La Prensa San Diego - July 20, 2018

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DEPORTES | JULY 20 2018 | PAGE 1

La Prensa 41 Education Authorities Want to Promote Bilingual Teaching


Danzante Pride Shines at Chicano Park


Estudiantes Locales Reciben Becas para la Universidad


¡Abren la Perrera!

Jenny and The Mexicats Come to San Diego










Detectan más Drogas en la Frontera POR MARINEE ZAVALA

he United States government is working against the clock to comply with a court order stating it must reunite 2,551 immigrant children who were separated from their parents at the border by the deadline set by a San Diego federal court. Judge Dana Sabraw gave the Trump Administration until Thursday, July 26, to reunite thousands of children ages 5 to 17 who were “unduly” separated from their parents. After failing to meet the deadline for reuniting the 103 children under five in their custody, the federal government agreed to simplify the reunification process in order to meet the upcoming deadline for the remaining children. To that end, they decided to use DNA tests to determine parent-child relationship only if the parents fail a criminal background investigation or when it is determined that they could pose a danger to the child. Parents must then go through a 15-minute interview during which they

La Patrulla Fronteriza y otras autoridades federales en San Diego actualmente detectan a más personas que buscan cruzar drogas a los Estados Unidos por las garitas vehiculares y peatonales de la frontera, al igual que por las montañas, túneles y el la costa de nuestra región. Solo durante el año fiscal 2018, y hasta el pasado uno de julio, las autoridades federales detuvieron a 28 mil 516 personas que intentaron cruzar la frontera de forma ilegal, un incremento de 2 mil 430 arrestos más en comparación con el 2017. "Los hombres y mujeres de la Patrulla Fronteriza de los Estados Unidos en el sector de San Diego continuarán vigilando mientras patrullan las fronteras de nuestras naciones para cumplir nuestra misión de proteger a nuestro país", aseguró Eduardo Olmos, vocero de la patrulla fronteriza en San Diego. Entre las detenciones a






Tijuana Sewer Project Discussed






Just minutes after attending the monthly Barrio Logan Community Planning Group meeting, planning group member Philomena Marino pulls out a large white folder with the group’s bylaws from her backpack. “I know I’m a nerd,” she laughs while helping identify the correct term for the planning group members for this story. Marino takes her role as a resident representative for the group seriously, which is obvious, when watching her interact during the meetings — she asks questions and emphasizes how decisions affect the day to day lives of the residents in Barrio Logan. “I just definitely want to always keep the reason I’m there, to represent my residents,” Marino said. Marino has been a resident of Barrio Logan, a community located just south of downtown with strong Chicano roots, for over 30 years. Marino’s interest and dedication to improving her community grew from PROFILE ON PAGE 11


e está llevando a cabo una huelga de hambre por justicia a solo unos metros de la estación de la Patrulla Fronteriza en San Ysidro. Los miembros de la huelga de hambre dicen que esta área es un lugar central donde los detenidos son llevados antes de que sean trasladados a otro lugar. En una misión para crear cambios, cuatro hombres y dos mujeres están arriesgando su salud y enfrentando el hambre para crear cambios al no comer nada. Por ahora, solo beben agua y tés preparados por médicos, reponen los electrolitos de los huelguistas con líquidos nuevos y también les proporcionan vitaminas y minerales. Los huelguistas tienen varias demandas que incluyen la abolición del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE, por sus siglas en inglés), la reunificación de familias separadas en la frontera, el rechazo de contribuciones de campaña de cárceles privadas, justicia para Earl McNeil, la


eliminación de cárceles con fines de lucro de California, una reunión con representantes estatales, la creación de un comité de San Diego sobre responsabilidad policial liderado por miembros de comunidades afroamericanas, indígenas y latinas, y también un voto negativo para el candidato a la Corte Suprema, Brett Kavanaugh. Gabby, quien está en huelga de hambre y prefirió usar solo su nombre, comentó sobre la demanda con respecto al ICE. "ICE se creó en 2003, no es como si Estados Unidos hubiera

existido con esta institución, y el tipo de injusticias que han sucedido y continúan sucediendo, es irreversible. Los niños separados, por ejemplo, según la U.N., es una forma de genocidio, y es una táctica que están utilizando para disuadir a quienes intentan solicitar asilo. Es inmoral, no ético, y está mal. Es por eso que insistimos en la abolición", dijo Gabby. Una encuesta reciente de Morning Consult/Politico muestra que el 54 por ciento de los estadounidenses se oponen a la HAMBRE EN LA PAGINA 11

Leaders of both sides of the border gathered to discuss several environmental projects to create action that would help the environment in the Cali-Baja region. The meeting, known as “Agora Verde,” was held at Imperial Beach’s Tijuana River Estuary as part of the Tijuana Innovadora movement. The gathering included the presence of economists, engineers, students, business owners, and public officials like Baja State Senator Ernesto Ruffo Appel and California State Senator Ben Hueso. One of the projects presented at the meeting was a new website that would give easy access to official data about the water quality in Tijuana and San Diego beaches. “We are proposing a citizen watch project of the Tijuana River’s water. We as citizens need CALI-BAJA ON PAGE 7


Senadora Anuncia Expansión de Tratamientos para Cáncer POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Con el apoyo de docenas de partidarios de la salud de la mujer que estaban vestidos de rosa, Toni Atkins, líder del Senado Estatal y representante de San Diego, anunció que el presupuesto estatal que tomó efecto el pasado 1 de julio incluye fondos para la iniciativa de ley, SB 945, ley que elimina los límites exagerados en tratamiento bajo el programa de tratamiento contra el cáncer cervical y de mama para los californianos de bajos recursos. “Hace dos años, el gobernador Jerry Brown aprobó mi iniciativa de ley lo cual

eliminó dos barreras para los californianos que tenían cáncer, el revisarse y el recibir tratamiento”, dijo Atkins. “Nuestro nuevo presupuesto extiende el tratamiento médico necesario para los pacientes que sufren de cáncer cervical o de mama”. En el 2016, el gobernador Brown aprobó la ley AB 1795, creada por Atkins, quien aquel entonces era líder de la Asamblea de California. Esta ley requiere que el gobierno del estado por medio del programa Cada Mujer Cuenta proporcione



| JULY 20 2018 |



CA Senate to Aid Cancer Treatments

Education Authorities Want to Promote Bilingual Teaching


Backed by dozens of pink-clad supporters of women’s health care, Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) announced that the State budget that took effect on July 1 includes funding for her bill, SB 945, which removes unreasonable caps on treatment under the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program for low-income Californians. “Two years ago, Governor Jerry Brown signed my legislation, eliminating two barriers that were blocking Californians from life-saving cancer screening and treatment,” Atkins said. “Our new budget further extends necessary medical care to patients suffering from breast cancer or cervical cancer.” In 2016, Governor Brown signed AB 1795, authored by then-Assembly Speaker Emeritus Atkins. The bill required the State, through the Every Woman Counts program, to provide breast cancer screenings to symptomatic women who are younger than 40 years old. It also required the state, through the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP), to cover treatment for individuals who experience a recurrence of the same type of cancer in the same part of their body. SB 945 builds on AB 1795 by removing these caps on treatment under the BCCTP. Previously, patients in the program lost eligibility after 18 months for breast cancer and after 24 months for cervical cancer. “Going forward, no one will be turned away because of some arbitrary time limit,” Atkins said. “People who continue to need care will get it.” The announcement was held at the Susan G. Komen San Diego facilities along bill sponsor, Shaina Gross, Susan G. Komen San Diego’s president and CEO. “Today we are witnessing the survival of countless lives,” said Gross. “Women and men who will no longer ask, ‘Why can’t I continue my treatment.’ Thanks to strong advocacy efforts from our supporters and community leaders like Senator Atkins, we are one step closer to our bold goal: to reduce the number of breast cancer deaths in the U.S. by 50 percent by 2026. We will continue to elevate the lives of those affected by breast cancer through our local funding of breast cancer resources, advocacy and investments in global research.” Susan G. Komen is the


A Binational Certification of Pedagogical Strategies involving education authorities from California and Baja California started with the idea that elementary school students learn to write and speak English and Spanish on both sides of the border. A total of 30 elementary school teachers from the United States, and 30 professors from Mexico will learn to work with the Guided Language Acquisition Design (GLAD)

to strengthen academic performance and the development of techniques in Spanish and English so that students can interact effectively in both languages. This project is done in coordination between the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE) and the Baja California State Education System. “CABE has participated with the California Department of Education and with the Baja California State Education System to try to unite teachers in both




A higher number of people are being caught by Border Patrol and other federal agencies in San Diego attempting to introduce drugs into the United States in their vehicles or on foot at ports of entry, as well as through tunnels and mountains. In the 2018 fiscal year alone – through July 1 of this year – federal agencies detained 28,516 people who were trying to enter the country illegally, 2,430 more than in all of 2017. "The men and women of the San Diego Sector Border Patrol will remain vigilant as they patrol the border between our two nations to fulfill our mission to protect our country,” said San Diego Border Patrol spokesperson Eduardo Olmos. Of the non-U.S. citizens detained, 7,004 were people from countries other than Mexico. In the past fiscal year, authorities also found the bodies of two people who lost their lives while trying to cross into the U.S., discovered two cross-border tunnels, and rescued 14 people who may have otherwise lost their lives on their journey into the country. With three months still remaining in the fiscal year, marihuana continues ranking as a top choice for drug traffickers, followed by methamphetamines, heroin, and cocaine. So far this year, Border Patrol has seized over 7,700

La Prensa





1712 Logan Avenue, San Diego, CA 92113, Tel 619.425.7400 web:; email:

FOUNDED: December 1, 1976 San Diego, California PUBLISHER/CEO Arturo Castañares CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Enrique Gonzalez

“To be able to have these strategies for students that come from the United States or that we think may leave for the United States and to teach them in both languages is something really amazing, and that we should always be able to do. We needed this new guide and this program opened the doors for me to be able to learn this new way,” Munguia Medina said. “By just having these new strategies my classroom changed a lot, now I have more time so we can learn about more subjects and without any fear of using both languages.” The Chula Vista Elementary School District is an official project collaborator. This district currently has a dual immersion program taught at 22 schools, where students can learn to fluently communicate in English and Spanish. “The Dual Immersion Program has a lot of success,” said Francisco Escobedo, Chula Vista Elementary School District Superintendent. “Our students not only graduate dominating both languages, they also graduate with one of the highest learning levels.”


Drug Arrests, Hunger Strike Calls to Seizures at End ICE, Private Prisons Border Rise



sides of the border to keep developing strategies,” said Elodia Ortega, CABE’s president. “Specially in these political times, when is more important than ever to be leaders, and to demonstrate that we can work together to help our families, especially those families with fear, and those students that don’t know where are they from or that go back to Mexico without knowing Spanish or that live in California without knowing English.” This is the second round of this project. The first

generation of certified educators included 20 teachers from both sides of the border. The second generation was received with an event held at the Grand Hotel Tijuana on Tuesday, July 17, with the presence of education authorities of both sides of the border. “The GLAD methodology is (meant) to teach teachers how they can educate their students in English and Spanish,” Mendoza said.” This program is expected to reach to 54,000 foreign students currently residing in Baja California. “If they are starting to learn English or Spanish, this program will help educators to teach in a more creative and interactive way so children can reach the maximum level of learning,” said Jan Gustafson, CABE’s CEO. “Through this new way of teaching, we try to teach the languages but also to give value to the person that the children symbolizes from wherever part the student is coming from.” One teacher that is part of the first generation of certified educators through this program was Marcia Munguia Medina, who teaches at Memorial Morse Elementary School in Tecate, Baja California.

STAFF WRITERS Mario A. Cortez Andrea López-Villafaña

CONTRIBUTORS/WRITERS Francisco Barbosa, Augie Bareño, León Bravo, Marielena Castellanos, Ana Paula Ceballos, Alberto Garcia, Ana Gómez Salcido, Ana Velia Guzmán, Sandra G. León, Samuel López, Alexandra Mendoza, Mimi Pollack, Diana Rodriguez, Eduardo Rueda, Netzai Sánchez, Marinee Zavala, and Paco Zavala

A hunger strike for justice is underway just a few feet away from a Border Patrol station in San Ysidro. Members of the hunger strike say this area is a central location where detainees are brought before they are moved elsewhere. On a mission to create change, four men and two women are risking their health and facing starvation to create change by not eating. For now, they are only drinking water and teas prepared by medics, replenishing the strikers’ electrolytes with new liquids and also providing vitamins and minerals. The hunger strikers have several demands, which include abolishing ICE, reunifying families separated at the border, rejection of campaign contributions from private prisons, justice for Earl McNeil, removing for-profit prisons from California, a meeting with state representatives, creating a San Diego committee on police accountability led by black, indigenous, and brown community members, and also a no vote for Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh. Gabby, who is on the hunger strike and preferred using only her first name, spoke on the demand regarding the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. “ICE was created in 2003, it’s not as if America has existed with this institution, and the type of injustices that have happened and continue to happen, it’s irreversible. The separated children, for example, according to the U.N., is a form of genocide, and it’s a tactic they are using to deter those trying to seek asylum. It’s immoral, unethical, and it’s wrong. That’s why we’re adamant about the abolishment,” Gabby said. A recent survey by Morning Consult/Politico shows 54 percent of Americans are opposed to abolishing ICE. This week Vox, an online news site, also reported House Republicans ditched plans to force

