parque y garantizar que no se altere el suelo en la propiedad, se presentará un convenio LUC con el condado de San Diego. Si se aprueba el RAW, se anticipa que el trabajo de campo comience en diciembre de 2018 y continuará hasta junio de 2019. PERIODO DE COMENTARIOS PÚBLICOS: Alentamos su participación. El período de comentarios públicos de 30 días comienza el 28 de septiembre y finaliza el 29 de octubre de 2018. Todos los comentarios públicos deben enviarse por correo postal o electrónico antes del 29 de octubre de 2018 y enviarse a: Mustapha Guerbaz, Gerente de Proyecto de DTSC, 5796 Corporate Avenue, Cypress, CA, 90630 o SESIÓN DE PARTICIPACIÓN COMUNITARIA: DTSC está organizando una sesión de participación comunitaria para proporcionar información sobre este proyecto. Lo invitamos el 10 de octubre del 2018, de las 5 p.m. a 8 p.m. en la siguiente dirección: Paradise Creek Apartments, Community Room, 2120 Hoover Avenue., National City, CA 91950. Llama a Mustapha Guerbaz para más detalles. ¿DÓNDE OBTENGO MÁS INFORMACIÓN? El borrador del documento RAW está disponible para su revisión en las siguientes tres ubicaciones:

National City Public Library 1401 National City Boulevard, National City, CA 91950 (619) 470-5800

DTSC Regional Records Office 5796 Corporate Avenue Cypress, CA 90630 (714) 484-5337

PREGUNTAS: Mustapha Guerbaz, Gerente de Proyectos del DTSC al (714) 484-5430, Mustapha.Guerbaz @; Tim Chauvel, Especialista en Participación Pública del DTSC al (714) 484-5487, Tim.Chauvel@dtsc.; y para consultas de los medios, comuníquese con Ross Edmondson, Oficial de Información Pública del DTSC al (916) 327-3372.



Con ocho años para preparar sus Olimpiadas, parecía que el movimiento telúrico no sería obstáculo alguno para que los japoneses llevaran a cabo el magno evento deportivo. “Consideramos que la situación amerita que todos nuestros recursos y toda nuestra atención se centren en atender a las víctimas del temblor y a restaurar las estructuras que hayan sufrido algún daño” dijo el alcalde de Sapporo. “Es por razón que Sapporo retira su candidatura a organizar los Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2026”, explicó. México y Japón, dos mundos totalmente apartados por políticos que nunca se llegarán a encontrar en la misma vía del progreso y la honestidad.



“That’s the whole idea; when we think of affordable housing, we think of something of a lower standard. Then we see this, and everyone would love to live here. This is a great place, and we want it to be a training towards buying their first home,” added Morrison. The new families, together with the Environmental Health Coalition, also shared that they support the project so that these families can live in a healthy space, away from pollution and next to outdoor spaces they can enjoy with the rest of their families.



David Alvarez for your leadership and commitment to improving our neighborhoods.” Hundreds gathered for the grand opening celebration that included face painting, outdoor games, skateboarding and music by the San Ysidro High School Mariachi Band. In January 2016, Faulconer pledged to build or improve 50 parks in five years. So far, the City has opened 22 parks with more than two dozen others in various stages of design or construction. The commitment also includes a collaborative effort between the City and the San Diego Unified School District to expand recreational opportunities with the “Play All Day” parks initiative to build over 45 new joint-use parks.



be headlining the first-ever edition of the Maytime Band Review Music Festival. The Oct. 6 affair will be held at National City’s Kimball Park and will also include local new wave rockers Spooky Cigarette and surf pop act T-Rexico. And if that wasn’t enough, Rossi Rock will top off the year with the release his newest full-length record, one he is extremely confident in. “This project is about to be crazy because I’m taking this shit to the next level,” he proclaimed. “I’m about to be the biggest thing to come out of San Diego and the biggest Mexican to come out of the world,” Rossi Rock closed. “You are about to see Rossi Rock everywhere. I promise you that.”



construcción. El compromiso también incluye un esfuerzo de colaboración entre el Ayuntamiento de San Diego con el Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Diego para expandir las oportunidades recreativas por medio de la iniciativa denominada “Play All Day” que incluye la construcción de 45 parques de uso conjunto con escuelas.


| SEPTEMBER 28 2018 |


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