Democrats to vote on abolishing ICE after it became clear that Democrats as a group would vote against their own bill. The hunger strikers are also asking for the reunification of families separated at the border. A judge in San Diego recently ordered separated families to be joined back together. So far the government has reunited more than 50 families, but thousands remain separated. A rejection of campaign contributions from private prisons is also on the group’s list of demands. In 2015 the Washington Post reported the two largest for-profit prison companies in the United States, the GEO Group and Corrections Corporation of America (renamed CoreCivic), and their associates have pumped more than $10 million to candidates since 1989 and have spent nearly $25 million on lobbying efforts. An analysis from the Associated Press found that detaining immigrant children brings in $1 billion in revenue annually. The AP report also showed that grants to facilities for housing detained unaccompanied and separated children soared from $74.5 million in 2007 to $958 million in 2017. In the days since the hunger strike began, some changes have occurred on issues in the demands of the strikers. The California Democratic Party just recently announced it would no longer accept political contributions from private prison corporations. Party Chair Eric Bauman said any contributions received since May 21, 2017, would be donated to organizations doing critical work to protect immigrants from the Trump administration or to support and rehabilitate recently incarcerated folks. State Senator Kevin de León also redistributed money he received from sources housing asylum seekers to non-profits providing services to immigrant communities. Members of the hunger strike said they are in talks with other elected

officials to get them to also stop accepting political contributions from the private prison industrial complex and redistribute money they’ve taken from for-profit organizations and private prisons. The group is also demanding answers over the death of McNeil. Gabby said the reason for the demand was over concerns about violence against poor people, people of color, marginalized groups, and she said the recent death of McNeil is one of the latest local examples of that. McNeil’s family said he went to the National City Police Department last month looking for help, but ended up in a coma and suffered severe brain damage while in custody. Police officers have said McNeil became combative when they met him outside the police station. McNeil died after being taken off life support last month. An investigation is still underway. Along with the hunger strike, the group has also sent letters with the different demands to elected officials at the local and state level asking them to respond to the demands. Strikers also set up a campsite at the Vista Terrace Park in San Ysidro where they stay overnight with supporters and the group’s security guards, and they also set up a Facebook page called San Diego #Hungry4Freedom Hunger Strike. In the first days of the strike, Border Patrol agents attempted to speak with the strikers, but the members were not interested in a dialogue. The strikers claimed local residents also tore down a banner and another person spewed hate words and told them to leave, but it didn’t discourage anyone from stopping the hunger strike. Marco Amaral, who is also a teacher, was one of the first to join the hunger strike. “There is no going back. We have come as a country to a point that is unforgivable. We have arrived at a point as a country, as a society, that we can’t in history repeat. And it’s our social duty, moral duty, to do something.,” Amaral said. Amaral said he attends all rallies, HUNGER STIRKE ON PAGE 9

La Prensa San Diego (LPSD) is published weekly and distributed throughout San Diego County. LPSD is an adjudicated newspaper of general circulation for the City and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District, Case# 4137435 of May 9, 1978. ISSN 0789183. Articles published in LPSD do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Publisher. Letters to the Editor or Publisher are welcome, but must contain complete name, address, and contact phone number. Any materials submitted are subject to editing revision for space and/or content. Contribution and advertising deadlines are every Tuesday at 5:00pm. LPSD reserves the right to refuse to publish, in its sole and absolute discretion, any advertising and advertorial material submitted for publication by clients (“Client Material”). Submission of Client Material to LPSD does not constitute a commitment by LPSD to publish the material. Publication of Client Material does not constitute an agreement to continue publication in any future issue. In the event of an error, or omission in printing or publication of client material, LPSD's liability shall be limited to an adjustment for the space occupied by the error, with the maximum liability being cancellation of the cost of the incorrect advertisement or republication of the correct client material. LPSD shall not be liable for consequential damages of any kind for publication of inaccuracies or failures to publish materials. Requests for corrections or retractions must be submitted within 30 days. © All rights reserved. La Prensa San Diego | JULY 20 2018 | PAGE 3

New Regulations for Short-term Vacation Rentals BY MARINEE ZAVALA

The San Diego City Council has approved new special regulations for the short-term rental of small and large homes and apartments. Most of these are rented through smartphone applications and have been the subject of controversy throughout San Diego due to noise complaints, renters’ poor behavior, and vandalism in the areas surrounding the rental. The regulations, which take effect in 2020, are aimed at having stricter control no who earns money from these rentals and put an end to spats among neighbors in these communities. After a decade of arguments and discussions, the City passed the new regulations package for short-term residential occupation by a 6 to 3 vote. The Mayor’s proposal was amended and improved based on the needs expressed by Councilmembers and other San Diego public officials. “I introduced my compromise proposal to help the City Council find enough common ground so they

could pass comprehensive short-term rental laws, and with the additional amendments made today we’ve finally achieved that goal,” said San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer. Changes include having residents obtain an annual short-term license from the City for their primary residence, and they may obtain one more for a dwelling unit on the same parcel. Operators would also be required to secure a Transient Occupancy Tax Certificate, a Neighborhood Use Permit for dwellings with four or more bedrooms, as well as charge a fee that would go towards affordable housing. The nightly fee for a full-home rental will be $3.96, which must be paid by the hosts and would be deposited into a fund to provide affordable housing opportunities and thus alleviate the housing crisis in San Diego County. Additionally, operators must comply with Good Neighbor Policy, including posting the license number issued by the City and local contact information on the property being rented. The new regulations would also create a team of police

and code enforcement officers to work evenings and weekends to address code concerns. There will be a 24/7 complaint line, as well as an online portal to report violations. The first notice will be a warning, the second notice would result in a citation hearing, and a third violation within a 12-month period may result in having their permit revoked. Companies such as Airbnb, one of the largest short-term vacation rental companies worldwide, estimates that this activity generates over $482 million in economic activity and creates close to 3,100 jobs in San Diego. The proposal was also supported by residents who currently rent these properties, who felt that the regulations will provide clarity and resolve a series of legal gaps affecting the lives of hundreds of people. “This proposal is not only supported by a bipartisan group of people and organizations, but also carefully balances the needs of our community and the importance of short-term rentals,” said Belinda Smith, an Airbnb operator in Mission Hills.

Ven a bordo al barco de Greenpeace!

Estàs cordialmente invitado a los recorridos gratuitos del Arctic Sunrise

sábado y domingo Julio 28 y 29, de 10 am- 6 pm B Street Pier 1140 N Harbor Drive

Danzante Pride Shines at Chicano Park

Centro Live Well del Sureste Conversación Comunitaria


A candle was lit early morning last Sunday as dozens of danzantes sang, and the sounds of music echoed loudly through Chicano Park, setting off the start of Danza Mexi’cayotl’s 38th anniversary, a celebration of the traditions and dance of indigenous dancers. Before they began to dance in what is considered an annual ceremony, an alabanza was made to request permission from the “antepasados,” or ancestors, to begin the day. Each dancer also honored the four directions of north, south, east, and west because different elements represent characteristics they believe in honoring, such as who we are, the duality of men and women, night and day, mountains, oceans and water. Pedro Anaya, a member of Danza Mexi’cayotl, explained when they dance, they dance in a circle, and focus their energy into the center, which is where they place their most sacred things, drums are in the center, children are in the center, their prayers are directed toward the middle of an incense burner, and their energy travels up with white smoke from the incense.

Anaya also said the incense, also known as “copal” in Spanish, represents a white eagle, the white smoke carries their prayers up to their ancestors. Sofia Metzteli, which means Moon in Nahuatl, Aguilar was born into danza, which Danza Mexi’cayotl notes is from the folk/ indigenous dance tradition of Central Mexico based on the cultural legacy of the Chichimec/Otomi tradition warrior tribes that lived north of the “Aztec” empire. Aguilar has been dancing since she was in her mother’s womb 34 years ago. Her parents Mario and B. Aguilar manage the group. Aguilar, an entertainment attorney in Hollywood, explained danza taught her a lot about having pride in her ancestry, her culture and who she is. “Oftentimes in circumstances I am one of a kind in a room. It’s a field where people of color are not always present, so having the confidence to be proud of who I am and where I come from and my traditions, danza really taught me to be proud in all circumstances, carry my head high,” Aguilar said. Each dance is a series of steps that are almost like different words of a prayer,

Aguilar pointed out. “We have dances for the Mother Earth, which is a duality for us as indigenous and as Catholics, the Virgin Maria. We have a warrior dance, that’s also San Miguel. We have a lot of duality. There’s a native god that matches a Catholic saint, so each one is a prayer.” The way steps are marked is also important, Aguilar said. In the beginning of each dance, Mexi’cayotl takes steps in the shape of a cross as a way of following Catholic religious traditions and symbolizing the beginning of a prayer. The night before the celebration, an all-night vigil was held along with a rehearsal practice with about 25 groups who traveled from the U.S. and Mexico. In total about 300 dancers were expected by the end of the day. The annual gathering is a part of the traditions followed by the groups gathered together at the park. Each one hosts their own ceremony, offering a chance for all to meet together and to learn from each other. “It’s part of what we call work. You have to work this tradition and go to other



Martes, 31 de Julio, 2018


5:00-7:00 p.m.


Valencia Park/ Biblioteca Malcolm X 5148 Market St. San Diego, CA 92114

Acompáñenos en la conversación sobre el Centro Live Well del Sureste. Después de la presentación tendremos una sesión de preguntas y respuestas. Representantes de varios departamentos del Condado estarán disponibles para responder sus preguntas. Serviremos refrigerios ligeros. Por favor contacte a Juanita Garcia con cualquier pregunta o llame al (619) 521-7454.

* NOTA: Esta imagen es un concepto y no refleja el diseño final.

La Prensa PAGE 4

| JULY 20 2018 |




l gobierno de Estados Unidos trabaja a contrarreloj para cumplir con una orden judicial y entregar a 2 mil 551 menores migrantes que fueron separados de sus padres de la frontera antes de que se cumpla el plazo establecido por la corte federal de San Diego. El juez Dana Sabraw concedió hasta el próximo jueves 26 de julio para que la administración del presidente Donald Trump reúna a miles de niños entre 5 y 17 años que fueron separados “de manera impropia” de sus padres. El gobierno federal ha accedido a simplificar el proceso de reunificación para cumplir con el mandato dentro del plazo establecido, luego de que fallara en hacer lo propio con el primer grupo de 103 niños menores de cinco años que tenía bajo su cuidado. Para ello, se accedió a que las pruebas de ADN fueran utilizadas únicamente como último recurso para comprobar parentesco. Bajo el plan de reunificación, los padres que pasen por una investigación de antecedentes o una evaluación para comprobar que no sea un peligro para el menor. Posteriormente, se realiza una entrevista de 15 minutos en la cual, el padre debe comprobar su deseo de ser reunificado con su hijo. De no encontrarse algún impedimento,

el menor sería llevado con su padre dentro de las próximas 48 horas. Chris Meekins, un alto funcionario del Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos (HHS, por sus siglas en inglés), había expresado ante la corte su preocupación de que al agilizar el proceso se pondría en riesgo al menor, pero el juez Sabraw rechazó dicho argumento, el cual dijo está fuera del contexto de este caso. El juez concedió la petición de la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU, por sus siglas en inglés), organismo que interpuso la demanda colectiva en nombre de inmigrantes que atraviesan esta situación, de frenar temporalmente la deportación de familias recién reunificadas. Este organismo defensor de derechos humanos ha identificado “más de cien casos” de padres que ya han sido repatriados, mientras que sus hijos continúan en custodia de autoridades estadounidenses. Si bien, no se tiene conocimiento de casos en que el gobierno haya procedido a deportar una familia inmediatamente después de su reunificación, abogados han actuado para no correr ese riesgo y que migrantes tengan tiempo suficiente para tomar decisiones informadas y sin presiones. “Una vez más, el juez ha dejado en claro que el gobierno tomó a estos niños de forma anticonstitucional y ahora, debe

hacer todo lo que esté en su poder para reunificarlos de forma segura y dentro del plazo establecido”, subrayó Lee Gelernt, abogado de la ACLU. La orden de no deportación se mantendrá hasta el próximo lunes 23 de julio, y posteriormente, el gobierno podrá presentar ante el juez su objeción. Sabraw se ha mantenido vigilante de los tiempos y por ello, ha fijado dos audiencias para ser actualizado del progreso antes de que concluya el plazo, y una más para el día posterior a la fecha en que el gobierno debe concluir con las reunificaciones. Mientras tanto, el gobierno podría haber invertido millones de dólares para enmendar las consecuencias de la política de “cero tolerancia” contra la inmigración de indocumentados. De acuerdo con un reporte del sitio Politico, la HHS pudo haber invertido en los últimos dos meses por lo menos 40 millones de dólares de su presupuesto en el cuidado y reunificación de niños migrantes. Para activistas, este litigio evidenció que no había un plan para reunificar a las familias que fueran separadas en la frontera. “Eso es lo más preocupante”, resaltó Benjamín Prado, activista con el Comité de Amigos Americanos en San Diego.


Los gobiernos de Zedillo, Fox, Calderón y Peña fracasaron, entre otras razones, por no haber podido traducir en hechos los compromisos de campaña. Con ese horizonte, Andrés Manuel López Obrador asume la presidencia de la República Mexicana. Durante 18 años se ha preparado para ese propósito y no puede argüir ignorancia. AMLO ha recorrido varias veces el país, superó las maniobras para derrotarlo en las elecciones del 2006 y 2012, tesonera y obsesivamente siguió en la brega política y hoy ha conquistado, legítimamente, la más alto investidura política. El punto es si sabrá combaitr los males del país o sólo será una mancha más en el desafortunado andar de gobiernos que no han comprendido sus tareas. México requiere de un gobierno que promueva y que no se limité a entorpecer o desviar objetivos, entre los cuales están: impulsar la planta productiva, desarrollar el mercado interno, consolidar las exportaciones, explotar racionalmente los recursos naturales, reorientar el desarrollo regional, construir un auténtico sistema federal, reducir la brecha de ingresos, abrir oportunidades a las nuevas generaciones, adelgazar el pesado aparato burocrático, erradicar la corrupción y la impunidad, fortalecer el estado de derecho y volver a vivir en una atmósfera de seguridad pública. En el discurso todas las fuerzas políticas los han reconocido de una u otra manera, en los hechos todas han fallado. López Obrador tiene el deber de honrar sus compromisos, el país no podría resistir otro fracaso. No es tarea de un solo hombre, es imposible y utópico pensar que una sola voluntad puede con todo. López Obrador debe realizar un ejercicio urgente de compostura a su manifiesta sobre reacción, es recomendable tomar con prudencia y serenidad las decisiones que incurrir en la precipitación y la improvisación.










Unos minutos después de asistir a la reunión mensual del Grupo de Planificación Comunitaria de Barrio Logan, Philomena Marino saca de su mochila una carpeta blanca grande con los estatutos del grupo. "Sé que soy una nerd", dice riendo mientras ayuda a identificar el término correcto para los miembros del grupo de planificación para esta historia. Marino toma en serio su papel como representante de los residentes, lo que es obvio, al verla interactuar durante las reuniones; ella hace preguntas y enfatiza cómo las decisiones afectan el día a día de los residentes de Barrio Logan. "Definitivamente quiero mantener siempre la razón por la que estoy allí, para representar a mis residentes", dijo Marino. Marino ha sido residente de Barrio Logan, una comunidad localizada justo al sur del centro de la ciudad con raíces chicanas, por más de 30 años. El interés y la dedicación de Marino por mejorar su comunidad creció a partir de la preocupación por la salud de sus padres y vecinos debido a las compañías de reciclaje en la comunidad y el constante tráfico de semirremolques que pasa por su calle – Boston Avenue. Hace más de 50 años, los padres de Marino se establecieron en Barrio Logan porque su padre, un miembro de la Marina, quería que sus hijos crecieran en un vecindario predominantemente hispano donde se sentirían cómodos. Marino creció en la misma casa en la que vive actualmente en Boston Avenue con cuatro hermanos y recuerda que sus padres la protegieron no solo de la violencia de las pandillas, que estaba presente en aquellos tiempos, sino PERFIL EN LA PAGINA 11


Estudiantes Locales Reciben Becas para la Universidad POR ANDREA LÓPEZ-VILLAFAÑA

Cientos de estudiantes locales recibieron becas este mes a través de un programa que brinda becas para estudiantes en varios niveles de grado. Para el año escolar 20182019, el programa de Becas Comunitarias de la Fundación San Diego – una fundación comunitaria que permite que los donantes creen sus propias fundaciones – otorgó más de 2.6 millones de dólares en becas a 876 estudiantes. El programa de Becas

Comunitarias (Community Scholarship Program) es uno de los programas fuera del sistema universitario en el Condado de San Diego que ayuda a estudiantes de manera financiera. De los obstáculos que los estudiantes de primera generación tienen que superar, la falta de fondos puede causar que algunos estudiantes no atienden la universidad o que tengan una cantidad grande de deuda después de graduarse. De acuerdo con una investigación del Public Policy Institute de California, estudiantes de las

comunidades desatendidas están poco representados en los colegios y la universidades. Según un comunicado de prensa de la Fundación San Diego, entre los ganadores de la beca para el año escolar 2018-2019, “el 66 por ciento son los primeros en sus familias en asistir a la universidad y el 76 por ciento son considerados estudiantes de bajos ingresos según los datos de la Expected Family Contribution”. Para Galilea Marín de Southwest High School, la beca representa la clave de la puerta del éxito, dijo Marín

en el comunicado. “Esta beca no solo apoyará el costo de mi educación, sino que garantizará una paz mental y felicidad total sabiendo que tengo el apoyo financiero necesario como primera generación de mi familia para asistir a la universidad” dijo Marín. A diferencia de las becas otorgadas a estudiantes que buscan seguir carreras específicas, el programa de Becas Comunitarias le otorga becas a estudiantes de una variedad de carreras. En más de 20 años, el programa ha otorgado más de 30.4 millones de dólares a

miles de estudiantes, según el comunicado. “A medida que aumenta el costo de la educación, un elemento disuasivo importante para buscar y terminar un título es la asequibilidad”, dijo Connie Matsui, directora ejecutiva interina de la Fundación de San Diego en un comunicado. “El programa de Becas Comunitarias de la Fundación San Diego ayuda a eliminar esta barrera para los jóvenes de San Diego y sus familias, permitiendo que cientos de estudiantes logren sus metas educativas cada año”.

Además de anunciar sus ganadores para este próximo año escolar, la fundación también anunció la Iniciativa de Académicos Comunitarios (Community Scholars Initiative) – una asociación con varios actores clave que se enfocará en ayudar a cientos de estudiantes de bajos ingresos y de primera generación. La asociación es con College Futures Foundation, Reality Changers, y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Sweetwater (Sweetwater Unified School District). | JULY 20 2018 | PAGE 5




revisiones para el cáncer a mujeres que presenten síntomas o que son mejores de 40 años de edad. También requiere que el gobierno del Estado, por medio del Programa de Tratamiento contra el Cáncer Cervical y de Mama (BCCTP, por sus siglas en inglés) ofrezca tratamiento para individuos que padezcan de una reaparición del mismo tipo de cáncer en la misma parte de su cuerpo. La SB 945 se basa en la AB 1795 y pretende eliminar los límites en los tratamientos bajo el BCCTP. Antes, los pacientes en el programa perdían la elegibilidad después de tener 18 meses de cáncer de mama o 24 meses después de tener cáncer cervical. “Ahora, nadie podrá ser rechazado debido al tiempo que tienen por ningún límite”, dijo Atkins. “Las personas que sigan necesitando de tratamiento, lo podrán continuar recibiendo”. El anuncio se realizó en las instalaciones de Susan G. Komen San Diego junto a la patrocinadora de la iniciativa, Shaina Gross, Presidente y CEO de Susan G. Komen San Diego. “Hoy estamos siendo testigos de la sobrevivencia de incontables vidas”, dijo Gross. “Mujeres y hombres ya no se harán la pregunta de porque no pueden seguir con su tratamiento. Gracias a los esfuerzos de partidarios y líderes comunitarios como la senadora Atkins estamos a un paso más cerca de nuestro atrevido objetivo de reducir el número de muertes por cáncer de mama en Estados Unidos en un 50 por ciento para el año 2026. Nosotros vamos a continuar mejorando las vidas de los que son afectados por cáncer de mama por medio de nuestras recaudaciones locales para recursos contra el cáncer de mama, así como en la defensa e inversión en investigaciones globales”. Susan G. Komen es líder global en el movimiento contra el cáncer de mama. Esta organización ha investido más de mil millones de dólares en investigación del cáncer de mama desde que fue creada en 1982. El objetivo de este grupo es salvar vidas y terminar con el cáncer de mama para siempre por medio del empoderamiento de personas, el encontrar tratamientos de calidad para todos, y por medio de la ciencia para encontrar la cura. “Komen juego un rol principal para los cambios grandes en las leyes, con el objetivo de mejorar la vida de aquellos afectados por el cáncer de mama. Esto empieza desde ayudando a los que lo necesitan, buscando apoyo de líderes que son claves en la comunidad y buscando el acceso equitativo y de calidad en la salud para todos”, dijo la directora de Iniciativas y Políticas Públicas de Susan G. Komen San Diego, Lizzie Wittig.

Fecha Límite para Programa de Colegiaturas Gratuitas se Aproxima POR MARIO A. CORTEZ


Autoridades Escolares Buscan Formar Niños Bilingües POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Con el objetivo de que estudiantes de educación básica en California y Baja California hablen y entiendan el español e inglés, inició la certificación binacional de docentes en estrategias pedagógicas GLAD. Un total de 30 profesores de educación primaria de Estados Unidos y 30 educadores de México trabajarán con el Diseño Guiado para la Adquisición del Lenguaje (GLAD, por sus siglas en ingles) lo que permitirá fortalecer el rendimiento académico y el desarrollo de técnicas en español e inglés para que los alumnos puedan interactuar de una manera efectiva en ambos idiomas. El proyecto se realiza en coordinación entre el Sistema Educativo Estatal de Baja California con la Asociación de Educación Bilingüe de California (CABE, por sus siglas en inglés). “CABE ha estado participando con el Departamento de Educación en California y con la Secretaría de Educación en Baja California para tratar de unir a los educadores de Baja California y de Estados Unidos para seguir desarrollando estrategias”, comentó Elodia Ortega, presidente de

CABE. “Sobre todo en estos tiempos políticos, es más importante que nunca ser los líderes en esto, en demostrar que si podemos trabajar juntos para ayudar a nuestras familias, en especialmente a las que están ahorita con miedo, y a los niños que no saben de donde son o que se regresan a México sin saber bien el español o que están en California y no saben bien el inglés”. Esta es la segunda vez que se realiza este esfuerzo. En la primera generación se certificaron 20 docentes de ambos lados de la frontera. Y el inicio de la segunda generación de maestros certificados se celebró durante un evento realizado en el Grand Hotel Tijuana este 17 de julio con la presencia de autoridades escolares de ambos lados de la frontera, incluyendo a Miguel Ángel Mendoza González, secretario de educación en Baja California. “Esta metodología de GLAD es para enseñar a los maestros como enseñar el español o como enseñar el inglés”, explicó Mendoza González. “Una vez que arranque el ciclo escolar, se va a estar supervisando como se imparte, y a la vuelta de un año con todas las evidencias se verá el impacto de cómo ayudaron a los niños”.



must show they want to be reunited with their child. Barring any issues, the child would then be brought to the parent(s) within 48 hours. Chris Meekins, a highranking official at the Department of Health and Human Services, expressed concern to the court as to the fact that expediting the process could risk the wellbeing of the child; however, Judge Sabraw rejected the argument, stating that it was beyond the scope of this case. The Judge granted the petition filed by the American Civil Liberties Union in their lawsuit on behalf of immigrants in this situation, to temporarily halt the deportation of recently-reunited families. ACLU has identified “over a hundred cases” of parents who have already been repatriated while their children remain in U.S. custody. While there are no known cases of families who have been deported by the government immediately after reunification, lawyers have taken steps to keep that from happening and give immigrants sufficient time so as to make informed decisions free of pressure. “The judge once again made clear that the government

unconstitutionally took these children away and now must do everything in its power to reunite them safely and by the deadline,”, stated ACLU attorney Lee Gelernt. The no-deportation order will remain in effect until July 23, and the government will be free to declare their objection to the Judge after said date. Sabraw has been keeping a close eye on the deadlines and has held two hearings to be updated on the progress prior to the deadline, as well as one more for the day after the government is supposed to have reunited all the families. The cost of fixing the consequences of the Administration’s ‘zero-tolerance’ policy against undocumented immigrants may be in the several millions. According to Politico, HHS may have spent at least $40 million out of their budget on the care and reunification of these migrant children. Immigrant rights’ advocates are certain that the lawsuit showed that there was no plan in place to reunite the families that were separated at the border. “That is what worries us the most,” said Benjamin Prado of the American Friends Service Committee in San Diego.

Con este programa se estima que se beneficiará a 54 mil niños extranjeros que residen en Baja California. “Si están empezando con el inglés o si están empezado con el español, este programa les da a los educadores la manera de ser más creativos e interactivos para que los niños tengan el nivel máximo de aprendizaje”, dijo Jan Gustafson, CEO de CABE. “A través de esta manera de dar enseñanzas, tratamos de enseñar el lenguaje pero también dar valor a la persona que simboliza al niño que viene de cualquier parte”. Una de las maestras de la primera generación de este programa, es Marcia Munguía Medina quien da clases en la escuela primaria Memorial Morse en Tecate, Baja California. “El poder tener estas estrategias para alumnos que vienen de Estados Unidos o alumnos tememos que se pueden ir, y que podemos enseñar los dos idiomas es algo fabuloso y que siempre debemos de tener. Nos hacía falta como una guía, y este programa me abrió el camino para poder lograrlo”, dijo Munguía Medina. “Simplemente las estrategias que yo tenía en mi clase cambiaron mucho, ahora me rinde mejor el tiempo, puedo BILINGÜES EN LA PAGINA 7

La fecha límite para poder ingresar a un programa de asistencias financieras destinadas a estudiantes que entran al colegio comunitario por primer vez se aproxima. El Distrito de Colegios Comunitarios de San Diego (SDCCD, por sus siglas en inglés) aún acepta solicitudes para su programa San Diego Promise, el cual ofrece dos años de cursos sin costo alguno de colegiatura a estudiantes que cumplan con un criterio preestablecido. Los solicitantes elegibles deben de ser estudiantes que ingreses a estudios superiores por primera vez quienes hayan estado inscritos en una preparatoria de California por lo menos tres años. Estos estudiantes deben de haberse graduado de la preparatoria después de junio del 2017 y matricularse en por lo menos 12 créditos escolares durante su participación de dos ciclos escolares en el programa. Todo solicitante debe ser aprobado para la asistencia estudiantil federal, o FAFSA, o el Dream Act. Como parte del actual ciclo de aplicaciones, más de 2 mil estudiantes han solicitado ingresar al programa. Lynn Neault, vicecanciller de servicios estudiantiles del SDCCD, recomienda a los estudiantes interesados en ingresar a este programa enviar una solicitud a la brevedad y antes de la fecha límite. “Queremos que los estudiantes llenen una solicitud antes del 3 de agosto para que tengas bastante tiempo de poder solicitar ingreso a City College, Mesa College o Miramar College, reunirse con un consejero para poder crear un plan de estudios y tomar una orientación del programa antes de que comiencen las clases el 20 de

agosto”, dijo. Debido al alto número de estudiantes registrados a lo largo de los colegios comunitarios de California, incluyendo aquellos en el SDCCD, se ha aconsejado a estudiantes que necesiten matricularse en 12 o más créditos de estudio no tardar en enviar su solicitud y en consultar con consejeros lo más pronto posible, ya que el cupo en varios cursos llegará a su tope. El Programa San Diego Promise comenzó durante el ciclo escolar 2016-2017 como un programa piloto. Durante su primer año de existencia, el programa extendió asistencia financiera a 201 estudiantes locales, de los cuales 175 eran recién graduados de preparatorias locales y 26 eran provenientes de un programa de educación continua. Durante el ciclo escolar 2017-2018 el programa ayudó a 661 estudiantes a lo largo de los tres planteles del SDCCD. Con más de 2 mil estudiantes registrados dentro del programa, los costos de este se estiman en 1.86 millones de dólares, de los cuales incluyen una dotación por parte del presupuesto estatal para pagar los gastos del primer año de estos participantes. Los gastos del segundo año de esta generación de participantes proviene de fondos recaudados por el SDCCD por medio de una campaña. El SDCCD es el distrito de colegios comunitarios más grande del condado y el segundo más grande del estado, proporcionando servicios de educación superior a más de 100 mil alumnos cada año en sus tres planteles.

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| JULY 20 2018 |

Arts + Culture JENNY AND THE MEXICATS Breves COME TO SAN DIEGO Culturales Percussionist David Gonzalez Bernardos speaks about 10th anniversary tour

de Tijuana




Jenny and the Mexicats is heading into the final scheduled dates of their 10th anniversary tour, which includes a San Diego stop this upcoming Wednesday, July 25, at Little Italy’s The Casbah. The band, made up of English lead singer and trumpetist Jenny Ball, Mexican buddies Luis “Icho” Dias and Alfonso “Pantera” Acosta, on bass and guitar respectively, and Spanish percussionist David Gonzalez Bernardos, fuses the worlds of blues, Mexican zapateado, cumbia, jazz, pop, and flamenco to create a sound that reflects the multicultural background and influences of its members. In 2008, Ball was touring through Spain as part of a travelling orchestra. During a stop in Madrid, she met “Icho” and “Pantera” at a flamenco bar and instantly connected with their way of thinking about music. The newly-formed bond was so strong that Ball moved to Madrid shortly after her orchestra’s return to England, despite her not speaking fluent Spanish

at the time. As their celebratory world tour comes to its eventual close, the band has sent a heartfelt message to its fans by promoting their video, titled “Aprendemos” – “We Learn” in Spanish. This three-minute statement shows how the musicians in this ensemble have become a family with with every passing day in each others’ company. David joined the group when it only had three members. Today, he provides the infectious rhythms which underlie the groups melodies. He briefly spoke with La Prensa San Diego about these 10 years on the road playing with his musical kin and his upcoming tour dates in San Diego. “We have had an extensive tour and have been booked for festivals throughout Spain, such as Rio Babel, and in North America as well so we are happy to bring our music to so many people this year,” he said. Among the festivals this group has featured at recently is Viva la Cumbia, which was celebrated this May at SDCCU

Stadium in Mission Valley. “Viva la Cumbia was great,” Gonzalez Bernados exclaimed. “We had a great time playing with Grupo Cañaveral and Celso Piña and we showed that our sound fits in many places across many genres.” Going into their solo show next week, the percussionist teased that the show will feature songs from their complete oeuvre, but will be centered on from “Mar Abierto,” their third studio release. He also added that their vide “Aprendemos” will also play a part in the show’s theme. “The video is like the flag we are flying going through our 10th anniversary tour, it’s our story and what we have lived through,” he said. Although David says the tour has been an intense one, full of work and long trips, he is still pumped up for the tour’s upcoming dates, including their San Diego show. “We are looking forward to going over to San Diego already, it’s going to be a good one and we hope everyone can come out,” he closed.

Graciela Beltrán Muestra Apoyo a la Comunidad LGBT en San Diego POR MARIO A. CORTEZ

El Festival del Orgullo LGBT de San Diego se pintó con mucho color y tradición con la actuación de una mujer quien ha destacado por sus interpretaciones de los grandes temas de la canción mexicana y por dar voz a comunidades marginadas. Acompañada por un mariachi, Graciela Beltran subió al escenario Mundo Latino del Festival del Orgullo LGBT este pasado sábado como parte de su participación en esta celebración cívica. Beltrán, quien cuenta con más de 30 años de carrera artística, deslumbró al público presente con temas queridos y coreados por el público mexicano y latino, trayendo mayor diversidad a la oferta de talento musical y de entretenimiento de este festival. Previo a su presentación, la llamada “reina del pueblo” compartió con La Prensa San Diego el porqué de su apoyo a los individuos que viven su

sexualidad de una manera diversa. “Mi madre siempre nos enseño, a mi y a mis hermanos, a respetar nuestros semejantes porque primero que nada, independiente de las preferencias, son seres humanos y no seres raros como mucha gente elige verlos”, afirmó la cantante. Beltrán afirmó que a lo largo de su vida ha interactuado con personas de variadas preferencias sexuales, quienes cuentan con toda su admiración. “Desde pequeña vi a personas con diversidad de preferencias y siempre vimos que no hay diferencias”, dijo. “Francamente merecen todo nuestro respeto por ser valientes y por que se exponen libremente”. El mensaje de tolerancia y respeto hacia la comunidad LGBT ha llevado a Beltrán a participar en varios festivales de este tipo, en donde ha sido reconocida como figura a favor de la comunidad. “Me han llevado al festival de

Hollywood donde he sido mariscal de su desfile y me han coronado en el festival de East LA y es muy bonito que esta comunidad inmensa te reconozca”, declaró Beltrán. Y por su puesto, como cantante, ella afirma que presentarse en estos festivales le trae mucha alegría. “Y qué mejor cosa que celebrar con alegría y música el hecho que se sientan libres, así como debe de ser en este país que tanto presume su libertad”. Mientras que en la cultura mexicana, como en la latina, existe el machismo y la discriminación a base de roles de género, Beltrán invita a que se deje atrás la ignorancia en relación a nuestros prójimos con sexualidades diversas. “Tenemos que informarnos correctamente y hacer a la ignorancia a un lado para poder aprender y valorar la humanidad que tienen en su alma y naturaleza los miembros de la comunidad LGBT”, declaró.

NUEVO LIDERAZGO EN ANDA REGIONAL El domingo pasado hubo un cambio en el liderazgo de la Sección IV de la Asociación Nacional de Actores (ANDA), sector al cual corresponden los actores de Tijuana, ya que tomó posesión como nueva delegada nacional la actriz y cantante Blanca Frías Hernández, quien substituye al actor Adolfo Madera, quien por exigencias de trabajo le cede el cargo. El evento estuvo presidido con la presencia de representantes del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional, los actores Marco Treviño y Felipe Nájera, en representación del también actor Jesús Ochoa, quien funge como secretario general del comité ejecutivo nacional de la asociación. El evento se realizó en su domicilio de Calle Ocampo No. 1538 y fue acompañado por artistas miembros de la propia asociación quienes residen en Tijuana. Además, se cumplió con el protocolo que mandan los estatutos como presentación de personalidades, lectura de informes correspondientes a la entrega de la sección de un delegado a otro, entrega del nombramiento al nuevo titular y asuntos generales. ANDA es un sindicato federal con jurisdicción en todo el territorio nacional de la República Mexicana, fue fundado el 3 de noviembre de 1934 con la finalidad de proteger los intereses de todos los artistas escénicos que se dedican a estos quehaceres en México tales como: Teatro, cine, radio, televisión, ópera, cabarets, variedades, circo, palenques, etc. Desde su fundación en 1934 han sido secretarios generales, famosos actores, como: Fernando Soler, Angel T. Salas, Jorge Mondragón, Mario Moreno ¨Cantinflas¨, Jorge Negrete, Julián Soler, Rodolfo Echeverría, Jaime Fernández, David Reynoso, Ignacio López Tarso, Humberto Elizondo, Julio Alemán y otros más. PACO DE MARIA EN EL CECUT Paco de María le ha dado su propio nombre a la más reciente producción discográfica que promociona en una gira nacional con la que llegará a la Sala de Espectáculos del Centro Cultural Tijuana, el próximo sábado 29 de julio a las 20:00 horas. La atmósfera musical que ha distinguido las presentaciones de Paco de María evoca los espectáculos de “crooners” que hicieron historia tales como Nat King Cole, Tony Bennett, Englebert Humperdinck, Tom Jones y Frank Sinatra en EE. UU., y Lucho Gatica, José José y Enrique Guzmán en América Latina, cuyos espectáculos impactaron por décadas en México. La voz grave del sonorense, criado en Tijuana, estará acompañada por su Big Band con un repertorio que combina temas clásicos estadounidenses y aquellas románticas canciones que en México han hecho historia, todo junto para enriquecer su nuevo disco. ‘13 PIEZAS’ EN EXHIBICION La Casa de la Cultura de Playas de Tijuana inauguró el pasado 18 de julio la exposición ¨13 piezas¨ , en la galería de esta institución. Esta exposición es realizada por el Colectivo Fragmentos Visuales que a través de distintas técnicas, realiza una búsqueda en la cultura popular del mexicano actual.

LAST CHANCE INDIES: HEARTS BEAT LOUD (JULY 20 - JULY 26) In the hip Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook, single dad and record store owner Frank is preparing to send his hardworking daughter Sam off to college while being forced to close his vintage shop. Hoping to stay connected through their shared musical passions, Frank urges Sam to turn their weekly jam sessions into a father-daughter live act. After their first song becomes an internet breakout, the two embark on a journey of love, growing up and musical discovery.

SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, JULY 20: 11:00AM, 4:10 SATURDAY, JULY 21: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00 SUNDAY, JULY 22: 3:00, 7:00 MONDAY, JULY 23: 11:00AM, 3:00, 7:00 TUESDAY, JULY 24: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 25: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00 THURSDAY, JULY 26: 11:00AM, 3:00 1945 (JULY 20 - JULY 26)

On a summer day in 1945, an Orthodox man and his grown son return to a village in Hungary while the villagers prepare for the wedding of the town clerk's son. The townspeople – suspicious, remorseful, fearful, and cunning – expect the worst and behave accordingly. The town clerk fears the men may be heirs of the village's deported Jews and expects them to demand their illegally acquired property back. Director Ferenc Török paints a complex picture of a society trying to come to terms with the recent horrors they’ve experienced, perpetrated, or just tolerated for personal gain. A superb ensemble cast, lustrous black and white cinematography, and historically detailed art direction contribute to an eloquent drama that reiterates Thomas Wolfe’s famed sentiment: you can’t go home again.

SHOWTIMES: FRIDAY, JULY 20: 1:00, 6:05, 10:15 SATURDAY, JULY 21: 11:00, 3:00, 7:00 SUNDAY, JULY 22: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00 MONDAY, JULY 23: 1:00, 5:00, 9:00 TUESDAY, JULY 24: 11:00AM, 3:00, 7:00 WEDNESDAY, JULY 25: 11:00AM, 3:00, 7:00 THURSDAY, JULY 26: 1:00, 5:00, 9:45 | JULY 20 2018 | PAGE 7


Thursday, July 19, 2018 – 10:00 am – 11:00 am Border Narratives: Voices from Beyond the Wall Location: San Diego Central Library (Shiley Special Events Suite) Latinx comics professionals discuss their work




From panels, film previews, to autographs Latinos and Latin American celebrities and artists will be among those creating a buzz at this year’s Comic-Con, offering fans options not to miss. American Actress of Cuban origin, Danay Garcia joins members of the “Fear the Walking Dead” panel on Friday morning in Hall H. Carlos D’Anda, an American comic book artist will give a demonstration on inking, and drawing in English and Spanish, D’Anda is known for his work on Marvel’s Star Wars comic. Jorge R. Gutiérrez, the Mexican animator, painter, writer and director the Book of Life and creator of the multiple Annie Award and Emmy Award-winning animated television series, El Tigre will be a part of a panel on Friday on the state of the animation industry. Brazilian Rafael Albuquerque best known for his work on “All Star Batman” and winner for the New York Times bestseller “American Vampire” will also be at this year’s Comic-Con. Attendees at this year’s Comic-Con might also want to look out for Sergio Aragones the Spanish/ Mexican cartoonist and writer best known for his contributions to Mad magazine will also be at this year’s convention and so will Daniel José Older who won the international Latino Book Award and is the author of the New York Times bestselling “Shadowshaper, Star Wars Last Shot,” the popular Bone Street Rumba urban fantasy series. Beyond the Convention Center, events will be held at four other locations in downtown: the San Diego Central Library, the Hilton Bayfront Hotel, the Horton Grand Theatre, and the Marriott Marquis. Seating in all event rooms at Comic-Con is on a firstcome, first-served basis, and some artists charge for autographs. This is a partial listing of events celebrating Latino and Latin American celebrities and artists.



and their experiences living in a time of resurgent nationalism and a countrywide obsession with borders, both physical and psychological. Topics will include the current state of Latinx characters in comics, the importance of diverse creators and the question of representative authenticity, and how comics creators can partner with libraries to provide the best access to books and community programming from outside the monoculture. Speakers are Johnnie Christmas (Firebug, Angel Catbird), Marco Finnegan (Crossroad Blues), Ricardo Padilla (executive director and co-founder of the Latino Comics Expo), Zeke Peña (illustrator at The Nib, Photographic: The Life of Graciela Iturbide), and Isabel Quintero (Gabi, A Girl in Pieces,Photographic: The Life of Graciela Iturbide). Moderated by Chloe Ramos-Peterson (library market sales representative at Image Comics).

and around the continent, and share what they have learned making theirs. Moderated by Sebastian M. Fink.

Thursday, July 19, 2018 – 12:30pm – 1:30pm Independent Movie Making Across the Borders Location: Marriott Grand Ballroom 3 & 4 Mitch Hyman (Bubba the Redneck Werewolf ), Dirk Sholar (Violent Realm), Romulo Molina (RomneyRo Films), Frank Rodriguez (Gran Fiesta de Cine Mexicano), Alejandro Soltero (Vieja Escuela) and Rolando Ruiz (Homisapiens Films) talk about the challenges and rewards of making your own movie here

Friday, July 20, 2018 – 12:20pm -12:45pm Illegal Aliens Location: Marriott Grand Ballroom 3 & 4 Due to the recent arrival of undocumented immigrants, the city of Simpletown holds a special city council meeting to determine if the town should officially ban the newcomers. Participating panelists include Justin Schaack (director, writer), Kristin Schaack (director, writer), and David Bowler (producer). Friday, July 19, 2018 2:30pm-7:00pm Ruben Najera Director/Actor (Crystal of Truth, Kill Her! Matala!) Location: Sails Pavilion The El Centro native and professional skateboarder returns to Comic-Con. Najera has had various signature products with some of the top brands in the action sports industry as well as graced the cover of numerous skateboard magazines. His various work as a stuntman and skateboarder in music videos led him to branch into becoming an actor in movies and now filmmaker as well. Friday, July 20, 2018 5:00pm-6:00pm Voices of Mexico Location: AA03 COMIC-CON ON PAGE 9


Free College Tuition Program Nears Application Deadline BY MARIO A. CORTEZ

The deadline for a free tuition program aimed at first-time community college students is fast approaching. The San Diego Community College District (SDCCD) is still taking applications for the 2018-2019 school year’s San Diego Promise Program, which provides two years of tuition-free coursework to students who meet pre established criteria. Eligible applicants must be first-time college students who have been enrolled at a California high school for at least three school years. Applicants must also have received their high school

diploma after June 2017, enroll in at least 12 units of academic coursework, and must have completed a FAFSA or Dream Act form. As part of the current application period, over 2,000 students have already signed up for this program. Lynn Neault, SDCCD Student Services vice chancellor, recommends students interested in the program fill out their applications without delay, and prior to the August 3 deadline. “We want students to fill out a San Diego Promise interest form by August 3 so they will have plenty of time to apply for admission at

either City, Mesa, or Miramar colleges, meet with a counselor to develop their education plan, and take part in a campus Promise orientation before classes begin August 20,” she said. Due to already high enrollment numbers across California community colleges, including those in the SDCCD system, incoming applicants who need to enroll in the required 12 units of schoolwork are advised to apply to the program and select classes though program counselors as soon as possible. FREE TUITION ON PAGE 11



personas sin ciudadanía estadounidense, también resaltaron las de ciudadanos que no tienen origen mexicano. Los individuos de otras nacionalidades quienes fueron detenidos alcanzaron las 7 mil 4 detenciones. Durante el último año fiscal, las autoridades localizaron a dos personas sin vida en su intento de cruzar la frontera, identificaron dos túneles que compartían frontera con México y rescataron a 14 personas de morir en su intento de llegar a Estados Unidos. A casi tres meses de finalizar el año fiscal, la marihuana continúa como una de las drogas favoritas para los traficantes de drogas, seguida por la metanfetamina, heroína y cocaína. La Patrulla Fronteriza ha decomisado durante el año más de 7 mil 700 libras de cannabis, 4 mil 46 libras de metanfetamina, 2 mil 443 onzas de heroína y mil 595 libras de cocaína. Durante el pasado 12 de julio, un hombre de los Estados Unidos agregó 45 libras de metanfetamina a la

estadística. El ciudadano americano de 41 años de edad fue identificado en las inmediaciones de la autopista Interestatal 15, con 40 paquetes de metanfetamina. El cargamento era ocultado en una bolsa de lona negra en el asiento trasero de su camioneta tipo pick up. Aseguran las autoridades fue el comportamiento inusual del conductor lo que alertó a las autoridades. "Este decomiso de drogas realizado por nuestros agentes de la patrulla fronteriza, no solo mantiene estas drogas fuera de nuestras comunidades, las hace más seguras, y frena las ganancias derivadas de su eventual venta", aseguró el jefe de la Patrulla Fronteriza del Sector de San Diego, Rodney S. Scott. En este último caso, el cargamento tiene un valor en las calles de 830 mil dólares, el detenido junto a las drogas, fueron remitidos a la Administración para el Control de Drogas (DEA, por sus siglas en inglés). Hoy, el gobierno federal también ha identificado a los jóvenes, quienes son

utilizados como “mulas” por el crimen organizado, como los más expuestos al tráfico de drogas. La fiscalía federal registró un aumento del 153 por ciento en decomisos de drogas desde el año fiscal 2016 al 2017, un total de 99 de los 39 detenidos que se registraron un año antes, lo más preocupante, aseguran ser el tráfico de una de las drogas más letales que existe en el mercado, el fentanilo. "El contrabando de narcóticos es una propuesta peligrosa, especialmente una droga letal como el fentanilo", dijo Pete Flores, director de operaciones de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza (CBP) en San Diego. "Los jóvenes deben entender que no importa lo que les hayan dicho, existen consecuencias por el contrabando de narcóticos". La fiscalía del Condado de San Diego ha detectado a 70 jóvenes que intentaron cruzar drogas en el puerto de entrada de San Diego y la DEA en solo una semana a cinco en el puerto de entrada de San Ysidro.

This project is expected to be completed in a 90 percent to next November, when the Crossborder Environmental Congress is held. “We are seeing what type of crossborder projects we can create between Americans and Mexicans to help solve common issues,” Duran added. Agora Verde is a monthly crossborder meeting held one time in San Diego, and the next in Tijuana, with the idea to gather community leaders and different organization leaders to help face the issues that have an impact in the border region. “To find this type of meetings is a huge thing because we have citizen organizations of the Mexican side and the American side that are

working together as a citizen watch to help coordinate government issues in both sides of the border, this is something really interesting and unprecedented,” said Ruffo Appel. “The meeting was about the environmental impact, especially about the Tijuana River Valley which has provoked a lot of concern but the 16 American government agencies and the 13 Mexican government agencies that are involved haven’t joined forces throughout the last years. So this group is trying to be citizen watch to hold the government agencies involved accountable and to have a coordinated effort. This is really interesting and I’m happy to have been invited.”



to know how is the quality of the Tijuana River water and the local beaches water. For that, we need to gather all public information available in one site,” said Hernando Duran, director of Tijuana Verde. “When someone needs information about the quality of water, they don’t know where to look, so we are going to gather all that information and we are going to display it in only one site, which is going to be the Tijuana Verde page through Tijuana Innovadora’s website.” In the United States, there are 16 government agencies that have data about the quality of water of the Tijuana River while are 13 government agencies with the same type of data in Mexico.




pounds of cannabis, 4,046 pounds of methamphetamine, 2,443 ounces of heroin, and 1,595 pounds of cocaine. On July 12, a 41-year-old American man added 45 pounds of methamphetamine to the statistics. He was caught near I-15 with 40 packages of methamphetamine, which he had concealed in a black canvas tote in the back seat of pickup truck. Officers say they were alerted by the driver’s odd demeanor. "This drug seizure by our Border Patrol agents not only keeps these drugs off our streets, it makes them safer and halts the profits from their eventual sale,” said Rodney S. Scott, chief of the San Diego Sector Border Patrol. The drugs seized, with an estimated street value of $830,000, and the individual, were both turned over to the Drug Enforcement Administration. The federal government has also identified youth,


who are often used as “mules” by organized crime outfits, as one of the most vulnerable populations in the drug trade. The U.S. Attorney’s Office recorded a 153 percent increase in drug seizures between 2016 and 2017, from 39 to 99, respectively. Their biggest concern: the inflow of fentanyl, one of the deadliest drugs in the market. "Smuggling narcotics is a dangerous proposition, particularly when it’s a lethal drug such as fentanyl,” stated Pete Flores, director of Operations for Customs and Border Protection in San Diego. “Young people need to understand that, no matter what they may have been told, there are consequences for smuggling drugs.” The San Diego County District Attorney’s Office has processed 70 young people for trying to smuggle drugs through San Diego, in addition to 5 by the DEA in a single week at the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

global leader of the breast cancer movement, having invested more than $1 billion in breast cancer research since its inception in 1982. Komen’s promise is to save lives and end breast cancer forever by empowering people, ensuring quality care for all and energizing science to find the cure. “Komen plays a great part in orchestrating major changes to legislation that (is) meant to elevate the lives of those affected by breast cancer. It starts from uncovering the need, rallying support from key leadership in our community and then advocating for equal and quality access to healthcare,” said Lizzie Wittig, Susan G. Komen San Diego’s director of Mission Initiatives and Public Policy.

Inmersión Doble en 22 escuelas, el cual enseña a los jóvenes a dominar el inglés y español. “Este programa de Inmersión Doble tiene mucho éxito, nuestros niños cuando salen dominan los dos idiomas”, dijo Francisco

Escobedo, superintendente del Distrito Escolar de Primarias de Chula Vista. “Los estudiantes no solo salen dominando los dos idiomas sino que salen con un nivel de aprendizaje que es de los más altos de todo el Condado de San Diego”.



ver más temas con ellos, gracias a este programa y sin el miedo de meterle los idiomas”. El Distrito Escolar de Primarias de Chula Vista es colaborador oficial del proyecto. En ese distrito, se cuenta con el programa de


| JULY 20 2018 |

Deportes OPINIÓN


¡Abren la Perrera! Xolos de Tijuana recibe a Chivas de Guadalajara para inaugurar el Torneo Apertura 2018 de la Liga MX


Con unos Xolos en pie de guerra y unas Chivas envueltas en una grave crisis institucional, así es como iniciará el Torneo Apertura 2018 de la Liga MX. El choque del sábado en la renovada cancha del Estadio Caliente será la primera prueba para estos dos equipos que parecen transitar en dirección opuesta. La escuadra de Tijuana ha apostado por la estabilidad de su dirección técnica al permitir que Diego Cocca continue al frente del club fronterizo. El estratega argentino pudo meter a los Xolos a la Liguilla del torneo pasado y eso hace pensar que el cuadro canino tiene las armas necesarias para seguir peleando por cosas importantes. “Queremos demostrar que lo que hicimos el torneo pasado no fue casualidad”, dijo Cocca. “Vamos a demostrar que

este equipo tiene una identidad y una manera de juego definida”, apuntó el entrenador de Xolos, quien busca hacer del Estadio Caliente una perrera infranqueable. “Tenemos que seguir siendo muy fuertes de local, sabemos que los rivales les cuesta mucho en nuestra cancha, queremos que eso siga de la misma manera y como visitante buscaremos ser un equipo muy incómodo”, explicó. Contrario aa lo que sucede en Xolos, las inician el torneo con un nuevo técnico y con muchos cambios en su plantel. José Saturnino Cardozo, quien llega al banquillo rojiblanco para sustituir a Matías Almeyda, se ha encontrado con un Club Guadalajara en plena ebullición tóxica. Sin dinero para adquirir XOLOS EN LA PAGINA 11


Tiempos de Cambio Equipos históricos que luchan por sobrevivir y otros que buscan recuperar glorias de antaño, ese es el panorama que rodea el inicio del Torneo Apertura 2018 de la Liga MX


Un histórico que se cae a pedazos, otro que busca recuperar sus años de grandeza. Uno sobre el que se cierne una maldición y otro que cerró una transacción inimaginable. Estas son las historias de los cuatro equipos que se perfilan para ser protagonistas en el Torneo Apertura 2018 de la Liga MX que arranca este fin de semana. Tras la conclusión del Mundial de Rusia, el balón no deja de rodar y ahora los reflectores apuntan hacia las canchas mexicanas en donde el equipo de Santos Laguna tratará de obtener el bicampeonato. Más allá del camino que siga el cuadro de La Comarca para tratar de volver tocar la gloria, hay cuatro historias que llaman poderosamente la atención de los seguidores del balompié azteca. REBAÑO DE LASTIMA El histórico Club Guadalajara arranca el

Torneo Apertura 2018 sumido en la peor crisis de su brillante historia. Sin dinero para invertir en contrataciones de lujo, con su propietario enfrentando delicados problemas de salud y con una directiva en plena lucha de poder, las Chivas están condenadas a sufrir este semestre. La salida de Matías Almeyda como técnico del equipo fue el golpe final que termino por demoler a la institución. José Saturnino Cardozo tendrá que apostar por una plantilla llena de jóvenes para tratar de darle alegrías a una afición que ha perdido por completo la fe en su Rebaño Sagrado. MÁQUINA ACEITADA El Cruz Azul inicia una nueva era al regresar al majestuoso Estadio Azteca, escenario en donde tejió su leyenda como un grande del futbol mexicano. Para dejar atrás los 20 años de descalabros y sinsabores, la Máquina contrató a Ricardo Peláez como su director deportivo y con él al mando, el cuadro cementero se reforzó mejor que ningún otro club. En total, Peláez trajo a 10 nuevos elementos mientras que al mismo tiempo dejaba ir a 11 jugadores en aras de limpiar una casa a la que no entra un trofeo de campeón de liga desde hace dos décadas. CAMBIO EN LA PAGINA 11




El crimen fue brutal, aterrador, despiadado, salvaje e inhumano. El rostro de la hermosa joven de raza negra quedó desfigurado por los feroces golpes que recibió. La víctima es Delicia Cordon, una joven de cuerpo espectacular y rostro angelical, tuvo la desgracia de caer en manos de un pelafustán que se dedica a jugar futbol americano profesional. LeSean McCoy, corredor de los Bills de Buffalo, es señalado como el agresor del espantoso ataque. De acuerdo a una amiga de Cordon, el estrella de la NFL había mostrado varias veces su violenta personalidad. “Callé cuando a golpes le rompiste las costillas a tu perro, cuando te inyectabas sustancias en tu cuerpo, cuando maltratabas a las personas, pero esto no te lo voy a permitir”, escribió la amiga de Cordon bajo la fotografía de la víctima que yacía en una cama con el rostro ensangrentado y que publicó en redes sociales. En este mismo espacio he documentado acciones incomprensibles, acciones llenas de ira, coraje y violencia cometidas por jugadores de la NFL. Pensé que el caso de Adrian Peterson era el más deleznable que me había tocado narrar en esta columna. El entonces corredor de los Vikingos de Minnesota solía golpear despiadadamente a su pequeño hijo de apenas cuatro años de edad con ramas de árbol para disciplinarlo, para obligarlo a tomar siestas y para que aprendiera a recoger sus juguetes. La estupidez mental de Peterson fue sancionada por la NFL con dos meses de suspensión y después el jugador volvió sin ningún problema a los emparrillados. Ciertamente, el abusar de un menor de la manera en que Peterson lo hizo con su hijo, merecía la expulsion definitiva de la NFL. Ese castigo hubiera sido verdaderamente ejemplar y tal vez hubiera prevenido la cantidad infinita de actos de violencia doméstica que han venido protagonizando los jugadores de la NFL. La impunidad que existe en la NFL es aberrante, sobre todo cuando se trata de actos que solamente una bestia es capaz de concebir y llevar a cabo. La fotografía que vi de Delicia Cordon debe de ser evidencia suficiente, no solo para para expulsar a McCoy de la NFL, sino para que se abra un juicio en su contra por intento de homicidio. A McCoy no se le debe dar la oportunidad nunca más de representar a un equipo de la NFL, pero más que eso, se le de debe perseguir como un asesino en ciernes. Antes de que McCoy se convierta en el siguiente OJ Simpson, el sistema legal y judicial de este país debe dejar caer todo su peso sobre el energúmeno corredor de los Bills de Buffalo.


BRILLAN LAS ESTRELLAS Con pizarra de 8-6 en diez entradas, la Liga Americana venció a la Liga Nacional en la edición 89 del Juego de Estrellas del Béisbol de Grandes Ligas gracias a las actuaciones de Alex Bregman y George Springer. Aaron Judge se convirtió en el primer jugador de Yankees en conectar un cuadrangular en el llamado clásico de media temporada desde Jason Giambi en 2003; mientras que Mike Trout de los Angelinos de Los Ángeles se unió a Willie Mays y Joe Morgan con un hit en sus primeras seis apariciones. Bregman y Springer culminaron con las esperanzas de la Liga Nacional al disparar cuadrangulares consecutivos en el décimo inning. Parecía el Derby de cuadrangulares cuando Joey Votto mandó otra pelota a la calle, pero ya no les alcanzó para superar a la Americana. El estelar de los Nacionales de Washington, Bryce Harper, se fue con dos turnos al bat y dos ponches. En la lomita Edwin Díaz se llevó el triunfo; Ross Stripling cargó con la derrota y J.A. Happ el salvamento. Con el resultado, la Liga Americana acumuló su sexto triunfo al hilo y 44 en la historia, por 43 de la Nacional y dos empates. GUANTE DE ORO AL MADRID El mejor portero del Mundial Rusia 2018, el belga Thibaut Courtois, se pondra la camiseta del Real Madrid, esto luego de que el equipo merengue llegara a un acuerdo con el Chelsea FC de la Liga Premier de Inglaterra, antiguo equipo del guardameta. Con 27 atajadas y sólo seis goles recibidos a lo largo del Mundial, Courtois arribaría a los Blancos a suplir al actual portero del equipo, Keylor Navas, quien ha estado entre las filas del Real Madrid durante cuatro temporadas. El fichaje de Courtois costó tan sólo 35 millones de euros, según diferentes fuentes en Europa, la suma es considerablemente accesible para ser el mejor portero de Copa del Mundo. Este precio llamó la atención de Florentino Pérez, presidente del Real Madrid, quien no dudó en desembolsar esa cantidad de dinero para quedarse con un experimentado portero.

Sólo falta que Thibaut Courtois sea presentado oficialmente como portero del club madridista. MURRAY SE VA El jugador Demarco Murray, ahora agente libre anunció su retiro de la NFL, tras ser liberado por los Titanes de Tennessee a principios de Marzo. Murray, de 30 años, arrancó su carrera como jugador de fútbol americano profesional con los Vaqueros de Dallas, quienes lo eligieron en la tercera ronda del Draft 2011 de la NFL. En 2014 lideró con mil 845 yardas la liga y 13 touchdowns. Fue considerado el jugador ofensivo de la NFL en ese año. Murray participó en tres Pro Bowls en sus siete temporadas y fue el único jugador con más de 4 mil 000 yardas terrestres y más de 30 touchdowns por tierra desde 2014. Llegó como agente libre a los Eagles de Filadelfia durante la temporada 2015 con un contrato de cinco años y 40 millones de dólares. Paso a las filas de los Titanes en 2016 y fue el más productivo, con 1.287 yardas y nueve anotaciones. Después de un año de poca actividad e interés limitado por parte de los Delfines de Miami y los Santos de Nueva Orleans, Murray decidió retirarse. KERR SE QUEDA Steve Kerr, entrenador de los Warriors de Golden State, recibió una extensión

de contrato después de sellar el bicampeonato de la NBA y su tercer corona en cuatro años. Kerr, quien tenía un año de contrato en su acuerdo original por cinco años y 25 millones de dólares, había mencionado que espera entrenar por 10 o tal vez 15 años más. Los Warriors se están estableciendo como una dinastía. Se unieron a los Celtics de Boston de Bill Russell, los Bulls de Chicago de Michael Jordan y las tres ediciones de los Lakers, la última de Shaquille O’Neal y Kobe Bryant hace casi 20 años, como las únicas franquicias en la historia en sumar tres títulos en un lapso de cuatro años. Golden State obtuvo su primer título en 40 años en 2014-2015, el primer año de Kerr como entrenador. Ahora, los Warriors se preparan para una última temporada en el Oracle Arena de Oakland antes de inaugurar el moderno Chase Center en el vecindario Mission Bay de San Francisco en agosto de 2019. Kerr tiene marca de 265-63 y guió a los Warriors a una histórica campaña de 73 victorias en 2015-16. | JULY 20 2018 | PAGE 9



Líderes de Cali-Baja Discuten Proyectos pro-Ambientales POR ANA GÓMEZ SALCIDO

Líderes de ambos lados de la frontera se reunieron para discutir varios proyectos pro-ambientales así como para impulsar acciones que ayuden al medio ambiente en la región de Cali-Baja. La reunión, catalogada como “Ágora Verde”, se realizó en el Estuario Tijuana, ubicado en Imperial Beach, como parte del movimiento de Tijuana Innovadora. Esta incluyó la presencia de economistas, científicos, ingenieros, estudiantes, empresarios y funcionarios como Ernesto Ruffo Appel, senador estatal de Baja California, y el senador representante de California Ben Hueso. Uno de los proyectos planteados pretende crear un nuevo sitio de Internet que facilite el acceso a información oficial sobre la calidad del agua de las playas de Tijuana y San Diego. “Estamos planteando un proyecto de Observatorio Ciudadano del Agua del Río Tijuana, nosotros los ciudadanos debemos de saber como es la calidad del agua del Río Tijuana y de las playas de la región, para eso queremos recopilar toda la información pública existente en un solo sitio”, señaló el director de Tijuana Verde, Hernando Durán. “Cuando uno quiere información, no sabe a donde acudir, y nosotros vamos a recopilar toda esa información disponible, y la vamos a difundir a través de nuestra portal de Internet de Tijuana Verde de Tijuana Innovadora”. En Estados Unidos existen 16 agencias de gobierno que tienen información sobre la calidad de agua del área mencionada, mientras que en México hay 13 agencias

gubernamentales con ese tipo de datos. Este proyecto se espera que esté listo en un 90 por ciento para cuando se realice el Congreso Ambiental Transfronterizo, el próximo noviembre. “Estamos viendo que tipo de proyectos binacionales podemos los estadounidenses y mexicanos contribuir para buscar soluciones comunes”, agregó Durán. Ágora Verde es una reunión mensual binacional que se realiza una vez en San Diego, y la siguiente en Tijuana, con la idea que se reúnan líderes de la comunidad y representantes de diversas organizaciones para solucionar problemas que afectan a la región fronteriza. “Encontrar una reunión de este tipo es un suceso porque ver que organismos ciudadanos del lado mexicano y del lado americano estén trabajando juntos en una manera de observatorio ciudadano para poder ayudar a coordinar los asuntos de gobiernos en ambas fronteras, es muy interesante, es algo inédito”, dijo Ruffo Appel. “La reunión es sobre el medio ambiente y en especial sobre el tema de la cuenca del Río Tijuana, ha habido algunos asuntos ambientales que han causado mucha preocupación pero las 16 agencias norteamericanas que tienen que ver con el asunto y las 13 mexicanas, simplemente a través de los años no se han puesto de acuerdo. Y lo que ellos están buscando es ser un foco de observación para buscar que los gobiernos se coordinen. Esto es muy interesante y celebró estar aquí invitado”, concluyo el funcionario bajacaliforniano.



Jessica Angeles, actor (Ladybug, Breath of the Wild), Sebastian Llapur, actor (Star Wars: Rogue One Battlefront, Finding Nemo), Luis Daniel Ramirez, actor (Smallville: Absolute Justice, Dragon Ball) Mexico produces 65 percent of all the dubbing for Latin America, a market of 450 million consumers and Mexican fans love their voice actors. Hear the stories from top of voice actors from Mexico. Saturday, 21, 2018 Juan Ortiz, Artist (Star Trek: The Art of Juan Ortiz, Lost In Space) Location: AA19 Since 1985, Juan has been an illustrator/designer for Disney and Warner Bros. and has penciled covers for DC Comics’ Looney Tunes and Tiny Toons magazines. He is also the publisher of his own comic book series, Silver Comics, seen in the Disney/Dreamworks release I Am Number Four (produced by Steven Spielberg) as well as The Skull Army, a macabre/ detective pulp, featuring his creation (named) The End. Ortiz is an avid Star Trek enthusiast and an accomplished artist that set out to create an art program representing each of the 80 episodes from the Star Trek: The Original Series.

Sunday July 22, 2018 1:15pm-2:15pm Ricardo Liniers Siri Writer/Artist (Macanudo, The Big Wet Balloon) Location: AA21 Liniers Siri is best known “Liniers,” the creator of the popular Latin American comic strip Macanudo. American audiences have been introduced to Liniers Siri through his New Yorker covers, 4 volumes of the Macanudo strip, and children’s books that include The Big Wet Balloon, Written and Drawn By Henrietta, and Good Night, Planet. His books have been published in more than 10 languages all over the world, from China to Columbia, Sweden to Japan. Sunday July 22, 2018 1:00pm Mayans M.C. Location: Hall H Fans get a special look at FX’s “Sons of Anarchy” spinoff “Mayans M.C.” with co-creator Kurt Sutter, co-creator Elgin James and Stars J.D. Pardo, Clayton Cardenas, Edward James Olmos, Sarah Bolger, Michael Irby, Carla Baratta, Antonio Jaramillo, Raoul Max Trujillo, Richard Cabral, Danny Pino, Emilio Rivera, Frankie Loyal, Joseph Lucero, and Vincent “Rocco” Vargas.

Local Students Receive More than $2.4 Million in Scholarships


Hundreds of local students were awarded scholarships this month through a program that provides scholarships to students in various grade levels. For the 2018-2019 school year, the Community Scholarship Program of the San Diego Foundation – a community foundation that allows donors to create foundations of their own – gave more than $2.6 million in scholarships to 876 students. The Community Scholarship Program is one of the largest programs outside of university scholarships in San Diego County

that provides financial aid to students. The program awards scholarships to high school, college, and graduate students, as well as adults who are pursuing a higher education for a second time. Of the many roadblocks first generation college students need to overcome when pursuing a higher education is a lack of financial resources, which can most often deter students from attending college or leave them with a large amount of debt after graduation. Based off research, the Public Policy Institute of California found that students from underserved communities are greatly



ceremonies. It’s how you build conformidad with each other, family with each other,” Anaya points out. Among the first dances was the Sacred Heart dance. “We all have the same heart,” Anaya said as he explained the purpose of the dance. “Everything around us has a sacred heart from rocks to mountains to people to animals. We value that heart and we respect that heart. Without it nothing would be around. “When you talk about diversity, we believe we are all the same,” Anaya added. “We all beat the same heartbeat,” he said. Aguilar added that her parents have taught her danza is a sacred space not just for the traditions, but also for what it represents for the Latino community. “Especially in these political times, this climate, creating that space is so important. We need to show we are still here and we’re going to be here. We are not going to move anywhere,” Aguilar said. She added danza is very powerful, especially when the group participates in protests. “People always come up to us and say thank you for being here because you brought ánimo and the ancestors with you to help us fight for our rights.” It’s more important than ever now to have danza creating that space, Aguilar said.

marches, protests and hardly misses any of them, but found himself feeling frustrated after he would return home and turn on his television and live life as if nothing happened. “Life goes back to normal. The President continues to do what he wants. The Border Patrol continues to separate families,” Amaral explained. “In that frustration, but also with love for humanity, love for the mothers, for their daughters and sons, that are without their parents, I thought it was important to do one more sacrifice, a sacrifice that goes beyond a few hours of my day. The biggest sacrifice we have as humans is our lives, our bodies. For me, a hunger strike is the most basic thing we can do,”


underrepresented in colleges and universities. According to a San Diego Foundation press release, among the recipients for the 2018-2019 school year, “66 percent are the first in their families to attend college, and 76 percent are considered low-income students based on Expected Family Contribution data.” For one of the scholarship awardees, Galilea Marin of Southwest High School, the scholarship signifies the key to the door of success, Marin said in a press release. “Not only will this scholarship uphold the cost of my education, but it will ensure an overall peace of mind and happiness knowing that I have the financial support

necessary as the first generation in my family to attend college,” Marin said. Unlike scholarships given to students pursuing specific careers, the Community Scholarship Program awards students pursuing different of career paths. In more than 20 years, the program has awarded more than $30.4 million to thousands of students, according to the release. “As the cost of higher education rises, a significant deterrent to pursuing and finishing a degree is affordability,” Connie Matsui, interim chief executive officer at the San Diego Foundation said in a release. “The San Diego Foundation Community Scholarship Program helps remove this barrier for San Diego youth and their families, enabling hundreds of students to achieve their educational goals every year.” Aside from announcing their winners for this upcoming school year, the foundation also announced the Community Scholars Initiative – a partnership with several key players that will focus on helping hundreds of low-income and first generation students pay for college. The partnership is with the College Futures Foundation, Reality Changers, and the Sweetwater Unified School District.


he added. Amaral said it’s just a beginning, adding the group has already seen accomplishments in the days since they began the hunger strike, including generating awareness in the surrounding neighborhood and with the many people who have stopped by. Mohamed M. Elnakib is also on the hunger strike. Elnakib, who works in mental health, was motivated by the trauma he said is evident in the children being reunited with their families. He said there is no expression, no emotion in the faces of the children because they have seen so much trauma they no longer are able to regulate their emotions, and he worries over what damage it will do long term.

“I’m unapologetically Muslim and it’s another one of the main reasons that drives me forward. Putting my life on the line is something my faith teaches me to do, especially when it comes to helping others and making a difference in the world,” Elnakib said. He was also motivated by the Muslim travel ban because it has affected so many families, and because the Supreme Court upheld it a few weeks ago, he considered staying silent to be like giving approval to allow it to happen. Gabby hopes the hunger strike will underscore the need for people to come out and speak up. “We the people need to demand change,” she explained.


The San Diego County Treasurer‐Tax Collector’s Office has $441,000 worth of unclaimed money that we want to reunite with its rightful owners! Go online now to

to see if your name is on our list. You can find information on how to file a claim on our website or by calling (877) 829‐4732.

Any unclaimed money not claimed by September 7, 2018 will become the property of the County of San Diego on September 8, 2018.

Deadline to file a claim: September 7, 2018


| JULY 20 2018 |



CHANGE OF NAME ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00030330-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: JACQUELINE J. ESTEP for a decree changing names as a) Jacqueline J. Estep to Jacqueline Jane La Chance THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Aug-09-2018. Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: Jun- 20-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUN 29, JUL 6, 13, 20/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00030284-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Rogelio Lopez for a decree changing names as a) Marianna Diaz-Santana Reyes to Marianna Elena Jasso THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: AUG. 09, 2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: Jun- 20 -2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUN 29, JUL 6, 13, 20/2018, La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00027990-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Lizbeth Barraza & Mitchell Lee Salls On behalf of minor Luke A. Barraza for a decree changing names as a) Luke A. Barraza to Luke Barraza Salts THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: JUL. 26, 2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: Jun- 07 -2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUN 29, JUL 6, 13, 20/2018, La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00032662-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: JORGE LUIS MORALES OLIVARES for a decree changing names as a) JORGE LUIS MORALES OLIVARES TO JORGE LUIS MORALES THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Aug-30-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101.

CHANGE OF NAME A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JUL-02-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00032660-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: ERIK CRUZ for a decree changing names as a) ERIK CRUZ TO ERIC CRUZ THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: AUG. 23, 2018 Time: 9:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JUL- 02 -2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00032683-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: Cynthia Cancino for a decree changing names on behalf of minor child as a) Yalitzia Garcia To Yalitzia Cancino THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: AUG. 23, 2018 Time: 10:30 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JUL- 02 -2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-00032765-CU-PT-CTL TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner ANGELES PERLA PRECIADO GRACIA, ON BEHALF OF MINOR CHILD for a decree changing names as a) EMILY DAYLING GARCIA PRECIADO TO EMILY ESCOBAR PRECIADO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Aug-23-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JUL-02-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUL 20, 27, AUG. 3, 10/2018 La Prensa San Diego ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER: 37-2018-26439 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MELISSA LIZETT OROZCO VICENCIO for a decree changing names as a) MELISSA LIZETT OROZCO VICENCIO AKA MELISSA LIZETT OROZCO GARCIA TO MELISSA LIZETT VICENCIO THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the


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reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING Date: Aug-13-2018. Time: 09:00 a.m. Dept.: 903. The address of the court is Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, 1100 Union St, San Diego, CA 92101. A Copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa San Diego, 1712 Logan Ave. San Diego, CA 92113 Date: JUL-19-2018 Peter C. Deddeh Judge of the Superior Court Published: JUL 20, 27, AUG. 3, 10/2018 La Prensa San Diego

Registrant Name: AZAR MERCHANDISING, LLC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 26, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016675 Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

92154 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) NICOLAS LAGUNAS 736 S 37ST. SAN DIEGO, IMPERIAL BEACH, CA 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: NICOLAS LAGUNAS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 11, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017876 Published: JUL 13, 20, 27 AUG 3/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

BERTO SANCHEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 06, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017518 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG. 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

FICTITIOUS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Falafel California 10771 Caminito Bravura San Diego, CA, San Diego, 92108 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Mahmoud Arafat 10771 Caminito Bravura San Diego, CA 92108 This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Mahmoud Arafat This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County Jun 22, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016401 Published: Jun 29, Jul 6, 13, 20/ 2018 LaPrensaSanDiego STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) Exclo 1815 Magenta Court, Unit #9 Chula Vista, CA, San Diego 91913 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) Cesar Ortiz 1815 Magenta Court, Unit #9 Chula Vista, CA 91913 This Business is Conducted By: Joint Venture the First Day of Business 09/21/2016 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: Cesar Ortiz This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 20, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016131 Published: JUN 29, JUL 6, 13, 20/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) TROPICO YATCH CARE 433 B AVE. NATIONAL CITY, CA, SAN DIEGO 91950 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) JACOBO LOPEZ 433 B AVE NATIONAL CITY CA, 91950 This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business 02/20/2004 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JACOBO LOPEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County Jun 29, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017046 Published: Jul 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SIMPLEMENTE REIKI 590 G. STREET SPACE #10 CHULA VISTA, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ALMA ROSA ROJAS 2223 BETA STREET NATIONAL CITY, CA. 91950 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 06/28/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ALMA ROS A ROJAS This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 28, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016941 Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) AZAR AUTO 2667 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH # 214-95, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92108 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) AZAR MERCHANDISING, LLC 3659 4TH AVE. UNIT 5 SAN DIEGO CA, 92103 This Business is Conducted By: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].)

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) PREMIUM FANCY 656 PALOMAR ST #202 CHULA VISTA, CA , SAN DIEGO , 91911 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) VIP EYEBROWS SALON INC 656 PALOMAR ST #202 CHULA VISTA CA. 91911 This Business is Conducted By: CORPORATION the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: VIP EYEBROWS SALON INC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 27, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016803 Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) PRETTY IS PRODUCTIONS 418 3RD AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92101 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) FRITZ CHARLES AHERN 4768 PAULING AVE SAN DIEGO , CA, 92112 b) MARIA GUADALUPE AHERN 4768 PAULING AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92122 This Business is Conducted By: MARRIED COUPLE the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: FRIK AHERN This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 28, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016905 Published: JUL 6, 13, 20, 27/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) CASINOS CAB 318 COTTONWOOD RD. SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92173 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) NOE APARICIO 318 COTTONWOOD RD. SAN DIEGO, CA, 92173 This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: NOE APARICIO This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 10, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017741 Published: Jul 13, 20, 27 AUG. 3/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) 7EDGRAPHIC 187-F MACE STREET, CHULA VISTA, CA, SAN DIEGO, 91911 2027HIGHLAND AVE, NATIONAL CITY,CA 91950 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) RICARDO MARTINEZ 187-F MACE STREET, CHULA VISTA, CA. 91911 b) ALMA D. VALADEZ TOVAR 2027 HIGHLAND AVE, NATIONAL CITY, CA. 91950 This Business is Conducted By: MARRIED COUPLE the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: RICARDO MARTINEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 25, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016558 Published: JUL 13, 20, 27 AUG 3/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) DAYGO BAY PRESURE WASHING 535 WYKES ST. CHULA VISTA, CA, SAN DIEGO , 91911 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) FRANCISCO SANCHEZ ORTIZ 535 WYKES ST. CHULA VISTA, CA. 91911 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: FRANCISCO SANCHEZ ORTIZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 03, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017302 Published: JUL 13, 20, 27 AUG 3/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) TJ TORTAS Y TACOS 1850 CORONADO AVE. SUITE 401, IMPERIAL BEACH, CA, SAN DIEGO

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) AXENT LIVE 938 A AVENUE, NATIONAL CITY, CA SAN DIEGO, 91950 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) XAVIER BERNAL VASQUEZ 938 A AVENUE NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950 b) ANDROMEDA BREEZE BRADLEY 938 A AVENUE, NATIONAL CITY, CA 91950 This Business is Conducted By: COPARTNERS the First Day of Business 06/27/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: XAVIER BERNAL VAZQUEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 28, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9016943 Published: JUL 13, 20, 27 AUG 3/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) A.L CLEANING + HOULING SERVICES 2031 TERRACINA CIRCLE, SPRING VALLEY CA, SAN DIEGO 91977 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ALMA G FLORES 2031 TERRACINA CIRCLE SPRING VALLEY CA, 91977 This Business is Conducted By: Individual the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name:ALMA G FLORES This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUN 01, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9014465 Published: JUN 15, 22, 29 JUL. 6/2018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) VIZION PRINTING 1738 DEL SUR BLVD 203, SAN YSIDRO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92173 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) ISRAEL CHAVEZ 1738 DEL SUR BLVD #203, SAN YSIDRO, CA 92173 b) BLANCA CHAVEZ 1738 DEL SUR BLVD #203 SAN YSIDRO, CA 92173 This Business is Conducted By: MARRIED COUPLE the First Day of Business 07/02/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: ISRAEL CHAVEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 02, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017155 Published: Jul 20, 27 AUG. 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) JOAQUIN DIAZ 2165 COMSTOCK ST, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92111 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) JOAQUIN DIAZ 2318 MORLEY ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92111 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 09/01/2017 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JOAQUIN DIAZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 18, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9018369 Published: Jul 20, 27 AUG. 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) CUBA CUBICLE INSTALLATION 5640 SURFRIDER WAY #165, SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO 92154 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) CARLOS HUMBERTO SANCHEZ 240 QUINTARD ST. APT #7 CHULA VISTA, CA 91911 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 07/06/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: CARLOS HUM-

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SPOTLESS MOBILE DETAIL 4277 50TH ST. APT#206 SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92115 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) JOSE OLASCOAGA 4277 50TH ST. APT #206, SAN DIEGO, CA, 92115 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: JOSE OLASCOAGA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 11, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017832 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG. 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) SEAFOOD LOS CABOS 10707 JAMACHA BLVD # 31, SPRING VALLEY, CA SAN DIEGO, 91978 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) CARLOS A GOMEZ ROCHA 10707 JAMACHA BLVD #31, SPRING VALLEY, CA 91978 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 07/01/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: CARLOS A. GOMEZ ROCHA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 09, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017654 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego


FICTITIOUS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) KDR PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 419 19TH ST. SAN DIEGO, CA, SAN DIEGO, 92102 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) I PONTI, LLC 501 W BROADWAY SUITE 862 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 This Business is Conducted By: LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY the First Day of Business 07/13/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: I PONTI, LLC This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 16, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9018196 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) RUNWAY DRESSES FOR RENT b) I AM SHE BOUTIQUE 225 THIRD AVE SUITE B, CHULA VISTA, CA. SAN DIEGO, 91910 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) NYDIA SELENNE FRANKLIN 5103 COBAN ST. SAN DIEGO, CA 92114 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business N/A I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: NYDIA SELENNE FRANKLIN This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 09, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017558 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

FICTITIOUS NAME This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 07/05/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: NORMA GARCIA This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 05, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017388 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) WALLY'S 1010 S 45TH ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. SAN DIEGO 92113 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) EVA CAROLINA RODRIGUEZ 1010 S 45TH ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92113 This Business is Conducted By: INDIVIDUAL the First Day of Business 07/11/2018 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true any material matter pursuant to section 17913 of the Business and Professions code that the registrant knows to be false is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars [$1,000].) Registrant Name: EVA CAROLINA RODRIGUEZ This Statement Was Filed With Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/ County Clerk of San Diego County JUL 11, 2018 Assigned File No.: 2018-9017877 Published: JUL 20, 27 AUG 3, 10/2018 LaPrensaSanDiego

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Fictitious Business Name: a) FANCY POCKETS 635 W MISSION #38, ESCONDIDO, CA. SAN DIEGO, 92025 This Business Is Registered by the Following: a) NORMA GARCIA 635 W MISSION #38, ESCONDIDO, CA. 92025



CITY OF CARLSBAD, CALIFORNIA NOTICE INVITING BIDS Project Name: RECYCLED WATER PHASE III PIPELINE EXPANSION SEGMENT 5, CONTRACT NO. 5208-B Bid No.: PWS19-491UTIL Bid Submittal Deadline: AUGUST 29, 2018; 11 a.m. Engineer’s Estimate: $10,100,000 Required Contractor’s Classification(s): “A” Federal Funding: YES Prevailing Wages to be Paid: REQUIRED Complete bid packages are available for viewing on the Internet at: Bid documents found there may be used for bidding. Description of Work: Furnish and install approximately 31,684 linear feet of 6” recycled water pipeline, 8,000 linear feet of 8” recycled water pipeline, 4,370 linear feet of 6” potable water, and 1,685 linear feet of 8” potable water with all valves and appurtenances. Project is located in collector and residential streets and requires traffic control, utility protection, asphalt overlay, pavement striping and markers. Time/Location of Pre-Bid Meeting: A pre-bid meeting will be held at Carlsbad Municipal Water District offices located at 5950 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA 92008 on Tuesday, August 7, 2018 at 9 a.m. Until the bid submittal deadline, the City shall accept sealed bids, clearly marked as such, at the Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Avenue, Carlsbad, CA 92008-7314, Attn: Public Works Contract Administration, by mail, delivery service or by deposit in the Bid Box located in the first floor lobby, at which time they will be opened and read, for performing the work as described above. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS AND BID REQUIREMENTS This bid and the terms of the Contract Documents and General Provisions constitute an irrevocable offer that shall remain valid and in full force for a period of 90 days and such additional time as may be mutually agreed upon by the City of Carlsbad and the Bidder. The City of Carlsbad may disqualify a contractor or subcontractor from participating in bidding when a contractor or subcontractor has been debarred by the City of Carlsbad or another jurisdiction in the State of California as an irresponsible bidder. The work shall be performed in strict conformity with the plans, provisions, and specifications as approved by the City Council of the City of Carlsbad on file with the agency. The specifications for the work include City of Carlsbad Technical Specifications and the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, Parts 2 & 3, current edition at time of bid opening and the supplements thereto as published by the “Greenbook” Committee of Public Works Standards, Inc. (if applicable), all hereinafter designated “SSPWC”, as amended. Specification Reference is hereby made to the plans and specifications for full particulars and description of the work. The General Provisions (Part 1) to the SSPWC do not apply. The City of Carlsbad encourages the participation of minority and women-owned businesses. The City of Carlsbad encourages all bidders, suppliers, manufacturers, fabricators and contractors to utilize recycled and recyclable materials when available, appropriate and approved by the Engineer. OBTAINING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Bid packages various supplemental provisions and Contract documents may be obtained on the City of Carlsbad web site at Paper copies will not be sold. No bid will be received unless it is made on a proposal form furnished by this agency. BID SECURITY Each bid must be accompanied by security in a form and amount required by law. The bidder’s security of the second and third next lowest responsive bidders may be withheld until the Contract has been fully executed. The security submitted by all other unsuccessful bidders shall be returned to them, or deemed void, within ten (10) days after the Contract is awarded. Pursuant to the provisions of law (Public Contract Code section 10263), appropriate securities may be substituted for any obligation required by this notice or for any monies withheld by the City to ensure performance under this Contract. Section 10263 of the Public Contract Code requires monies or securities to be deposited with the City or a state or federally chartered bank in California as the escrow agent. The escrow agent shall maintain insurance to cover negligent acts and omissions of the agent in connection with the handling of retentions under this section in an amount not less than $100,000 per contract. PREVAILING WAGE TO BE PAID This invitation to bid does involve federal funds. If there is a difference between the minimum wage rates predetermined by the Secretary of Labor and the general prevailing wage rates determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations for similar classifications of labor, the Contractor and subcontractors shall pay not less than the higher wage rate. Pursuant to Section 1773 of the Labor Code, the general prevailing wage rates in the county, or counties, in which the work is to be done have been determined by the Director of the California Department of Industrial Relations. A current copy of applicable wage rates is on file in the Office of the City Engineer. The Davis Bacon rate of wages for each craft or type of worker needed to execute the Contract shall be those as determined by the United States Secretary of Labor. Davis Bacon Wage determinations can be obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor’s web site, See Appendix “C” for all Davis Bacon Requirements. The Prime Contractor shall be responsible for insuring compliance with provisions of section 1777.5 of the Labor Code and section 4100 et seq. of the Public Contracts Code, “Subletting and Subcontracting Fair Practices Act.” The City Engineer is the City’s “duly authorized officer” for the purposes of section 4107 and 4107.5. The provisions of Part 7, Chapter 1, of the Labor Code commencing with section 1720 shall apply to the Contract for work. A contractor or subcontractor shall not be qualified to bid on, be listed in a bid proposal, subject to the requirements of Section 4104 of the Public Contract Code, or engage in the performance of any contract for public work, unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Section 1725.5. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. The Prime Contractor and all subcontractors shall comply with Section 1776 of the Labor Code, which generally requires keeping accurate payroll records, verifying and certifying payroll records, and making them available for inspection. Contractor shall require all subcontractors to comply with Section 1776. July 18, 2018 Date

Graham Jordan Deputy Clerk | JULY 20 2018 | PAGE 11







CITY OF CORONADO NOTICE INVITING BIDS ADA Compliant Pedestrian Ramps along A, B, and C Avenues (CDBG FY 17/18) Contract No. 18-CO-ES-672 The City of Coronado invites sealed bids for the ADA Compliant Pedestrian Ramps along A, B, and C Avenues (CDBG FY 17/18) project. This project consists of removal and replacement of 52 pedestrian ramps and improvements associated with the ramp replacements along A, B, and C Avenues. Receipt of Bids: All bid proposals must be received by the City Clerk at City Hall, 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, California 92118 PRIOR TO 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 1, 2018. Engineering Estimate: $160,000. Pre-Bid Conference: A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be conducted at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 25, 2018, at City Hall, 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, California. Bid Security: Bid Security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the Lump Sum Base Bid shall accompany the Bid. Contractor’s License: The successful bidder will be required to possess a current State of California Class A General Engineering Contractor’s License or a Class C-8 Concrete Contractor’s License at the time the Contract is awarded. Contractors and subcontractors must also be registered with the State of California Department of Industrial Relations per Labor Code Section 1771.1(a). Prevailing Wage: In accordance with the California Labor Code, the Contractor must pay not less than prevailing wage rates as determined by the Director of Industrial Relations for all work done under this contract. Bid Documents: Copies of the plans, specifications, instructions to bidders, and bidder’s proposal forms are available at the Public Services & Engineering Department, 1825 Strand Way, Coronado, California 92118. The cost (non-refundable) is $20 per set, not including postage. Contractors may also request an electronic version of the documents at no cost by contacting the Public Services & Engineering Department at: telephone: (619) 522-7383; email: BY: Ed Walton, City Engineer DATE: July 12, 2018



The San Diego Promise Project began during the 2016-2017 academic year as a pilot program. In its first year, the program extended its tuition assistance to 201 students, of which 175 were recent high school graduates and 26 were continuing education students at SDCCU campuses. During the 2017-2018 year the program included 661 students across the three SDCCD campuses. With over 2,000 students enrolled in the program, costs are estimated to be $1.86 million, of which first year enrollment costs will be provided by an allocation from the State budget and the second year of enrollment being underwritten from money raised by SDCCD through a fundraiser campaign. The San Diego Community College District is the county’s largest community college district and California’s second largest district, serving over 100,000 yearly students across its City College, Mesa College, and Miramar College campuses.



NIDO MALDITO La maldición de las lesiones persigue sin cesar a las Águilas del América. Sin que se haya dado el primer silbato del torneo, el cuadro azulcrema ya perdió a Jérémy Ménez y a Cecilio Domínguez. Ambos jugadores son vitales para el funcionamiento ofensivo del conjunto americanista por lo que su ausencia presagia serios problemas para el técnico Miguel Herrera. En su tercer torneo al frente de las Águilas, Herrera tiene la presión de entregar el titulo a su directiva por lo que en este semestre se está jugando su continuidad en el Nido. RREGIOS Y ESPLÉNDIDOS Esa leyenda urbana de que a los regiomontanos no les gusta gastar dinero cae por tierra con la transacción del Monterrey para hacerse de los servicios de Rodolfo Pizarro. El club albiazul le dio un cheque de 15 millones de dólares a Chivas para llevarse al talentoso mediocampista, en una transacción que ha pasado a ser la más grande en la historia de la Liga MX por un jugador mexicano. Rayados tiene un gran plantel, y con la llegada de Diego Alonso a la dirección técnica, el Monterrey debe ser considerado el gran favorito para llevarse el título del Torneo Apertura 2018.



refuerzos de lujo, con el propietario del equipo aquejado por problemas de salud y con una deuda multimillonaria, la problemática que envuelve a las Chivas es grave. Con ese gris panorama a la vista, Cardozo tiene la tarea de darle alguna alegría a los seguidores del rebaño, aunque para eso tendrá que ser paciente ante la juventud e inexperiencia del plantel que heredó. TORNEO APERTURA 2018 Jornada 1 Viernes 20 de julio Veracruz vs Pumas Atlas vs Querétaro

Sábado 21 Tijuana vs. Chivas Cruz Azul vs Puebla Pachuca vs Monterrey Tigres vs León Domingo 22 Toluca vs Morelia Santos vs Lobos

abolición de ICE. Esta semana, Vox, un sitio de noticias en línea, también informó que los republicanos de la Cámara de Representantes abandonaron los planes para obligar a los demócratas a votar sobre la abolición de ICE después de que quedó claro que los demócratas como grupo votarían en contra de su propia ley. Los huelguistas también piden la reunificación de las familias separadas en la frontera. Recientemente, un juez de San Diego ordenó a las familias separadas que vuelvan a unirse. Hasta ahora, el gobierno ha reunido a más de 50 familias, pero miles siguen separados. El rechazo de las contribuciones de campaña de las cárceles privadas también está en la lista de demandas del grupo. En 2015, The Washington Post informó sobre las dos compañías penitenciarias más grandes con fines de lucro en los Estados Unidos, GEO Group y Corrections Corporation of America (renombrado CoreCivic), y sus asociados han inyectado más de $ 10 millones a candidatos desde 1989 y han gastado casi 25 millones de dólares en esfuerzos de cabildeo. Un análisis de Associated Press descubrió que la detención de niños inmigrantes aporta anualmente mil millones de dólares en ingresos. El informe de la AP también mostró que las subvenciones a las instalaciones para la vivienda de los niños no acompañados y separados ascendieron de 74.5 millones de dólares en 2007 a 958 millones de dólares en 2017. En los días posteriores al inicio de la huelga de hambre, se han producido algunos cambios en cuestiones relacionadas con las demandas de los huelguistas. El Partido Demócrata de California acaba de anunciar que ya no aceptará contribuciones políticas de las corporaciones privadas de cárceles. El presidente del partido, Eric Bauman, dijo que cualquier contribución recibida desde el 21 de mayo de 2017 sería donada a organizaciones que realizan trabajo crítico para proteger a los inmigrantes de la administración Trump o para apoyar y rehabilitar a las personas recientemente encarceladas. El senador estatal Kevin de León también redistribuyó el dinero que recibió de fuentes que albergan solicitantes de asilo a organizaciones sin fines de lucro que brindan servicios a las comunidades de inmigrantes. Los miembros de la huelga de hambre también dijeron que están en conversaciones con otros funcionarios electos para que también dejen de aceptar contribuciones políticas del complejo industrial de cárceles privadas y redistribuyan el dinero que han tomado de organizaciones con fines de lucro y cárceles privadas. El grupo también está exigiendo respuestas sobre la muerte de McNeil. Gabby dijo que la razón de la demanda era sobre las preocupaciones sobre la violencia contra personas pobres, personas de color, grupos marginados, y dijo que la reciente muerte de McNeil es uno de los últimos ejemplos locales de eso. La familia de McNeil dijo que el mes pasado fue al Departamento de Policía de National City en busca de ayuda, pero que terminó en coma y sufrió un severo daño cerebral mientras estaba bajo custodia. Los agentes de policía han dicho que McNeil se volvió combativo cuando lo encontraron afuera de la estación de policía. McNeil murió luego de ser retirado del soporte vital el mes pasado. Una investigación aún está en curso. Junto con la huelga de hambre, el grupo también ha enviado cartas con las diferentes demandas a los funcionarios electos a nivel local y estatal para pedirles que respondan a las demandas.

Los huelguistas también establecieron un campamento en el Vista Terrace Park en San Ysidro amigos también se quedan para protegerlos, y también crearon una página de Facebook llamada San Diego #Hungry4Freedom Hunger Strike. En los primeros días de la huelga, los agentes de la Patrulla Fronteriza intentaron hablar con los huelguistas, pero los miem bros no estaban interesados en un diálogo. Los huelguistas afirmaron que los residentes locales también derribaron una pancarta y otra persona escuchó palabras de odio y les dijo que se fueran, pero eso no desanimó a nadie de detener la huelga de hambre. Marco Amaral, quien también es maestro, fue uno de los primeros en unirse a la huelga de hambre. "No hay vuelta atrás. Hemos llegado como país a un punto que es imperdonable. Hemos llegado a un punto como país, como sociedad, que no podemos repetir en la historia. Y es nuestro deber social, deber moral, hacer algo", dijo Amaral. Amaral dijo que asiste a casi todos las marchas y protestas, pero se sintió frustrado luego de regresar a su casa y encender su televisor y vivir la vida como si nada hubiera pasado. "La vida vuelve a la normalidad. El presidente continúa haciendo lo que quiere. La Patrulla Fronteriza continúa separando familias", explicó Amaral. "En esa frustración, pero también con amor por la humanidad, amor por las madres, por sus hijas e hijos, que están sin sus padres, pensé que era importante hacer un sacrificio más, un sacrificio que va más allá de unas pocas horas de mi vida". El mayor sacrificio que tenemos como humanos son nuestras vidas, nuestros cuerpos. Para mí, una huelga de hambre es lo más básico que podemos hacer", agregó.

Amaral dijo que es solo el comienzo, agregando que el grupo ya ha visto logros en los días transcurridos desde que comenzaron la huelga de hambre, incluida la generación de conciencia en el vecindario circundante y con la gran cantidad de personas que han pasado por allí. También dijo que la lista de demandas servirá como una plataforma, una agenda política para un movimiento con un propósito claro con un principio y un final. Mohamed M. Elnakib también está en huelga de hambre. Elnakib, quien trabaja en salud mental, estaba motivado por el trauma que, según dijo, es evidente en los niños que se reúnen con sus familias. Dijo que no hay expresión, no hay emoción en los rostros de los niños porque han visto tanto trauma que ya no son capaces de regular sus emociones, y se preocupa por el daño que causará a largo plazo. "Soy un musulmán sin remordimientos y es otra de las principales razones que me impulsa a seguir adelante. Poner mi vida en peligro es algo que mi fe me enseña a hacer, especialmente cuando se trata de ayudar a otros y hacer una diferencia en el mundo", dijo Elnakib. También se sintió motivado por la prohibición de viajar a los musulmanes porque ha afectado a tantas familias y, como la Corte Suprema lo confirmó hace algunas semanas, consideró que permanecer en silencio era como dar la aprobación para permitir que sucediera. Gabby espera que la huelga de hambre enfatice la necesidad de que las personas salgan y hablen. "En solidaridad con las injusticias que ocurren todos los días, las personas no pueden irse a casa sintiéndose mal, y seguir con su día esperando que los políticos arreglen las cosas. Nosotros, la gente, necesitamos demandar un cambio", explicó.



también de la contaminación. Ella dijo que sus padres hacían el esfuerzo conscientemente de llevarla a ella y a sus hermanos a la playa o fuera de la comunidad para respirar aire limpio – sabiendo que había muchas fuentes de contaminación en su comunidad. "Indirectamente nunca tuve asma, fueron sus acciones, sus esfuerzos lo que evitaron eso", dijo Marino. Hace 12 años Marino regresó a casa con sus padres para cuidarlos. Cuando ella regresó a Barrio Logan, comenzó a ver el efecto que la compañía de reciclaje y el tráfico de camiones estaba teniendo en los residentes y sus padres. "Siento que me convertí en la madre protectora, al igual que ellos me protegieron cuando era pequeña. Quería hacer lo mismo por ellos ahora", dijo Marino. Boston Avenue es la única área exclusivamente residencial en Barrio Logan, según el plan de la comunidad de 1978. Sin embargo, es un área que se enfrenta a la Interestatal 5 y ve una afluencia de tráfico de camiones de la empresa de reciclaje al final de la calle y semirremolques de otras industrias. Marino dijo que cuando trató por primera vez de comunicarse con la empresa de reciclaje sobre el efecto que los camiones tenían en los residentes, no hubo ningún esfuerzo de su parte, por lo que ella comenzó a involucrar a la ciudad. "Primero me sentí como si estuviera solo porque solo me preocupaban mis padres, sin darme cuenta de que mis vecinos se sentían igual", dijo Marino. Marino luego se involucró con la Coalición de Salud Ambiental (Environmental Health Coalition, EHC por sus siglas en inglés), la

cual dijo que ayudó a capacitarla para hablar con sus vecinos y defender a su comunidad. El año pasado, Marino fue coautora de un artículo de opinión en la Voice of San Diego sobre la necesidad de que la Ciudad de San Diego actualice el plan comunitario actual de Barrio Logan en "Barrio Logan Residents Want Clean Air – So Stop Asking and Make it Happen". Marino explicó que los residentes tenían la firme sensación de que durante una reunión para actualizar el plan de la comunidad, la ciudad no estaba escuchando lo que los residentes querían. Y aunque Marino estaba nerviosa por expresar su postura de una manera tan grande, tenía que ser parte de la historia. "Hay mucho en juego, la salud de mi madre y la salud de mis pequeños vecinos", dijo. Además de tener un puesto en el Grupo de Planificación Comunitaria de Barrio Logan y ser un miembro activo de EHC, Marino continúa aprendiendo cómo mejor servir y ayudar a su comunidad. Recientemente, Marino completó el programa del Instituto de Liderazgo de Juntas y Comisiones del instituto sin fines de lucro Instituto sobre Iniciativas de Política para familiarizarse mejor con las reglas y las habilidades básicas necesarias para servir en un consejo local. La motivación de Marino es proteger a sus padres, vecinos y residentes, y alienta a los jóvenes que actualmente viven en Barrio Logan a que reciban su educación pero regresen a la comunidad. "No necesariamente tienes que volver y vivir aquí, sino regresar con la riqueza de tu educación, con la riqueza de tu trabajo y ayudar a enriquecer a aquellos que dejaste atrás", dijo Marino.

the concern for her parents’ and fellow neighbors’ health because of the surrounding recycling facilities and the constant semitrailer traffic that goes through their street – Boston Avenue. More than 50 years ago, Marino’s parents settled in Barrio Logan because her father, a member of the Navy, wanted his children to grow up in a predominantly hispanic neighborhood where they would feel comfortable. Marino grew up in the same home she lives in now on Boston Avenue with four siblings and she recalls that her parents protected her growing up from not only gang violence, which was strongly present during those times, but also from pollution. She said her parents would make the conscious effort to take her and her siblings to the beach or out of the community to breath clean air – knowing that there were many sources of pollution in their community. “Indirectly I never got asthma, it was their actions, their efforts that prevented that,” Marino said. Twelve years ago, Marino moved back home with her parents to care for them. When Marino moved back to Barrio Logan, she began to see the effect that the recycling company down the street and truck traffic was having on the residents and her parents. “I feel like I became the protective mom, just like they protected me when I was growing up I wanted to do the same for them now,” Marino said. Boston Avenue is the only exclusively residential area in Barrio Logan, according to the community’s 1978 plan. However, it is an area that faces Interstate 5 and sees an influx of truck traffic from the recycling company at the end of the street and semitrailers from other surrounding industries. Marino said when she first tried to communicate with the recycling company about the effect the trucks were having on residents, there was no effort on their side, so she began to involve the city. “First it felt like I was by myself because I was only concerned about my folks, not realizing my neighbors felt the same way,” Marino said. Marino then became involved with the Environmental Health Coalition, which she said helped empower her to speak to her neighbors and speak up for her community. Last year, Marino co-authored an opinion piece in the Voice of San Diego, about the need for the City of San Diego to update the current Barrio Logan community plan in “Barrio Logan Residents Want Clean Air – So Stop Asking and Make it Happen.” Marino explained residents felt strongly that during a meeting to update the community plan, the city was not listening to what the residents wanted. And although she was nervous to voice her stance in such a large way, she had to be a part of the story. “There’s a lot at stake, my mom’s health and my little neighbors’ health,” she said. Aside from having a seat on the Barrio Logan Community Planning Group and being an active member with EHC, Marino continues to learn how to better serve and help her community. Marino recently completed the Boards and Commissions Leadership Institute program with the nonprofit institute Center on Policy Initiatives to become more acquainted with the rules and basic skills needed to serve on a local board. Marino’s motivation is to protect her parents, neighbors, and residents, and encourages those young ones who are currently live in Barrio Logan to get their education but come back to the community. “You don’t necessarily have to come back and live here, but come back with the richness of your education, with the richness of your job and help enrich those that you left behind,” she said.


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